Kizan |
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Dr. Johnny Fever |
My gaming group is scattered across the country and we have been using d20Pro for a couple of months now. It is a wonderful VTT for d20 gaming.
Having Paizo offer any of their content, from adventures to rulebooks, in a d20Pro-importable format would be a massive boon to both GMs and players. Mindgene's d20Pro Marketplace was created for this just purpose.
I would gladly pay for content like I mentioned above that was available through the d20Pro Marketplace.
Good gaming to all,

daeruin |

I would LOVE to see the maps and creatures from Paizo products available in the d20pro marketplace! As it is, I have to spend many hours creating stuff by hand, knowing that dozens of others have probably labored to do the same thing. I would gladly pay some extra for d20pro-importable Paizo content—particularly the Kingmaker adventure path series. The only way my gaming group can meet regularly is to play remotely using d20pro. I know my players would also be willing to pitch in and buy some content if it meant we could play more often and more efficiently. Bring it on, Paizo!

hortence |
Absolutely agree. I love the marketplace concept, love how tabletop RPGs in general have taken so well to the Internet without losing their essence -- the fun of getting together and interacting as a group. Any opportunity to minimize needless prep and maximize game time is a win in my book. My vote is for Kingmaker content too!

Hinarin |
I think that it would be very beneficial to have such content available! Like Daeruin said I would GLADLY pay some extra for this! The time it would save per session would be incredible! And I think it would relieve some stress on the GM. It would probably lead to more thought out set up since you could implement and change ideas faster.

Dorje Sylas |

Elorebaen |

I think it would be more useful if Paizo were to offer generic VTT art packs. Additionally, until d20Pro can offer something like LMs Pathfinder macro framework in Maptool,I don't think they should get "official" support. At this stage, offering generic VTT support is a good thing, though.

Dracones |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I think it would be more useful if Paizo were to offer generic VTT art packs. Additionally, until d20Pro can offer something like LMs Pathfinder macro framework in Maptool,I don't think they should get "official" support. At this stage, offering generic VTT support is a good thing, though.
Fantasy Grounds is another solid VTT with a good Pathfinder framework and a store to download modules.
I think it'd be interesting for Paizo to offer generic VTT support and then allow each of the VTT products to bring that into their system. FG could mod the base VTT and put it into their store, same with d20pro and for Maptools I'm sure someone would put up a converter to bring the base AP/Module into a Maptool's framework.

ChrisRevocateur |

Pathfinder content for the d20Pro market place would be awesome.
Adventure Paths, Modules, and Scenarios would be pretty awesome for sure, but what I'd like to see sold in the marketplace are the GameMastery Map Packs and Flip-Mats formatted for VTT use. I could just buy them from Paizo directly, rip the images out, modify ones like the Map Packs so that they fit the particular tile size that they are (little room in the City pack, I'm lookin at you!), and then import the maps individually into d20Pro, but if I didn't have to, I'd pay an extra dollar or so over the regular PDF price.

ChrisRevocateur |

As a avid user of D20Pro and player of Pathfinder I DO NOT want to see Paizo released stuff for the D20pro marketplace unless it would be unique to D20Pro Marketplace materials, just rehashed AP's and other stuff that I already own and are extremely simple to enter into D20Pro has 0 value to me.
So importing the maps, and making all the creatures with their special abilities programmed in, setting fog of war, using tiles to set up closed and open trap doors or other secrets, setting up markers with information for the traps or other special spaces or just important information, typing out a text file with all the boxed text for the adventure, etc. That's all extremely simple for you to put in yourself?
Show me how, cause I can't get the grids in the AP maps to fit for the life of me, the grid will NEVER match up. The grids in the Map Packs match up, and a friend of mine told me that the flip mat pdfs match up, but the maps from the APs and modules won't.
Even using Hero Lab, inputting creatures takes forever, 'cause there will always be mistakes between the Hero Lab version and the one that d20Pro makes. Also, none of the special abilities come programmed in the transfer.
Same with tiles and markers. It all takes time, and in the case of markers, time that often isn't worth it, but if it were done for me, would make my gaming just that bit easier.
Plus, I don't own too much of the AP's or modules, but I'd probably start buying them up like hot cakes if I had them already programmed into d20Pro.

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bigkilla wrote:As a avid user of D20Pro and player of Pathfinder I DO NOT want to see Paizo released stuff for the D20pro marketplace unless it would be unique to D20Pro Marketplace materials, just rehashed AP's and other stuff that I already own and are extremely simple to enter into D20Pro has 0 value to me.So importing the maps, and making all the creatures with their special abilities programmed in, setting fog of war, using tiles to set up closed and open trap doors or other secrets, setting up markers with information for the traps or other special spaces or just important information, typing out a text file with all the boxed text for the adventure, etc. That's all extremely simple for you to put in yourself?
Show me how, cause I can't get the grids in the AP maps to fit for the life of me, the grid will NEVER match up. The grids in the Map Packs match up, and a friend of mine told me that the flip mat pdfs match up, but the maps from the APs and modules won't.
Even using Hero Lab, inputting creatures takes forever, 'cause there will always be mistakes between the Hero Lab version and the one that d20Pro makes. Also, none of the special abilities come programmed in the transfer.
Same with tiles and markers. It all takes time, and in the case of markers, time that often isn't worth it, but if it were done for me, would make my gaming just that bit easier.
Plus, I don't own too much of the AP's or modules, but I'd probably start buying them up like hot cakes if I had them already programmed into d20Pro.
Yes for me entering everything and setting it up is easy, it just takes a little time.
You will never get the maps from the AP's to join up properly because the grids are not square.I just put them on their so they are lined up the best, never perfect but do they need to be?
The bottom line is everything can be easily done if you time and patience which I have in abundance.
I'm not trying to be a @ss but this is not something I think Piazo would ever do.

Dahgda |
I think they might - there is the HeroLab deal with APs, and the Syrinscape deal for music tied to each encounter. Having the higher quality maps that Paizo would start with available to toss onto a VTT (without a grid "printed" on the map, so uses the VTT's grid) would be a nice touch.
I currently use Roll20, but am looking at switching because they do not integrate Syrinscape, and all the options I have found to stream it are at the very best "Meh" quality. If I knew Paizo was going to do pack for d20Pro, it would make my mind up for me - I would happily pay for content thrice (buying the modules, paying for AP soundsets and then VTT content).