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redliska wrote:
There should be message board Iconics for all the classes. AM BARBARIAN has loads of personality invades numerous threads and is widely loved and reviled. Any other board characters we could throw up with him?

Vomit guy?

What about geas-quest coupled with range and maybe silence metamagic? Stay invisible and out of arcane sight's range. It'll take 10 minutes, but it has no save. AM would need to know you were casting it in order to use his spell turning ring.

If you come up with something clever you can either prevent him from ever killing you, or have him do something that will take him a really long time to complete. If he doesn't complete the geas/quest, he loses 3 to his ability scores every day for as long as he doesn't obey the geas/quest, up to a -12.

Interestingly, AM will have about 2 days before having his int dropped into animal territory. Once that happens, he can't use the majority of his feats or any command activated items, I'm guessing.

I'd throw him a dictionary, and have him memorize it and then recite it back to me, and then run. If he tries to catch me, he won't be memorizing, and if he tries to memorize, he isn't going to be reciting it to me. If he kills me, he'll still be affected and since he can't recite it back to me, he'll be at 1 int for the rest of his life.

Since I haven't played a caster (unless ranger counts), this is probably the best I can come up with.

Killsmith wrote:

What about geas-quest coupled with range and maybe silence metamagic? Stay invisible and out of arcane sight's range. It'll take 10 minutes, but it has no save. AM would need to know you were casting it in order to use his spell turning ring.

If you come up with something clever you can either prevent him from ever killing you, or have him do something that will take him a really long time to complete. If he doesn't complete the geas/quest, he loses 3 to his ability scores every day for as long as he doesn't obey the geas/quest, up to a -12.

Interestingly, AM will have about 2 days before having his int dropped into animal territory. Once that happens, he can't use the majority of his feats or any command activated items, I'm guessing.

I'd throw him a dictionary, and have him memorize it and then recite it back to me, and then run. If he tries to catch me, he won't be memorizing, and if he tries to memorize, he isn't going to be reciting it to me. If he kills me, he'll still be affected and since he can't recite it back to me, he'll be at 1 int for the rest of his life.

Since I haven't played a caster (unless ranger counts), this is probably the best I can come up with.



Liberty's Edge

Killsmith wrote:

What about geas-quest coupled with range and maybe silence metamagic? Stay invisible and out of arcane sight's range. It'll take 10 minutes, but it has no save. AM would need to know you were casting it in order to use his spell turning ring.

Aside from AM's reply, he'd have to be able to understand you for it to work; if he can't hear you, it auto-fails.

Four things:
1) At long range, that's a 1200 ft range. Even without using silence, AM can't hear it.

2) AM is able to understand it if it isn't silenced. He's just not close enough to hear. He still has the ability though.

3) The quest was an example. The caster could just as easily tell you to spend 24 hours a day memorizing until it is memorized and then have you recite it to a specific person you don't know. Finding said person isn't part of the quest in that example, so it has to happen on your own time.

4) Everybody poops. That's when this theoretical wizard will strike.

Killsmith wrote:

4) Everybody poops. That's when this theoretical wizard will strike.

I'm sorry but AM BARBARIAN processes all food into PURE HATE a clean burning fuel efficient energy. So no go.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
TarkXT wrote:
Killsmith wrote:

4) Everybody poops. That's when this theoretical wizard will strike.
I'm sorry but AM BARBARIAN processes all food into PURE HATE a clean burning fuel efficient energy. So no go.

That, or he has a Sustenance Ioun Stone and no need for eating OR pooping.

Take that children's literature!

4 people marked this as a favorite.







Good solution? Yes.

Elegant? Oh, sweet pasta, no. No sir.
Which is good ia and of itself, 'elegant barbarians' make as much sense as 'military inteligence' or 'casty surviving AM'.

KrispyXIV wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
Killsmith wrote:

4) Everybody poops. That's when this theoretical wizard will strike.
I'm sorry but AM BARBARIAN processes all food into PURE HATE a clean burning fuel efficient energy. So no go.

That, or he has a Sustenance Ioun Stone and no need for eating OR pooping.

Take that children's literature!

Food's not the only thing that gets pooped. Even if you're not eating, there's bile and dead red blood cells to get rid of.

Killsmith wrote:
KrispyXIV wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
Killsmith wrote:

4) Everybody poops. That's when this theoretical wizard will strike.
I'm sorry but AM BARBARIAN processes all food into PURE HATE a clean burning fuel efficient energy. So no go.

That, or he has a Sustenance Ioun Stone and no need for eating OR pooping.

Take that children's literature!

Food's not the only thing that gets pooped. Even if you're not eating, there's bile and dead red blood cells to get rid of.

PURE. HATE. That is all.

VM mercenario wrote:



Good solution? Yes.

Elegant? Oh, sweet pasta, no. No sir.
Which is good ia and of itself, 'elegant barbarians' make as much sense as 'military inteligence' or 'casty surviving AM'.

the elegance is that the poo is cleaned up by the dead casty

"I'm given to understand that each time I cast this spell the divorce rate rises."

There are no rules for pooping. Therefore, one can eat and drink all they want! Though there are rules for weight, so since your stomach is basically an extra satchel, the more you eat, the more your encumbrance will go up.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I removed a post that went a really weird place, even for these boards.

Liberty's Edge

drumlord wrote:
There are no rules for pooping. Therefore, one can eat and drink all they want! Though there are rules for weight, so since your stomach is basically an extra satchel, the more you eat, the more your encumbrance will go up.

As the rules don't state your weight does increase, even without pooping, can your stomach be used as an infinite capacity 'bag' of holding?

Rules for pooping might be in the next errata, else AM BARBARIAN may carry his LANCE and mount in his stomach...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ross Byers wrote:
I removed a post that went a really weird place, even for these boards.

Considering the current topic, I am suddenly frightened.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Trinam wrote:

What? Nah, man, all this accomplishes is making him Cthulhu by sealing him away for thousands of years until the stars are right. ;D


Lantern Lodge

AM can sunder death! Go BARBARIAN Go! *Lumi starts waving pom poms around for no reason*

why is the theme to willow playing in my head now?

Shadow Lodge

Ross Byers wrote:
I removed a post that went a really weird place, even for these boards.

Was it poop golums? I prefer Golgothan excremental demons. What bestiary can we expect them in?

Ha just give him 4 levels in Chuck Norris, a level in Bruce Lee, and a level in Winston Churchill.

The Exchange

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Ha just give him 4 levels in Chuck Norris, a level in Bruce Lee, and a level in Winston Churchill.

I believe Golarian would have AM BARBARIAN jokes like our world has Chuck Norris jokes.

The Tarrasque wasn't awakened to destroy the world, it just had to move when AM BARBARIAN took it's bed space!

This isn't on the front page?!


I'm not up for a build, but I think the EK or AA or possibly just bard with a copycat mount and a fondness for parthian tactics beats AM in an open air battle. Especially with the solution UC provided for the problem of finite ammunition carrying capacity. Unless AM's current charge distance exceeds the maximum practical distance for perception, which I suppose is possible.

Or possibly make the synthesist the level 20 character and stick a level 18 cohort archer of some sort on his back.

Trinam wrote:
Nakteo wrote:
So, in your honest opinion, would you as a DM allow an item that negates the penalties imposed by distance? Give it an action to use, say a move action for benefit til the end of round, or maybe a full-round action for benefits til next of next round. What kind of price would you put on this? My current pricetage that I've stuck on this for a build that I'm doing is the More-gp-than-sense cost of 400,000gp. Why so much? Cause if I know where to look, I could spy on you from across the world provided taht you're not over the horizon or behind a wall. Thoughts?
I want one on a spell sunder archer.

So, that wasn't a 'no.'

Okay, so I made a 20th level build using Marksman class from the Psionics Expanded pdf. (Yes, I know, I'm straying from real Pathfinder, but I like psionics so sue me.) This character is a halfling who is basically the quintessential one-shot, one-kill sniper. He makes one attack every 2 rounds (Yeah it's slow but give me a minute...) with a heavy crossbow for 12d8 + 1d6 fire + 1d6 cold + 20ish points of damage with crit of 16-20 x3 from anywhere up to 2400 feet away with no penalties for range, targeting what your touch ac is when you're flat-footed while hiding with a +53 Stealth check after the penalty for sniping. So, assuming he has the "perception-check-cancelly-mcguffin' I mentioned before, and AM BARBARIAN doesn't, he can snipe at him from well outside BATTY-BAT's sight range, (around 2000 feet) and with up to 4th level powers he's sort of a casty. Granted he's probably not going to kill AM BARBARIAN, just piss him off. And unless he or BATTY-BAT can make the perception check with the -190 penalty (BATTY BAT ate the penalty first hundred feet) he will keep getting shot at until he's out of the range.

Just figured I'd throw this out there as an idea. I can't wait to see how BARBARIAN beats it. <3

By the way, what're you hung up on? I can make a 20th level build of a character quite fast, (That Marksman took me about 45 minutes to make.) with the only hangups being maybe magic items and skills. But skills only take 20-30 minutes and items maybe an hour or two if I peruse all the books. For me the hardest, and funnest, part are feats and class features, but that still goes real quick, and you seem to have gotten that down so..........what're you having problems with? :)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Well, probably the key thing is that AM would still be able to note the direction the attack came from...and he can make a run action at 5x normal speed along that track. Especially if you take follow up shots.

He'll be on top of you at the end of round 2, and batty can see you normally at that point. One Pounce later, you're halfling shishkebob.


Nakteo wrote:
By the way, what're you hung up on? I can make a 20th level build of a character quite fast, (That Marksman took me about 45 minutes to make.) with the only hangups being maybe magic items and skills. But skills only take 20-30 minutes and items maybe an hour or two if I peruse all the books. For me the hardest, and funnest, part are feats and class features, but that still goes real quick, and you seem to have gotten that down so..........what're you having problems with? :)

It's pretty simple, actually.

1. I work 40 hours a week.
2. The rest of my time is 80% monopolized by my wife.
3. That which is left over goes to my irl group.
4. What is left goes to other projects
5. Barbarian guide is slightly higher than statting a meme.
6. Statting a 20th level character out is ok until gear happens. Then I have to get into Crazy Prepared levels of forethought, and that is hard. Add in an Eidolon with that, and it takes time.

I'm busy, and this is complicated.

Liberty's Edge

Trinam wrote:

6. Statting a 20th level character out is ok until gear happens. Then I have to get into Crazy Prepared levels of forethought, and that is hard. Add in an Eidolon with that, and it takes time.

I'm busy, and this is complicated.

Well, you could make it easier on yourself and drop the synthesist. Or, gimme half a round and a quickened spell, and I'll do it for you.


DeathSpot wrote:
Trinam wrote:

6. Statting a 20th level character out is ok until gear happens. Then I have to get into Crazy Prepared levels of forethought, and that is hard. Add in an Eidolon with that, and it takes time.

I'm busy, and this is complicated.

Well, you could make it easier on yourself and drop the synthesist. Or, gimme half a round and a quickened spell, and I'll do it for you.


I could, but then I wouldn't be able to ride off into the sunset wearing awesome shades on the shoulder of a giant robot while laughing maniacally.

Liberty's Edge

Trinam wrote:
DeathSpot wrote:
Trinam wrote:

6. Statting a 20th level character out is ok until gear happens. Then I have to get into Crazy Prepared levels of forethought, and that is hard. Add in an Eidolon with that, and it takes time.

I'm busy, and this is complicated.

Well, you could make it easier on yourself and drop the synthesist. Or, gimme half a round and a quickened spell, and I'll do it for you.


I could, but then I wouldn't be able to ride off into the sunset wearing awesome shades on the shoulder of a giant robot while laughing maniacally.

Sure you could. The synthesist isn't a robot, he's a corpse. I'll loan you one of my robots. Also, I've got a couple of spells to make you laugh maniacally.

Pushing your drugs on me? That's not how team AM rolls!

Now let's see you grit those teeth!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Magic users are losers, stay tough and don't puff, remember kids just say no to magic!

To be honest, I could purchase some gear for AM BARBARIAN but then it would be Trinam's concept with what I think he should have for gear and I do not have the kind of foresight, nor knowledge of all of the ways Schrodinger's Casty has tried to kill AM. Also, numbers 1, 2 and 3 apply to me as well and I promised Trinam that I wouldn't post it until he was ready for it to be unleashed on the world. I imagine it would be something like Clash of the Titans "RELEASE THE BARBARIAN!"

Liberty's Edge

Trinam wrote:

Pushing your drugs on me? That's not how team AM rolls!

Now let's see you grit those teeth!

Aw, c'mon; the first one's free. Well, swift, anyway.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think it's excellent what you've built ^_^ but note that nothing is without flaw. With that said, the following character build seeks out AM BARBARIAN to stop his reign of mage-slaying!

Elf Diviner 19/Oracle 1
Time Mystery: Temporal Celerity (roll for initiative twice)
Magical Knack (diviner) trait

Feats: Spell Focus* & Greater Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Specialization (Binding & Dominate Person*), Spell Perfection (Binding), Spell Penetration & Greater Spell Penetration, Extend Spell, Piercing Spell*, Heighten Spell, Scribe Scroll*, Improved Initiative*, Skill Focus (perception)*, Alertness*

Spells of Note: Wish (univ 9), Simulacrum (illus 7), Binding (ench 8), Dominate Person (ench 5), Teleport (conj 5), Time Stop (trans 9)

Permanencied Spells: Telepathic Bonds between Simulacrums, See Invisibility on self and Simulacrums

Items for self: Bead of Kharma (strand of prayer beads, Ioun Stone of +1 caster level

7 Simulacrums of self: Diviner 9/Oracle 1 with the "*" feats.

First simulacrum teleports group to the vicinity of AM BARBARIAN;
High initiative & diviner ability alerts group to danger;
Prime caster uses Time Stop to activate Bead of Kharma, then readies action to cast Wish when AM BARBARIAN enters close range, with the specification to replicate the Binding spell (Binding is normally 1 min casting, but via Wish it is 1 standard);
6 remaining simulacrums ready action to aid Binding by expending Dominate Person;
When AM BARBARIAN enters close range, his movement is interrupted by the readied actions:

Binding -> caster level 19, +1 trait, +2 spell specialization, +2 spell perfection, +1 ioun stone, +4 bead of kharma, +24 aided casting [(cl 12/3)x6 aids] = caster level 53 (twice the HD of AM BARBARIAN so no save allowed)

Aid from Simulacrums -> caster level 9, +1 trait, +2 spell specialization = caster level 12

Spell Penetration -> caster level 53, +2 spell penetration, +2 greater spell penetration, +4 spell perfection, +2 elf = 1d20+stat+63 (I think I beat any amount of SR)

And thus AM BARBARIAN is now trapped in a jewel! ^_^

licidy wrote:
A freaking awesome build.

I like this...

Have you figured out how you're going to keep the spell turning from making you into the gem instead? (Bear in mind you're also at double your own level)

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

licidy wrote:

I think it's excellent what you've built ^_^ but note that nothing is without flaw. With that said, the following character build seeks out AM BARBARIAN to stop his reign of mage-slaying!

Elf Diviner 19/Oracle 1
Time Mystery: Temporal Celerity (roll for initiative twice)
Magical Knack (diviner) trait

Feats: Spell Focus* & Greater Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell Specialization (Binding & Dominate Person*), Spell Perfection (Binding), Spell Penetration & Greater Spell Penetration, Extend Spell, Piercing Spell*, Heighten Spell, Scribe Scroll*, Improved Initiative*, Skill Focus (perception)*, Alertness*

Spells of Note: Wish (univ 9), Simulacrum (illus 7), Binding (ench 8), Dominate Person (ench 5), Teleport (conj 5), Time Stop (trans 9)

Permanencied Spells: Telepathic Bonds between Simulacrums, See Invisibility on self and Simulacrums

Items for self: Bead of Kharma (strand of prayer beads, Ioun Stone of +1 caster level

7 Simulacrums of self: Diviner 9/Oracle 1 with the "*" feats.

First simulacrum teleports group to the vicinity of AM BARBARIAN;
High initiative & diviner ability alerts group to danger;
Prime caster uses Time Stop to activate Bead of Kharma, then readies action to cast Wish when AM BARBARIAN enters close range, with the specification to replicate the Binding spell (Binding is normally 1 min casting, but via Wish it is 1 standard);
6 remaining simulacrums ready action to aid Binding by expending Dominate Person;
When AM BARBARIAN enters close range, his movement is interrupted by the readied actions:

Binding -> caster level 19, +1 trait, +2 spell specialization, +2 spell perfection, +1 ioun stone, +4 bead of kharma, +24 aided casting [(cl 12/3)x6 aids] = caster level 53 (twice the HD of AM BARBARIAN so no save allowed)

Aid from Simulacrums -> caster level 9, +1 trait, +2 spell specialization = caster level 12

Spell Penetration -> caster level 53, +2 spell penetration, +2 greater spell penetration, +4 spell perfection, +2 elf = 1d20+stat+63 (I think I beat...

Big ups for originality!

I think it still loses on spell turning, though, unless you get an action off earlier to somehow suppress the spell turning. Quickened disjunction might work (he gets a save for his objects). Quickened wall of suppression would definitely suppress it, but it would also totally block your binding spell (and any other spell you cast) until he leaves the wall.

EDIT: Ninja'd!

I think we could get the number of simulacrums reduced.

First be a scroll master. Then we'll grab a level of pathfinder savant to get Binding as a sixth level spell -- this means that applying metamagic with the wish will be easier. Finally we'll cast the wish spell from a scroll.

Trait +1 caster level
Spell specialization +2 caster level (gets doubled to +4)
Umbral Spell (makes the binding spell darkness descriptor making Tenebrous free and lowering the light conditions to ensure caster level increase)
Tenebrous spell +1 caster level (gets doubled to +2)
Varisian Tattoo +1 caster level (gets doubled to +2)
Bloatmage Initiate +1 caster level (gets doubled to +2)
Cypher Magic +1 caster level (gets doubled to +2)
Orange Prism Ioun Stone +1 caster level
Bead of Karma +4 caster level

That gives a caster level of 38, six simularcums cast with you (since that's the maximum that can do so) to give a caster level of 44.

Trinam wrote:
licidy wrote:
A freaking awesome build.

I like this...

Have you figured out how you're going to keep the spell turning from making you into the gem instead? (Bear in mind you're also at double your own level)

Have a sim hit him with magic missile first, or bounce a buff off of him.

Grand Lodge

Abraham spalding wrote:
Trinam wrote:
licidy wrote:
A freaking awesome build.

I like this...

Have you figured out how you're going to keep the spell turning from making you into the gem instead? (Bear in mind you're also at double your own level)

Have a sim hit him with magic missile first, or bounce a buff off of him.

Ooo, I like: add in extra simulacrums just for that ^_^

licidy wrote:
Abraham spalding wrote:
Trinam wrote:
licidy wrote:
A freaking awesome build.

I like this...

Have you figured out how you're going to keep the spell turning from making you into the gem instead? (Bear in mind you're also at double your own level)

Have a sim hit him with magic missile first, or bounce a buff off of him.
Ooo, I like: add in extra simulacrums just for that ^_^

Might like this feat too if you stick to diviner:

Look Out wrote:
Benefit: Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you may act in the surprise round as long as your ally would normally be able to act in the surprise round. If you would normally be denied the ability to act in the surprise round, your initiative is equal to your initiative roll or the roll of your ally –1, whichever is lower. If both you and your ally would be able to act in the surprise round without the aid of this feat, you may take both a standard and a move action (or a full-round action) during the surprise round.

Ups what you can do a bit more in the surprise round.

Grand Lodge

Might like this feat too if you stick to diviner:

Look Out wrote:
Benefit: Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you may act in the surprise round as long as your ally would normally be able to act in the surprise round. If you would normally be denied the ability to act in the surprise round, your initiative is equal to your initiative roll or the roll of your ally –1, whichever is lower. If both you and your ally would be able to act in the surprise round without the aid of this feat, you may take both a standard and a move action (or a full-round action) during the surprise round.
Ups what you can do a bit more in the surprise round.

Also a good one. Just realized that Greater Spell Focus isn't needed... and I've been ignoring Teamwork feats b/c I was soloing... but Teamwork feats + Simulacrums = AMAZING ^_^ I've gotta re-read those!

You'll also want shake it off which gives you a bonus on all save throws so long as you have adjacent allies (up to a +4 bonus).

Grand Lodge

Trinam wrote:
licidy wrote:
A freaking awesome build.

I like this...

Have you figured out how you're going to keep the spell turning from making you into the gem instead? (Bear in mind you're also at double your own level)

I think it was brought up to have Simulacrums waste Magic Missiles into him first to eat-up Spell Turning.

Liberty's Edge

Why waste magic missiles against AM when you could be bouncing harmless buffs off him, as Abraham said (I've been planning this for a while as well)? Also, the use of eight or eleven or thirty simulacrums just adds cheese to cheese - be careful lest you unleash the Ultrafondue, and doom us all!

Abraham where does it say a pathfinder savant gets binding as a lower level spell?
Follow up question since wish duplicates a spell from the wizard/sorcerer list wouldn't it still count as an eighth level spell?

redliska wrote:

Abraham where does it say a pathfinder savant gets binding as a lower level spell?

Follow up question since wish duplicates a spell from the wizard/sorcerer list wouldn't it still count as an eighth level spell?

From the class ability in question:

At each class level beyond 1st, the Pathfinder savant chooses a spell from any class’s spell list and thereafter treats it as if it were on the spell list of his base spellcasting classes; if his base class could not normally cast that spell, it is treated as 1 level higher. The spell’s type (arcane or divine) and save DCs function as normal for his base spellcasting class. All other restrictions of his normal spellcasting class apply. This ability does not allow other spellcasters to prepare, cast, or use spell trigger or spell completion items of esoteric spells (such as a sorcerer using a cure light wounds scroll).

So if we take Binding from the summoner class list as a sixth level spell it will remain a sixth level spell because the wizard can normally cast it. It never states that if he can cast it he can't take it off another list to use it at a lower level.

Wish never states that you must use the spell off of a specific list either.

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