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Whilst I'd agree that Sorcerer / Rogue is probably a very good combination, and will suit certain character concepts a lot better (the 'charismatic rogue' is a classic, after all), for 'least painful' I'd still go Rogue / Wizard - especially if you're wanting to squeeze in as many levels of Arcane Trickster as you can, and aren't looking beyond level 10.
Glancing at the Rogue archetypes, Cutpurse looks like it synergises really well with Arcane Trickster. You get both the archetype unique features by level 3, and the Stab and Grab feature doesn't state range - so an Arcane Trickster could use it, via Ranged Legerdermain, to attack and steal at the same time at range.
For the Wizard levels, since you're probably going to be looking at a few 'blasting' spells to get the most out of your Sneak Attack damage, the Admixture school looks very nice - with only 3 Wizard levels you only get a +1 damage to your evocation spells via Intense Spells, but the ability to alter the energy type on the fly (combined with a few solid Knowledge Skills to spot enemy weaknesses) will do wonders for your Ray of Frost and Shocking Grasp type Sneak Attacks. You'll want a Bonded Object rather than a Familiar, of course, because the latter only levels with your Wizard levels, but with the former it doesn't really make a difference.
Taking a small sized race is also a big advantage to the prospective Arcane Trickster - you're not planning on relying on weapon-size for your best Sneak Attacks, so getting the bonus AC, to-hit, and Stealth from being small is all pure advantage. Of course both Gnomes and Halflings get Charisma bonuses, but not Intelligence bonuses, so from an optimising point of view it's another nudge in the direction of Sorcerer levels instead of Wizard. On the other hand, the Gnome's Wizard favoured class option is a really nice one, adding to uses of school powers (not that you'll be getting many favoured class bonuses as a multi-class character, but still...). Many of the Gnome alternate racial traits look nice for a prospective Arcane Trickster, and for Halflings the Swift as Shadows alternative racial trait looks nice - since you're likely to be doing a lot of 'sniping' during your career.
I think the key is to play such a character as an Arcane Trickster from level one up - not to play it as if it were one class or the other (which leads to those feelings of loss when you level up and multiclass, and pine for what you could have had as a single-classed whatever). I'd probably start with a level of Rogue - either vanilla, or Cutpurse (or maybe Chameleon or Charlatan from Ultimate Combat - although a Bluff specialist would be better combined with Sorcerer levels to max out the benefits of a high Charisma). Then I'd alternate with levels of Wizard (Admixture) until I qualified for Arcane Trickster.

Benicio Del Espada |

The AT is better at spying and skulking than anybody. Sure, a rogue with a fortune in magic items can be invisible, fly, use gaseous form, etc., but that's expensive. An AT rog/wiz is good at all the important skills, due to a higher int than most rogues, and has lots of ways to pull off just about any heist he wants. Sneaking in, then teleporting out with the goods is a lot of fun.
Sure, a straight wizard can use the same spells, but that's all he's got. Sometimes, just walking in unnoticed and picking the lock from a distance saves you a lot of spell slots.

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No, a rogue 1 / wizard x is the best at spying, the AT gives you the silent/still 3 times a day @ 5, but a wand gives you the primary part of that for 3000 GP (or 7500 I believe to get 4-6 spells). Or just trait hide and perception as class skills and stay straight Mage; eventually you should have 8-9 skill points/lvl anyway. Meanwhile the wizard gets plenty of skill points, so really he only needs favored class and arguably trapfinding. The wizard/rogue was made to be a variant blaster with sneak attack spells, but with new rulings on scorching ray etc (1 sneak attack / spell) their damage lags a straight blaster in the best of circumstances.
They really just need a magus-type for rogue/mages since everyone loves the concept of this hybrid; believe me, I wish they were better too :).

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I think he's referring to this (link)
New in this case meaning May.

spalding |

What would you like me to prove? That sneak attack only works 1 per spell? Or that a straight blaster, at least at the levels I play (through 11, PFS) can outdamage an Arcane Trickster as a blaster master?
The part I quoted of course, but Dennis did your work for you. Though go ahead and do the straight blaster one that should be neat to see.

Benicio Del Espada |

No, a rogue 1 / wizard x is the best at spying, the AT gives you the silent/still 3 times a day @ 5, but a wand gives you the primary part of that for 3000 GP (or 7500 I believe to get 4-6 spells).
And a trickster gets that for free. We can equip our rog 1/wiz x any number of ways, but the trickster gets the same treasure, and has mo better skill points. I agree with almost everybody who talks about it that the AT could be better, too. I'd start with rogue BAB and 6 skill pts/ level. This has been discussed to death, though.
That magus/rogue idea is intriguing.

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I believe it is inevitable; too many love rogue/wizards for it NOT to happen. Probably summoner-style spell list, which is to say bard progression with certain "in flavor" spells (like Improved Invis) brought down so they get them at the same time as normal mages, and with cool unique tricks that revolve around being a deceptive Mage-type.
Paizo has proven Prestige Classes were a bad idea; hybrid base classes are the eave of the future :).

Benicio Del Espada |

I'd think that Bard already does a pretty good job covering the Rogue/Wizard (or at least 'skill monkey / arcane caster') hybrid zone, especially with the variety of archetypes now available.
That's true. The AT is a similar sort of character, but it gets sneak attack and mo' better spells, at the cost of being frail as a wizard. If your campaign isn't going to 12+ levels, a straight bard is probably a better choice, since there really aren't any "levels of suck."

Zolthux |

This is a quick summary of my current Arcane Trickster Build
Jimmy McPerson
Pyromaniac Gnome
Sorcerer7/Rogue3/Arcane Trickster 3
Str: 10
Dex: 16+2
Con: 14+2
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 14+4
BAB: 6/1
Base Saves: F3, R6, W7
Caster level: 10
Initiative: 10 (4 Dex, 2 Trait, 4 feat)
LV1: Eschew Materials (Sorcerer bonus feat), Toughness
Lv3: Point-Blank Shot
Lv5: Precise Shot
Lv7: Combat Casting, bonus Feat: Empower Spell
Lv9: Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative as feat from combat Trick Rogue Talent
Lv11: Greater Spell Penetration
Lv13: Quicken Spell
I thought about getting Improved Initiative instead of Empower Spell as BL feat, and getting Weapon Finesse by selecting the Finesse Rogue combat trick, that was I can also use get touch spells to go off. I'm not sure if it's worth it though
Bloodline: Elemental (Primal) [Fire]
Sneak Attack 3d6
Resist 10 Fire
Ranged Legerdemain
Impromptu Sneak Attack 1/day
1/day can use produce flame as a spell like ability with caster level = total HD
Fire spells deal 1 point of extra damage per damage die rolled
Main Items:
Rod of Empower Spell, Rod of Elemental Spell (Cold), Rod of Extend Spell
Handy Haversack, Ring of Wizardry II, Belt of physical Might +2 (Dex/con), Headband of Alluring Charisma +4, bunch of alchemist fires.
Main Spells:
Scorching Ray, Vanish, Greater Invisibility, Ray of Enfeeblement
Disable Device: +20 (+1 against traps)
Escape Artist: +11 (Only for the AT prereq)
Fly: +8 (+12 when casting Fly or Overland Flight)
Knowledge (Arcana): +9 (4 ranks, class skill, +2 from academician racial trait)
Perception: +18 (+1 for Traps)
Stealth: +24
UMD: +9
While invisible under Greater Invisibility, JM can catch opponents flat footed, denying them their dex and getting a +2 bonus. Using Scorching Ray, he also denies them any bonuses to AC due to Armor, shield, and nat armor. Thanks to point blank shot, he gets a +1 to attack rolls for being within 30', and an additional +1 for being small. If he chooses to use an alchemist's fire as a spell focus, he can get an additional +1.
Adding his Dex, his bonus to attack rolls with scorching ray is +15 vs an AC of 10+deflection bonuses-size mods. In other words, hitting on a 2.
Lower Level playstyle:
Cast Mage armor for buffing AC, use Elemental Rays to deal some damage, and Produce flame should you run out. At level 4, Scorching Ray becomes the main spell, scaling up with level for more damage. Invisibility later on becomes great for scouting. Always try to get opponent flatfooted as to be able to roll a 2 and hit.
During the sorcerer levels, you want to put skill ranks in whatever skills you want (2 in UMD for the +9, maybe some in stealth/perception, you don't get many ranks anyway) Once you hit the rogue levels, dump the ranks in everything you need for AT and Stealth/Perception

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I'd think that Bard already does a pretty good job covering the Rogue/Wizard (or at least 'skill monkey / arcane caster') hybrid zone, especially with the variety of archetypes now available.
Single class bards and alchemists both make very good equivalents to a rogue/ wizard hybrid, depending on what specific mix of abilities you want and character flavor you are looking for.

spalding |

Squawk Featherbeak wrote:was gonna say vivisectionist, but technically formulae aren't arcane spells.I'd probably allow them to function as arcane spells for the purpose of qualifying for this class. An alchemist/arcane trickster could be interesting, and I don't think it'd be unbalanced.
Especially since you can't mix the bombs with sneak attack damage.

Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert |

Well, except for the fact that alchemists do not have have mage hand.
And that many of the abilities the arcane trickster gains would be absolutely useless to an alchemist.
*bonks Cheapy over the head with bottle*
Don't go bringing your sensible arguments into this.
How did I forget that prerequisite?

Rynjin |

Well, except for the fact that alchemists do not have have mage hand.
Two World Magic.
And before you say "Alchemist has no 0 level spells" it does say that you can have it as a 1st level spell if you don't have Cantrips/Orisons.
And that many of the abilities the arcane trickster gains would be absolutely useless to an alchemist.
Ehh, I dunno, if you were a Vivisectionist you'd be acting Rogue-ish anyway and would likely be a sneaky Device Disabler and such. Seems decent, and you could get in after a mere 4 levels of Alchemist (with 2 Discoveries!). Seems like it's definitely the "least painful" route.
...And I just realized this post is a year old.

Barry Armstrong |

...And I just realized this post is a year old. =/
It's cool, necro posts on a RPG site are less trolled, since ideas come and go with trends.
Personally, I've always wanted to create an Arcane Trickster, and what sparked my interest most is using Magus to get there. That sounds like a VERY awesome way to go.
There doesn't happen to be a sneak attack archetype for Magus, does there? Or perhaps a 3PP I can browse for one?
I may have to create a second Magus Archetype for this purpose....

Hawktitan |

I seem to remember reading a great way to do Arcane Trickster, but it involved some guilds of golarion that bump up your caster level. I believe the end result was not losing any caster levels at all (or maybe it was just one) but I can't seem to find the post. Maybe someone with better knowledge than I can explain it.

Soryn Ambereye |

I built this guy as a thought experiment, and really, I just couldn't get over how I felt like "How the hell would this guy survive low levels?"
If you go Wizard into Alchemist, you're level 4-6 with a whopping +1 to +3 BAB. You sure as hell ain't sneak attacking anything, and you give up your bombs, which normally would make it capable of holding its own. Sure, you've got a handful of extracts to buff with, and you're still technically a Wizard (with Magical Knack, you're only down a single Caster Level at level 6) but it just... doesn't really feel like it has the kind of oomph that my other low level characters seem to have. I can't say for sure that it'd be painful, just that it sounds like it'd be really tough going in the early levels.
Though if I started a game at level 7, I would totally play this character without a second thought!

Barry Armstrong |

At level 4-6 things have an Armor Class of what, 18-24? That's doable with a +3 BAB, some other bonuses, and a good sprinkle of luck.
Plus, if you're focusing on touch attack vectors for your spell transmission, that AC is more like 12-16. Very highly doable.
Wizard (Spellslinger)/Gunslinger (Ambusher) seems like it might be a pretty cool outside-the-box approach here for ranged touch attacks with sneak attack and spells.
Wouldn't the full BAB of Gunslinger help the poor low-level BAB progression?

galahad2112 |
I'm pretty fond of Magus 6/rogue 3/ AT 1 by 10th level. Nobody doubts the efficacy of the magus for 6 straight levels (I presume, anyway), and about the time our intensified shocking grasp would be getting our extra d6's, we move over into sneak attack territory. Add in magical knack and we've got a monster here. Since Magi are melee combatants, it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to get him a flank, so sneak attacks are pretty regular, and he's only 1 BAB behind a straight 3/4 class at this point. Should be pretty effective from level 1 all the way to 20.

pad300 |
Assuming playing in Golarion, there is an actual not painful way. I am surprised that it has not been mentioned in this thread yet :
http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2o2tl&page=2?Guide-to-the-Arcane-Trickster# 61
Assuming your AT is playing in Golarion, there is a strong trick you have missed.
The Inner Sea Magic book presents assorted magic schools, guilds, etc as associations that a player can participate in, gaining fame and reward points... In particular, it presents the Eclectic Training (5 fame) and Esoteric Training (35 fame) rewards for guild membership, see pg. 22.Eclectic Training (5 Fame) : Guilds often require members to master and train in different subjects. When your fame score in a guild reaches 5, choose one spellcasting class you have at least 1 level in - you increase your effective caster level in that class (including the number of spells you know and can cast per day) by +1, to a maximum caster level equal to your total Hit Dice. Single-classed spellcasters should still pick a class to which this bonus applies, since this bonus is retroactive.
Esoteric Training (35 fame) : The bonus to caster level you gain from Eclectic Training increases to +3 (but is still limited by your total Hit Dice). You may select a second spellcasting class to gain a +1 bonus to effective class level.
These 2 rewards mean that you can play at AT with zero casting levels lost throughout their progression if you plot your career arc correctly:
Casting Class 1
Casting Class 2 ( Achieve 5 Fame & associated Eclectic Training - pick Primary Class)
Rogue Class 1 (note, you are not behind a level in primary class - eclectic training)
Casting Class 3
Casting Class 4
Rogue Class 2 (Achieve 35 Fame & associated Esoteric Training - Casting Class +3 Levels, Secondary Class +1 Levels)
Rogue Class 3
Arcane Trickster 1-10With this career arc, you are never behind a primary caster in your chosen discipline...
PS as a follow up note, if that "rogue" class is a vivisectionist alchemist, you can even use that secondary benefit from Esoteric Training.