Adahn_Cielo |
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Good day Paizo!
I stumbled today on a PbP recruitment that allowed to pick a +1 template to add to a three level character. So I started my search for something cool, until I've stumbled on the variant half-fiends in Demons Revisited. I was going over them, trying to find something that could make a flavorful build, when a thought dawned upon me:
"F**k optimization, I'm making the Succubus In a Grapple"
So, I came here for advice on a Grapple build: I've seen it can be done in a number of ways, but what is it the more viable? The one I see around the most is the Tetori, but are there other ways? (Mostly, I'd have to ask permission if I could play a non-lawful monk, in that case.)
Here is the Half-Succubus template for reference, a variant of the Half-Fiend template:
Passion (Su): A half-succubus drains energy from a mortal she lures into an act of passion—unwilling victims must be grappled before the half-succubus can use this ability. The passion bestows one negative level. A half-succubus can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Hit Dice. The save DC to remove one of these negative levels is equal to 10 + the half-succubus’s HD + her Cha modifier.
Change Shape (Su): A half-succubus can use this ability to assume the form of any humanoid creature of her size, as if using alter self, once per day.
Alternate Spell-Like Abilities: Replace desecrate with detect thoughts. Replace poison 3/day with charm monster 3/day. Replace contagion with dominate person. Replace unhallow with greater teleport. Replace horrid wilting with ethereal jaunt. Replace destruction with dominate monster.
Abilities: A half-succubus gains Dex +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +2, and Cha +8.
Building Rules
Level: 3
Traits: One
Starting wealth: 3000
Point Buy: 25! (With that and extra stats from the template, a monk seems better and better...)

Bob Bob Bob |
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So, your only two options really are the Tetori and the Barbarian, and if you think it's going to high level it's the Tetori. The reason why is simple: Freedom of Movement. It's a nice blanket "no I'm immune to grapple". Tetori, at 9th level, gets to burn a ki to say "no you're not, now take it like a wrestler!". At 13th it also include dimensional anchor, so no teleporting/shifting/whatever.
The Barbarian is mostly included for completeness sake, also because Strength Surge ends up as True Strike for combat maneuvers and every instance in which I get to point out Body Bludgeon is good. First you grapple them, then you pin them, then you repeatedly slam their head into someone else's while yelling "NOW KISS!" at the top of your lungs.

Ipslore the Red |

Is there a reason you can't play a Lawful Half-Succubus? I'm assuming so but... not seeing it.
No. Half-Fiend's alignment restriction, if it's used, is "any evil", including Lawful Evil. One could argue that it's RAI that you're restricted to the alignment of your parent fiend, but that's not stated or suggested anywhere.

kestral287 |
kestral287 wrote:Is there a reason you can't play a Lawful Half-Succubus? I'm assuming so but... not seeing it.No. Half-Fiend's alignment restriction, if it's used, is "any evil", including Lawful Evil. One could argue that it's RAI that you're restricted to the alignment of your parent fiend, but that's not stated or suggested anywhere.
Yeah, that's what I was seeing. LE Half-Succubus Tetori seems like the way to go here. But, given that others were saying you couldn't be Lawful... *shrug*

Adahn_Cielo |

Thanks a lot everyone!
Oh, sorry, I didn't express myself well with the alignement comment: I would have liked not to be lawful, not that I couldn't!
But seeing as Tetori is hands down the best(I didn't know it had a power to negate freedom of movement!) I'll roll with it.
In that case, what feats should I pick? I usually saw that Snapping Turtle style and the final embrace feats are the most suggested. Any other feat I should take into consideration? Also, can anyone that have played a Tetori tell me his experience with the archetype?

Adahn_Cielo |

Grappling dragons, hell yeah!
How's this for a first draft? Note that the template is probably getting changed a little: first thing, I won't get the natural attacks nor the Smite Evil. The fly speed is getting looked at, too.
Stats pre template:
19 STR
14 DEX
12 CON
10 INT
14 WIS
10 CHA
Post Template:
19 STR
16 DEX
16 CON
12 INT
16 WIS
18 CHA
Traits: -Calistrian Courtesan for fluff and profit
-A custom trait that lets me be a CN monk
-A campaign trait that makes me start with +1000 golds (again, mostly fluff)
Level 1: Snapping Turtle Style, M:Improved grapple, H:Steadfast personality
Level 2: Stunning Pin
Level 3: Snapping Turtle Clutch
Where should I go from here? Also, I have 4000 gold to spend, but I don't know on what. I was thinking on saving up for an Amulet of Mighty fists, maybe? (I could buy one, but blowing all my money on a single item at the start sounds not so smart :/)

Adahn_Cielo |

Hhhhm, at the time I'm at 18 AC: +1 Natural armor, +1 from Snapping Turtle,+3 Dex and +3 Wis.How could I up it? Maybe I could reduce INT (blonde succubus?) to buff Wis or Dex, and buy an headband to buff Wisdom? Ireally don't want to reduce CHA too much, both for fluff and because my level drain and SLAs scale with it.

Adahn_Cielo |

Right, forgot about the bracers.
How does it look?
Female human (taldan) monk (tetori) 3 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 61)
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +9
AC 19, touch 17, flat-footed 15 (+1 armor, +4 dexterity, +1 natural, +3 untyped bonus)
hp 27 (3d8+9)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +6 (+3 insight bonus vs mind-affecting effects); +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities evasion
Speed 40 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +6 (1d6+4)
Special Attacks stunning fist (3/day, DC 14)
Str 19, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 9, Wis 16, Cha 17
Base Atk +2; CMB +7 (+9 grapple); CMD 23 (26 vs. grapple)
Feats Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Snapping Turtle Clutch[UC], Snapping Turtle Style[UC], Steadfast Personality[ACG], Stunning Fist, Stunning Pin[UC]
Traits calistrian courtesan
Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +9 (+10 to gather information), Intimidate +7, Perception +9, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +8, Swim +8
Languages Common
SQ fast movement, graceful grappler, hedonistic, maneuver training
Other Gear bracers of armor +1, 3,000 gp
Special Abilities
Calistrian Courtesan You worked in one of Calistria’s temples as a sacred courtesan, and you know how to flatter, please, and (most of all) listen. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks and Diplomacy checks to gather information, and one of these skills (your
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Fast Movement (+10 ft.) The Monk adds 10 or more feet to his base speed.
Graceful Grappler (Ex) A tetori uses his monk level in place of his base attack bonus to determine CMB and CMD for grappling. At 4th level, he suffers no penalties on attack rolls, can make attacks of opportunity while grappling, and retains his Dexterity bonus to AC when
Hedonistic If you do not gain a reward in a day, you are fatigued for 4h the next day (Fort DC 20 negates)
Improved Grapple You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when grappling a foe.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Maneuver Training (Ex) CMB = other BABs + Monk level
Snapping Turtle Clutch Your shield bonus applies to your CMD and touch AC
Snapping Turtle Style +1 Gain +1 shield bonus to AC when at least one hand is free
Steadfast Personality You gain a +3 insight bonus to Will saves vs mind-affecting effects.
Stunning Fist (3/day, DC 14) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Stunning Pin Use Stunning Fist against pinned opponents
Halfblood - Zhen had many children, and even more grandchildren. He tends to spoil them rotten...
Effect - You start with an additional 1000gp and the Halfblood last name. Don’t worry about race - many of Zhen’s children were adopted. This may have other, surprising, effects.
Grappling Succubus: Go go CN monk succubus!
I have still 3000 gold to spend. Some tips? I guess that a backup ranged weapon won't hurt.

Scott Wilhelm |
The thing that Tetori really has going on is the Inescapable Grasp Ability which they get at level 9.
Outside of that, a judicious multiclass combination can achieve a VERY powerful Grappling build.
I strongly favor the combination of Greater Grapple, Expert Captor, and Potion Glutton with levels in Alchemist, acquiring a King Crab Tumor Familiar and perhaps a Tentacle.
Greater Grapple lets you make 2 Grapple Checks/round: initiate as a Standard Action, maintain as a Move Action.
With Expert Captor, you can Tie Up a Grappled--not even Pinned!--opponent, and you don't take the -10 to do it. Expert Captor is a level 2 ability granted to Cavaliers of the Order of the Penitent.
A Grapple Check is an attack roll, so it would benefit from True Strike. You could cast True Strike on yourself the round before you close in to Grapple, but how to get the True Strike bonus for the Move Action roll? Answer: Potion Glutton. Potion Glutton lets you consume any Potable, including an Alchemist Extract, as a Swift Action. The prerequisite of Potion Glutton is that you have to worship Uragothoa, the God of Excess and death or something.
So say you are a Grappler with a level or 2 in Alchemist. You use a Wand of True Strike the round before you close with the Balor Demon and then run up to him.
Next round, you Initiate the Grapple as a Standard Action, pop your Extract of True Strike as a Swift Action, then Tie the Balor demon Up as a Move Action.
How else can you pump up your Grapple Mod?
Improved Grapple: +2
Greater Grapple: +2
Armbands of the Brawler: +1
Brawling armor enchantment: +2
Gauntlets of the Skilled Maneuver: +2
King Crab Familiar: +2
Grab Ability: +4. You could get the Grab ability by taking the Alchemal Discovery Tentacle. You can get it with the Final Embrace Feat, which requires you have the Constrict Ability. In PFS, I intend to gain the Constrict ability with 2 levels in White-Haired Witch.
Coordinated Maneuvers Teamwork Feat: +2. You get a bonus Teamwork Feat with a level in Cavalier, and you get the Tactician Class Ability at level 1, which lets you gift your allies with your Teamwork Feat.
The Alchemal (+4) Strength Mutagen stacks with things like Bull Strength and the Belt of Giant Strength and the Burning Blood Spell (if you are an Orc or Half-Orc).
I hope you find my advice useful.

Adahn_Cielo |

Oooh, lots of good advice! :D
First things first: I'm adamant about staying a CN follower of Calistria, so Antipaladins, cavalier orders that don't really sit well with her, and the extremely cheesy celestial obedience for the empyreal lord that gives a +4 bonus to grapple are out (Maybe to be considered later if my alignement shift, but we'll see).
Grabbing style looks really cool. Just to be sure, I couldn't normally take it because I trade away flurry of blows, correct?
Aside that Urgathoa is gross, I don't think that Potion Glutton works with extracts. :/ There was a similar trait/feat that let you drink potions more quickly, but I think it was clarified that it doesn't work with extracts (I may be wrong, though).
As much I would like a tentacle to grapple young Tian schoolgirls, I already the grab ability with Tetori monk at 8th level, and you tend to scare away potential grapple clients with a moving tumor.
Though, seeing as I have sky high charisma and a feat I don't know how to spend at first level, couldn't I take Eldritch Heritage(Arcane) and pick a cute king crab familiar?
Gauntlets of skilled maneuvers are right up on my shopping list. I would have liked to take the Armbands of the brawler, but they occupy the wrist slot, something that I'm using for the bracers of armor.

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Grabbing style looks really cool. Just to be sure, I couldn't normally take it because I trade away flurry of blows, correct?
You normally couldn't take it early because you trade out flurry of blows, yes. I would allow any tetori to let graceful grappler qualify as flurry for the purpose of grabbing style prerequisites as a house rule though. It makes no sense that a monk who specialized in grappling would be unable to mast a grappling style at first level, but a monk who doesn't can.

Adahn_Cielo |

A question tough: I went over the grapple rules, and I didn't find anything about grappling two enemies at once. The text of grabbing style makes me think that there is normally a -4 penalty, but I think I still have to use a standard action to maintain a grapple, something that I couldn't do if I was grappling 2 creatures at once. So how does it work?
Also, would it be useful to buy a couple of cold iron and silve cesti to punch trough DR, before I get an amulet of mighty fists?

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So there is normally a -4 penalty to grapple someone with one hand. Grabbing style eliminates that.
While it is normally a standard action to initiate or maintain a grapple, there are ways to reduce that. Greater Grapple allows you to make a second grapple as a move check. Rapid Grappler then allows you to make another grapple check as a swift action. The Grab special ability allows you to make a grapple check as a free action after a successful unarmed strike.
So, assuming you started your round adjacent to two enemies, you could make a standard action unarmed strike against Target A. It hits, triggering Grab, so you then make a free action grapple check that succeeds. Target A is grappled with one hand. You then make a move action grapple Target A again, either to apply damage or pin. You can then make a swift action grapple maneuver thanks to Rapid Grappler, that can be used against Target B.
If you manage to get Final Embrace, to get constrict damage on all of these grapple checks, things get downright deadly.

Scott Wilhelm |
Oooh, lots of good advice! :D
First things first: I'm adamant about staying a CN follower of Calistria, so Antipaladins, cavalier orders that don't really sit well with her, and the extremely cheesy celestial obedience for the empyreal lord that gives a +4 bonus to grapple are out (Maybe to be considered later if my alignement shift, but we'll see).
Grabbing style looks really cool. Just to be sure, I couldn't normally take it because I trade away flurry of blows, correct?
Aside that Urgathoa is gross, I don't think that Potion Glutton works with extracts. :/ There was a similar trait/feat that let you drink potions more quickly, but I think it was clarified that it doesn't work with extracts (I may be wrong, though).
As much I would like a tentacle to grapple young Tian schoolgirls, I already the grab ability with Tetori monk at 8th level, and you tend to scare away potential grapple clients with a moving tumor.
Though, seeing as I have sky high charisma and a feat I don't know how to spend at first level, couldn't I take Eldritch Heritage(Arcane) and pick a cute king crab familiar?Gauntlets of skilled maneuvers are right up on my shopping list. I would have liked to take the Armbands of the brawler, but they occupy the wrist slot, something that I'm using for the bracers of armor.
What makes you think Potion Glutton doesn't work?
Why wear Bracers of Armor? If you are going to be a Tetori, wear real armor. When you are an armored monk, what you lose is Flurry, increased move, and your Monk Wis AC bonus. But Tetori don't get Flurry anyway, and if you look at the numbers, I think you'll find the Monk AC bonuses are just an offset: not as good as real armor.

Scott Wilhelm |
A question tough: I went over the grapple rules, and I didn't find anything about grappling two enemies at once. The text of grabbing style makes me think that there is normally a -4 penalty, but I think I still have to use a standard action to maintain a grapple, something that I couldn't do if I was grappling 2 creatures at once. So how does it work?
Also, would it be useful to buy a couple of cold iron and silve cesti to punch trough DR, before I get an amulet of mighty fists?
Look at the rules under multiple grapplers.
Initiating a grapple against multiple opponents isn't against the rules per se, but initiating a grapple costs a Standard Action, and you only get 1 Standard Action per round. If you have Improved Grapple and even Rapid Grappler, you can maintain a grapple as a Move Action and as a Swift Action, but you still need to Initiate as a Standard Action.
Possibly, if you already have an opponent Grappled, you might maintain a Grapple against him as a Move Action and Initiate a Grapple against a new opponent as a Standard Action, but I think your first Grapple attempt every round has to be a Standard Action. Even if you could do something like that, though, I recommend you Tie Up your first opponent and then Initiate against the next. If you can accumulate enough checks/round, you might be able to Grapple more than 1 opponent/round even if you are still taking them out 1 at a time. Ask your DM.
The Maneuver Master Monk lets you make bonus Maneuvers in a round with their Flurry of Maneuvers ability, including Standard Action Maneuvers such as Grapple Checks. You might be able to make it happen with something like that.
Natural Attacks with the Grab Ability, such as a Tentacle, do allow you to Grapple multiple opponents. Technically, it is the Tentacle that is Grappling, not you. Since the Final Embrace Feat grants the Grab Ability to ALL your natural attacks, you might potentially Grapple as many opponents as you have Natural Attacks to Grab with, but using the Grab ability in this way imposes a -20 on your CMB.
There are spells like Web, Strangling Hair, and Black Tentacles. All these spells Grapple opponents. You might cast Strangling Hair on one opponent and then Grapple someone else at the same time. That seems like an awkward strategy, though. One thing that should work pretty well though is if your party Wizard starts casting Web spells liberally. What the Webs do is grapple people inside them, and with your really high Grapple mod, you can move freely through the Webs and enjoy a huge advantage over your opponents. You will be the Wizard's spider!
I think technically cesti would not help you Grapple better, but the beauty of Grappling is that you don't have to damage your opponent. Tie them Up! Even if you can't bypass the Lich's DR, you can still hogtie it. And good luck trying to cast spells when you are bound and gagged.

Scott Wilhelm |
So there is normally a -4 penalty to grapple someone with one hand. Grabbing style eliminates that.
While it is normally a standard action to initiate or maintain a grapple, there are ways to reduce that. Greater Grapple allows you to make a second grapple as a move check. Rapid Grappler then allows you to make another grapple check as a swift action. The Grab special ability allows you to make a grapple check as a free action after a successful unarmed strike.
So, assuming you started your round adjacent to two enemies, you could make a standard action unarmed strike against Target A. It hits, triggering Grab, so you then make a free action grapple check that succeeds. Target A is grappled with one hand. You then make a move action grapple Target A again, either to apply damage or pin. You can then make a swift action grapple maneuver thanks to Rapid Grappler, that can be used against Target B.
If you manage to get Final Embrace, to get constrict damage on all of these grapple checks, things get downright deadly.
The problem with your plan is that you can only use Rapid Grappler on a round you also used Greater Grapple, and Greater Grapple costs a Move Action, and that means you could not do that on the same round you made a Full Attack action with say 2 Claws that had the Grab Ability.
Arguably, you MIGHT be able to use those 2 Claws to Initiate grapples against 2 opponents on the first round with Grab, then if you have Expert Captor, Grapple as a Standard Action to Tie Up your first opponent then again as a Move Action to Tie Up your second. If you also have Rapid Grappler and the Grab Ability on your Bite Attack, you could do for a 3rd opponent in the same way.
Another option is if you had the Feral Combat Training Feat. If you applied it to a Natural Attack with Grab and took Attack of Opportunity feats. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Snake Fang: you could initiate one of your Grapples as an Attack of Opportunity, perhaps out of turn, and you might gain some action economy that way.