Funny build concepts

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Have you ever thought of making a character that would just be funny to play? Well here's the thread to talk about it to people you don't even know! Personally I think that a pole dancer fighter/paladin that uses a polearm would be quite enjoyable to play.

Since Bards get whip proficiency, an S&M bard with Catch off Guard to wield whip and manacles


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I toyed with the idea of making a Sorceror with the Elemental(air/lightning) bloodline, then getting a wand as my bonded item and naming him "Maestro" just so I could roleplay him as a conductor. Get it? Lightning? Conductor? Sadly, only Arcane bloodline sorcerors get bonded items. Though I guess I could take some wand feats...

I was once thinking about trying to make a human bomb type character.

Not an alchemist, a wizard or probably sorcerer who used things like Fire Shield, Stoneskin, False Life, maybe vampiric tough. See the whole idea is to fight by getting hit.

There were some 3.x spells I was thinking about when I got this idea.

I also wanted to get a periapt of proof against poison and march around in a cloudkill.

There were some more things I had worked out, but it has been a long time.

Lumberjack barbarian who gets amnesia when he rages and sees his enemies as trees. *After the fight while cleaning axe* "Man those trees sure did have a lot of sap in them!"

A GM told me to make a character for a 5th-Level one shot. I made a human packlord druid whose feats comprised of boon companion x4. He had 4 5th level companions and a 1st level one. The personality though was that of a peace-loving hippie. This guy followed more vows than a monk.

Also another one a friend did was a bladebound magus who had a romantic affair with his sword.

Any class that gets evasion and a high reflex save. As many rings of retribution as you can afford. For extra fun make him a grappler.

I will soon introduce Pathfinder Society to Rusty Redbone, a dwarven bard who specializes in dirty limericks.

As a DM I played Mr. Emmerybird, a mad hatter of a grig who liked to suddenly cast fireballs at his own feet during exceedingly boring conversations with party members.

Also there was Vallejo Barrante--Prestadigitator Extrodinaire! He got by with acid splash and mage hand for several gaming sessions before the party gnome discovered Vallejo hadn't the foggiest idea how to prestidigitate.

Oh yeah! Good times.

Scarab Sages

As a pre-gen for a one-shot game I was running at a con, I once built a Bow-Focused Paladin of Cupid. :P

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I briefly pondered a fat gnome paladin with 20 CON (at level 1) and 15 CHA (to be bumped at 4th level).

I'd call him "The Trapfinder".

Looks dangerous, guys - better roll me in first!

Back in the '80s, I played in a short-lived Champions game set in New York City. I played Comrade Spartacus, a "skilled normal" superhero (a la Batman) who wore a red suit with a yellow hammer-and-sickle insignia (and used a hammer and sickle as weapons) who fought street crime and cheerfully worked with the police, but also proudly espoused the virtues of Marxism and openly worked for a global nonviolent communist revolution.

Let's just say that the ersatz Captain America character never wanted to accept any help from Comrade Spartacus.

More recently, in 3.5 rules, I played a druid/sorcerer/mystic theurge who preferred animal form to human form, and only reluctantly assumed human form. Often, he pretended to be the animal companion of the party ranger.


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halfling wizard scrollmaster, little kid with cardboard sword and shield.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

In 3.5, I played a Gnome bard that was inspired by the Quickdraw McGraw persona 'El Kabong'. He'd cast summon instrument and would swing off of anything for guitar strikes, although my DM was nice and allowed me to treat the guitar as a club since my character was so proficient at it.

Talking with friends just a couple days ago, I came up with a monk that wields cats/kittens as flurriable weapons/"shuriken."

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No no no, it's pronounced "shur-i-kitten".

An awakened Owl Dragon Disciple.

"Bring me mice!" Says the Owl.

"Why?" Asks the villager.

"Because otherwise it's cows." The Owl explains, having turned into a dragon.

Silver Crusade

Well, there's my leprechaun wannabe character: Link

Basically, he's a halfling cleric of "Lady Luck" (Desna) with an Irish accent, who has the Luck Domain and specializes in "spreading the luck around" (buffing his teammates).

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For awhile now I've had a fun idea for a character that I'd like to try. He's a goblin that's noticed that adventurers have the best loot and the most power so he's decided to become a hero. He tries to be a do gooder but he doesn't quite get it. Class wise he'd be a Cavalier who rides around on a big fluffy dog and wears a cast iron pot as a helmet. Sort of a confused Don Quixote type. ^_^

"Don't worry kingy I'll save your dragon from the evil fire breathing princess!"

Scarab Sages

Arikiel wrote:
"Don't worry kingy I'll save your dragon from the evil fire breathing princess!"

That is perfect. :)

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