Artists will depict your RPG characters / monsters!

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I absolutely love it! Thank you so much for doing these pictures, they are amazing!! The belt in particular I like the design of. And the gold trim at the upper end of the gloves does a nice job of matching the gold elsewhere. Very nice!!

Axis Vannya wrote:

I'd like to request art for this character.

** spoiler omitted **

Lyrakien azata

Queen alexandra's bridwing

I thought I'd clarify. He is a tiefling, he is a wizard and he is handsome.

Liberty's Edge

@Lyrysa: Glad you like her! I had a lot of fun illustrating those two girls! ... now it's back to dwarf.

@Axis Vannya: noted.

Silver Crusade

Yay! I am up next. Every time I check this thread and see the latest artwork you have posted Ruloc I become ever more in awe of your talent. The art you have done thus far is outstanding and I can not wait to see how Rurik turns out.

Liberty's Edge

I love Kethil even more now that I have been able to examine her in depth. I have printed her and she looks even more gorgeous when printed on photo paper. I can't wait to show her to the other players.

Flamehawke wrote:

I love Kethil even more now that I have been able to examine her in depth. I have printed her and she looks even more gorgeous when printed on photo paper. I can't wait to show her to the other players.

That's awesome Flamehawke, I have a feeling I'll be the same way with Lizrabel when it becomes my turn.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just couldn't resist filling Rurik of Clan Delvers Tankard. ;)

Updated Character List:

Primary List

Ed Girallon – Dr. Virgil 
Devastation – twin pegleg dwarf 
Midnight Gamer – Danny OR Delphine 
Shadowmage – Xane 
Devil in Mexico – Nicos 
WXCougar – Akilah 
John Kretzer – Romula 
DSXmachina – Midori 
CaroRose – Kimiko 
Lopke – Janessa 
Mystic – Erkos 
Apoca6 – Drake 
Orthos – Karish
Kryzbyn – Khodai the Black
John Folmar – Girruth Stormhammer
3.5 Loyalist – Stavrogin
Cavian – Lizrabel
Timothy Withem – Cleric
Odytoboman – Izam
Saint Caleth – Gudea abd'Marduk Awil-um
EnderBarney – Skel Delissar
Nepherti – Branwynn and Yance Waynold → note Yance Beard 1 – 1 1/2 inches
DentalJaguar - Thaddeus Torvan 
Scintillae – Elegy Medvyed
Axis Vannya – Axis and Cernan
Teskeria – Lightflame De La Hawke

For the sake of fairness I'll only do one character per person in order. If someone want's more than one Character I'll move them to another List and will squezze them in when I have the time. For example if I do have the urge to do two Illustrations/day on weekends.

Secondary List

Shadowmage – Vinny 
Lyrysa – Rose 
WXCougar – Zalura 
John Kretzer – Kat’kiira 
Golem 101 – Darkrall 
Golem 101 – Azula 
Golem 101 – Getro 
Golem 101 – Rumi 
Icyshadow – Amber 
Icyshadow – Chrysanthe 
Apoca6 – Rhea 
Timothy Withem - Fighter
Timothy Withem – Paladin
Timothy Withem – Ranger
Timothy Withem – Alchemist
Odytoboman – Odytobo
Saint Caleth – Valanthe
Saint Caleth – Cao Li
Odraude – Ankles
Nermal2097 - Jaygo Lightfoot
Orthos - Raechel a'Nalvaar
Orthos – En sirio the Longstrider
Swivl – Wickard Worreck Wyvernjack
 Cortland Broadcloak - Jericho Korben
John Folmar – Keider Paol

The Exchange

I like it.

By the way, where is your other forum? I have a Society character that I want drawn.

Really awesome stuff Ruloc, thanks for contributing.

I've updated the request forum, though I'll probably remove it soon since it doesn't get used half the time. Keeping the list in here works well enough.

Liberty's Edge

I'm sorry for more or less highchecking your Thread and your Forum. It's a great idea you guys had!

Nickolas Russell wrote:

Really awesome stuff Ruloc, thanks for contributing.

I've updated the request forum, though I'll probably remove it soon since it doesn't get used half the time. Keeping the list in here works well enough.

Not yet! most of my descriptiony stuff is there! After that, sounds good.

I'm next! Wooooooh! Looking forward to Virgil, Ruloc. I'm sure he'll be Excellent!

Ruloc wrote:

I'm sorry for more or less highchecking your Thread and your Forum. It's a great idea you guys had!

Nothing to be sorry about, this is what it's here for! The forum just isn't working, no reason to keep it around.

Grand Lodge

Ooh! slowly getting closer to Drake :D

Ruloc, your work is amazing and the first thread I check daily for the awesome artwork!

You sir are a legend.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks a lot!
And nah I'm not... but working on it. :D

Nickolas Russell wrote:
Ruloc wrote:

I'm sorry for more or less highchecking your Thread and your Forum. It's a great idea you guys had!

Nothing to be sorry about, this is what it's here for! The forum just isn't working, no reason to keep it around.

Well I guess I should copy-pasta my description over here instead of the shortened version that's earlier in the thread. So... without further ado that's exactly what I do.

More in-depth Lizrabel description:

Standing 5'7" and weighing in at ~120lbs Lizrabel is a fallen cleric of the sun that has renounced her former faith. Her current patron is Asmodeus though the deal was set up through a Contract Devil that has himself been "demoted" to be her keeper and familiar, an imp named Raphijetiel (Fidget) that often disguises himself as a soot-black owl. She has white hair, golden eyes, and an olive-skin complexion; although she is in her early 70s due to her mixed celestial heritage she appears to be closer to mid-20s.

This woman looks human, yet emanates a strange sense of calm and benevolence, a supernatural beauty that seems to emanate from within. Clad in mithril armor that appears to have been lightly scorched by unholy flames, marring the otherwise pristine beauty of the breastplate. The burden of guilt and regret hangs heavily about her, a weight of the world that seems far beyond what a woman of her apparent age should carry. Her white hair is streaked with silver, kept in dreadlocks interwoven with blue ribbons that go down to just above her tailbone. A sash, golden in color, is wrapped about her waist complimenting the hue of her eyes. Beyond the armor and the sash the rest of her outfit consists of robes, in the dull greys and blacks of a woman in mourning, open in the front to reveal worn leather traveling pants and a pair of exquisitely crafted boots protected by mithril plating over her shins.

Lizrabel also carries a heavy shield and an ornate morningstar is usually strapped to her belt, the grip of which has a swept hilt similar to many Italian rapier designs.

Just a bit of clarification on the robes: I imagine them being a bit like "Jedi" robes, where you have an "inner robe" that's worn about the body under travel equipment (like armor) and the "outer" hooded robe. Lizrabel typically keeps her hood down and as such it tends to drape about her shoulders a bit somewhat akin to a shawl. Don't know if that makes as much sense typed out as it does in my mind.

Liberty's Edge

@Cavian If you print Lizrabel up make sure the place does not lop off any parts of the photo. The place I went lopped off some of the top and bottom on me so I have to do it again. I'll probably select a place I'm more familiar with next time.

I'll let Teskeria know to put Lightflame's description over here.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Don't worry about your Character descriptions, I already copyed them from the forum into an textfile. So unless you want to add something there's no need to post the description here in the Messageboard again.

Weekend Fun with Dr. Virgil Halifax. Made me wanna do more Monsters. :)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

I concur, though the pose completely reminds me of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (not a bad thing at all).

@Ruloc: No problem, I copied over as a "just in case" though in the process I cleared up a few parts that I felt weren't exactly clear.

Silver Crusade

Ruloc wrote:

I just couldn't resist filling Rurik of Clan Delvers Tankard. ;)

** spoiler omitted **

I'm at a loss for words to describe how amazing Rurik looks. Thank you so much Ruloc.

Ruloc wrote:

Don't worry about your Character descriptions, I already copyed them from the forum into an textfile. So unless you want to add something there's no need to post the description here in the Messageboard again.

Weekend Fun with Dr. Virgil Halifax. Made me wanna do more Monsters. :)'

Ruloc, Thank you. That is just amazing. I'm still in shock. Just great.

These are going into my games, perfect for nps. I use a lot of pics so the players know what things look like.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Chumbeard is such a great idea! I would love to play something like that too. :)

(Figured I could directly link to my sketchblog to help with the overview)

Updated Character List:

Primary List

Midnight Gamer – Danny OR Delphine 
Shadowmage – Xane 
Devil in Mexico – Nicos 
WXCougar – Akilah 
John Kretzer – Romula 
DSXmachina – Midori 
CaroRose – Kimiko 
Lopke – Janessa 
Mystic – Erkos 
Apoca6 – Drake 
Orthos – Karish
Kryzbyn – Khodai the Black
John Folmar – Girruth Stormhammer
3.5 Loyalist – Stavrogin
Cavian – Lizrabel
Timothy Withem – Cleric
Odytoboman – Izam
Saint Caleth – Gudea abd'Marduk Awil-um
EnderBarney – Skel Delissar
Nepherti – Branwynn and Yance Waynold → note Yance Beard 1 – 1 1/2 inches
DentalJaguar - Thaddeus Torvan 
Scintillae – Elegy Medvyed
Axis Vannya – Axis and Cernan
Teskeria – Lightflame De La Hawke

For the sake of fairness I'll only do one character per person in order. If someone want's more than one Character I'll move them to another List and will squezze them in when I have the time. For example if I do have the urge to do two Illustrations/day on weekends.

Secondary List

Shadowmage – Vinny 
Lyrysa – Rose 
WXCougar – Zalura 
John Kretzer – Kat’kiira 
Golem 101 – Darkrall 
Golem 101 – Azula 
Golem 101 – Getro 
Golem 101 – Rumi 
Icyshadow – Amber 
Icyshadow – Chrysanthe 
Apoca6 – Rhea 
Timothy Withem - Fighter
Timothy Withem – Paladin
Timothy Withem – Ranger
Timothy Withem – Alchemist
Odytoboman – Odytobo
Saint Caleth – Valanthe
Saint Caleth – Cao Li
Odraude – Ankles
Nermal2097 - Jaygo Lightfoot
Orthos - Raechel a'Nalvaar
Orthos – En sirio the Longstrider
Swivl – Wickard Worreck Wyvernjack
 Cortland Broadcloak - Jericho Korben
John Folmar – Keider Paol

Dark Archive

Weeeee! Just four to go on the secondary list!

I would like to ask for a character of mine to be drawn.


Enre is 6' 8" tall or 203 cms tall. He weighs 280 pounds, which is all muscle. He wears dark colored full plate, but instead of a helm he has a grey mask covered in white/blueish runes, over that he has a dark colored cloak that covers the rest of his head. It looks a bit like this sorry not have good at describing so wanted to get idea across. The mask shows only his eyes which are a dark red color. He also carries a falchion where the blade is black and the hilt has a large red gem as at the pommel.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've got no request to make, Ruloc, but your character pics have been amazing (and darn speedy too). Thanks for sharing your talent with us, and kudos for the fantastic cover and interior art you provided in Wayfinder #7. :)

I stumbled across this reading the forums. Outstanding art here! I'd love to add a character request to the waiting list.

Keiran is a forest dwelling elven white haired witch.

He is a trickster, and will go to great lengths to pull off an elaborate prank. Keiran generally has a mischievous look on his face, most often for good reason. This is a more playful/impish look than cruel.

He has bright green eyes and the the usual slender, but powerful, build of his people. He has silver/white hair that hangs down past his shoulders. He dresses is simple rustic clothing. Brown pants, soft leather boots, and a green vest.

Keiran wears a sheathed sword on his belt, but this is merely a prop or a distraction. His primary weapon is his hair.

His hair usually hangs down past his shoulders, but in combat it seems to become a living thing, able to grow quickly and reach foes more than 5 feet away. Kieran uses his hair to entangle and strangle his foes, while casting hexes and cackling like mad.

(I love Hong Kong cinema, and have been looking forward to being able to play the crazy hair attacking witch!)

The Exchange

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I've got no request to make, Ruloc, but your character pics have been amazing (and darn speedy too). Thanks for sharing your talent with us, and kudos for the fantastic cover and interior art you provided in Wayfinder #7. :)

I have Amiri as my background :)

Liberty's Edge

Me too. :)
Glad you like it!

Liberty's Edge

Alright. I know these will go onto the secondary, but I have to put in a request for characters for myself and for the player who has thus far played the guy who married two of my characters.

First up is the guy who will marry Kethil

Gabriel Wintervale:
Gabe is a young cleric. He was raised in the temple and is painfully shy. Most of his shyness was resolved when he finally confessed his feelings to the young lady. He has tendency to get caught up in scholarly matters. He is handsome due to his own latent succubus heritage. He likes to help people and prefers to find peaceful ways to resolve things. He has been known to run errands until he collapses from exhaustion. Something Kethil put an end to rather firmly when she showed up at the temple.

He stands 5' 11” and has a slender build due to his scholarly nature. Being from the north he does have the temperament of a warrior and does put those skills to use. He uses a whip as his weapon since it is Avani's weapon of choice. Avani is the deity of Fate and Time. Her symbol is a pair of emerald green draconic eyes against golden scales. Kethil commissioned him a gem version of the symbol for his birthday one year. He wears robes or standard traveling outfit in Avani's colors, golden brown with emerald trim. He wears a chain shirt as well that is sometimes visible to the wearer.

Race: Ice Elf/Lissko(lizard heritage) Human
Height: 5' 11”
Weight: 160
Hair: Black w/blue highlights
Eyes: Blue

The parents of Kethil Wyvernsbane. If possible I would prefer them in one picture. If its not then that is fine as well.

Akatsuki Rosae and Raphael Wyvernsbane:
Raphael Wyvernsbane comes from a very decadent noble family. The patriarch is a lich with ambitions to conquer the world (and later pulls it off with the exception of two kingdoms). Raphael is a vampyrri human (variation of dhampir) sorcerer with the undead bloodline (vampire). He has a slightly dour and impatient outlook. When angry he strikes people with magic or his shovel. He is very loving towards his family though and highly protective of any he allows into his inner circle. Those allowed into his inner circle, which always includes children, find he is a very kind and generous man. He prefers to wear red and black or variations of those colors. He does become an oracle and avatar of Avani soon after meeting and marrying Akatsuki. Due to a mishap he was reincarnated as a white vulpini (humanoid fox) with ruby eyes, but he prefers to use magic to maintain a his human form.

Race: Vampyrri (dhampir) Human
Height: 6' 3”
Weight: 160
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Weapon: Shovel

Akatsuki was raised in a monastery after her mother left her there. Her mother is Fiona a succubus and avatar of Fatin, goddess of Fire and Love. Akatsuki is a reincarnating druid and due to a curse no matter what her form she has ebony skin and silver hair. She was born as a vulpini (humanoid fox). She is currently in game a black leopard. By the time she has Kethil she has reincarnated a Desert Elf. She is very calm and hard to ruffle. When dealing with her husband her succubus nature comes out. She follows Fatin as her deity. Fatin's symbol is that of a black rose outlined with red and a green stem. Akatsuki favors the colors of fire since she follows the deity of fire and love.

Race: Vulpini or Snow Leopard or Desert Elf (Artist choice)
Height: 5' 9”
Weight: 160
Hair/Second: Silver
Skin/Main: Black
Eyes: Amethyst
Weapon: Falchion

My newest character

Phoenix Stardancer:
Phoenix Stardancer is very calm and tends to be very logical. She was dropped off in a kingdom of dwarves and raised by them. She has a very curious personality and will do some things to simply find out how it works. She is a monk/sorcerer and prefers to use combat to resolve an issue when attacked. Due to her more serious out look she has trouble dealing with her more boisterous and joking teammates. She is a military veteran with many scars that are hidden by her fur. She also during that time lost her right eye which she replaced with a magical replacement that looks normal. It also functions as a normal eye for her.

Race: Vulpini (humanoid fox)
Height: 8' 0”
Weight: 400
Fur: Golden
Secondary: Black
Eyes: Emerald
Weapon: None

Thank you again Ruloc


I have to say, I positively love the art on your blog! I am inspired to throw in a character, both because of how lovely your work is and because I'm playing a new game starting this week.

Alton Foxgleam
(Dual-Cursed Halfling Oracle)


Alton Foxgleam stands tall for a halfling at 3' 2" and weighs 36lbs. He dresses very richly, preferring a dark crimson doublet with golden trim over a white shirt. Alton chose the color because it "brings out the emerald of his eyes." His trousers are similarly embroidered, but otherwise plain. Alton wears a pierced gold coin on a chain across his neck and he usually possesses a sly, knowing grin.

Alton is a professional gambler by trade, a man of mind that one must make their own luck. As a result, Alton carries all manners of gaming equipment, from decks of cards and dice to coins and knuckle-bones, all kept in very fine patches that are draped across his chest on a belt-like chest holster. He is very lightly armed, carrying only a dagger and a sling; as a youth Alton had dreams of being a professional slinger and only gave up the trade when he was cursed. He still carries around the old thing for sentimental purposes, however.

When Alton was a youth, he had an encounter with an otherworldly presence that unbeknownst to him weakened his temporal connection. This temporal disturbance is what accounts for much of his "luck" as well as his spellcasting. For example, when he summons a monster, he is actually opening a brief temporal rift, causing a monster to tumble through it into the present. This weakened connection has its negative side effects on Alton, however. Although his body is assimilated to the spiraling eons around him, foreign objects are less lucky. Any object Alton directly holds in his hands suffers rapid aging until it is tattered, worn, and broken; only to return to normal the moment Alton's fingers cease touching it. This curse is the reason Alton had to abandon his dreams of becoming a professional slinger, and his weapon decays the moment he attempts to use it. Alton's voice is also often overcome by countless words, both that have been said and haven't yet been uttered. While he is normally able to control this, when Alton is extremely stressed or unfocused he begins to babble gibberish in countless tongues.

His "luck" and guile have made Alton into a very successful gambler. Preferring to live among humans because he finds them easier to bluff and feint in games, Alton loathes being referred to as a child and goes to extremes to point out his age; he seldom wears boots or shoes and possesses a tattoo of a golden coin and a pair of dice on his upper left arm. Although he does not allow himself to grow a full beard, Alton does leave a ragged stubble on his his chin. Amusingly to most of his human companions, Alton is something of a womanizer and can often be seen with a lady around his arm or hitting on bar wenches; sometimes both at the same time.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I wasn't sure about the military outfit so I decided to go Andori on Danny

Updated Character List:

Primary List

Shadowmage – Xane 
Devil in Mexico – Nicos 
WXCougar – Akilah 
John Kretzer – Romula 
DSXmachina – Midori 
CaroRose – Kimiko 
Lopke – Janessa 
Mystic – Erkos 
Apoca6 – Drake 
Orthos – Karish
Kryzbyn – Khodai the Black
John Folmar – Girruth Stormhammer
3.5 Loyalist – Stavrogin
Cavian – Lizrabel
Timothy Withem – Cleric
Odytoboman – Izam
Saint Caleth – Gudea abd'Marduk Awil-um
EnderBarney – Skel Delissar
Nepherti – Branwynn and Yance Waynold → note Yance Beard 1 – 1 1/2 inches
DentalJaguar - Thaddeus Torvan 
Scintillae – Elegy Medvyed
Axis Vannya – Axis and Cernan
Teskeria – Lightflame De La Hawke
Mrdarknlight – Enre
Chen Zhen – Keiran
Alexander Augunas – Alton Foxgleam

For the sake of fairness I'll only do one character per person in order. If someone want's more than one Character I'll move them to another List and will squezze them in when I have the time. For example if I do have the urge to do two Illustrations/day on weekends.

Secondary List

Shadowmage – Vinny 
Lyrysa – Rose 
WXCougar – Zalura 
John Kretzer – Kat’kiira 
Golem 101 – Darkrall 
Golem 101 – Azula 
Golem 101 – Getro 
Golem 101 – Rumi 
Icyshadow – Amber 
Icyshadow – Chrysanthe 
Apoca6 – Rhea 
Timothy Withem - Fighter
Timothy Withem – Paladin
Timothy Withem – Ranger
Timothy Withem – Alchemist
Odytoboman – Odytobo
Saint Caleth – Valanthe
Saint Caleth – Cao Li
Odraude – Ankles
Nermal2097 - Jaygo Lightfoot
Orthos - Raechel a'Nalvaar
Orthos – En sirio the Longstrider
Swivl – Wickard Worreck Wyvernjack
 Cortland Broadcloak - Jericho Korben
John Folmar – Keider Paol
Flamehawke – Gabriel Wintersvale
Flamehawke – Akatsuki and Raphael
Flamehawke – Phoenix Stardancer
Midnight Gamer – Delphine 

Love your artwork....and hey I am 4th on both lists....

Hey Ruloc!
Don't forget my second request a couple pages back:


I'd like to add another to the end of the list.

I'm currently playing a character in a homebrew PF game, Malachai Kincaid. He is for all intents and purposes a paladin/druid.
He has a large wolf (of the dragon type, but looks mostly wolfish, no visible scales, red eyes) and a twigblight companion (small sized, uses a scythe).
Malachai wears a full suit of mithral plate with nature motifs, with a tabard of a nature god (features a scythe), uses a greatsword (again with the nature theme, the hilt looks like branches growing out of the pommel).
He himself is from a horselord culture, so he looks like a native american/mongol mix (darkskin, black hair, almond shaped eyes) with warbraids, feathers in his hair, and fur on his armor.
He's seen alot in the 2 years he's been adventuring, but is only 18 years old.

Ruloc wrote:

I wasn't sure about the military outfit so I decided to go Andori on Danny

** spoiler omitted **

This is perfect! I especially love the face, he looks a little bit like Sean Connery. A gruff and down to business attitude is what I see from this depiction. Thank you!

Liberty's Edge

Kryzbyn wrote:

Hey Ruloc!

Don't forget my second request a couple pages back:
** spoiler omitted **

Right I did miss that.

Updated Character List:

Primary List

Shadowmage – Xane 
Devil in Mexico – Nicos 
WXCougar – Akilah 
John Kretzer – Romula 
DSXmachina – Midori 
CaroRose – Kimiko 
Lopke – Janessa 
Mystic – Erkos 
Apoca6 – Drake 
Orthos – Karish
Kryzbyn – Khodai the Black
John Folmar – Girruth Stormhammer
3.5 Loyalist – Stavrogin
Cavian – Lizrabel
Timothy Withem – Cleric
Odytoboman – Izam
Saint Caleth – Gudea abd'Marduk Awil-um
EnderBarney – Skel Delissar
Nepherti – Branwynn and Yance Waynold → note Yance Beard 1 – 1 1/2 inches
DentalJaguar - Thaddeus Torvan 
Scintillae – Elegy Medvyed
Axis Vannya – Axis and Cernan
Teskeria – Lightflame De La Hawke
Mrdarknlight – Enre
Chen Zhen – Keiran
Alexander Augunas – Alton Foxgleam

For the sake of fairness I'll only do one character per person in order. If someone want's more than one Character I'll move them to another List and will squezze them in when I have the time. For example if I do have the urge to do two Illustrations/day on weekends.

Secondary List

Shadowmage – Vinny 
Lyrysa – Rose 
WXCougar – Zalura 
John Kretzer – Kat’kiira 
Golem 101 – Darkrall 
Golem 101 – Azula 
Golem 101 – Getro 
Golem 101 – Rumi 
Icyshadow – Amber 
Icyshadow – Chrysanthe 
Apoca6 – Rhea 
Timothy Withem - Fighter
Timothy Withem – Paladin
Timothy Withem – Ranger
Timothy Withem – Alchemist
Odytoboman – Odytobo
Saint Caleth – Valanthe
Saint Caleth – Cao Li
Odraude – Ankles
Nermal2097 - Jaygo Lightfoot
Kryzbyn – Malachai Kincaid
Orthos - Raechel a'Nalvaar
Orthos – En sirio the Longstrider
Swivl – Wickard Worreck Wyvernjack
Cortland Broadcloak - Jericho Korben
John Folmar – Keider Paol
Flamehawke – Gabriel Wintersvale
Flamehawke – Akatsuki and Raphael
Flamehawke – Phoenix Stardancer
Midnight Gamer – Delphine 

ty sir!

Liberty's Edge


She's almost up, so a bit of an update for Captain Janessa. She's moving up in the world ;)
There's a lot more detail included, Ruloc. If you want a challenge for fine detail, there's definitely some here :)

Female Human Druid (Aquatic) 3 / Cleric of Besmara 1

Captain Janessa Description:
About 5’10”, wiry with signs of muscle tone.
‘Soft’ rounder/oval face, sharp-ish nose
Green/blue eyes, thick-ish eyebrows
Impish grin
Dark brown hair, just past shoulder-length, curly and chaotic. Perhaps in a pony-tail that refuses to stay bound. Also a braid or two, with sea shells, animal bones, feathers, etc, woven in.
Long, slender fingers
Breasts are on the smaller size, and amount of cleavage is left to the artist.
Parrot familiar [blue and yellow plumage, older bird and missing some feathers]
Cutlass with a pommel in the shape of a skull [It's the Tidewater Cutlass, if you have the Skulls & Shackles Adventure Path Book 1]
Regular pistol in belt
Leather belt with kraken buckle
Barefoot, ankle jewelery (coral anklets, etc)
Pants with bottoms rolled up, white sailor’s shirt
Tricorne hat [black, weather-beaten and salt-stained]
Right arm has shark bite scars
Right upper arm has tattoo of a Megalodon [Dire Shark]
Left upper arm has tattoo of a giant squid
Upper Arm jewelery (coral, gold, leather, etc)
No earrings.
Leather and coral choker with Besmara holy symbol (skull and crossbones)
Amulet made of human bones around neck
Magical leather Bracers of Armor. The left Bracer has a dagger in a forearm sheath

If you really, really want to go crazy. Her ship is called the Sudden Departure, it's a three masted sailing ship, and she has converted her Captain's Quarters into a grove, with shallow-rooted fruit trees, berry bushes, and a vegetable garden.

If our praise is your mead, then drink up, for your work is awesome and getting better all the time!

Ruloc, it's been fun and a privilege to see the noticeable improvement in your work through this thread. Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you Lopke!
I'm also quite happy so far, just have to speed it up somehow. :)

Hey Ruloc, love your work (especially Seoni, which has been my background for a few months now)!

If you're still taking:

Yūna Tsukimura:
Yūna’s a Half-Elf [pathfinder] (Domain: Air) Wizard 5/ Monk 1. As her speciality is air-based spells, she favours wind and lightning spells, so tends towards the more destructive ones. She will be going into Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil eventually though, which is all about the colours of the prismatic wall, but as prerequisites has her specialising rather heavily in abjuration/defensive spells. She favours speed over strength but isn't weak. She grew up in a human city (steampunk-ish) in an orphanage (taught martial arts), and from 15-24 years old lived aboard a halfling trading ship (taught magic, then the campaign began), who are modelled after Terry Pratchett’s Nac Mac Feegles, so are a little chaotic and love alcohol & money. She can also (through feats) cause sonic damage with a touch, and her domain allows her to cast feather fall & levitate on herself at will (and eventually fly).

Physical description (sorry if it’s so detailed, she’s my first character):
She stands around 5’8” and walks with calm, graceful confidence. Her long black hair, smooth like silk, dyed with purple streaks in places, reaches almost half way down her back, and her eyes are a deep, dark amethyst colour. She favours her elven heritage, so her ears are elongated, obviously so, and her eyes are slightly wider than a human’s.

She has a black tattoo on her left side, from about halfway between her elbow and shoulder to just below her ribs, with a few tendrils poking above her jacket collar on her neck, almost to her jaw line. She has a second tattoo on her right hip, in a similar style but much smaller (maybe up to her bottom rib at most). She also has spellbook tattoos around the edges of the main tattoo on her left arm, and down the outside of her right upper leg (since the world she’s in revolves significantly around Japanese, the text is probably in asian script).

She wears a black, long-sleeved traveller’s jacket that almost reaches the floor, with purple patterns decorating the inside (the overall colour scheme is black with purple filigree). Her boots are black leather and reach past her knees, and have purple trimmings. She wears black silk hotpants, and a purple corset with black & white filigree. She has black leather fingerless gloves and a black belt with a black & white buckle shaped like Nethys’ mask (pathfinder god of magic ).

As far as equipment goes, all you can really see are two leather pouches on the back of her belt, and a purple ribbon wrapped around a lock of hair on one side (it’s a hat of disguise so if you can think of anything else that would fit better feel free). She also has an owl familiar if you want to include him too for practise.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here's Xane and Vincenzo, so one less on both lists. :)

Updated Character List:

Primary List

Devil in Mexico – Nicos 
WXCougar – Akilah 
John Kretzer – Romula 
DSXmachina – Midori 
CaroRose – Kimiko 
Lopke – Janessa 
Mystic – Erkos 
Apoca6 – Drake 
Orthos – Karish
Kryzbyn – Khodai the Black
John Folmar – Girruth Stormhammer
3.5 Loyalist – Stavrogin
Cavian – Lizrabel
Timothy Withem – Cleric
Odytoboman – Izam
Saint Caleth – Gudea abd'Marduk Awil-um
EnderBarney – Skel Delissar
Nepherti – Branwynn and Yance Waynold → note Yance Beard 1 – 1 1/2 inches
DentalJaguar - Thaddeus Torvan 
Scintillae – Elegy Medvyed
Axis Vannya – Axis and Cernan
Teskeria – Lightflame De La Hawke
Mrdarknlight – Enre
Chen Zhen – Keiran
Alexander Augunas – Alton Foxgleam
Acarhol – Yuna Tsukimura

For the sake of fairness I'll only do one character per person in order. If someone want's more than one Character I'll move them to another List and will squezze them in when I have the time. For example if I do have the urge to do two Illustrations/day on weekends.

Secondary List

Lyrysa – Rose 
WXCougar – Zalura 
John Kretzer – Kat’kiira 
Golem 101 – Darkrall 
Golem 101 – Azula 
Golem 101 – Getro 
Golem 101 – Rumi 
Icyshadow – Amber 
Icyshadow – Chrysanthe 
Apoca6 – Rhea 
Timothy Withem - Fighter
Timothy Withem – Paladin
Timothy Withem – Ranger
Timothy Withem – Alchemist
Odytoboman – Odytobo
Saint Caleth – Valanthe
Saint Caleth – Cao Li
Odraude – Ankles
Nermal2097 - Jaygo Lightfoot
Kryzbyn – Malachai Kincaid
Orthos - Raechel a'Nalvaar
Orthos – En sirio the Longstrider
Swivl – Wickard Worreck Wyvernjack
Cortland Broadcloak - Jericho Korben
John Folmar – Keider Paol
Flamehawke – Gabriel Wintersvale
Flamehawke – Akatsuki and Raphael
Flamehawke – Phoenix Stardancer
Midnight Gamer – Delphine 

The Exchange

You got them perfectly! (I'm just a fan of the comic.)

Once again, you amaze us, Ruloc. Excellent work!

Hahahahah that's awesome.

Liberty's Edge

Glad you like them. I wasn't certain if I should have gone more cartoony on them. :)

Dark Archive

Hi I have a question for Ruloc. Do you do full body shot of characters or it it mostly waist up shots?

Liberty's Edge

For these Character Illustrations I only do waist up(Kneeling or small characters aside). Full body Illustrations would take considerably more time.

Whoa, this thread is amazing... and so is your stuff, Ruloc. It's awesome of you to be willing to do requests like this.

I'd like to make one too.

Charlotte Tesser
N Female Human Rogue
STR 10, DEX 18, CON 10, INT 20, WIS 13, CHA 7
26 years old, 5'6" high.

Doesn't look very roguish - she's actually more of a scholar, since she works as a librarian and uses that to spend most of her time reading. As a result, she looks pretty scrawny and unassuming.
Her hair is black and slightly wavy, which makes it even more apparent that it's almost always messy. Goes a little past her shoulders. Also wears under-rimmed glasses, behind which you can see her black eyes.
As for clothes, they're pretty simple, being a white dress shirt, a black vest over it, and a long black skirt.

Now, her personality... she's kind of a grumpy, reclusive ass who doesn't like to relate to anyone other than her younger sister. Still, she can be nice if you somehow manage to get on her good side, but that can be pretty hard.

Finally, she really, really loves books and firearms.

Also; a very simple and sort of anime-like reference picture that I drew back when I was writing her sheet up, if it'd help.


I'd like to request a sammich. Just joking ;) Ruloc told me about his work here and I had to see for myself what caused this flood on my deviantart-watchlist.

Awesome stuff! Keep flooding, Ruloc!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks Engelszorn. Let me see if I do have a Sandwich list somewhere...

Meanwhile it's Nicos Lebedas turn.

Updated Character List:

Primary List

WXCougar – Akilah 
John Kretzer – Romula 
DSXmachina – Midori 
CaroRose – Kimiko 
Lopke – Janessa 
Mystic – Erkos 
Apoca6 – Drake 
Orthos – Karish
Kryzbyn – Khodai the Black
John Folmar – Girruth Stormhammer
3.5 Loyalist – Stavrogin
Cavian – Lizrabel
Timothy Withem – Cleric
Odytoboman – Izam
Saint Caleth – Gudea abd'Marduk Awil-um
EnderBarney – Skel Delissar
Nepherti – Branwynn and Yance Waynold → note Yance Beard 1 – 1 1/2 inches
DentalJaguar - Thaddeus Torvan 
Scintillae – Elegy Medvyed
Axis Vannya – Axis and Cernan
Teskeria – Lightflame De La Hawke
Mrdarknlight – Enre
Chen Zhen – Keiran
Alexander Augunas – Alton Foxgleam
Acarhol – Yuna Tsukimura
trhvmn – Charlotte Tesser

For the sake of fairness I'll only do one character per person in order. If someone want's more than one Character I'll move them to another List and will squezze them in when I have the time. For example if I do have the urge to do two Illustrations/day on weekends.

Secondary List

Lyrysa – Rose 
WXCougar – Zalura 
John Kretzer – Kat’kiira 
Golem 101 – Darkrall 
Golem 101 – Azula 
Golem 101 – Getro 
Golem 101 – Rumi 
Icyshadow – Amber 
Icyshadow – Chrysanthe 
Apoca6 – Rhea 
Timothy Withem - Fighter
Timothy Withem – Paladin
Timothy Withem – Ranger
Timothy Withem – Alchemist
Odytoboman – Odytobo
Saint Caleth – Valanthe
Saint Caleth – Cao Li
Odraude – Ankles
Nermal2097 - Jaygo Lightfoot
Kryzbyn – Malachai Kincaid
Orthos - Raechel a'Nalvaar
Orthos – En sirio the Longstrider
Swivl – Wickard Worreck Wyvernjack
Cortland Broadcloak - Jericho Korben
John Folmar – Keider Paol
Flamehawke – Gabriel Wintersvale
Flamehawke – Akatsuki and Raphael
Flamehawke – Phoenix Stardancer
Midnight Gamer – Delphine 

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