The Cavalier's Code: An Optimization Guide


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TarkXT wrote:
n00bxqb wrote:

At 4th level, the Samurai gains the Mounted Archer extraordinary ability, which states:

At 4th level, the samurai becomes skilled at firing ranged weapons while mounted. A samurai only takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls with ranged weapons while his mount takes a double move. This penalty increases to –4 while his mount is running.

Would this stack with the Mounted Archery feat to become -1 on a double move and -2 while running?

Mounted Archery (Combat)
You are skilled at making ranged attacks while mounted.

Prerequisites: Ride 1 rank, Mounted Combat.

Benefit: The penalty you take when using a ranged weapon while mounted is halved: –2 instead of –4 if your mount is taking a double move, and –4 instead of –8 if your mount is running.


Good to know, but I went in a different direction, anyways.

This is what I settled on for feat planning:
• 1 – Mounted Combat
• 3 – Weapon Focus (Naginata)
• 5 – Death From Above
• 6 – Weapon Specialization (Naginata)
• 7 – Ride-By Attack
• 9 – Improved Natural Attack (Bite)
• 11 – Spirited Charge
• 12 – Greater Weapon Specialization (Naginata)
• 13 – Trample
• 15 – Improved Critical (Naginata)
• 17 – Critical Focus
• 18 – Staggering Critical
• 19 – Stunning Critical


You need power attack. Drop death from above.

Have your mount take Charge Through.

STR Ranger wrote:

You need power attack. Drop death from above.

Have your mount take Charge Through.

Thanks for the advice :)

My horse is based on the Charger template in the guide. I delayed Combat Reflexes and swapped out Fleet (which required me to put a point into INT) for Spring Attack.

• 1 – Power Attack
• 2 – Improved Overrun
• 5 – Combat Reflexes
• 8 – Greater Overrun
• 10 – Charge Through
• 13 – Dodge
• 16 – Mobility
• 18 – Spring Attack

I've been trying to figure out ways of making AoO happy cavaliers abusing Paired Opportunist. As I'd like to also incorporate Honor guard and the Helpful trait (which you can cheese onto any race) I was thinking of a one level dip into flowing Monk.

Attack me? Okay me and my friends are gonna hit you for that!
Attack my peeps? Well see if you'll still hit em if that AC just grows by 5?

Anyone tried anything like this or has any good ideas?

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Oh yell yes.

Honour Guard and.Stratagist archetypes can be combined for an.awesome NON-Mounted Cav.

Now on a Cav. TWF is worth it because challenge is a big bonus to have on twice as many attacks.
The bodyguard archetype grants some nice free movt when you run to protect a buddy.
Stratagist grants.teamwork bonuses and free movt when you use tactician.

Str 18 (Bump to 20)
Dex 15 (Bump to 17)
Con 14
Int 7
Wis 12
Cha 7
Human - skillz= 4-2+1race+1favored.

Go Order of the shield for morale bonuses to both twf attacks, and it's improved standstill is great.

1-Power Attack, TWF, T-Precise Strike
3- Quickdraw
5- Imp Shieldbash
6- CombatRef
7- Shieldslam
9- ITWF, Outflank
11- Shieldmaster
12- Doubleslice
13- Dazing Assault
15- TWRend
17- Bashing finish, T- Coordinated Charge.
19- GTWF

Now build your mount as per the charger guideline and have it runover your foes. You in and Two hand your sword/PA and quickdraw your light q.draw shield to TWF

Here's the cavalier I've been working on. Any pointers or tips would be appreciated, we just switched over from 4th edition to pathfinder and this is my first char. I did play 3.5 before 4th but its been a while and things have changed. I wanted him to be good both mounted and unmounted, and to dual wield to take advantage of the damage bonus from challenge. Our campaign is starting at level 1 and planing to go trough around 12 or 13. I'm taking my normal feats to focus on unmounted combat and using bonus feats and my order to focus on mounted.


Archetypes - Beast Rider(because there's no reason not to), Gendarme (to cover mounted combat, i took this over emmisary since i wanted to keep banner)

Order of the sword to get more mounted stuff

With this build the mounted combat doesn't really excel till levle 6 but i think that will be alright. Hes planing on having a mix of outdoor and indoor combat, but his indoor combat tends to be in larger areas. Not many 5 foot corridors because of the terraclips terrain he uses.

At level 4 my dm is letting me take the cooler mount that im able to but making it large instead of waiting till 7. Planing on getting a lion/tiger. Pounce/grab/rake is a silly set of abilities from what it looks like.

1- Power Attack, Human - Ride By Attack - Gendarme - Mounted Combat
3 - Two Weapon Fighting
5 - Weapon Focus (Longsword) Gendarme -Spirited Charge
7- ?? this is where i start needing help maybe quick draw? i dont know if theres anything better for this level.
8- Double Slice?? Gendarme-Improved bull rush(only one i qualify for at this point) Order of the sword - trample
11-? Gendarme - unseat (again the only one ill qualify for)

As far as the mounts skills go im not sure

something like Power attack, agile maneuvers, improved overrun, charge through, ??
any help would be appreciated.

Excecior wrote:


Archetypes - Beast Rider(because there's no reason not to), Gendarme (to cover mounted combat, i took this over emmisary since i wanted to keep banner)

There are two reason (well three, see below) for not going beast rider: One is that the mount do not get armour proficiency meaning you need to spend more feats if the mount should fight in barding, the other is that the lack of heavy armour for yourself matter if away from the saddle.


At level 4 my dm is letting me take the cooler mount that im able to but making it large instead of waiting till 7. Planing on getting a lion/tiger. Pounce/grab/rake is a silly set of abilities from what it looks like.

You are getting the 7th-level advancement early? If not the fairly low strength of the mounts is going to be a major problem due to encumbrance.

If you are getting the 7th-level advancement three levels early, I can only congratulate.

1- Power Attack, Human - Ride By Attack - Gendarme - Mounted Combat
3 - Two Weapon Fighting
5 - Weapon Focus (Longsword) Gendarme -Spirited Charge
7- ?? this is where i start needing help maybe quick draw? i dont know if theres anything better for this level.
8- Double Slice?? Gendarme-Improved bull rush(only one i qualify for at this point) Order of the sword - trample
11-? Gendarme - unseat (again the only one ill qualify for)

Personally, I would not bother with TWF, it require that you pump allot of points into DEX without getting much in return, better to raise your Str or con more (or perhaps Chr and Int, depending on what out of combat functions you want to have). While it can be nice in combination with a challenge, you have so few challenges per day that it is not really worth it.

Something I would recommend is to invest in a few ranged combat feats; deadly aim at least, as there are plenty of times were a charge is not an option. At those times it can be really nice to be able to skirmish, staying out of melee range and pelting the enemy with javelins (for when you want to hold on to the lance) and arrows.
If one want to go wild down that route it should be noted that mounted mastery stack with thrown weapons if you got the charging hurler feat, not very efficient build, but very cool.

As far as the mounts skills go im not sure

something like Power attack, agile maneuvers, improved overrun, charge through, ??
any help would be appreciated.

You can get a special flying mount now rather easily.

Pick a Half-Orc (or full Orc) . Pick the 7th level minimum feat "Beast Rider" from the ARG, p56 (the feat... not the Archetype).

You can now choose a Pteranodon which, while a clumsy 50' flyer is better than nothing, fully airborne and reasonably tough to start out with... plus it having low-light vision and scent, plus a reasonable +11 perception. Dodge and Improved Initiative. Skill Focus Perception

In addition, the "Beast Rider" feat raises your effective Druid level by +2, to char level max. As it is large be default, it automatically gains the combat training general purpose.

You can also pick an elephant, rhinoceros, stegosaurus or triceratops this way, with the elephant a pretty useful "service" animal for quite a number of tricks besides trampling enemies. I'd stick with the flyeer, though.

Yeah half-orc cavaliers just became extra yummy.

vikingson wrote:

You can get a special flying mount now rather easily.

Pick a Half-Orc (or full Orc) . Pick the 7th level minimum feat "Beast Rider" from the ARG, p56 (the feat... not the Archetype).

You can now choose a Pteranodon which, while a clumsy 50' flyer is better than nothing, fully airborne and reasonably tough to start out with... plus it having low-light vision and scent, plus a reasonable +11 perception. Dodge and Improved Initiative. Skill Focus Perception

In addition, the "Beast Rider" feat raises your effective Druid level by +2, to char level max. As it is large be default, it automatically gains the combat training general purpose.

You can also pick an elephant, rhinoceros, stegosaurus or triceratops this way, with the elephant a pretty useful "service" animal for quite a number of tricks besides trampling enemies. I'd stick with the flyeer, though.

Yeah half-orc cavaliers just became extra yummy.

So If I pick a specific feat with a specific race I can get a mount.

Or I can just take leadership.

It's not difficult. It really isn't But one does sort of have to go out of there way to make it happen.

That being said the Archetype section has been added.

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There is a new armor enchant that bumps that let's you Add your armors enhancement bonus to the aid another action when you bump an allies AC.

Coupled with the Adopted trait to get the Half ling "Helpful" trait (+4 to Aid another instead of 2) this would result In a minimum+5 to your allies AC when you aid another.

This is good for the bodyguard archetype and gets better as Armor scales and FREAKING Awesome for Order of the dragon.

Might be worth adding to the guide.

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Benevolent is the name of the enchant.

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Re reading the guide.

It's worth noting that the Paired Opportunist/Outflank combo is, hard to set up with just 2.

A better combination is Paired Opportunist and Broken Wing Gambit.
Use tactician.
Now you and a buddy stand adjacent to threaten a target and use broken wing Gambit.
now no matter who he hits, you BOTH get a AOO at +4 bonus.

Very easy to set up.

STR Ranger wrote:

A better combination is Paired Opportunist and Broken Wing Gambit.
Use tactician.
Now you and a buddy stand adjacent to threaten a target and use broken wing Gambit.
now no matter who he hits, you BOTH get a AOO at +4 bonus.

Very easy to set up.

But also risky. The Outflank combo is nice because even without POpp it's a good enough feat just to use that alone.

Another thing to keep in mind is that tactician granted feats ignore prereqs so once you use it even mindless undead minions, summons, and what not can all gain and use it. For this reason master summoners are some of the best people to pair with a tactician using cavalier since they can quickly dump tactician targets on the board.

POpp honestly works best when you have another character who can readily generate multiple AoO's a round such as a Come and Get Me barbarian or a mount that also happens to be a panther style monk.


Maybe a rough outline of "This combo works best wit..." could help people.

The main reason Broken Wing Gambit/Paired Opp is great is because it works reliably no matter who you pair with AND you only need one ally.

The Outflank/Paired opp combo needs High Crit weapons and Flanking and adjacent allies (so 3 of you at least). So AOO's at +8 bonus but harder to pull off.

Broken Wing Gambit/Paired Opp can be done by one player (cav + adjacent mount) and GARAUNTEES an AOO for each of you.
Do this with a Scimitar/Shield Honor Guard with either Order of Shield/Dragon and Both of you will have decent AC (since cav can bump allies AC ALOT)

I like that you included the Archetypes. Only problem is the tactics required to OPTIMISE each cav differ drastically. An order of the Shield Honor Guard/Tactician is a Lock down specialist where an order of the Sword Gendarme is completely different.

Perhaps a section for example builds?

This handbook honestly needs a lot more recognition. Cavaliers make AWESOME fighter replacements. And are a great class for people who want a Full BAB class that can do more than say 'I full attack again'.

TarkXT wrote:

So If I pick a specific feat with a specific race I can get a mount.

Or I can just take leadership.

The problem is, Leadership is one of the most frequently banned feats in the game.

Chengar Qordath wrote:
TarkXT wrote:

So If I pick a specific feat with a specific race I can get a mount.

Or I can just take leadership.

The problem is, Leadership is one of the most frequently banned feats in the game.

It is. But that's generally because of the min maxing shenanigans pulled with them.

Chances are, if you explain your reasoning and show what you want to do with them (i.e. I want to be an awesome pegasus rider in later levels). It's easier to do what you need. Even without it flying mounts are still possible and probably even more groan worthy. All I need is a friendly spellcaster.

Sometimes the bigger sell is trying to convince your gm to let you find or make custom items like "Horseshoes of flying" which technically do not exist.

TarkXT wrote:

Sometimes the bigger sell is trying to convince your gm to let you find or make custom items like "Horseshoes of flying" which technically do not exist.

Problem with "Leadership" is including it for "one" character (without it becoming a precedent) and the fact that the "led" remain NPCs under full GM control (with their own minds and attitudes.. and restriction on alignment )

I know players where I would readily allow it.... and others, where the feat becomes a short fuse for imploding the campaign.

vikingson wrote:
TarkXT wrote:

Sometimes the bigger sell is trying to convince your gm to let you find or make custom items like "Horseshoes of flying" which technically do not exist.

Problem with "Leadership" is including it for "one" character (without it becoming a precedent) and the fact that the "led" remain NPCs under full GM control (with their own minds and attitudes.. and restriction on alignment )

I know players where I would readily allow it.... and others, where the feat becomes a short fuse for imploding the campaign.

Oh I can think of far easier ways for a cavalier and his group to implode a campaign without any need for leadership.

As to everything else listed those are things that are really between the GM and his group. I've listed plenty of alternatives for people who do not wish or are unable to take advantage of leadership.

Heck there's even a solid option above if you have a druid in the group.

We don't even need to get into options like Tome cavaliers asking the party wizard to scribe a particularly potent scroll of animate dead for them to make fast zombie mounts or planar binding Nightmares to serve. Or constructing golems in the shape of a horse. Or riding the summoner's eidolon. Lot's of scary good options are out there. Banning leadership only narrows down the choices.

So knights of the inner sea gave us three more order's I'm going to eventually add. I'm really excited about Order of the Staff for high level cavaliers and slightly less excited about Order of the land who can't quite decide what he's doing.

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When are you going to add Combat Styles and equipment?

Also, I created an archetype that allows a cavalier to ride a hippogriff. It replaces the normal mount and Expert Trainer. This is for a Kingmaker game I am running. What do you suggest would be the best way to build a hippogriff rider?

So has anyone here looked t the Huntmaster Archetype? It seems a bit underpowered. I don't get why Tactician only works on your dogs. But I'm sure with the right teamwork feats and some Boon Companion you can set up a pretty vicious team of dogs.

Any more coming? The guide isn't finished!

I hope Tark continues with this.

Cav is a good class but does require some system mastery to uses all your abilites.


Earlier today I had an idea-- throw a net at an enemy to entangle them, then tie the trailing rope of the net to your horse's saddle and command the horse to run away, dragging the enemy with it. If you were still riding the horse, then the net's 10-foot rope would mean that the horse could drag the enemy while it stays exactly the right distance for you to full-attack it with your lance.

Is this awesome, or stupid? Would it even work? Is it worth it for a cavalier to take EWP: Net? What action is it to tie the rope to the saddle of a nearby horse, then slap that horse on the backside to make it run (like in the movies)?

Should work, and it's a great visual to boot.

Silent Saturn wrote:

Earlier today I had an idea-- throw a net at an enemy to entangle them, then tie the trailing rope of the net to your horse's saddle and command the horse to run away, dragging the enemy with it. If you were still riding the horse, then the net's 10-foot rope would mean that the horse could drag the enemy while it stays exactly the right distance for you to full-attack it with your lance.

Is this awesome, or stupid? Would it even work? Is it worth it for a cavalier to take EWP: Net? What action is it to tie the rope to the saddle of a nearby horse, then slap that horse on the backside to make it run (like in the movies)?

I've been planning something similar myself, with both my cavalier and a dire bat riding goblin beastmaster ranger I've got statted up. A lasso should allow for similar shenanigans.

Tying the rope should probably be a full round action (I can easily throw a couple of half hitch knots around something in 6 seconds or less), but it'd probably just be a standard action if you had a bowline knot or a spliced loop on the end of the rope and just hooked it over the saddle horn. I've got no rule mechanics to back me up here, just guesstimating how fast I could manage to do it.

This is a great guide overall I've found.
One thing that I'm wondering about is how to make my ICBM of a cavalier even more effective on the charge. One magic item ability that comes up time and again for me is actually Impact.
Some people don't like impact unless you're playing with size category modifiers. I think for a cavalier, on the charge, it is just as effective. Here me out:
Impact increases the lance's size category by 1, meaning that it now strikes with 2D6 instead of 1D8. Doesn't seem like much, but on the charge, BAM!
You put that on a lance and on the charge, you're not doing 2D8 anymore, you're doing 4D6. Then, add in spirited charge feat and it's 6D6 in damage. That is a bit more compared to the original 2D8 on a charge, and with spirited charge it's becomes 3D8. That's not even counted the Supreme Charge ability the cavalier maxes out at (or if you go all out for a Gendarme charge machine). I'm not even gonna bother with the math on that, but needless to say, I think Impact makes one hell of a difference.

While I love lances, I've been looking for other weapons to make my cavalier effective on the charge, and while so far nothing is really that great, I love the Earth Breaker. It makes me feel like Sven Ole Thorson from Conan the Barbarian.

Edit: Great imagery for the net dragging cavalier would be a half-orc beast rider with the alternative racial trait that gives him access to both whips and nets as weapons.

I'm wondering if anyone has looked at the new rules in Animal Archive and how they affect cavaliers. I have only glanced through, but noticed that there are archetypes your mount can take, and new feats that allow large sized animals to fit into 5' wide spaces without having to squeeze.

Might it be possible to do a dungeon delving medium sized cavalier now?

Major_Blackhart wrote:

Some people don't like impact unless you're playing with size category modifiers. I think for a cavalier, on the charge, it is just as effective. Here me out:
Impact increases the lance's size category by 1, meaning that it now strikes with 2D6 instead of 1D8. Doesn't seem like much, but on the charge, BAM!
You put that on a lance and on the charge, you're not doing 2D8 anymore, you're doing 4D6. Then, add in spirited charge feat and it's 6D6 in damage. That is a bit more compared to the original 2D8 on a charge, and with spirited charge it's becomes 3D8.

While it's not a huge damage boost, (average damage of 6d6 is 21, 3d8 is 13.5, only 7.5 points of damage,) one of the big benefits I see of rolling lots of dice is that, thanks to the Law of Large Numbers, it reduces variability: With 6d6 fully 80% of your rolls will be in the middle 1/3 (16-26) of the possible results, whereas with 3d8, only 2/3 your rolls will be in that middle 1/3 (10-17). That means you will have fewer min damage, or close to min damage hits and your actual damage in practice will look more like your theoretical DPR. So you'll have less streaky or spiky performance, and I like consistency.

Of course, you'll also have a lot fewer of those max damage heroic moments, but life is all about tradeoffs. ;D


Don't forget, not only will your damage be more consistent, it will be consistently higher. The middle third of 6D6, 16-26, is almost completely above the middle third of 3D8, 10-17. The highest you can possibly get with 3D8 is 24, and the odds of actually getting that are vanishingly slim. But 24 is in the "middle third" range for 6D6, so you should roll that much or more quite often indeed.

If 80% of your rolls on 6D6 are between 16 and 26, that means only 10% will be lower than 16, and 10% will be higher than 26. But on 3D8, 2/3 of your rolls will be between 10 and 17, and half the remaining third will be lower than 10. This means 3D8 will be lower than 16 almost 5/6 of the time, while 6D6 will only roll that low 1/10 of the time. The 6D6 will also be 27 or above about than 10% of the time, something 3D8 can never do.

Dark Archive

Has anyone tried combining combing cavialer with mammoth rider?

Adding 1.5x your mount's (ridiclous)strength bonus to your own on a charge attack can only end well...

Having read the guide, but not the discussion, some of these points might have been addressed already. But here they come anyway:

The lance is a damned odd weapon, and there are quite a bit of things that need a ruling on.

First, the mounted lance is a 2-handed weapon that is used in one hand. Does this mean that it has the increased Str damage bonus and Power Attack benefits of a 2h weapon? If it does, it is clearly the ebst 2 handed weapon. Period.

Reach: the lance has reach, most mounts do not. This means you and the mount can't fight in tandem. In melee a step can make up for the difference, but in a charge this is a real problem. And yes, even the lance of a Small character has reach. Does Ride-By Attack solve this? Very unclear.

Monster Cohort
Thought I'd just mention this:

Ah yes, the last thing (forgot with previous post): mounted archery. A mount can take a normal move and the archer can make a full attack with ranged weapons at no penalty and needing no feats. More a trick for the paladin really, but still worth mentioning.

Starfox wrote:

Having read the guide, but not the discussion, some of these points might have been addressed already. But here they come anyway:

The lance is a damned odd weapon, and there are quite a bit of things that need a ruling on.

First, the mounted lance is a 2-handed weapon that is used in one hand. Does this mean that it has the increased Str damage bonus and Power Attack benefits of a 2h weapon? If it does, it is clearly the ebst 2 handed weapon. Period.

Reach: the lance has reach, most mounts do not. This means you and the mount can't fight in tandem. In melee a step can make up for the difference, but in a charge this is a real problem. And yes, even the lance of a Small character has reach. Does Ride-By Attack solve this? Very unclear.

Monster Cohort
Thought I'd just mention this:

Well, lunge for the mount fix it easy.

666, didn't say it was not fixable, just that it was notable.

Another thing that might be worth mentioning is how efficient mounted archery is - you can take a full attack and the mount take a normal move, all without any feats at all. This is a cool ad-on for a paladin.

Now that sohei monks can flurry with light armors - a level 6 sohei, rest cavalier with horse master feat is ... A killer !
You charge and flurry with lance with * 3 damage ... And ki power another attack.
It's a killer.
And your mount have magic weapon a one jump like crazy.
Wear mithril armor , take crane style and you are done

Starfox wrote:

Having read the guide, but not the discussion, some of these points might have been addressed already. But here they come anyway:

The lance is a damned odd weapon, and there are quite a bit of things that need a ruling on.

First, the mounted lance is a 2-handed weapon that is used in one hand. Does this mean that it has the increased Str damage bonus and Power Attack benefits of a 2h weapon? If it does, it is clearly the ebst 2 handed weapon. Period.

It doesn't say anything about whether or not you get two handed strength bonuses (and I don't think you do,) but there is a FAQ that says you get two handed Power Attack damage.


Reach: the lance has reach, most mounts do not. This means you and the mount can't fight in tandem. In melee a step can make up for the difference, but in a charge this is a real problem. And yes, even the lance of a Small character has reach. Does Ride-By Attack solve this? Very unclear.

Ride by attack works to give your mount an attack on a charge, but I've found it much more profitable to just keep on riding by the opponent to either force them to close with me (granting me an AoO) or not (granting me another charge.) I've found that even small sized cavaliers who are built to do weapon damage tend to outdamage their mounts pretty significantly. Mounts' attacks come in more useful when the cavalier is doing something else, like protecting people or bardifying. They don't do bad damage, but the (non-cohort, non-Beast Rider) damage isn't really missed, either.

hey there TarkXT, are you still going to update the guide?

I see some work done, nice!

Cannot access combat styles though...

Forgot to share the doc. Should be fixed now.

In case anyone hasn't figured it out by now I updated the guide for the combat styles and prestige class section.

Equipment is next.

awesome guide, just one thing, correct me if im wrong but i think i recall seeing another Build where you fight alongside with the mount flanking the enemy, if there was such a Build i cant see it anymore in the guide


In any case I updated the guide to include inner sea combat stuff.

In other news the clarifications to the mounted charge rules allow the cavalier to work pretty much as the guide assumes in case anyone was wondering.

The biggest tragedy so far is the that Dune Drifter is frankly a broken archetype written udner different assumptions on how the challenge ability works.

So ACG stuff for the cavalier. HEre's a brief run down before being added to the guide.

ORder of the BEast: Starts off weak. Turns out awesome. BEing able to shift your mount into whatever is so good.

Daring Champion: Replace mount and charging stuff with half the swashbuckler class. Absolutely amazing. I love the idea of combining PRecise Strike with challenge bonuses.

Undersized Mount: A good fix for BEast Riders stuck with medium mounts at 4th.

Teamwork feats: Improved Spell sharing is great if you can get regular buffs. Intercept charge is really, really good. LAnces are reach weapons. So unless he's got reach too he just impaled himslef on my lance AND got ready to eat a full attack. Good stuff.

How do you evaluate Order of the Flame?

Amazing for it s challenge and skill bonus. BAd for everything else.

Got any advice for A Daring Champion Order of the Flame?

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Be Awesome.

TarkXT wrote:
Be Awesome.

10/10, will pursue greater glory.

I actually thought the swift action movement in the surprise round and the immediate intimidate also weren't that bad.

The final ability sucks though.

Order of the Flame and Daring Champion seem to synergyse nicely, cause one tanks your AC and the other helps you kill stuff even faster and cover your behind with parry.

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LoneKnave wrote:

I actually thought the swift action movement in the surprise round and the immediate intimidate also weren't that bad.

The final ability sucks though.

The idea is to die a glorious death before then.

Excuse me while I put together a build with no armor.

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