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![]() Alright, now that I've actually had some time to read through the pdf (though still not as much time as I'd have liked), I have to say that I love your changes. I'd also love to say exactly what I love here, but that'd take too much time and make this post too long, so I'll just say that, if I ever run a campaign for my group, I'll probably be using KF. Yay! That said, while I especially liked the changes to the Barbarian (because suddenly the class fits a character concept I've had for a while like a glove), there are some rage powers that left me with some questions. Hopefully you won't mind if I ask them here? Barbarian things: • P. 94, Ogre's Stature: If you're already large (like from having levels in the half-giant paragon class), does this let you become huge?
• P. 94, Wrath of Ancestors, Greater: There's no option for an enhancement bonus, unlike the previous two versions of this power? The table seems to indicate that this is intended, but it's a little confusing, especially since the Mighty and Primal versions of this power give that option. • P. 95, Giant's Stature: What happens if you could already become large from Ogre's Stature? I'm guessing that you just get the increased attribute bonuses and such? And what if you're already large to begin with (half-giant paragon class etc.)? I assume that you wouldn't become gargantuan, since that'd be ridiculous. • P. 97, Beyond the Grave: Is this revenantness permanent, then? • P. 98, Titan's Stature: Same stuff as Giant's Stature. Oh, and something for the Monk as well: • P. 242, Weapon and Armor Proficiency: This part states that Monks have exotic proficiency with one temple weapon of their choice, but it's never specified what a "temple weapon" is. ![]()
![]() Somewhat, though I'd say it's more of a matter of a class' mechanics than its theme - there are some concepts that I haven't yet been able to turn into actual characters, thanks to unarmoredness only being (somewhat) viable if you're a Monk or a Duelist, and neither of those fitting the flavor I was looking for very well. Unless your GM is really anal about a character of a given class sticking to that class' theme, I don't really think that should matter at all. For example, you could say that the Barbarian's rage is not actually getting angry, but rather a sort of battle trance that they go into, or something like that. Of course, there are some classes that work against that, the Paladin being the most obvious, but there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to, say, play a Rogue who isn't thief-like at all. ![]()
![]() Captain Netz wrote: Flurry of blows only uses your Monk level for BAB. Not sure where you are getting Monk level + Other class level BAB. Actually, he's right. Here's the FAQ he was talking about. ![]()
![]() So I was making a Shaper Psion recently, and because of that, I was taking a better look at the rules for astral constructs. All's fine and dandy, except that I was a little confused on how many abilities of each menu an astral construct of a certain level would get.
d20pfsrd wrote:
So, does this mean that: • Constructs of those levels get an ability from menu B and two from A, or• One from B, which the construct's creator can then exchange for two from A? I'm assuming the latter, but can't be too sure. And then there's the last three levels. d20pfsrd wrote:
This poses the same question as above, but with that part in parenthesis. How exactly does the exchanging an option from B for one from A work? • The wording says that you'd get two from A regardless of whether you sacrificed one or two from B, which is... weird. But I'm assuming that...• You get two from A for every one from B you give up. So, if you sacrifice both from B, you'd end up with two from A. Thoughts? ![]()
![]() Whoa, this thread is amazing... and so is your stuff, Ruloc. It's awesome of you to be willing to do requests like this. I'd like to make one too. Charlotte:
Charlotte Tesser
N Female Human Rogue STR 10, DEX 18, CON 10, INT 20, WIS 13, CHA 7 26 years old, 5'6" high. Doesn't look very roguish - she's actually more of a scholar, since she works as a librarian and uses that to spend most of her time reading. As a result, she looks pretty scrawny and unassuming.
Now, her personality... she's kind of a grumpy, reclusive ass who doesn't like to relate to anyone other than her younger sister. Still, she can be nice if you somehow manage to get on her good side, but that can be pretty hard. Finally, she really, really loves books and firearms. Also; a very simple and sort of anime-like reference picture that I drew back when I was writing her sheet up, if it'd help. Thanks! ![]()
![]() baalbamoth wrote: Trhvmn- thats hilarious, you read my postings, then make the exact same point I had made, one dimentional characters who's players put little or no importance (skills feats stats etc) into backstory make one trick pony joke characters.... just like Grod. Ok, now I'm sure that I'm being trolled. Either that, or you're the denser than lead. ![]()
![]() baalbamoth wrote:
Read your own post that I quoted again. Quote: Ive seen it before many many times, you create the joke character, the joke gets old, and the joke character cant be taken seriously after that, even the player quickly hates him and begs for a new character. always happens that way, at least in every game ive seen that character get in. This is bad RPing. This is someone creating a character and failing to add any depth to them. No character is inherently good or bad to RP. As Ashiel demonstrated, even a dumb brute guy can have an interesting backstory. It all depends on the player. A character is only a "joke character" if you want them to be one. ![]()
![]() baalbamoth wrote: Ashiel- Ive seen it before many many times, you create the joke character, the joke gets old, and the joke character cant be taken seriously after that, even the player quickly hates him and begs for a new character. always happens that way, at least in every game ive seen that character get in. I'd kindly like to ask you to step out of your little bubble, then. Just because your group sucks at RPing doesn't mean that everyone does. ![]()
![]() So I've noticed that you can cast Invisibility on objects as well, and it can even be made permanent then. What I'm wondering is, what exactly would happen if you made a weapon invisible and attacked with it? Would you get any bonuses or something? Logically, I'd assume so, but I can't find anything about this RAW... or in fact, how invisibility specifically works on objects in any way. ![]()
![]() I'll have to admit that, being quite new to RPGs in general, I don't really know many others aside from... like, two, none of which would have enough players in my group. So it's partially about how we're all already familiar with it, and partially how I'm not really willing to spend time learning another set of rules. I also don't think that an RPG that I'd say is perfect actually exists, so that keeps me from looking. ![]()
![]() Interesting read. I think I'd be mostly 2, since I usually look at archetypes before anything else when I first get an idea for a character (though since you put them under 1, I guess I'd be that). I disagree on your comment on the Samurai/Ninja/etc. though, but it's mostly because I see classes differently. I don't think you'd become a ninja just by taking Ninja levels, or a samurai just by taking Samurai levels, or whatever. Hell, this can even apply to most of the core/base classes, except for the Paladin, from what I can imagine.
I haven't looked at the Pirate or Viking, but really the only problem I really have with the Samurai and the Ninja is how they are specifically proficient with eastern weapons... but I think that's something else entirely. ![]()
![]() Among the wakizashi, the katana and the nodachi, at the very least the last one should be Exotic, since it was actually far too unwieldy to be used for combat - rather, it was worn as a symbol of status, and made by blacksmiths as a way to show their skill. But lol historical relevance. Mechanics-wise, it being Exotic would also no longer make it be a no-brainer choice over the katana... ![]()
![]() An Alchemist with the Wings, Mummification, Vestigial Arms and Tentacle Discoveries. A half-giant, since they're pretty much my favorite race, preferrably as a Martial Artist or a Tetori. Though if other large-sized races exist, I'd probably be interested in them too. A gestalt character. I even already have a Monk//Ninja in mind... A Totem Warrior Barbarian with ALL OF THE TOTEMS that give natural attacks, which are like... Beast, Fiend, Hive, and Spirit? Maybe Chaos too. I'm not even sure if this would be useful but damn it'd be awesome. (that is, assuming Totem Warrios can select multiple totem powers) Lastly, it's not as high as the others in my list, but a Soulknife. Just... a Soulknife. They sound cool. ![]()
![]() Oh damn Dabbler you Monks are awesome, and I'd like to make some comments if you don't mind. Standard Monk:
AC Bonus: Well, not actually a comment, but did you mean to put this before the table? Seems a little weird to me. Flurry of Blows: Ah, yes. I really like this version of Flurry, though I that, while the wording is comprehensible, it could use some cleaning up. For example, instead of using the name Fast Flurry, couldn't you just say that the Monk is able to do a normal full attack as a standard action (while not being able to do it while cleaving, vital striking, etc)? Monk Weapon Training: This is highly useful and I love it, but I think it could use another name, since "Monk Weapon Training" is not exactly indicative of the fact that it's a version of Weapon Finesse, and you also already have another Weapon Training there. World Wise, Artisan: I belive you meant that Appraise becomes a class skill, and not a craft one? Maneuver Training: Again, not really a comment, but you might want to add "At 3rd level," at the beginning of the description. Weapon Training, Mighty Fists: Now this is the part that I have the most questions about. First off, here's the current Monk's damage progression: Small: 1d4 -----> 1d6 --> 1d8 --> 1d10 -> 2d6 --> 2d8
And here's yours: Small: 1d4 -----> 1d6 --> 1d8 --> 1d10 -> 2d6
1. So, small Monks would need to select this training more times if they want to reach the 2d6, which makes sense since they start lower, but still seems a little weird to me (it probably wouldn't were 2d6 not the maximum for all three sizes), so I'd like to know if this is what you had in mind. 2. What happens if the Monk is subject to Enlarge Person? I'm assuming the damage would advance one step, but what if they're already at 2d6? (note that this is not a problem for the current Monk because, again, 2d6 is not the maximum for all three sizes) 3. I'm not entirely sure on what the "for large-sized monks the damage dice at each stage increase ppropriately" is supposed to mean, so some clarification would be nice. Does it mean that their damage progresses as it does for the current large Monk? 4. In addition, the Ninja's Unarmed Combat Mastery master trick would also have to be changed in order to work with this. Currently, it makes the Ninja's unarmed strikes deal damage as if he were a Monk of his level -4. Wholeness of Body: I noticed that the standard Monk here can heal 1HP/level for 1 ki, 2HP/level for 2, or 3HP/level for 3, while the mystic can heal 3HP/level for 2 ki. Deliberate?
I'd say something about your mystic Monk too, but well there's not much to say that I haven't already, I think, besides that I love Undying and that you forgot to put a 'no' in "there is no oxygen" in Zen Body's description. ![]()
![]() Well, let's see... True Neutral Human Wizard (1st Level) Ability Scores:
Well, isn't that boring, but... sounds about right. Ideally, however, I'd like to be a Psion of unspecified discipline or something. Also a few ranks in whichever skill drawing is part of. Craft? |