pyro da great's page
Organized Play Member. 28 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
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hello does anyone know if the cubes of silent image can move around the battlefield or once established are they stationery?
School illusion (figment); Level bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a bit of fleece)
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Effect visual figment that cannot extend beyond four 10-ft. cubes + one 10-ft. cube/level (S)
Duration concentration
Saving Throw Will disbelief (if interacted with); Spell Resistance no
This spell creates the visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by you. The illusion does not create sound, smell, texture, or temperature. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect.

Uncertainty Lich wrote: thejeff wrote: Got to be careful: Concealment absolutely does not deny DEX to AC.
A successful Stealth check does.
Opps. Yeah. That's what I meant. There's no Hidden condition, is there?
I understand the space limitations, but damn that's no small piece of information to overlook.
I still get the impression that this build should shortly fall behind some of the other archers, but I'll have to spend some more time comparing them now. Except for those open fields in broad daylight without cover, this build could be pretty nasty. just because its an intelligent monster it still had no ranks in spellcraft so it had no idea how the spell worked in game terms as far as it knew the wizard teleported to safety and with a 5hr wait time for something that doesn't see halfling meat I would think it would wonder off... and why the halfling hate??? I have seen many players optimized for things like damage instead of stealth but I doubt you have an issue with people that can kill things with just 1 or 2 swipes using his 20 strength and 2 handed sword.... yet you find this guy OP?
can prestidigitation change the scent of a character to mask an invisible/stealthy mage to allow the mage get past guard dogs?
thanks in advance

here is a tactic I am working on and want to see other people opinions to see if it sounds reasonable (why or why not) before I bring it up to the DM and he says it can never be done....
I want to cast voice alterations, then voice ventriloquism, then silent image
then I want to concentrate on the silent image to keep it active while I stealth somewhere and have that image say what I want. I specifically want to use my "puppet" image to bluff people or creatures.
here is a sample typical use of the combo I am trying to achieve:
I create an illusion (using those 3 spells) of some town guards and have the image go up to the guard watching over the treasure/prisoner/ ect... while I stealth in the shadow nearby (stealth check) and I tell the guard that I am his relief and that he can go rest... I elaborate that I am on a different shift but got into trouble so I have extra duty by orders of the captain of the guard (bluff check)
so my question is this..
Is using bluff skill legal through the use of silent image?
thanks in advance

pyro da great wrote: cdglantern wrote: I wanted to make a list of spell combinations. I thought maybe we could do a poll. (I know) So the rules are:
1. Only 2 spell combos are allowed
2. Please copy and past the former list and edit/add our own vote.
If you have a new option as being the best most useful spell combo,
add it, if you agree with one of the other combo's already listed,
then add an X to the right of it.
3. For This Tread only arcane spells
Pretty easy. Keep the list clean, add your reasoning for your addition under the list and we will be set. If it gets to be a popular thread and we get to 100 posts, then we will perhaps close it and determine a top 10 cool/useful combos list. Which brings us to the fourth and final rule
Please do not post/vote more than 3 times.
I will begin with one just for show, I'll count it as a vote.
silent image + ventriloquism = create a person or thing and have it talk explosive ruins + summon monster that can read = suicide attacker with no save
cdglantern wrote: I wanted to make a list of spell combinations. I thought maybe we could do a poll. (I know) So the rules are:
1. Only 2 spell combos are allowed
2. Please copy and past the former list and edit/add our own vote.
If you have a new option as being the best most useful spell combo,
add it, if you agree with one of the other combo's already listed,
then add an X to the right of it.
3. For This Tread only arcane spells
Pretty easy. Keep the list clean, add your reasoning for your addition under the list and we will be set. If it gets to be a popular thread and we get to 100 posts, then we will perhaps close it and determine a top 10 cool/useful combos list. Which brings us to the fourth and final rule
Please do not post/vote more than 3 times.
I will begin with one just for show, I'll count it as a vote.
silent image + ventriloquism = create a person or thing and have it talk

Wildcard wrote: I'll looking for some contain or past uses of silent image, minor image, and major image spells in your games that will help me build an encounter for mine.
I'm building an illusionist villian to be the beginning "med-level" boss to my storyline and need some help with ideas of illusion spells for him to use against the party.
If you have any stories or ideas on illusion spells you have used, please share.
I'm a bit late to this party... I'm am currently playing a arcane trickster type... currently just started the game 1 level of wizard but 1 thing I plan on trying as is combining silent image + ventriloquism + ranks in bluff, stealth, religion and language skills such as goblin, orc... I am a trickster that likes to practice his craft on the religiously minded.... sneaking into goblin camps and such.. making images of goblin demon lords while using ventriloquism to convince the goblins that they will be punished if they don't attack the other goblin camp... thus killing 2 birds with 1 stone
so if I was dm using this tactic and wanted to weaken the players... I have a goblin trickster follow the party around using stealth and expeditious retreat to get away if found out (he could be a reoccurring villain) he would use ghost sound to make distant dragon noises (or some other monster too powerful to fight) and after a while the monster would appear and demand ransom (tax) to pass or face fight and death... I wouldn't demand everything they have just all their gold or a magic item... it would be up to the players to call the bluff or not... if the players follow and chase the goblin he would have pit trap set to aid in his escape and he would continue 1 time a week to pickpocket and harrass the PC's
with NO magic items!!!
halfling, or gnome
5 levels transmutation (dex) school wizard
23 dex... 18 + 2 (racial bonus) + 1 (for 4th level bonus) + 2 (for being 5th level as a transmutation school caster)
some feats and a
+1 trait bonus
so it breaks down like this
+6 dex ... not bad
+1 highland bandit trait
+4 size
+3 cat/centipede familiar
+5 ranks
+3 proficient in skill
+3 Feat: skillfocus stealth
+2 Feat: stealthy
= +27 stealth WITHOUT ANY ITEMS!!!
dungeonmaster heathy wrote: I'd try meetup.com; there might be some groups around; idk. tried that... really hard to find a group thanks though
Galuf wrote: sieylianna wrote: There was a VL for the Dayton area, but he stepped down. I moved from Dayton to Texas over a year ago, so my best recommendation is to attend the SOuthwest Ohio Gathering of Gamers at Epic Loot in Centerville and try to make contact with like minded gamers. They meet the first Sunday of each month from 1-5. There is a meetup page for the group. Thanks, I'm going to go check them out. Glad someone had a recommendation for me. may have to check that out... thanks
im late to this party but foresight school is a must
this would be the same rules as an archer on a chariot I would think
Wes Brock wrote: Hey guys. A new gaming store has recently opened up in Dallas, GA! We are doing an opening game day this Wednesday (December 26, 2012). We'd love for any gamers in the area to join us. It will be starting at 6 pm and runs until around 10 pm. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at wesbrock10@yahoo.com. Hope all you guys have a Merry Christmas and we hope to see a bunch of you guys there!
Event Listing
Event sign up to reserve your seat.
I live in dallas tx... if you wouldn't mind skyping me in I could play
dungeonmaster heathy wrote: Rholf Kastigarr wrote: My folks live in Midland. I grew up close to Amarillo. I'm in Dallas. We might get snow soon; it's pretty springlike though. I live in dallas... are you looking for players?
let me know if anyone looking for players
sieylianna wrote: There was a VL for the Dayton area, but he stepped down. I moved from Dayton to Texas over a year ago, so my best recommendation is to attend the SOuthwest Ohio Gathering of Gamers at Epic Loot in Centerville and try to make contact with like minded gamers. They meet the first Sunday of each month from 1-5. There is a meetup page for the group. I live in dallas... my group lost our dm... what part of texas are you from?
long-staff sixpenny striker wrote: I can DM or play. would you be willing to skype? I live in dallas
would you be able to play via skype
long-staff sixpenny striker wrote: Looking for a group anywhere between Roma and Port Isabel, TX. McAllen, Brownsville, Harlingen, etc.
Pathfinder, DnD.
are you a player or dm?
I could play if your open to skype
I have experience in pathfinder but would be willing to try something new I am available sat, sun
would you be willing to show newbies how to use this software? I am looking to get into a game but never used some of the stuff u talk about.
I have been wanting to play a human rogue/wizard with the foresight school until I qualify for arcane trickster
kingmaker is a pathfinder game? and do you allow people to skype in?

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DM DarknLight wrote: I am in need of another player or two for my homebrew game Blood of Heroes.
The party is currently has
Barbarian (Drunken Brute / Invulnerable Rager) 4 / Alchemist(Vivisectionist) 4
Magus(Bladebound)/Sorcereror (Wildblooded)
Flowing Monk of the Sacred Mountain 4 / Brawler Fighter 4
Druid (Menhir Savant) 4 / Rogue (Cat Burglar) 4
Trying to get find a buffer/back up healer.
Character Creation guidelines:
Characters are level 4
Characters will use the Gestalt character creation rules.
Alignment: Any Alignment but CE is allowable. Those who wish to be an evil alignment please explain the reason for this to me in the character post.
Core Rule Book, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic, and Ultimate Combat are allowed. Please tell me where you got your options from so I may look at them. Other options may be allowable if asked and I check through them.
Races: The game will be using home brew races. Found here Link
Stats:25 point buy.
No states over 20 or under 8 after racial modifiers
HP: Max at first level, than half your Hit dice + 1 every level after first.
Ex: 1d6 = 4, 1d8 = 5, 1d10 = 6.
2 traits
** spoiler omitted **
Some house rules can be found here Link
** spoiler omitted **...
I wouldnt mind playing do you use skype?
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anybody have any ideas on how to find a good group? A friend and I are looking to join a game and would like some ideas on how to find a group. thanks

Flashblade wrote: Hello friends!
A new campaign is about to start up, and we're making 2nd-level characters for it. A buddy of mine is doing stuff with polearms, and I want to do stuff with sniping. I've taken a look at the Fighter archetypes Archer and Crossbowman, and the Rogue archetype Sniper, and I am wondering what other options if any exist to make a good sniper. Looking at the math, Archer seems better than Crossbowman because of bows being better than crossbows in general. I'm not sure how much utility I would get out of Sniper compared to a regular Rogue. I'd appreciate some advice!
Ability scores are 15-point buy, and we're excluded from using any of the "Ultimate" books. I'd really appreciate it if anyone could give me some advice on how to make an effective sniper. I'll be happy to answer any questions and provide the work I've put into the character thus far for critique.
Thanks in advance!
I would go with arcane trickster with the foresight school and make a pair of "sniper googles" when I had the chance... unless you have a dm that just allows you to buy such an item.
If the dm allows it... create a "cursed" character that has multiple heros stuck inside... then roll a dice to see who "wakes up" that morning
I would only force you to keep your physical stats the same but chr,int,wis could be different... imagine a paladin cursed by an evil conven of witches that has the soul of a cast out necromancer inside
arcane trickster matched up with foresight school... is this the best?