Fascism Alive and Well in 2012

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loimprevisto wrote:

::mutters blasphemous phrases of the foulest necromancy::


So I came across an interesting article on American facism and the rise of the surveillance state...

We cannot even use Orwell's work as reference anymore because it has been surpassed by reality. Scary. I really hope you people sort this out before it starts spreading to more countries =/

The Exchange

GentleFist wrote:

Nothing scares me more as a banned book list. Once the state tells us what to believe democracy is over.

I am up here in Canada but this still frightens me to no end. First SOPA and now this.

Hitler was democratically elected...and apparently his ghost is roaming the halls of Tucson's schools!

Hitler was also the biggest fan of gun control, something else we should never trust.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

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Andrew R wrote:
Hitler was also the biggest fan of gun control, something else we should never trust.

Hitler also ate food, an excellent argument for breatharianism.

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Hitler slept in a bed. That's why I sleep on the floor.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hitler only had one testicle.

I've got three.

Irontruth wrote:
Hitler slept in a bed. That's why I sleep on the floor.

Lets eschew oxygen!

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

Hitler only had one testicle.

I've got three.

*tap tap taps a paw*

Giiiiive it baaaaaack....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

Hitler only had one testicle.

I've got three.

The average Canadian has one testicle.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

F$%*ing fascists.

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The real story is the race baiting bigots of La Raza (The Race) But you will not read about that here.

What is fascist about banning classes that promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, encourage resentment toward a race or a class of people, are designed solely for students of a certain ethnicity and advocate for ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of students as individuals?

Would "March of the titans" be acceptable reading material for a majority white school?

(No it would not, you see my point)

The Exchange

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A Man In Black wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
Hitler was also the biggest fan of gun control, something else we should never trust.
Hitler also ate food, an excellent argument for breatharianism.

And what we choose to or not to eat will never affect our ability to defend ourselves like gun control.

Andrew R wrote:
A Man In Black wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
Hitler was also the biggest fan of gun control, something else we should never trust.
Hitler also ate food, an excellent argument for breatharianism.
And what we choose to or not to eat will never affect our ability to defend ourselves like gun control.

Or get killed by not controlling guns.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
F&~~ing fascists.


There's nothing inherently wrong about hating America, as long as you hate every other nation roughly equally.

Sometimes I feel like one of the guy's who lived in a city state before the first true nation was ever founded.

Instead I'm a guy living in a nation state waiting for the first world government to evolve.

It's kind of unavoidable. We evolved from family groups to tribes to nomadic tribal groups to city states to nation states to multi-nation-state-organizations. The eventual end point is a planetary government, then a solar government, etc.

It irks me the amount of hoop jumping I have to do to cross an invisible line on a map that I never agreed should be there.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

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Aretas wrote:
The real story is the race baiting bigots of La Raza (The Race) But you will not read about that here.

In other news, Aretas confuses NAACP and Black Panthers.

A Man In Black wrote:
Aretas wrote:
The real story is the race baiting bigots of La Raza (The Race) But you will not read about that here.
In other news, Aretas confuses NAACP and Black Panthers.

By blowing past my post and resorting to that insane reply shows how far behind you are.

Both organizations advocate the advancement of Blacks? NAACP through legal means, the black panthers by killing all "Crackers"?

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I'm sure if you think about it, you'll eventually figure it out. In the meantime, enjoy posting your BUT THE LIBERALS ARE THE REAL RACISTS whitenoise.

Here's a question:

Does it really matter who the racists are right now?

What is the one constant of the universe? Change.

Things change.

Every political party will decay. Every country will fall. Every species will go extinct(though many will be replaced by their evolutionary descendants).

So, with this is mind, why argue with so much vitriol about the minutia?

The US won't exist eventually, so why be all too concerned about its health now? It's a temporary configuration of borders. Arbitrary lines drawn on a map.

As is race.

Your race is temporary. It likely hasn't existed for THAT long in the genetic configuration you have. The colours and ethnicities that exist today won't exist eventually, so why get your nose bent out of shape based on less than a 0.004% genetic difference between you and any other human?

I dunno. I just find this whole argument to be born of a weird misunderstanding of the nature of the universe.


Fleshgrinder wrote:

Here's a question:

Does it really matter who the racists are right now?

What is the one constant of the universe? Change.

Things change.

Every political party will decay. Every country will fall. Every species will go extinct(though many will be replaced by their evolutionary descendants).

So, with this is mind, why argue with so much vitriol about the minutia?

The US won't exist eventually, so why be all too concerned about its health now? It's a temporary configuration of borders. Arbitrary lines drawn on a map.

As is race.

Your race is temporary. It likely hasn't existed for THAT long in the genetic configuration you have. The colours and ethnicities that exist today won't exist eventually, so why get your nose bent out of shape based on less than a 0.004% genetic difference between you and any other human?

I dunno. I just find this whole argument to be born of a weird misunderstanding of the nature of the universe.

You are right in an, "alien looking down from space and mistaking the invisible hand for collective consciousness, not appreciating individualism," kind of way.

The problem is that individuals don't gain any kind of advantage from your way of thinking, unless they are trying not to be bothered with what is actually happening.

People care about their own welfare, and the welfare of their descendants. If you are mexican american, and you plan on having children here, then the state and its racism are a big problem. If you are a white american living in arazona, then you might have something called a conscience that leads you to hate how things are being handled.

cranewings wrote:
Fleshgrinder wrote:

Here's a question:

Does it really matter who the racists are right now?

What is the one constant of the universe? Change.

Things change.

Every political party will decay. Every country will fall. Every species will go extinct(though many will be replaced by their evolutionary descendants).

So, with this is mind, why argue with so much vitriol about the minutia?

The US won't exist eventually, so why be all too concerned about its health now? It's a temporary configuration of borders. Arbitrary lines drawn on a map.

As is race.

Your race is temporary. It likely hasn't existed for THAT long in the genetic configuration you have. The colours and ethnicities that exist today won't exist eventually, so why get your nose bent out of shape based on less than a 0.004% genetic difference between you and any other human?

I dunno. I just find this whole argument to be born of a weird misunderstanding of the nature of the universe.

You are right in an, "alien looking down from space and mistaking the invisible hand for collective consciousness, not appreciating individualism," kind of way.

The problem is that individuals don't gain any kind of advantage from your way of thinking, unless they are trying not to be bothered with what is actually happening.

People care about their own welfare, and the welfare of their descendants. If you are mexican american, and you plan on having children here, then the state and its racism are a big problem. If you are a white american living in arazona, then you might have something called a conscience that leads you to hate how things are being handled.

I just find myself incapable of thinking in such a narrow scope of time.

We are living in the age of human immortality. If we're lucky, people on this very forum could measure their life span in centuries instead of decades.

We are going to begin to meld man and machine into a single being.

Effectively, an entirely new species of human. Eventually we will be so heavily modified that we will be unable to breed with unmodified humans.

Those who are ignorant/racist/etc tend to also be the same sort of personality that runs screaming from the idea of "the chip" and other such ideas.

We'll just evolve past them and leave them to their own devices. We'll be so far above them it will be like looking at chimps.

Just do what you can to ignore and marginalize them in the meantime.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That's great for the people in the future. What about the people being hurt now?

Should slaves in the US prior to the Civil War or Jews during the Holocaust not have worried about it because at some point in the future things would be better?

Aretas wrote:

The real story is the race baiting bigots of La Raza (The Race) But you will not read about that here.

What is fascist about banning classes that promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, encourage resentment toward a race or a class of people, are designed solely for students of a certain ethnicity and advocate for ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of students as individuals?

Would "March of the titans" be acceptable reading material for a majority white school?

(No it would not, you see my point)

If you're actually referring to the OP topic, you are dead wrong. Not only are you dead wrong, by supporting what happened in the Arizona legislature, you are supporting big government and against local freedoms. You are also opposed to programs that reduce poverty and thus are either in favor of spending money on welfare, or think those dirty brown people should stay poor.

They weren't actively teaching kids to hate whites. They were teaching Mexican-American history. Unless you're saying that it is impossible to learn Mexican-American history and not think poorly of whites...

thejeff wrote:

That's great for the people in the future. What about the people being hurt now?

Should slaves in the US prior to the Civil War or Jews during the Holocaust not have worried about it because at some point in the future things would be better?

The point is, WE are the people of the future. We have new drugs being tested that REVERSE AGING on rats.

We're using 3D printers to print working organs.

We've perfected the ability to backward engineer a skin cell into a stem cell and then CLONE FROM THAT CELL.

That's single cell cloning (the Japanese did this with a rat recently).

That means we're not far from cloning organs.

Me and you may live for hundreds of years. We may live long enough to see the digitization of human thought, meaning we could exist outside of an organic shell.

Sure, we can worry and yell and beat our fists on the wall about the suffering right now, but can YOU fix it? I sure as hell can't. I live in a country where the political party I vote for gets 3% of the popular vote. I don't agree with any of the other parties, I don't even really agree with the concept of democracy, at least how we practice it currently in the western world.

So I ain't worrying about it anymore. I do my best to survive, stay healthy, stay happy and if an opportunity arises for me to help push humanity in the direction I want, I take the opportunity.

And if I fail, and I die... well, I didn't exist for about 14 billion years before I was born, I'm not entirely afraid of not existing again.

I'd prefer to continue to exist and consume stimuli, but I'm not worried about it.

You can only control one thing: you.

And don't forget, from 1800 to now, every standard of good living has increased in every country on earth.

We are getting better, constantly and slowly.

The luddites and regressives are just flapping their wings and getting loud about the loss of their precious traditions.

It's the death rattle of neo-conservatism and neo-liberalism as it is murdered by the internet and the free exchange of knowledge.

Fleshgrinder wrote:

I just find myself incapable of thinking in such a narrow scope of time.

We are living in the age of human immortality. If we're lucky, people on this very forum could measure their life span in centuries instead of decades.

We are going to begin to meld man and machine into a single being.

Effectively, an entirely new species of of human. Eventually we will be so heavily modified that we will be unable to breed with unmodified humans.

Those who are ignorant/racist/etc tend to also be the same sort of personality that runs screaming from the idea of "the chip" and other such ideas.

We'll just evolve past them and leave them to their own devices. We'll be so far above them it will be like looking at chimps.

Just do what you can to ignore and marginalize them in the meantime.

As well, judging by your own words, that entirely new species of human will continue to discriminate just like their predecessors did. They'll just be discriminating against the old humanity.

Unless things drastically change before this gets going, who becomes this new species of human will be less determined by personality/ignorance/racism/etc than by access to the tech, which means money? How many impoverished people in undeveloped countries will be able to afford immortality or the operations to meld man and machine? Or will all of this be given free of charge to whoever wants it? In any nation? Who pays for that?

And once the first new humans start out competing the old ones it'll get even worse. There will be even less chance for those starting out in difficulty to catch up.

thejeff wrote:
Fleshgrinder wrote:

I just find myself incapable of thinking in such a narrow scope of time.

We are living in the age of human immortality. If we're lucky, people on this very forum could measure their life span in centuries instead of decades.

We are going to begin to meld man and machine into a single being.

Effectively, an entirely new species of of human. Eventually we will be so heavily modified that we will be unable to breed with unmodified humans.

Those who are ignorant/racist/etc tend to also be the same sort of personality that runs screaming from the idea of "the chip" and other such ideas.

We'll just evolve past them and leave them to their own devices. We'll be so far above them it will be like looking at chimps.

Just do what you can to ignore and marginalize them in the meantime.

As well, judging by your own words, that entirely new species of human will continue to discriminate just like their predecessors did. They'll just be discriminating against the old humanity.

Unless things drastically change before this gets going, who becomes this new species of human will be less determined by personality/ignorance/racism/etc than by access to the tech, which means money? How many impoverished people in undeveloped countries will be able to afford immortality or the operations to meld man and machine? Or will all of this be given free of charge to whoever wants it? In any nation? Who pays for that?

And once the first new humans start out competing the old ones it'll get even worse. There will be even less chance for those starting out in difficulty to catch up.

If the modern capitalistic economy doesn't crash and burn before I'm 40 I will be AMAZED.

The rich are going to find themselves with a lot of money that no one cares about eventually.

We approach the age the abundance.

An age where we have the technology to build matter at the sub-atomic level.

Capitalism can't survive a future where supply always exceeds demand.

Worry not my friend, the towers are on fire and soon the rich will be jumping.


We are seeing nothing but a temporary backslide.

And when a new, more adapted species slowly breeds out and out competes the old species, that's not a bad thing... that's just the nature of evolution.

We did it to neanderthals and other non-homosapian humans, as it will eventually be done to us by our descendants.

Unless we become the new humans, of course.

Fleshgrinder wrote:

If the modern capitalistic economy doesn't crash and burn before I'm 40 I will be AMAZED.

You won't be the first, nor the last, I am afraid.

I don't usually watch The Daily Show because it's on after my bedtime, but this was funny.

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Fleshgrinder wrote:

If the modern capitalistic economy doesn't crash and burn before I'm 40 I will be AMAZED.

You won't be the first, nor the last, I am afraid.

The difference between previous claims of the fall of capitalism is that in those ages a) the internet either didn't exist or was not ubiquitos and b) technology wasn't where it is now.

We have 3d printers that can print rat hearts, Stradivarius violins, and other similar objects.

What happens when a 3D printer can print a working mechanical object.

What happens when I can pirate a car?

What happens when we can turn the sub-atomic particles in garbage into food? Gold? Anything.

We're a lot closer to these technologies than most know.

Am I going to pay for an object that I can print out of its base materials? Hell no.

Also, The Black Panthers were awesome.

All honor to Fred Hampton, murdered by the Chicago cops and the FBI

Fleshgrinder wrote:

We have 3d printers that can print rat hearts, Stradivarius violins, and other similar objects.

What happens when a 3D printer can print a working mechanical object.

What happens when I can pirate a car?

What happens when we can turn the sub-atomic particles in garbage into food? Gold? Anything.

Really? What about weed?

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Fleshgrinder wrote:

We have 3d printers that can print rat hearts, Stradivarius violins, and other similar objects.

What happens when a 3D printer can print a working mechanical object.

What happens when I can pirate a car?

What happens when we can turn the sub-atomic particles in garbage into food? Gold? Anything.

Really? What about weed?

If we can get to sub-atomic construction, we can build anything out of anything.

All matter in the universe is made of a small handful of sub-atomic particles in different configurations.

Manipulate those particles, turn anything into anything else.

Irontruth wrote:
Aretas wrote:

The real story is the race baiting bigots of La Raza (The Race) But you will not read about that here.

What is fascist about banning classes that promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, encourage resentment toward a race or a class of people, are designed solely for students of a certain ethnicity and advocate for ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of students as individuals?

Would "March of the titans" be acceptable reading material for a majority white school?

(No it would not, you see my point)

If you're actually referring to the OP topic, you are dead wrong. Not only are you dead wrong, by supporting what happened in the Arizona legislature, you are supporting big government and against local freedoms. You are also opposed to programs that reduce poverty and thus are either in favor of spending money on welfare, or think those dirty brown people should stay poor.

They weren't actively teaching kids to hate whites. They were teaching Mexican-American history. Unless you're saying that it is impossible to learn Mexican-American history and not think poorly of whites...

Well, there's a pretty good argument that it's hard to learn actual American history and not think poorly of America. We've done some pretty horrible things.

Some pretty great ones too, don't get me wrong.

Hooray for the future!

[bubble bubble bubble]

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Fleshgrinder wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Fleshgrinder wrote:

If the modern capitalistic economy doesn't crash and burn before I'm 40 I will be AMAZED.

You won't be the first, nor the last, I am afraid.

The difference between previous claims of the fall of capitalism is that in those ages a) the internet either didn't exist or was not ubiquitos and b) technology wasn't where it is now.

We have 3d printers that can print rat hearts, Stradivarius violins, and other similar objects.

What happens when a 3D printer can print a working mechanical object.

What happens when I can pirate a car?

What happens when we can turn the sub-atomic particles in garbage into food? Gold? Anything.

We're a lot closer to these technologies than most know.

Am I going to pay for an object that I can print out of its base materials? Hell no.

Flesh, just go and read The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson. Spoiler Alert: Serfs in a technologically advanced age still don't have rights.

On the one hand, you're right, technological advancement has an undeniable effect on life these days. On the other, talking about the synthesis of man and machine resulting in a cyborg that measures its "life" in centuries strikes my as roughly equivalent to living in 1955 and saying, "I'm going to build my next garage with a retractable roof, 'cause we'll all have flying cars by 1970; I read it in Popular Mechanics."

thejeff wrote:
Irontruth wrote:
Aretas wrote:

The real story is the race baiting bigots of La Raza (The Race) But you will not read about that here.

What is fascist about banning classes that promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, encourage resentment toward a race or a class of people, are designed solely for students of a certain ethnicity and advocate for ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of students as individuals?

Would "March of the titans" be acceptable reading material for a majority white school?

(No it would not, you see my point)

If you're actually referring to the OP topic, you are dead wrong. Not only are you dead wrong, by supporting what happened in the Arizona legislature, you are supporting big government and against local freedoms. You are also opposed to programs that reduce poverty and thus are either in favor of spending money on welfare, or think those dirty brown people should stay poor.

They weren't actively teaching kids to hate whites. They were teaching Mexican-American history. Unless you're saying that it is impossible to learn Mexican-American history and not think poorly of whites...

Well, there's a pretty good argument that it's hard to learn actual history and not think poorly of the entire human race. We've done some pretty horrible things.

Some pretty great ones too, don't get me wrong.


(I mean, present company excluded, naturally.)

To be fair, we have the technology for flying cars, it's just not a good idea to put them in the hands of the common person since they have enough bloody issue driving the 4 wheeled variety.

And I'm not saying build a retractable roof on your garage, I'm saying stop arguing over the minutia and work toward a future goal.

My goal is the rise of human immortality. I don't care how we get there. Democracy, autocracy, fascism, capitalism, communism... I can thrive in any system, I've got flexible enough morality.

People are arguing over the method, but do half of these people have a goal?

If you ask the average person "Where do you want to see the human race in 50 years", how many have an answer?

We're arguing over the means without even thinking about the end.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fleshgrinder wrote:

To be fair, we have the technology for flying cars, it's just not a good idea to put them in the hands of the common person since they have enough bloody issue driving the 4 wheeled variety.

And I'm not saying build a retractable roof on your garage, I'm saying stop arguing over the minutia and work toward a future goal.

My goal is the rise of human immortality. I don't care how we get there. Democracy, autocracy, fascism, capitalism, communism... I can thrive in any system, I've got flexible enough morality.

People are arguing over the method, but do half of these people have a goal?

If you ask the average person "Where do you want to see the human race in 50 years", how many have an answer?

We're arguing over the means without even thinking about the end.

Dude, no insult, but when you start saying things like what I bolded in a conversation about fascism, you're part of the problem...

Fleshgrinder wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Fleshgrinder wrote:

We have 3d printers that can print rat hearts, Stradivarius violins, and other similar objects.

What happens when a 3D printer can print a working mechanical object.

What happens when I can pirate a car?

What happens when we can turn the sub-atomic particles in garbage into food? Gold? Anything.

Really? What about weed?

If we can get to sub-atomic construction, we can build anything out of anything.

All matter in the universe is made of a small handful of sub-atomic particles in different configurations.

Manipulate those particles, turn anything into anything else.

It's possible. The big problem (other than actually getting the tech working) is energy.

All of this magic tech requires power. Probably more than doing it the old fashioned way.
And we've got a little problem with the byproducts of using a lot of energy right now. Maybe we'll get the magical tech to fix that before it brings us down.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hitdice wrote:
thejeff wrote:

Well, there's a pretty good argument that it's hard to learn actual history and not think poorly of the entire human race. We've done some pretty horrible things.
Some pretty great ones too, don't get me wrong.


(I mean, present company excluded, naturally.)

Truth there. But in regards to American education, it's the American part that gets minimized.

Hitdice wrote:
Fleshgrinder wrote:

To be fair, we have the technology for flying cars, it's just not a good idea to put them in the hands of the common person since they have enough bloody issue driving the 4 wheeled variety.

And I'm not saying build a retractable roof on your garage, I'm saying stop arguing over the minutia and work toward a future goal.

My goal is the rise of human immortality. I don't care how we get there. Democracy, autocracy, fascism, capitalism, communism... I can thrive in any system, I've got flexible enough morality.

People are arguing over the method, but do half of these people have a goal?

If you ask the average person "Where do you want to see the human race in 50 years", how many have an answer?

We're arguing over the means without even thinking about the end.

Dude, no insult, but when you start saying things like what I bolded in a conversation about fascism, you're part of the problem...

Only a problem if you personally have an end goal that one of those political ideologies would directly get in the way of.

There's not many political ideologies that would directly conflict with the invention of human immortality, so I'm on board with whichever one will go fastest.

I'm a pragmatist, I see a solid moral frame as a little too limiting for my survival.

Adaptability is the key to survival.

Fleshgrinder wrote:

To be fair, we have the technology for flying cars, it's just not a good idea to put them in the hands of the common person since they have enough bloody issue driving the 4 wheeled variety.

And I'm not saying build a retractable roof on your garage, I'm saying stop arguing over the minutia and work toward a future goal.

My goal is the rise of human immortality. I don't care how we get there. Democracy, autocracy, fascism, capitalism, communism... I can thrive in any system, I've got flexible enough morality.

People are arguing over the method, but do half of these people have a goal?

If you ask the average person "Where do you want to see the human race in 50 years", how many have an answer?

We're arguing over the means without even thinking about the end.

So you'd be alright with a small elite cast of augmented immortals treating the rest of us as slaves forever? Human immortality achieved and that's all you care about right?

A flexible morality won't help you thrive in a genetically engineered caste system. You won't be smart enough, tough enough, etc, to compete.
Remember, along with all this magical tech come better ways of controlling as well. I'd rather work on the problems of distribution and control now, so that as we get the better tech it's harder to use it to abuse others.

Fleshgrinder, are you white?

thejeff wrote:
Fleshgrinder wrote:

To be fair, we have the technology for flying cars, it's just not a good idea to put them in the hands of the common person since they have enough bloody issue driving the 4 wheeled variety.

And I'm not saying build a retractable roof on your garage, I'm saying stop arguing over the minutia and work toward a future goal.

My goal is the rise of human immortality. I don't care how we get there. Democracy, autocracy, fascism, capitalism, communism... I can thrive in any system, I've got flexible enough morality.

People are arguing over the method, but do half of these people have a goal?

If you ask the average person "Where do you want to see the human race in 50 years", how many have an answer?

We're arguing over the means without even thinking about the end.

So you'd be alright with a small elite cast of augmented immortals treating the rest of us as slaves forever? Human immortality achieved and that's all you care about right?

A flexible morality won't help you thrive in a genetically engineered caste system. You won't be smart enough, tough enough, etc, to compete.
Remember, along with all this magical tech come better ways of controlling as well. I'd rather work on the problems of distribution and control now, so that as we get the better tech it's harder to use it to abuse others.

Genetic retroviruses my friend.

We can change the genes of already living creatures.

We can genetically engineer you and I to be those elite immortals.

If a small elite class of augmented immortals comes into existence, then I will be using every tool in my box to be standing beside them.

Once I have my immortality, they can go f themselves.

If I can then hand it down to the common man, I will.

Why not?

Once I have it, I have no desire to rule or lord over anyone. I just wish to be left to my self.

cranewings wrote:
Fleshgrinder, are you white?

White, blond haired, blue eyed, Canadian.

I won the genetic lottery *shrugs*.

No point in feeling guilty about something I had no control over.

And might as well use it to my advantage.

Though I am the least racist human being on the face of the earth. I accept that my genetics give me an advantage, but I don't think it's "right" that I have this advantage (and it's only a social advantage, I'm not saying I'm genetically superior).

As I said, I won a roll of the genetic dice.

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I think Fleshgrinder needs to read Tuck Everlasting.

Although, when I look at all of the books that I haven't read yet, I, too yearn for immortality.

Fleshgrinder wrote:
thejeff wrote:
Fleshgrinder wrote:

To be fair, we have the technology for flying cars, it's just not a good idea to put them in the hands of the common person since they have enough bloody issue driving the 4 wheeled variety.

And I'm not saying build a retractable roof on your garage, I'm saying stop arguing over the minutia and work toward a future goal.

My goal is the rise of human immortality. I don't care how we get there. Democracy, autocracy, fascism, capitalism, communism... I can thrive in any system, I've got flexible enough morality.

People are arguing over the method, but do half of these people have a goal?

If you ask the average person "Where do you want to see the human race in 50 years", how many have an answer?

We're arguing over the means without even thinking about the end.

So you'd be alright with a small elite cast of augmented immortals treating the rest of us as slaves forever? Human immortality achieved and that's all you care about right?

A flexible morality won't help you thrive in a genetically engineered caste system. You won't be smart enough, tough enough, etc, to compete.
Remember, along with all this magical tech come better ways of controlling as well. I'd rather work on the problems of distribution and control now, so that as we get the better tech it's harder to use it to abuse others.

Genetic retroviruses my friend.

We can change the genes of already living creatures.

We can genetically engineer you and I to be those elite immortals.

If a small elite class of augmented immortals comes into existence, then I will be using every tool in my box to be standing beside them.

Once I have my immortality, they can go f themselves.

If I can then hand it down to the common man, I will.

Why not?

Once I have it, I have no desire to rule or lord over anyone. I just wish to be left to my self.

Do you think your concept of "left to my self" will change when your lifespan is measured in centuries rather than years? What if organ harvesting from other human beings is the only means of life extension? They certainly won't be left to themselves.

Hitdice wrote:

Do you think your concept of "left to my self" will change when your lifespan is measured in...

We've already successfully used a 3D printer to print a rat heart which was then started with an electrical charge.


We won't need to harvest organs, we can clone the cells, print them, and implant them.

Then, eventually, replace the inefficient squishy bits with some machinery.

Why have a beating heart when you can have a whirring motor with more consistent blood flow?

Why have blood if maybe we can invent a better oxygen delivery method?

Why even have a body if they can just digitize my brain?

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Fleshgrinder wrote:

Genetic retroviruses my friend.

We can change the genes of already living creatures.

We can genetically engineer you and I to be those elite immortals.

If a small elite class of augmented immortals comes into existence, then I will be using every tool in my box to be standing beside them.

Once I have my immortality, they can go f themselves.

If I can then hand it down to the common man, I will.

Why not?

Once I have it, I have no desire to rule or lord over anyone. I just wish to be left to my self.

If you've got no desire to rule or lord over anyone, then you're not going to be one of the fascist elite.

Are you one of the 1000 or so richest, most influential people on earth? Or close to becoming so? If so, what are you doing wasting time posting here?
Are a close relative or favorite of one of those people? Do you have some special indispensable skill or talent that will make one of them pick you?

It's like saying that you have no problem with a feudal aristocracy because you'll do whatever you can to get to the top of it. You may try, but most likely you'll wind up down in the much with the other 99% of us.

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