[Frog God Games] Rappan Athuk Big Announcement!

Product Discussion

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Two words.

Tomb. Of. Abysthor.

Oh. That's three words. Hmmm.

Can we have the announcement yet please?


Shadow Lodge

I don't want to rain on the parade, but I'd rather see FGG march into the future with their own NEW products (or at least new to the consumer, such as the Black Monastary), than simply beome the Necromancer Conversion Machine.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I think FGG has struck a nice balance between the two: products like Slumbering Tsar, Hex Crawl Classics, Splintered Faiths, and The Northlands Saga provide new gaming experiences, while having one or two conversion projects ongoing ensures that fantastic older products continue to sell under the Pathfinder rules.

I certainly don't want EVERYTHING NG wrote to be converted. Off the top of my head I'd say City of Brass, Tomb of Abysthor, Crucible of Freya and Bard's Gate for sure, with Trouble at Durbenford and Lost City of Barakus as possible maybes.

I'm not sure if the Judges Guild stuff is viable, but I'd shell out cash for sure for a conversion of City State of the Invincible Overlord too, come to think of it.


Silver Crusade

I'm with Dr. Fever on this one. I don't want to see FGG only do retreads/conversions either. I'm looking forward to Richard Pett's decadent/decaying/Styes like city state sourcebook and associated adventures later this year or next and hoping they convert some to the oldies as well. Tomb of Abysthor is at the top of my list followed by Vault of Larin Karr. Maybe a megaproduct that combines several together for a setting?

Tzzarg wrote:
I with Dr. Fever on this one. I don't want to see FGG only do retreads/conversions either. I'm looking forward to Richard Pett's decadent/decaying city state sourcebook and associated adventures later this year or next and hoping they convert some to the oldies as well. Tomb of Abysthor is at the top of my list followed by Vault of Larin Karr.

We have one more conversion on deck for next year (I hope its next year...) from what I know, then it will probably be all new, all the time. Plans do change, so don't take this as gospel, but it's what I know at this point.

Now, that being said, we may take older items that were never published, or published under original rules formats, and provide those, but that is STRICTLY speculation on my part. No plans that I know of at this point, but I could see it happening in the future.

And a lot of this is based on what sells, and what doesnt. If new adventure do poorly, but conversions of existing stuff do awesome, we're probably going to put out a lot of conversions. thats just smart business. I think our new stuff is pretty good, so Im not too worried about that end, and I know our conversions ARE AWESOME, so I think we'll have a pretty good balance through the forseeable future.

but what do I know? Im chained to a desk every night converting apples to oranges, then into fruit salad, then into a smoothy, then into a treehouse...


If new material continues to rock as much as Slumbering Tsar, I'll be buying! And if the conversions are solid, I'll be buying those too. Win/win :-)

Silver Crusade

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Skeeter, I can understand where FGG and its personnel are coming from. You folks have access (or at least Bill does) to the sales data, we don't. So going with what sells the best makes sense.

As much as I would like to see it, I doubt that I will see anything like Tsar released for Pathfinder ever again--the financial risk is too much (although a great proposition for a megaadventure from a well known author and Kickstarter funding it might not be out of the question). But there's a niche in PFRP that you folks have done a great job of filling--the arc campaign that spans several levels.

I like Paizo's modules a lot, but at times they seem like cotton candy--impressive appearance and maps and good writing, but the 32 page length means when you are done you don't always feel that you accomplished something epic. The APs are great as well, but they require a long term commitment from lvl 1 to 12+. That sweet spot adventure where one can take an existing party of levels 5-8 and do something epic/heroic (GDQ Series and Red Hand of Doom being prime examples) is a niche that some of FGG's products fill very well.

I hope FGG keeps putting products out that fill that niche and mining the back catalog for gems. For all the requests I've seem for conversions of Abysthor and other old NG modules, I know they are in there.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:

Soooo........whatcha doin..........how's that Rappan Athuk conversion/update goin? Good? Good.....

Soooo........yeah.....there's this other teensy, tiny NG book written just a little while ago.....and it could really use some Skeeter lovin (feel dirty even writing that) after Rappan Athuk is finished.....

....it involves an efreeti or two......

....and a certain CR 35 Sultan of the Efreeti....

....or, in other words.....

Any chance for a City of Brass Pathfinder conversion?


Nice Idea...

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Tzzarg wrote:
Tomb of Abysthor is at the top of my list followed by Vault of Larin Karr.

I forgot about The Vault of Larin Karr. That adventure was great. I'd have to add that one onto my 'must-have; will-pay-cash-for' list of conversions.


Frog God Games

I would personally prefer to do a big combo book, myself. Tomb of Abysthor, Vault of Larin Karr and The Lost Cityof Barakus or even a Crucible of Freya plus new stuff.

I will say right now that I don't have the raw art for City of Brass.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Chuck Wright wrote:
I will say right now that I don't have the raw art for City of Brass.

I would be 100% behind the combo book you're referring to, Chuck.

Also, I'd be satisfied with a straight up conversion of just the City of Brass appendix that contained all of the NPCs, and then a copy/paste of the art from the original CoB .pdf....

The '1001 Tales of Brass' storyline works fine as is, IMO. I don't think that would need any updates, or the supporting maps for that matter.

Doing the conversion wouldn't be pretty or glorious work to be sure, but the final product would be functional...

ToA & LCoB would be preorder sight unseen for me. Crucible folded into the beginning of ToA would be sweet. <wink wink>

Liberty's Edge

Sunderstone wrote:
ToA & LCoB would be preorder sight unseen for me. Crucible folded into the beginning of ToA would be sweet. <wink wink>

Seconded and why not add the Wizards Amulet? :D

Frog God Games

Because Wizard's Amulet would be a free download if we were doing that. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Chuck, I like you!

If City of Brass is converted, I'll be homeless, reading it. This blast from my Army DnD past is awesome and painful at the same time. CoB is one of my favorite Necromancer products. You guys killed that one.

Did I miss the Big Announcement®?

Dark Archive

Twin Dragons wrote:
Did I miss the Big Announcement®?

If you have been reading this post then no you have not.

I think it was the fact that there was going to be battlemaps of some key locations.


Tzzarg wrote:
I'm with Dr. Fever on this one. I don't want to see FGG only do retreads/conversions either. I'm looking forward to Richard Pett's decadent/decaying/Styes like city state sourcebook and associated adventures later this year or next and hoping they convert some to the oldies as well. Tomb of Abysthor is at the top of my list followed by Vault of Larin Karr. Maybe a megaproduct that combines several together for a setting?

You and me both Tzzarg:)

I'm working on it right now, in fact I've been on it for some time, but Greg and I both want to get something out we want rather than bring it on too soon, before it's fully malignant. I think later on this year is looking good.


Shadow Lodge

Oh yeah, I forgot to say this:

Battlemap goodness :)

Frog God Games

For those who missed it the first time:

Here's the big announcement!!

Skeeter Green wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
I beleive that some sort of big annoucement/update is scheduled for 16 March.

Small update the 4th:

Im having a hard day at work, so......small update turns into BIG MARCH 16TH UPDATE!!!!!!!!

New Maps for approx. 10 locations (can't get specific, yet), suitable for placing the small representations of your choice upon. To clarify--> WE HAVE BATTLEMAPS, DONE BY NONE OTHER THEN RICK SARDINHA!!!! READY FOR USE WITH THE MINIS OF YOUR CHOICE!!!!

I don't know if they will be separate or how they will be distributed, but they will be there. At this time, there are 30+ maps detailing 10ish encounter areas (I tried to pick the most iconic/needed areas). I currently have the low-res maps, and they are FANTASTIC looking. Im really impressed.

Ill be taking questions now...yes, you in the back

<..will they have secret doors and traps and stuff removed?>

why yes, they will! When you place these babies on the table, you won't be giving away the farm to the PCs. the least we could do for ya.

You over there!

<Can we suggest locations?>

Nah, sorry, we have a budget, and can't give every location, but I believe you will be quite happy with the choices, and many are usable in more than one location. Next?

<What size are the maps? 24 x 30, 18 x 96, 4 x 5?>

We will be doing 8.5 by 11. Anyone else?

<Can I just give you my wallet/soul now?>

Good question! As much as I would like to oblige, not really my department. Our people will get in touch with you...<evil grin>

so, Kthulhu, I hope that satisfies you, for a while...I know how you Elder Beings are...lol


Richard Pett wrote:
Tzzarg wrote:
I'm with Dr. Fever on this one. I don't want to see FGG only do retreads/conversions either. I'm looking forward to Richard Pett's decadent/decaying/Styes like city state sourcebook and associated adventures later this year or next and hoping they convert some to the oldies as well. Tomb of Abysthor is at the top of my list followed by Vault of Larin Karr. Maybe a megaproduct that combines several together for a setting?

You and me both Tzzarg:)

I'm working on it right now, in fact I've been on it for some time, but Greg and I both want to get something out we want rather than bring it on too soon, before it's fully malignant. I think later on this year is looking good.


I'm looking forward to reading this!

Dawn R Fischer wrote:

For those who missed it the first time:

Here's the big announcement!!

Skeeter Green wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
I beleive that some sort of big annoucement/update is scheduled for 16 March.

Small update the 4th:

Im having a hard day at work, so......small update turns into BIG MARCH 16TH UPDATE!!!!!!!!

New Maps for approx. 10 locations (can't get specific, yet), suitable for placing the small representations of your choice upon. To clarify--> WE HAVE BATTLEMAPS, DONE BY NONE OTHER THEN RICK SARDINHA!!!! READY FOR USE WITH THE MINIS OF YOUR CHOICE!!!!

I don't know if they will be separate or how they will be distributed, but they will be there. At this time, there are 30+ maps detailing 10ish encounter areas (I tried to pick the most iconic/needed areas). I currently have the low-res maps, and they are FANTASTIC looking. Im really impressed.

Ill be taking questions now...yes, you in the back

<..will they have secret doors and traps and stuff removed?>

why yes, they will! When you place these babies on the table, you won't be giving away the farm to the PCs. the least we could do for ya.

You over there!

<Can we suggest locations?>

Nah, sorry, we have a budget, and can't give every location, but I believe you will be quite happy with the choices, and many are usable in more than one location. Next?

<What size are the maps? 24 x 30, 18 x 96, 4 x 5?>

We will be doing 8.5 by 11. Anyone else?

<Can I just give you my wallet/soul now?>

Good question! As much as I would like to oblige, not really my department. Our people will get in touch with you...<evil grin>

so, Kthulhu, I hope that satisfies you, for a while...I know how you Elder Beings are...lol


Note that the battlemap count was BEFORE I started in on the new levels. those were for existing locations only. Im feeling the count will go higher. Possibly quite a bit higher...


Frog God Games

<glares at Skeeter>

Quick question - are these battlemaps going to be in colour?

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

personally, I wish like heck to get more of the maps SKeletonKey did way back when - here is the Ground Level and First Level

DitheringFool wrote:
personally, I wish like heck to get more of the maps SKeletonKey did way back when - here is the Ground Level and First Level

Im not sure if they will be in color, most likely not, but not 100% sure either way.

I think you will all be pleasently surprised by the maps. No offense to any other companies maps, I think these really capture the feel of this version of RA, the Frog God way, and the Pathfinder style. Just my opinion.


Well, battlemaps will be awesome either way :-) Those Skeleton Key maps were fantastic, though. A shame they never went deeper.

Most tactically interesting battles can't be played out on an 8.5 by 11 battlemap. That's just a 40x55ft room. Will encounter areas consist of a bunch of these maps attached together, or are you just going to do battlemaps for small rooms?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well this is certainly interesting.

I'll be watching this thread for updates/details.


With 30+ maps detailing 10-ish encounter areas, I'm guessing that we'll be seeing maps that you slot together to make larger areas.

Kamelion wrote:
With 30+ maps detailing 10-ish encounter areas, I'm guessing that we'll be seeing maps that you slot together to make larger areas.

Yes, some areas take more than one map to cover. The mapped areas equate correctly (if the room is 60 by 60, it takes 4 maps, I think)

There are too many areas that are big to ignore.


Frog God Games

hehe...wait till you guys see the Zombie Stone level...

Skeeter Green wrote:
Kamelion wrote:
With 30+ maps detailing 10-ish encounter areas, I'm guessing that we'll be seeing maps that you slot together to make larger areas.

Yes, some areas take more than one map to cover. The mapped areas equate correctly (if the room is 60 by 60, it takes 4 maps, I think)

There are too many areas that are big to ignore.


Continuing updates....

added 30 more pages of new material, still have 3 new levels I haven't seen yet. Going to be a big book, not Tsar big, but real-world big.

And scary.


8 ½” x 11”? I’m assuming these locations have multiple maps? That size seems kind of small for one battle location.

Edit: I agree, it’s great to see some battlemaps, as well. Thanks! Maybe they will be big enough for the battle. I was just thinking of a 5-6 person party w/monsters.

Pre-orders are not available yet, correct?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I think it is totally killer that you are including some battlemaps.

Frog God Games

They will be multiple maps per location, guys.

Allow me to take a moment to say I truly enjoy and admire the products Frog God Games has produced so far. I already know I am going to buy this as I have tried to obtain the original releases many times on eBay with no luck.

Thank you for all the hard work you guys do to keep the old style alive and kicking.

Shadow Lodge

Hey Frog God Games guys,

Who should I talk to if your download service at aplusdownload.com has suddenly decided that I'm no longer a Slumbering Tsar subscriber? I logged on today to check if I could download ST14, and when I clicked on the eZine Subscription link, I get the message "Our records show that you are not subscribed currently to our Ezine."

I'd have to say that that download service is probably the low point of my experience with FGG. No notifications of updates, I never received any notification that the next chapter was ready since subscription, and this marks the second or third time that files have simply vanished from my account for no discernible reason.

You guys ever thought of switching to DriveThruRPG and using download codes/coupons to distribute your PDFs?

Frog God Games

contact Bill, Kthulhu. bill (at) talesofthefroggod.com

P.S. I really can't comment on the rest of it but we DO talk about those things internally.

Dreamscarred Press

Kthulhu wrote:
You guys ever thought of switching to DriveThruRPG and using download codes/coupons to distribute your PDFs?

Just to give an outsider's perspective - since I'm not affiliated with FGG :)

DriveThruRPG / RPGNow charges 35% of the product price. From the looks of it, APlusDownload charges 4.5% of the product price (although subscriptions look to use a different rate based on product specifics).

That's a huge difference.

If Dreamscarred Press was bigger, I would probably do something similar, because giving up 1/3 of the purchase is rough at times - and is why we do most of our preorders at the Dreamscarred Press site. We lose a lot less of the purchase price from sales at our site (~3% + a small flat cost) vs sales at other storefronts.

Frog God Games

Jeremy Smith wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
You guys ever thought of switching to DriveThruRPG and using download codes/coupons to distribute your PDFs?

Just to give an outsider's perspective - since I'm not affiliated with FGG :)

DriveThruRPG / RPGNow charges 35% of the product price. From the looks of it, APlusDownload charges 4.5% of the product price (although subscriptions look to use a different rate based on product specifics).

That's a huge difference.

If Dreamscarred Press was bigger, I would probably do something similar, because giving up 1/3 of the purchase is rough at times - and is why we do most of our preorders at the Dreamscarred Press site. We lose a lot less of the purchase price from sales at our site (~3% + a small flat cost) vs sales at other storefronts.

Thanks for the insight, Jeremy!

P.S. The Necromancers (Bill and Clark) deal with DriveThruRPG for their out of print products. So it stands to reason that Bill took that into account when he set up the download service with Bytes Interactive.

@ Kthulhu - If you've tried contacting Bytes Interactive directly and you still have problems, then contacting Bill is necessary.

Shadow Lodge

Contacted Bill, and everything is back now. Thanks a lot, guys.

And I fully understand about DTRPG. May be more convenient for me, but you guys should do what's most profitable / convenient for you.

Wow, 35%? That's kinda ridiculous...

Frog God Games

ps--if downloads (from us) dont work; contact David at support@bytesinteractive.com

He is our web host. Any aspuiring publishers out there--this dude is great

Frog God Games

ps--we sent an email about each download--Kthulu--do I have your email wrong?

Shadow Lodge

Bill Webb wrote:
ps--we sent an email about each download--Kthulu--do I have your email wrong?

Well, I did receive an email today about ST14, so maybe that bug got fixed.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Bill, I also experienced often not receiving emails for the chapters when they were released. Sometimes I found out because people started talking about it here on Paizo or I just decided to check. Everyone once in a while I would get notified. A while ago on one of the Frog God threads I mentioned this before. A couple of months ago. About when Chapter 11 or 12 came out.

I usually don't seem to get emails (last one I received from Bytes was back in February), but generally go download them when I see mention here of files being available.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I usually get the email 24-48 hours after the pdf has been posted. Either I'll happen to check and see the new module available for download or someone will mention it here. I always get the email, just usually one or two days after I know it has been released for download, so it seems (for me at least) that the notification system is working, it just isn't getting sent out as soon as the module is available for download. Not a big deal in my case, as I now know to check the download site daily ;)

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