What should I be ready for?


Grand Lodge

I'm a level 6 fighter (no archetype) in PFS. I'm going to be playing this weekend, probably at subtier 8-9.

I've never played so high before. What should I be ready for? What measures should I take toward said readiness?

You can click my name to see my stats (ability scores/feats/traits). Here's my main gear:


+1 Flail (+13/+8, 1d8+8, x2)
Masterwork Cold Iron Scimitar
Masterwork Silver Scimitar
2x Masterwork Greatsword with Ghost Salt weapon blanch applied
Masterwork Composite Longbow (STR +4) with regular and blunt arrows

+1 Full Plate
+1 Bucklet
Ring of Protection +1

Cloak of Resistance +1

3x Alchemist's Fire
2x Potion of Darkvision
1x Oil of Daylight

Backpack, rope, etc.


Just curious, why a buckler instead of a heavy shield?

I don't see feats.

Grand Lodge

meabolex wrote:
Just curious, why a buckler instead of a heavy shield?

So I can easily switch to a bow if need be (or wield my weapon 2-handed if the situation calls for it).

I don't see feats.

They're in my profile, but here you go:

Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Dodge, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (Flail), Weapon Specialization (Flail), Second Chance

Traits are Captain's Blade and Armor Expert.

Dark Archive

Hmm, Level 6 playing in 8-9. Be ready for pain, lots of pain ;-)

You might want to stock up on defensive items if playing up that high and read up on fighting defensively, etc. in case you need it.

Maybe a potion or two of something defensive - fire resistance for example, and of course healing.

If you have any cash now is the time to upgrade the cloak of resistance. Spells, effects and breath weapons can be nasty if you are out of tier.

Being a fighter your armor and HP is probably OK, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to upgrade or buy an amulet.

Don't worry about the cost - you will get it back from the play-up loot - if you live.

See if you can get any party casters to buff you in exchange for being their bodyguard.

Engage at range.

Focus team damage on one opponent more than ever.

Grand Lodge

ZomB wrote:
Hmm, Level 6 playing in 8-9. Be ready for pain, lots of pain ;-)

Yeah, so I suspect. Fortunately, I have over 16 prestige saved up!


You might want to stock up on defensive items if playing up that high and read up on fighting defensively, etc. in case you need it.

Maybe a potion or two of something defensive - fire resistance for example, and of course healing.

I have more than a full wand of CLW that I can hand off to whoever can activate it. I'm also thinking of potion(s) of Blur. Good idea?

If you have any cash now is the time to upgrade the cloak of resistance. Spells, effects and breath weapons can be nasty if you are out of tier.

Unfortunately, I'll need to get home and check how much cash I have. It won't be much, though - last time I played, I played down and got 1,500gp instead of 3,000gp. :P

Being a fighter your armor and HP is probably OK, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to upgrade or buy an amulet.

AC is 26 (28 with Combat Expertise) and HP is 53 or something like that (all d10s, CON 14, one FCB into HP). How's that sound for my level?

Dark Archive

Cledwyn the Steadfast wrote:
Fortunately, I have over 16 prestige saved up!

You have to pay for the restoration now too.

I have more than a full wand of CLW that I can hand off to whoever can activate it. I'm also thinking of potion(s) of Blur. Good idea?

Yup, blur is up there and CLW always a good idea. Blur probably puts your defence in or above tier for one combat. Stuff that lasts longer is nice but I can't really find stuff other than energy resistance and it isn't guaranteed to be multi combat anyway..

Unfortunately, I'll need to get home and check how much cash I have. It won't be much, though - last time I played, I played down and got 1,500gp instead of 3,000gp. :P

Yeah, your overall wealth by level looks a bit low...

AC is 26 (28 with Combat Expertise) and HP is 53 or something like that (all d10s, CON 14, one FCB into HP). How's that sound for my level?

Sounds good given the wealth.

Grand Lodge

ZomB wrote:
Cledwyn the Steadfast wrote:
Fortunately, I have over 16 prestige saved up!
You have to pay for the restoration now too.

Indeed. But I have enough Prestige for at least the Raise Dead and one Restoration, possibly the second as well. I'd have to check.

ZomB wrote:
I have more than a full wand of CLW that I can hand off to whoever can activate it. I'm also thinking of potion(s) of Blur. Good idea?
Yup, blur is up there and CLW always a good idea. Blur probably puts your defence in or above tier for one combat. Stuff that lasts longer is nice but I can't really find stuff other than energy resistance and it isn't guaranteed to be multi combat anyway..

I also have an emergency Potion of CMW, just in case. I wonder if I should buy multiple Potions of Blur?

ZomB wrote:
Unfortunately, I'll need to get home and check how much cash I have. It won't be much, though - last time I played, I played down and got 1,500gp instead of 3,000gp. :P
Yeah, your overall wealth by level looks a bit low...

That good at analysis, eh? I can't remember how much I've played up or down... Be aware in your calculations, though, that I have a CON belt. (I started with 12 CON.)

My advice will be in the form of a link to Painlord's What to Expect at a PFS Table.

There's lots of good advice there, and more in the comments afterward.

Things to be ready for at higher tiers are:

  • More flying enemies
  • More DR of various types
  • Saving throws are more difficult
  • Skill DCs are higher (this can make faction missions much harder!)

Good luck! Subtier 8-9 is quite a jump for a level 6 character.

Grand Lodge

Myron Pauls wrote:

My advice will be in the form of a link to Painlord's What to Expect at a PFS Table.

There's lots of good advice there, and more in the comments afterward.

I've read it, but thanks for the reminder - reading the higher-level bits afresh seems like a great idea!


Things to be ready for at higher tiers are:

  • More flying enemies

Composite Longbow - CHECK!

  • More DR of various types
  • B/S/P - CHECK!

    Magic, Silver, Cold Iron - CHECK!
    Adamantine... not check. :(

  • Saving throws are more difficult
  • Iron Will - CHECK!

    Cloak of Resistance - only a +1, so kinda check?

  • Skill DCs are higher (this can make faction missions much harder!)
  • Helpful comrades - CHECK! ;)

    So all in all, not doing too badly, eh?

    Dark Archive

    Cledwyn the Steadfast wrote:
    I also have an emergency Potion of CMW, just in case. I wonder if I should buy multiple Potions of Blur?

    Will you get chance to take them before combat? And will you be the primary fighter?

    Heh from Pains's guide - How about a faction shirt?

    ZomB wrote:
    Be aware in your calculations, though, that I have a CON belt. (I started with 12 CON.)

    Ah, wealth looks strong then with the cash you have.

    (Hmm, I only see AC 25 from a quick scan - I am obviously missing something - It's been a long time since I played a fighter)

    Liberty's Edge

    If you have Combat Expertise, Iron Will, and a longbow -- you're prepared.

    (Congrats on not being a lunkhead fighter.)

    Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

    ZomB wrote:
    (Hmm, I only see AC 25 from a quick scan - I am obviously missing something - It's been a long time since I played a fighter)

    +10 Base

    +10 Armor (+1 Full Plate)
    +2 Shield (+1 Buckler)
    +2 DEX
    +1 Dodge (Dodge feat)
    +1 Deflection (Ring of Protection +1)
    26 AC

    Guess you missed either the ring or the feat.

    Just noticed that apparently I never got around to buying that Oil of Daylight. Also, I have 3,761gp.

    Oh! And I also have 27 Prestige, which means I can afford Raise Dead and both Restorations with 3 Prestige to spare! So I could spend 2PP on that Oil of Daylight and use mah monies for other stuff. I think I'll do that.

    Okay, so options for about 3.7k gold:

    • Enchant bow for +1 (doesn't seem worth it, though)
    • Some potions of Blur @ 300gp each
    • Boost cloak of resistance from +1 to +2 for 3k
    • Boost armor or shield from +1 to +2 (or add light fortification) for 3k
    • Adamantine flail for 3,008gp
    • Potion of Invisibility @ 300gp each

    Recommendations? Other ideas?

    Grand Lodge

    So with some more thinking on my spending options:

    • My bow is so infrequently used (more of a contingency, really) that I see no point in enchanting it any time soon (though it wouldn't hurt to drop a measley 50gp on an oil of magic weapon). So that's out.

    • The adamantine flail would use up so much of my current cash that I think it's best if I wait until after this scenario to buy it (unless I have reason to believe that I'll be facing constructs).

    • Adding light fortification to my armor seems enticing... but it spends nearly all my cash. Tough call.

    • Upgrading my cloak of resistance is similarly enticing... but again, nearly all my cash.

    • The potions of blur are sounding really good. How many should I get?

    You only get +1 Dex in Fullplate though.

    So yeah, AC 25

    Grand Lodge

    Fenrisnorth wrote:

    You only get +1 Dex in Fullplate though.

    So yeah, AC 25

    Fighter Armor Training. Raised the max DEX of any armor I wear by 1 at 3rd level, I believe. At 7th, it goes up by another 1 (and I'll be able to move full speed in it).

    So no, AC 26.

    RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I've found that consumables can help you keep up with the big boys when you're the party's junior member.

    Your fighter could use a potion of fly, potion of enlarge person, oil of magic weapon (as mentioned above), and oil of bless weapon. I'd carry a scroll of freedom of movement or make sure that one of the casters has it prepared: Getting grappled out-of-tier can be painful.

    I'd have the bow enchanted to +1: Even if it's not your optimum choice, bows are often a good way to get past DR.

    Grand Lodge

    Sir_Wulf wrote:
    I've found that consumables can help you keep up with the big boys when you're the party's junior member.

    Heh, the party is actually 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8.

    Liberty's Edge

    Fenrisnorth wrote:

    You only get +1 Dex in Fullplate though.

    So yeah, AC 25

    If his fighter archetype doesn't forfeit Armor Training, the max DEX limit of armor steadily goes up for him.

    Liberty's Edge

    Melee is definitely the roughest role to play up as. That said, your AC is pretty optimized. You should be fine. Don't be afraid to withdraw from combat and guzzle potions if you're getting pounded on.

    Also, being a group of six helps a lot. You should be able to just out action economy most encounters.

    Liberty's Edge

    For defense you seem to be covering all of the bases, but I didn't see a amulet of natural armor. Might be worth it to you. AC wise, you're not stellar, but you'll survive. I'd also bump your cloak of resistance if possible. Saves are one of your major weaknesses.
    I favorited Sir_Wulf's suggestions as they are 100% on point with what I'd recommend.
    I'd also recommend the following potions if possible:

    1st level
    Protection from Evil - the deflection bonus is nice, but the primary reason for this is if you have it up at the start of a fight, you void complusion effects from evil sources, which can be hugely valuable.

    Feather Step - Difficult terrain can be a horrible condition to deal with as a melee fighter. This spell will give your 10 minutes of ignoring this problem.

    Remove Sickness - this is the cheapest remove spell in a bottle you can get, and nausea is one of the worse conditions in the game as it reduces your action economy. Having this handy, just in case, could be a life saver

    Longstrider - This is a potion worth popping before going into a dungeon if you think an extra 10 per round mobility will help, as it will last an hour.

    Ofcourse, 2nd lvl spells open up a slew of additionaly possibilities. Consider Aid, Invisibility, Cure moderate wounds & any of the stat boosting spells.
    Aid is great as it will give you extra hit points and a morale bonus to hit.
    Invisbility is obvious, but it can be even more crucial to heavily armored fighters.
    Oils of Align Wpn are nearly critical at latter levels, one of every alignment, as this will likely be the DR you will be encounter.

    Finally, look into an Adamantine weapon of some kind. Maybe replace you flail with a adamantine flail somewhere down the line.

    Grand Lodge

    Zephyre Al'dran wrote:
    For defense you seem to be covering all of the bases, but I didn't see a amulet of natural armor. Might be worth it to you. AC wise, you're not stellar, but you'll survive. I'd also bump your cloak of resistance if possible. Saves are one of your major weaknesses.

    Unfortunately, I cannot currently afford to get both the AoNA and the upgrade to the cloak. I've got 3.7k gold right now.


    I'd also recommend the following potions if possible:

    1st level
    Protection from Evil - the deflection bonus is nice, but the primary reason for this is if you have it up at the start of a fight, you void complusion effects from evil sources, which can be hugely valuable.

    Seems like a good "just in case" potion, especially for 50gp.

    Feather Step - Difficult terrain can be a horrible condition to deal with as a melee fighter. This spell will give your 10 minutes of ignoring this problem.

    Same as above (I'm now making a list to email myself so I can remember what to buy when I get home).

    Remove Sickness - this is the cheapest remove spell in a bottle you can get, and nausea is one of the worse conditions in the game as it reduces your action economy. Having this handy, just in case, could be a life saver

    Wow! Best 50gp I'll ever spend! Gonna make this standard for all my characters!

    Longstrider - This is a potion worth popping before going into a dungeon if you think an extra 10 per round mobility will help, as it will last an hour.

    Er... This doesn't sound that great, to be honest. Gonna need to sell me on it.

    Ofcourse, 2nd lvl spells open up a slew of additionaly possibilities. Consider Aid, Invisibility, Cure moderate wounds & any of the stat boosting spells.

    Here I'll have to be more choosy, as they're 300gp a pop. That can add up.

    Aid is great as it will give you extra hit points and a morale bonus to hit.

    This doesn't quite seem worth it.

    Invisbility is obvious, but it can be even more crucial to heavily armored fighters.

    Can you expound on this?

    Oils of Align Wpn are nearly critical at latter levels, one of every alignment, as this will likely be the DR you will be encounter.

    Really? What sorts of things, and at what CR(s)?

    Finally, look into an Adamantine weapon of some kind. Maybe replace you flail with a adamantine flail somewhere down the line.

    It's on the radar, but would leave me with only 700gp for other things if I got it right now. So unless I have reason to suspect constructs in this scenario, it'll have to wait until afterwards. (Speaking of which, anyone know about how much gold you get from subtier 8-9?)

    Grand Lodge

    Oh! Forgot to ask:

    I'm thinking of dropping some change to get a spring-loaded wrist sheath or two. The idea is that I stick a potion in each one, and if I find myself in a surprise round (or otherwise using reduced numbers of actions, or else just want to not use up my move) I can pop it out and chug it. What would be the best potions to have available in that way?

    Potion of blur to get ready fast? (Swift to grab potion, standard drink, move to draw weapon.)

    Cripes, I just noticed something:

    PRD wrote:
    Creatures with the nauseated condition experience stomach distress. Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move actions per turn.

    Nothing bigger than a move action? Drinking a potion is a standard action! So that means no potion of remove sickness!

    Liberty's Edge

    Jiggy wrote:

    Also, I have 3,761gp.

    Oh! And I also have 27 Prestige, which means I can afford Raise Dead and both Restorations with 3 Prestige to spare! So I could spend 2PP on that Oil of Daylight and use mah monies for other stuff. I think I'll do that.

    Okay, so options for about 3.7k gold:

    • Enchant bow for +1 (doesn't seem worth it, though)
    • Some potions of Blur @ 300gp each
    • Boost cloak of resistance from +1 to +2 for 3k
    • Boost armor or shield from +1 to +2 (or add light fortification) for 3k
    • Adamantine flail for 3,008gp
    • Potion of Invisibility @ 300gp each

    Recommendations? Other ideas?

    (I thought you were saving up for the monkey paw or whatever it was that granted Daylight 1/day and a slot for a third ring.)

    -- If this is Cledwyn you're talking about, your AC is probably high enough.

    -- I'd avoid standard-action items of limited utility. I.e., Blur means you still get hit 80% of the time, and you still clank like a steam-shovel while Invisible in full-plate. (I was also under the impression your fighter barely gets hurt.)

    -- Are you still using a MW flail? While it's possible you won't need it right away, the adamantine flail may be the best choice. (Because if you do need it, you'll feel the need acutely.)

    -- Assuming you're not using a buckler or do not have Quick Draw (and a Quick Draw Light Shield), how do you use your bow effectively?

    -- Assuming you haven't blown too many skill points on Linguistics yet, you could buy a Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic for 5500gp.

    Grand Lodge

    Mike Schneider wrote:
    (I thought you were saving up for the monkey paw or whatever it was that granted Daylight 1/day and a slot for a third ring.)

    Hand of Glory is 8,000gp. Wouldn't hurt to have an oil of daylight before then, and also it'd mean no Amulet of Natural Armor. I've considered Hand of Glory (though had forgotten about it), but I dunno.

    -- If this is Cledwyn you're talking about, your AC is probably high enough.

    That might no longer be the case when he's 6th level and playing in subtier 8-9. For instance, a CR 9 frost giant is +18 to hit. Even with my 26 AC, that's still only an 8 that he needs to hit me, for 3d6+13 damage. I've got something like 53 HP.

    -- Are you still using a MW flail? While it's possible you won't need it right away, the adamantine flail may be the best choice. (Because if you do need it, you'll feel the need acutely.)

    I'm using a +1 flail, actually. If possible, I'm going to try and see whether or not I'm likely to face constructs in this scenario. If yes, I'll spend nearly all my cash for the 3,008gp flail. If not, I'll wait until afterwards.

    -- Assuming you're not using a buckler or do not have Quick Draw (and a Quick Draw Light Shield), how do you use your bow effectively?

    As listed in the spoiler in the OP, I use a +1 buckler.

    -- Assuming you haven't blown too many skill points on Linguistics yet, you could buy a Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic for 5500gp.

    I have near-max ranks in Linguistics. :D Also, only 3.7k gold.

    Liberty's Edge

    a Hand of Glory is a lot more useful than an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 for a tank fighter. (There are other ways to get NatAm.)

    That might no longer be the case when he's 6th level and playing in subtier 8-9. For instance, a CR 9 frost giant is +18 to hit. Even with my 26 AC, that's still only an 8 that he needs to hit me, for 3d6+13 damage. I've got something like 53 HP.

    Versus an opponent like that, you take ranged attacks from cover, or run away and wait for his rage to wear off. If you're a dwarf or half-orc barbarian, then maybe you wade into melee.

    If you're playing 8-9 at 6th, you'd be the small fry at the table, so I'd go with archery upgrades (although I consider MW -> +1 to be an annoying upgrade in bow; I like to leap straight to +1/+1d6). Otherwise, don't play up.

    ...if you haven't chosen your 6th-level fighter feat yet, Deadly Aim is something to consider. Make those arrows hurt.

    (Taking bows as Weapon Training group at 5th is actually a sneaky good tactic for tank fighters, because they tend to do more than enough damage already in melee, but blow at ranged combat. Most opponents who get a "read" on your character ("Plate armor...check!") will assume this, and try to engage you at range -- and casters almost always will anyway. Without any archery feats except Deadly Aim, you can dish out some pretty serious softening-up at BAB6 with two shots of 1d8+10 or so.)

    Grand Lodge

    I've already taken my 6th level feat (Second Chance).

    We're playing 8-9 with a party of six: two 8s and four 6s.

    Liberty's Edge

    Potions of Resist Energy, way to deal with swarms, potion of flight, few pots of enlarge person maybe. Potion of invisibility can always come in handy too.

    Liberty's Edge

    What are Cledwyn's stats w/level bumps?

    Why do you have two masterwork greatswords (throwing them at ghosts?)?

    Grand Lodge

    Mike Schneider wrote:
    What are Cledwyn's stats w/level bumps?

    STR 18

    DEX 14
    CON 14
    INT 14
    WIS 12
    CHA 08

    Why do you have two masterwork greatswords (throwing them at ghosts?)?

    A couple of shots with ghost salt is a lot cheaper than a ghost touch weapon.

    Cledwyn the Steadfast wrote:

    Remove Sickness - this is the cheapest remove spell in a bottle you can get, and nausea is one of the worse conditions in the game as it reduces your action economy. Having this handy, just in case, could be a life saver

    Wow! Best 50gp I'll ever spend! Gonna make this standard for all my characters!

    Of course, there is the small issue that if you are nauseated, you can't take the standard action to drink it.

    Grand Lodge

    Rubia wrote:
    Cledwyn the Steadfast wrote:

    Remove Sickness - this is the cheapest remove spell in a bottle you can get, and nausea is one of the worse conditions in the game as it reduces your action economy. Having this handy, just in case, could be a life saver

    Wow! Best 50gp I'll ever spend! Gonna make this standard for all my characters!

    Of course, there is the small issue that if you are nauseated, you can't take the standard action to drink it.

    A detail I noticed and then stated in the very next post.

    Cledwyn the Steadfast wrote:
    Rubia wrote:
    Cledwyn the Steadfast wrote:

    Remove Sickness - this is the cheapest remove spell in a bottle you can get, and nausea is one of the worse conditions in the game as it reduces your action economy. Having this handy, just in case, could be a life saver

    Wow! Best 50gp I'll ever spend! Gonna make this standard for all my characters!

    Of course, there is the small issue that if you are nauseated, you can't take the standard action to drink it.
    A detail I noticed and then stated in the very next post.

    Reading more is totally overrated. Um, yeah. Oops. :)

    Grand Lodge

    Here's what I'm leaning toward at the moment:

    If I suspect constructs, an Adamantine flail. Otherwise, upgrade Cloak of Resistance to +2.

    The other 700-ish gold:
    1x Potion of Blur (300gp) In case of a single, high-CR monster against whom my AC becomes irrelevant.
    1x Potion of Feather Step (50gp)
    1x Potion of Protection from Evil (50gp)


    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

    Having the potion even if you can't drink it at least lets you take a move to draw it, and then an ally can take a Std to feed it to you.

    Grand Lodge

    Galnörag wrote:
    Having the potion even if you can't drink it at least lets you take a move to draw it, and then an ally can take a Std to feed it to you.

    Hm... You may have a point...

    Grand Lodge

    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
    Cledwyn the Steadfast wrote:
    Galnörag wrote:
    Having the potion even if you can't drink it at least lets you take a move to draw it, and then an ally can take a Std to feed it to you.
    Hm... You may have a point...

    The potion is a thick chalky pink goo that coats as it goes down for instant relief from heartburn, nausea, indigestion, ...

    sorry had to go there.

    Liberty's Edge

    It may be too late for you, but if I were playing a straight up fighter, with action economy being an issue, then I'd have the following combat trait:

    Accelerated Drinker

    Benefit: You may drink a potion as a move action instead of a standard action as long as you start your turn with the potion in your hand.

    Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils

    Grand Lodge

    Yeah, it's too late for that.

    Liberty's Edge

    Food for thought, have you already taken a combat trait? If not, you could pick this guy up next level with the feat Additional Traits.
    That would realy rock if you manage the whole spring loaded gauntlets as a swift action potion retrieval. Heck, I'm now looking into it as well.

    Liberty's Edge

    Cledwyn the Steadfast wrote:

    1x Potion of Blur (300gp) In case of a single, high-CR monster against whom my AC becomes irrelevant.20% concealment is not going to save your ass (IMO Blur has exactly one function justifying its price-tag: sticking it to sneak-attackers in a Ninjafu encounter where you don't want a bazillion 1d4+2+4d6 shurikens zinging out of the dark against your "effectively blind" AC).

    You'd be better off with Mirror Image or Levitate (if the enemy can't fly).

    Grand Lodge

    Zephyre Al'dran wrote:
    Food for thought, have you already taken a combat trait? If not, you could pick this guy up next level with the feat Additional Traits.

    Already have Armor Expert.

    Dark Archive

    Cledwyn the Steadfast wrote:

    Here's what I'm leaning toward at the moment:

    If I suspect constructs, an Adamantine flail. Otherwise, upgrade Cloak of Resistance to +2.

    The other 700-ish gold:
    1x Potion of Blur (300gp) In case of a single, high-CR monster against whom my AC becomes irrelevant.
    1x Potion of Feather Step (50gp)
    1x Potion of Protection from Evil (50gp)


    Sounds like a plan.

    The cloak is more generally useful and the adamantine is more specifically useful.

    Note that prot evil is a sort of poor mans cloak of resistance for one encounter.

    Prot Evil and Blur sound good, not sure about the Feather Step but its only 50gp.

    If doing edge cases then a potion of Mage Armor gives you AC against incorporeal undead. Out of tier incorporeal undead could really give you a bad day.

    Grand Lodge

    Well, the scenario took place in a mostly-made-of-stone mansion, so I went with the adamantine flail in case anything came to life.

    Turns out, though, that the only equipment I really needed was my brain.

    Got the enemies for two different encounters to fight each other, then I went inside and left them in the yard to fight it out. Also came up with a good enough ambush plan for the monster that could've been a TPK that the GM didn't even make us play it out.

    Representin' the INT up in here.

    I'm also getting a reputation for the tactical use of common doors. :P

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