Mage Evolving |

Recently bought a set of Manacles for my inquisitor in theory they are great. Unfortunately, no one is ever left standing at the end of combat. Between the inquisitors banes/judgements and the paladins smites we are very much embracing the Dead in "wanted Dead or Alive".
Some other favorites:
-Alarm stones
-Hat of disguise
-Dust of disappearance

Gilfalas |
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Between the inquisitors banes/judgements and the paladins smites we are very much embracing the Dead in "wanted Dead or Alive".
Just add 'Mercful' to your weapons. For a +1 it really, REALLY makes capturing an enemy easy. I use it on my bow for my archery focused warrior who is a bounty hunter. Works fantastic.

Corrik |

Antitoxin, Bourbon, Candle, Clearwater Tablet, Earplugs, Flask, Flour, Forgery Kit, Hammer, Magnet, Magnifying Glass, Manacles, Marbles, Mirror, Needle, Net, Oil(best to have an entire bag of holding dedicated to this), Rations, Rope, Rum, Sack, Shapesand(don't remember if this has an equivalent), Smokestick, Spike(Pitton), String, Tanglefoot Bag, Tindertwig, Torch, Twine, Vial, Water Skin(you would be surprised how many don't have this), Whiskey, Wine, Wire.
Phh I know I'm missing a ton, and those are only the mundane items.

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Sunrods unless everyone in the party has darkvision. Just like torches, but better. And worth the price difference, since its still chump change.
Oh, and a hat. Hyu cannot have a goot plan if hyu do not know where hyu hat is. ;)
Oh, and I got my DM to add in 4e's bracers of infinite knives. Even if their mundane they have so many uses. Plus, no need for Sleight of Hand checks when guards search you for weapons. ^^

Cheapy |

Antitoxin, Bourbon, Candle, Clearwater Tablet, Earplugs, Flask, Flour, Forgery Kit, Hammer, Magnet, Magnifying Glass, Manacles, Marbles, Mirror, Needle, Net, Oil(best to have an entire bag of holding dedicated to this), Rations, Rope, Rum, Sack, Shapesand(don't remember if this has an equivalent), Smokestick, Spike(Pitton), String, Tanglefoot Bag, Tindertwig, Torch, Twine, Vial, Water Skin(you would be surprised how many don't have this), Whiskey, Wine, Wire.
Phh I know I'm missing a ton, and those are only the mundane items.
So, uh. How do you walk?

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So, uh. How do you walk?
Haversack of Handiness
Though, I must agree it's a little overkill. I prefer to have a few items with a multiple uses rather than every item for every situation. Hopefully I can MacGuyver something I'm missing if required. Another thing for which knives are quite handy.

Blue Star |
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Corrik wrote:So, uh. How do you walk?Antitoxin, Bourbon, Candle, Clearwater Tablet, Earplugs, Flask, Flour, Forgery Kit, Hammer, Magnet, Magnifying Glass, Manacles, Marbles, Mirror, Needle, Net, Oil(best to have an entire bag of holding dedicated to this), Rations, Rope, Rum, Sack, Shapesand(don't remember if this has an equivalent), Smokestick, Spike(Pitton), String, Tanglefoot Bag, Tindertwig, Torch, Twine, Vial, Water Skin(you would be surprised how many don't have this), Whiskey, Wine, Wire.
Phh I know I'm missing a ton, and those are only the mundane items.

Matthias_DM |

1)Potion of Cure Light Wounds - it helps get the healer off the ground.
2)Spare Gold - Gold can solve many many problems.
3)Waterskin of Flamible Substance
4)Waterskin of Water - for when you need to wash the dead ooze off.
5)Wartrained Riding Mount - great for an extra attack at low levels if you make your ride check.
6)Bag of Flour..... for those paranoid about the invisible.
That's my list

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Yeah, in the games I've played, pretty much, if it costs over 1,000 gp, and sometimes only 500 gp, you can't assume you'll be able to get it.
With that in mind, anything that costs that level or higher must not be required equipment. If it's required... you die.
So, I'm back to rope, pitons, hammer, waterskin. Heck, my GM now fears my PC with a bit of rope.

Corrik |

So, uh. How do you walk?
Oh it gets worse, like I said I know I've left plenty off that list. And if you have access to 3.5 stuff it gets a whole lot bigger. Plus there are also all of the magic items to take in to consideration. But I rarely make a character who is prepared for absolutely everything so I don't always have every item on the list. After that you have handy haversacks, belt of many pockets, and split the items between party members to share the weight.
Corrick, you forgot Ale, Lager, Mead, and Stout (keg of each). LOL
No see you can find a halfway decent Ale or Mead at any old tavern, but good luck finding a tavern in the middle of the wilds that carries your year of whiskey. You have to provide your own liquors if you want any quality.

KrispyXIV |
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a towel
I'm going to be honest, the first thing I did when I opened this thread was search to see if anyone had already said "towel".
That said, even a complete set of Pathfinder Chronicle's wont match up to the Guide, but they can be a lot of use when you have a few rounds to whip them out before making a critical knowledge check!

nategar05 |

Spoiler alert for those who haven't seen every Phineas and Ferb episode ever.
Reference starts at 1:20.

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Its all the cheap mundane items with no or very little weight. In nearly every game I have played, we have ended up in tricky situations where I end up finding a way to creatively use candles, chalk, whistle, etc. The GM always agrees to my wacky plans thinking "there is no way she has that random thing on her character's inventory..." only to find out that I do indeed have a bunch of random stuff that I have been hoarding since level 1.
here is an example of how it goes:
Me: <Insert incredibly creative plan utilizing a bell, a candle, a sewing needle and ink.>
GM: *Laughing* Yeah, that could work, but its not like you have any of that crap with you.
Me: Proudly shows off character sheet inventory with a million random bits and pieces
GM: .... :|

Cheapy |

Its all the cheap mundane items with no or very little weight. In nearly every game I have played, we have ended up in tricky situations where I end up finding a way to creatively use candles, chalk, whistle, etc. The GM always agrees to my wacky plans thinking "there is no way she has that random thing on her character's inventory..." only to find out that I do indeed have a bunch of random stuff that I have been hoarding since level 1.
I want to play a Halfling JUST for Well Prepared. Make him a Pathfinder chronicler too :D

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Its all the cheap mundane items with no or very little weight. In nearly every game I have played, we have ended up in tricky situations where I end up finding a way to creatively use candles, chalk, whistle, etc. The GM always agrees to my wacky plans thinking "there is no way she has that random thing on her character's inventory..." only to find out that I do indeed have a bunch of random stuff that I have been hoarding since level 1.
here is an example of how it goes:
Me: <Insert incredibly creative plan utilizing a bell, a candle, a sewing needle and ink.>
GM: *Laughing* Yeah, that could work, but its not like you have any of that crap with you.
Me: Proudly shows off character sheet inventory with a million random bits and pieces
GM: .... :|
Your not an adventurer. Your friggin Macguver. Too bad they hadn't invented duct tape. You'd be all set.
OOooooh! Duct Tape of Healing! That's on my list. Supposedly, if you have all of the persons body part and you patch up their wounds with this they can comeback to life!

Nickademus42 |

Its all the cheap mundane items with no or very little weight. In nearly every game I have played, we have ended up in tricky situations where I end up finding a way to creatively use candles, chalk, whistle, etc. The GM always agrees to my wacky plans thinking "there is no way she has that random thing on her character's inventory..." only to find out that I do indeed have a bunch of random stuff that I have been hoarding since level 1.
here is an example of how it goes:
Me: <Insert incredibly creative plan utilizing a bell, a candle, a sewing needle and ink.>
GM: *Laughing* Yeah, that could work, but its not like you have any of that crap with you.
Me: Proudly shows off character sheet inventory with a million random bits and pieces
GM: .... :|
Yep. I learned long ago never to fall for this. Though I do draw the line when my players try to use a shield to 'surf' over an area of caltrops while shooting a bow at enemies...
EDIT: Wait, no one said caltrops!?

FallingIcicle |
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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the Everburning torch. Not only is it a torch that never goes out, since it doesn't require oxygen you can even use it underwater. I always carry one strapped to my belt that way I can have my hands free. I also tie a leather cover to the end of it that I can slip on quickly in case we need to hide.
Another inexpensive favorite of mine is the tree feather token, which can serve as an impromptu ladder or shelter. I also enjoy the hilarity that ensues when I toss one under an enemy's feet.

nategar05 |

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the Everburning torch. Not only is it a torch that never goes out, since it doesn't require oxygen you can even use it underwater. I always carry one strapped to my belt that way I can have my hands free. I also tie a leather cover to the end of it that I can slip on quickly in case we need to hide.
Another inexpensive favorite of mine is the tree feather token, which can serve as an impromptu ladder or shelter. I also enjoy the hilarity that ensues when I toss one under an enemy's feet.
Good call on both of those. My characters always have a pebble with Continual Flame cast on it. They hide it in their poison pill ring. All of my decently high level Wizards and Summoners get it for free by summoning a Lantern Archon.

Artemis Moonstar |
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My last campaign with my playgroup, no one bought rations but ONE person after a few adventures. We hadn't had need of them, the DM never mentioned them except during character creation. We all simply thought he forgot about them....
Then we get trapped in a haunted house that is trying to kill us, and only one person brought 1 weeks worth of rations....
We were lucky we found a few really old barrels of pickled herring... It was a few hundred years old, but luckily our cleric had purify food and water... Still tasted like crap.
In the mean time, sunrods/everburning torches, a handy haversack, a 10ft pole, and.... Well almost everything on the 'goods and services' list.
Seriously.... That list is like a gigantic subtle warning sign of what you MUST have on your adventures... Sadly, too many inexperienced young'ns find themselves drowning because they can't reach that off switch down the ten foot corridor as wide as your arm, and your wizard just so happened to decide to NOT learn mage hand...
Edit: Another important one that almost EVERYONE forgets... Antiplague and Antitoxin. Seriously.... I'm not sure if it's just my DM but I buy them almost every game and they are useful at one point or another....
Also... Alkali Flasks. Like Acid flasks.... But deal double damage against those pesky oozes (wish my dwarf had one before it got swallowed by a death ooze and lost all of his hair.... ALL of his hair)....

Aelryinth RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Antitoxin, Bourbon, Candle, Clearwater Tablet, Earplugs, Flask, Flour, Forgery Kit, Hammer, Magnet, Magnifying Glass, Manacles, Marbles, Mirror, Needle, Net, Oil(best to have an entire bag of holding dedicated to this), Rations, Rope, Rum, Sack, Shapesand(don't remember if this has an equivalent), Smokestick, Spike(Pitton), String, Tanglefoot Bag, Tindertwig, Torch, Twine, Vial, Water Skin(you would be surprised how many don't have this), Whiskey, Wine, Wire.
Phh I know I'm missing a ton, and those are only the mundane items.
Although others have mentioned it, I am seriously, seriously disappointed you don't have a ten foot pole on this list.
And you MUST differentiate between standard and iron rations!
You must also differentiate between normal rope and silk rope. No excuses, now.
Also, you missed the holy water, and the wooden stakes. How are you going to actually kill the vampires?