[Frog God Games] Rappan Athuk Big Announcement!

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Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Yeah, I stopped getting e-mails (or they get eaten by my spam filter) but I can still DL.

My problem now is I don't remember if I ordered Rappan Athuk

Shadow Lodge

I don't believe that it's been available for order as of yet. Although I haven't checked the FGG website since Bill returned.


From the News section of the FGG website:


1. Tsar 13 and 14 are at the printer and will go for sale soon, pdfs will get posted this week
2. Northlands 4 is at the printer
3. SNS 2 , Castle Baldemore is in layout
4. Northlands 5, as well as several other ONS/SNS titles are coming soon
5. Rappan Athuk is 75% converted, and 14 new levels are written as drafts. This epic will go on sale May 1 (or so)
6. All current orders will be packed and shipped this week—I only got home 19 hours ago, so bear with me!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Thanks Kthulu,

Life's been so hectic of late, and some pre-orders so long ago ordered, I can't remember half the stuff I might have ordered :-)

All levels have been converted (that I have), working on the Appendixes now (appendices? appendixs?): New Monsters, New classes, etc.

Still have 3 levels coming in from the Frog, probably one level written by myself (something new on Level 15 needs more explanation), and maps and art to go.

If I can survive not having a complete breakdown, this should be on a good schedule. Have 5 people on the conversion team checking errata/making sure everything makes sense. Hoping to make this another landmark product. Its not like Tsar, but Greg is 4-5x the man I am, so it works out similar...lol



Frog God Games

Skeeter Green wrote:

All levels have been converted (that I have), working on the Appendixes now (appendices? appendixs?): New Monsters, New classes, etc.

Still have 3 levels coming in from the Frog, probably one level written by myself (something new on Level 15 needs more explanation), and maps and art to go.

If I can survive not having a complete breakdown, this should be on a good schedule. Have 5 people on the conversion team checking errata/making sure everything makes sense. Hoping to make this another landmark product. Its not like Tsar, but Greg is 4-5x the man I am, so it works out similar...lol



You don't have to know the correct spelling of the plural for the word appendix. This is why you have an editor.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Matthew Morris wrote:

Thanks Kthulu,

Life's been so hectic of late, and some pre-orders so long ago ordered, I can't remember half the stuff I might have ordered :-)


Like Razor Coast ?:)

/end threadjack

Sorry I just couldn't help myself. Looking forward to the new snd improved RA!

Frog God Games

Dawn R Fischer wrote:
Skeeter Green wrote:

All levels have been converted (that I have), working on the Appendixes now (appendices? appendixs?): New Monsters, New classes, etc.

Still have 3 levels coming in from the Frog, probably one level written by myself (something new on Level 15 needs more explanation), and maps and art to go.

If I can survive not having a complete breakdown, this should be on a good schedule. Have 5 people on the conversion team checking errata/making sure everything makes sense. Hoping to make this another landmark product. Its not like Tsar, but Greg is 4-5x the man I am, so it works out similar...lol



You don't have to know the correct spelling of the plural for the word appendix. This is why you have an editor.


I coulda been a contendah!

About when will pre-orders be available through Paizo?

Dark Archive

Matthew Morris wrote:

Thanks Kthulu,

Life's been so hectic of late, and some pre-orders so long ago ordered, I can't remember half the stuff I might have ordered :-)

You and me both.

Still, the other DM in my group was delighted when I gave him Black Monastery as a present, after I made the mistake of pre-ordering it from Frog God and the ordering it from Paizo.

Frog God Games

Paizo will get these at Gencon if all goes well.

Bill Webb wrote:
Paizo will get these at Gencon if all goes well.

Looks good so far.

Appedices done. Going through another round of editing, should get conversion group errata back this weekend, and going to the Frogs house this weekend to go over map tie-ins and get the new levels (hopefully).

I swear guys, Im doing everything I can to make this happen for GenCon.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Skeeter Green wrote:

I swear guys, Im doing everything I can to make this happen for GenCon.


Have you tried slowing Time?

Frog God Games

Yeah, if he casts Timestop he can stack 5 Mass Edits on top of each other that would go off in one round!

Dragnmoon wrote:
Skeeter Green wrote:

I swear guys, Im doing everything I can to make this happen for GenCon.


Have you tried slowing Time?

I tried wasting it, but it didnt have the desired effect. Sloooooowing time, now that I might try...


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Hoping for a GenCon release. Not that I am going, but the timing is just abut right that we will finish Kingmaker, my roommate will run his 3-mod series campaign over the next few months and it will be my turn to head the table around August/September.

Near perfect timing. :D

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I have been running Pathfinder Adventure Paths since Burnt Offerings was released. It has been a great run and I have loved running the paths. I am in the middle of running Carrion Crown and Serpent Skull.

When I am done with those two I plan to run Frog God Games and Necromancer Games products for my next run. I have not decided what I will run for which group but I know that both Rappan Ahtuk and the Slumbering Tsar will have a place at my table as soon as I can make it happen.

Frog God Games

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Skeeter Green wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Skeeter Green wrote:

I swear guys, Im doing everything I can to make this happen for GenCon.


Have you tried slowing Time?

I tried wasting it, but it didnt have the desired effect. Sloooooowing time, now that I might try...


Based on all the Star Trek episodes I've seen, if you'll do your conversions at near the speed of light, then time dilation should take care of the rest for you.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Shem wrote:
I have not decided what I will run for which group but I know that both Rappan Ahtuk and the Slumbering Tsar will have a place at my table as soon as I can make it happen.

I'm due to run Skull and Shackles next, but I loooooove the idea of running a campaign based around Slumbering Tsar AND Rappan Athuk. Too cool.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tom Qadim wrote:
I'm due to run Skull and Shackles next, but I loooooove the idea of running a campaign based around Slumbering Tsar AND Rappan Athuk. Too cool.

Sorry, you're going to be too busy doing other things.

Assuming people hurry up and get their votes in for you before the 4pm deadline in the RPG Superstar event.

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
Skeeter Green wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Skeeter Green wrote:

I swear guys, Im doing everything I can to make this happen for GenCon.


Have you tried slowing Time?

I tried wasting it, but it didnt have the desired effect. Sloooooowing time, now that I might try...


Based on all the Star Trek episodes I've seen, if you'll do your conversions at near the speed of light, then time dilation should take care of the rest for you.

Im no Greg Vaughn, sir.



4 more levels coming from the Frog.

Cross-sectional map now moving to 2 pages, landscape, so you can try and make out where the levels connect to each other.

Im writing 2 new levels for more upper-level play (planning the 13-16+ level range)

More maps, more art ideas, possibly a couple new templates/PrCs specific to RA.

Was a good weekend!


From what I've read and understand, Rappan Athuk is a dungeon designed to be unbelievably hard and, at times, just plain suicidal.

Out of curiosity, have you thought about throwing in a level specifically designed to confuse/annoy the PCs? I mean, if you've somehow managed to survive 10 levels of near-death experiences, how humorously unnerving would it be to suddenly have a level of bizzare/weird events?

Okay, maybe this just plays to be my strange sense of humor. But I think it would be absolutely hilarious as the GM, to have my PCs, used to taking on dragons and ridiculous traps simultaneously, suddenly faced with a room full of blood-thirsty rabbits, or traps that put your thumbs on the other sides of your hands, or ghosts who want nothing more than to hover above your head while singing Kum-by-ya...

Frog God Games

dbass--odd you should say that....

Its really not that hard, but brains and fast feet are often required. It is horribly deadly if players think they can "clear a level" and move on. Old school games are based on objectives and avoidance....played this way, with careful travel and avoiding encounters that serve no purpose, a party can be very, very successful in this place.

Frog God Games

Except for the front door.

The front door is just evil.

So's the toilet.

Frog God Games

Mind you - The side entrance isn't a walk in the park, either.

Skeeter Green wrote:


4 more levels coming from the Frog.

Cross-sectional map now moving to 2 pages, landscape, so you can try and make out where the levels connect to each other.

Im writing 2 new levels for more upper-level play (planning the 13-16+ level range)

More maps, more art ideas, possibly a couple new templates/PrCs specific to RA.

Was a good weekend!


I'm sorry if I missed this, but how is it going to work in regards to the distribution of the map(s)?

Are the maps going to be their own product that will have to be purchased? Can you buy the maps all together, or will they be sold separately?

Frog God Games

Map packs will be sold as a separate item (maybe dead tree, likely just pdf), but they also will be included in the book. They will also be available digitally from d20Pro Marketplace. You will also get pdf options for both the whole book and the map pack.

Thew map packs will be pretty cheap--basically an extra for those who want to xerox them etc. and not use the book iteself to make the copies.

Dark Archive

Bill Webb wrote:

Map packs will be sold as a separate item (maybe dead tree, likely just pdf), but they also will be included in the book. They will also be available digitally from d20Pro Marketplace. You will also get pdf options for both the whole book and the map pack.

Thew map packs will be pretty cheap--basically an extra for those who want to xerox them etc. and not use the book iteself to make the copies.


Frog God Games

bigkilla wrote:
Bill Webb wrote:

Map packs will be sold as a separate item (maybe dead tree, likely just pdf), but they also will be included in the book. They will also be available digitally from d20Pro Marketplace. You will also get pdf options for both the whole book and the map pack.

Thew map packs will be pretty cheap--basically an extra for those who want to xerox them etc. and not use the book iteself to make the copies.


We are working towards making map packs available on D20Pro Marketplace for the Slumbering Tsar Saga and other FGG products as well.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Dawn R Fischer wrote:
bigkilla wrote:
Bill Webb wrote:

Map packs will be sold as a separate item (maybe dead tree, likely just pdf), but they also will be included in the book. They will also be available digitally from d20Pro Marketplace. You will also get pdf options for both the whole book and the map pack.

Thew map packs will be pretty cheap--basically an extra for those who want to xerox them etc. and not use the book iteself to make the copies.

We are working towards making map packs available on D20Pro Marketplace for the Slumbering Tsar Saga and other FGG products as well.

This is huge news for me as my gaming group is distributed around the country and our weekly gaming session is done through d20Pro. One question though....

If we purchase the maps through d20Pro Marketplace are they already in the native d20Pro file format, so that all we do is import them? If that's the case then I'm one step closer to DM heaven*, seeing as how that will save me literally hours of prep time over the course of a campaign! Usually I need to copy the image from a .pdf, scrape room numbers/traps/concealed doors off of it, and then import the map into d20Pro.

(*complete DM heaven requiring, of course, a Pathfinder conversion of City of Brass, but I digress...)

Someday a company is going to make a killing charging money to convert entire adventures into d20Pro files, monsters, maps and all; proprietary licenses permitting, of course.

Frog God Games

I believe that's what we're going for, Fever.

Soooo, just to re-animate this thread a bit...

Over the last week or so, been having some conversations about potential bonus bits and adventure add-ons to go with the conversion project.

And they are mind blowing!

When we get things solidified (coagulated), Ill be able to announce more, but these are well worth the wait!


Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

....mmmmm.....coagulated bonus bits.......the other white meat....

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OK, so I had to wait for confirmation before announcing it:

Rappan Athuk is the first adventure for Frog God Games that will be "Powered by HeroLab"!!!

Sooooooo, all you HL users have another great product to enjoy!

Not every statblock was generated by HL, in fact only a few levels will use it, but its a start!

And, I believe, many of our forthcomming products will also use HL, so look for that in the future! (Oh, the conversion titles i could imagine doing.....) 8- )


Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Skeeter that is flat out awesome news, sir! Any chance some of the Rappan Athuk pieces that weren't originally done using HL could get gone over before teh book releases? Once you get good at using the software (I'm learning new tricks all the time) it might not be as daunting a task as I'm sure it seems right now...

Either way though, that is great news!

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:

Skeeter that is flat out awesome news, sir! Any chance some of the Rappan Athuk pieces that weren't originally done using HL could get gone over before teh book releases? Once you get good at using the software (I'm learning new tricks all the time) it might not be as daunting a task as I'm sure it seems right now...

Either way though, that is great news!

Oh, you mean like picking the iconic NPCs and having them available as bonus downloads for HL fans? Or like the ultra high level NPCs that will be made completely with HL? Or did you mean the monster variants done with HL, in a quarter of the time it took me before?

Any of those ideas work? 8- )


Why yes, my good Dr., we aim to please!

PS there might be some info about a Rappan Athuk level being offered as a game slot at PaizoCon. No confirmation yet.....pregens provided by HeroLab....is it too much yet?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Of course, now the challenge will be for someone to create the Tome Of Horrors monsters(PF version) with HL...

...oh and that IS awesome news about the RA high level NPCs done through HL!

Now I just need to pipe subliminal messages into Mr. Vaughn's home at night while he sleeps:

.....'create Slumbering Tsar encounters with HL....create Slumbering Tsar encounters with HL...create Slumbering Tsar encounters with HL'...

Catchy, isn't it?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Glad to hear the HL news!

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:

Of course, now the challenge will be for someone to create the Tome Of Horrors monsters(PF version) with HL...

<cough, cough, being considered, cough, cough>

what? what was that? Who said that unconfirmed and completely random rumor. That is exactly how mass hysteria gets started.

And, BTW, since we are supporting the HL community, I certainly hope they will return the favor when it comes time to buy the book hint,hint


PS I all honesty, the HL guys from Wolflair have been super awesome to work with so far, and the forums seem very cool as well. I think this is going to work out great.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Skeeter, I can guarantee you at least one purchaser of any FGG products that get the HL treatment. It makes my life as a GM SO much easier.

...and I'm with you 100% on Wolflair. Judging from their forum posts and the speed with which they produce Pathfinder product support, they seem like a really talented and dedicated group of people.

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