
Beginner Box

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Silver Crusade

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I'm fine with having them in die-cut sheets, just as in the beginner box.


Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Very glad to hear people are digging these. I have been thinking about them and obsessing about them since before we even had the idea to do the Beginner Box, and I am thrilled to hear that they are being received so positively.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

Very glad to hear people are digging these. I have been thinking about them and obsessing about them since before we even had the idea to do the Beginner Box, and I am thrilled to hear that they are being received so positively.

You already have the fantastic art and the contacts to have these printed, and if the past is any indication you have no problem taking my money for things :-p (the weight of the bag I haul my Pathfinder books around is proof of that.)

These would be awesome, please make them happen.

Liberty's Edge

Erik Mona wrote:

Very glad to hear people are digging these. I have been thinking about them and obsessing about them since before we even had the idea to do the Beginner Box, and I am thrilled to hear that they are being received so positively.

You already pay for the art and the dies are paid for too (and simple dies at that). Looks like a perfect new product line with tons of potential for product tie-ins and cross-support with your other lines at fairly low set-up costs as these things go.

I have real doubts as to how much real impact cardboard stand-ups would have on the plastic minis sales or metal minis sales of both your licensees. Seems to me that the kind of people who would use them are not the kind of people who go big into plastic minis. I may be wrong but... *shrug*

Big Thumbs Up.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Yeah, I am not at all worried about sales of pawns cutting into miniature sales. Anything that enhances tabletop play and makes Pathfinder easier to play is better for our miniatures partners.

If Paizo released a whole bunch of flat figures, pawns, etc. I would totally buy them. I have never, and probably never will, bought miniatures. I would buy these. Up until now I've used tokens, this seems better.

I might buy the beginners box just for the tokens alone.

Those things are awesome looking.

Sovereign Court

KaeYoss wrote:

One problem with this is that it would be quite expensive for Paizo.

They needed no (or almost no) art budget for these pawns because they have lots of art from all their books. However, that art is always one-sided. "Portrait" pictures are almost always full frontal, and even action shots are only shown from one angle.

If they wanted to put front and back pictures on those pawns (without cheaping out by having only a silhouette for the back picture or something), they'd need completely new art, and art costs money.

Yeah, on reflection I think if they were going to indicate facing (to widen the appeal, say) they should just put a mark of some sort on one side, or overlay some shading, or something, but keep the images the same on each side. New matching art for the back of the pawn would just be too much effort and expense.

Frankly, a bunch of these would be the most awesome thing in the Gamemastery line, for me (and I like a lot of their Gamemastery stuff).

Grand Lodge

Bagpuss wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:

One problem with this is that it would be quite expensive for Paizo.

They needed no (or almost no) art budget for these pawns because they have lots of art from all their books. However, that art is always one-sided. "Portrait" pictures are almost always full frontal, and even action shots are only shown from one angle.

If they wanted to put front and back pictures on those pawns (without cheaping out by having only a silhouette for the back picture or something), they'd need completely new art, and art costs money.

Yeah, on reflection I think if they were going to indicate facing (to widen the appeal, say) they should just put a mark of some sort on one side, or overlay some shading, or something, but keep the images the same on each side. New matching art for the back of the pawn would just be too much effort and expense.

Frankly, a bunch of these would be the most awesome thing in the Gamemastery line, for me (and I like a lot of their Gamemastery stuff).

A Sharpie and a "Dot" and facing is done if needed. /shrug

As an aside. LOVING the flats/minis/pawns! I opened my box and was going through the contents and my fiance' (the secret reason I got it) was so excited she grabbed the gobos (her favorite) and a character (Kyra) and said "Let's play". She swore off RPGs after a few "Rules discussions" at a recent PFS game in July. I was hoping this simplified Rule Set would rekindle her interest. It did in spades. Thank you Paizo.

Sovereign Court

Ravenbow wrote:

A Sharpie and a "Dot" and facing is done if needed. /shrug

Sure, or I could use something else to represent my minis. It's just a preference on my part that wouldn't require new art (although they'd still need to make sure they printed the right stuff on each side, so there's some more complexity, except if it's die-cut sheets again they'd need different arrangements for front and back in any case even with the same art on each side).

Just wanted to add to the kudos! I love these things too! I'd love to see more and would certainly snap them up! I think they'd be great for some of the critters that you can't get miniatures of. I generally use minis for everything, but sometimes you have to sub or change a creature because there's no mini available. In those cases I make my own "pawn", but I'd love to have oodles and oodles of these things to add to my normal mini supply!

You know every time I see this thread I read, "Prawns."

However I finally got to see the pawns in the box for the first time last night. On one side I was slightly amused at seeing all the artwork again, but I really liked them -- I don't want the box set, I want those pawns!

That's about the price range and space I have available and I would gladly get several full sets of something like these. The print jobs were excellent, the artwork good and the easy of use outstanding.

HawaiianWarrior wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
If they wanted to put front and back pictures on those pawns (without cheaping out by having only a silhouette for the back picture or something), they'd need completely new art, and art costs money.
One thing they could do, as a simple and slightly less elegant solution than a fully-illustrated backside facing away from the viewer, would be to simply flip the image then turn it black.

Well, I mentioned silhouette.

Liberty's Edge

Erik Mona wrote:

Very glad to hear people are digging these. I have been thinking about them and obsessing about them since before we even had the idea to do the Beginner Box, and I am thrilled to hear that they are being received so positively.



Thank you.

Shisumo wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

Very glad to hear people are digging these. I have been thinking about them and obsessing about them since before we even had the idea to do the Beginner Box, and I am thrilled to hear that they are being received so positively.



Thank you.

With cheese and toasted?

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I used to yell about Paizo making Monster Vault-style tokens a few months ago. Heck, I even made a thread about it. Figures.

You know what? Screw you, tokens. You fail. You fail at life itself. You're unbalanced and irrelevant, like a Commner next to a GodWizard. Pawns are GodWizards. I want Pawns. I want Paizo to make lots of Pawns. Pawns good, even better than Prawns or Paws.

Pawns. Me wants me Pawnsies.

Every blog and review on the Beginner Box I've seen so far these pawns are a 100% unanimous home run. The whole product is a knockout but people always go to some length to love on the pawns. Metal and plastic minis will always have their audience but this simple idea of die-cut stand-ups with great art gives everyone who plays the game the opportunity to have a rich tabletop experience.

My own opinions: 1)same art both sides is fine, if you need to see
the butt side of everything then you'll want regular minis and 2)
the two pawn sizes from the Beginner Box sheets are also fine, we don't need true/perfect scale for cardboard pawns.

I love them too. In fact I made a forum account just to say so a bit back. (though i have been a lurker for a long time now.)

I really don't think thay would be bad for minis, People that like minis seriously like minis, At least the people i know do. But at the same time the pawns can be used with the minis preatty well while imo tokens can not. (just looks silly.)

With them already owning the art and the low cost of mass producing die printed stuff I would even bet that the profit % on these would be better then minis while still selling them at a price budget gamers would love. (thats my napkin math mind you.)

That and it would bring in sales from people that would have never bought any minis what so ever. Like myself. I know enough people with big mini sets that are always in games with me to mooch whats needed. But with pawns I would buy my own.

I will buy these pawns immediately if they become available separately. When I saw these pawns, I almost regretted that I skipped the Beginner's Box because they are exactly what I was looking for. Miniatures are just way too expensive for me and paper minis are not as sturdy as I would like them to be.

If there will be more of these pawns, I think it would be nice of Paizo to address the facing thing even if Pathfinder does not include facing.
It would be easy to produce tokens that have a small sign on one side that indicates which side it is or to simply mark the bases with two colors.

While I purchased the Beginner Box for the purpose of introducing new players to the game, I have to admit that I really wanted to get the pawns. I would gladly lob more of my hard earned cash at Paizo for more sheets of pawns. I'm not even using a battle map in the game I'm currently running but those pawns are way too awesome to resist.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

So Im finally using my pogs and one thing Id love to see if these were ever released as a separate line is making them wet&dry eraseable. Adding numbers for gangs and the ability to quickly mark conditions would be very useful. I tried to use my current dry erase and while the color came off for the most part - it does bleed through a little. I'd understand if using the same material as the flip mats was cost prohibitive, but it would be a nice valude add if feasible.

Talwynor wrote:
So Im finally using my pogs and one thing Id love to see if these were ever released as a separate line is making them wet&dry eraseable. Adding numbers for gangs and the ability to quickly mark conditions would be very useful. I tried to use my current dry erase and while the color came off for the most part - it does bleed through a little. I'd understand if using the same material as the flip mats was cost prohibitive, but it would be a nice valude add if feasible.

While I sadly think this won't happen and will not fault them for it I still have to say I think this is a great idea. +1 for being a cleaver one my friend.

I am buying the beginner box for the pawns so count me among those that will buy plenty more of them if you choose to publish more of them.

The inclusion of pawns was an inspiration. I've written an article about them, in fact, that folks might want to check out. :)

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Pawns please. The more the better.

I absolutely love the pawns!
I have to play my games on the cheap, so i have been making my own pawns/tokens for a few years now, but I would totally be open to purchasing some pre-made pawns.
It would be a great way for those of us on budgets to use miniatures without breaking our banks.

blindelf wrote:
the two pawn sizes from the Beginner Box sheets are also fine, we don't need true/perfect scale for cardboard pawns.

I was w/ you and the others up to this point. If I were to buy pawns, they'd absolutely have to scale for the battlemat (i.e., medium-sized are 1" base). I could live w/ them being upright as opposed to the tons of flat die-cut tokens I already use; but the sizes need to match up.

If that can be done, add me to this growing chorus of fans of these sold separately.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I hear and obey.

blindelf wrote:
If I were to buy pawns, they'd absolutely have to scale for the battlemat (i.e., medium-sized are 1" base). I could live w/ them being upright as opposed to the tons of flat die-cut tokens I already use; but the sizes need to match up.

I agree. It might be tough to do a pawn for a full-sized red dragon, but most critters up to Gargantuan should be manageable. They might need to come with a larger base, but that's no biggie. Perhaps the Gargantuan ones could be two sheets with a split down/up the middle so they fit together into one 4-way piece, to help with scale and to keep the thing's balance? Not sure.

Erik Mona wrote:
I hear and obey.


Liberty's Edge

Erik Mona wrote:

I hear and obey.

Eeeeeeexcellent. :D

I think that both the size and facing problems can be solved using the bases. Simply using some marking on the base would solve facing issue and using larger bases would solve the size issue. Also using different size bases to represent size would allow you to up size a monster using the same pawn.

Sovereign Court

Erik Mona wrote:

I hear and obey.

I know you were excited about them before, but did you realise how awesome and useful they were going to be?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Yeah, I've pretty much been jazzed about these since before we decided to do the Beginner Box.

I _didn't_ realize that my enthusiasm would be so widely shared, though, which is a nice confirmation that I know what I'm talking about. :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Bagpuss wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

I hear and obey.

I know you were excited about them before, but did you realise how awesome and useful they were going to be?

Oh, we knew. We're very glad you all agree.

I've been a huge fan of the paper mini line and I'm very happy to hear that you might create a line of pawns. You make them, I'll buy them.

To clarify my thoughts on the pawns:

1) people clamoring for front and back side do realize that Paizo has an immense library of ready-to-print artwork for monsters and NPCs? Do you think they are going to approach those artists to go back and somehow make matching rear-view artwork of all those existing illustrations? For brand-new art it would be an option but I'm assuming the future pawn sets would primarily utilize existing artwork.

2) I could see them doing 3 sizes of die-cuts on sheets of pawns but how do you expect anything like true scale? This is unrealistic. Look at the black dragon from the BB set. They probably aren't going to do giant standee pawns that take up half a sheet of cardstock. What would the base be like?

These pawns rock. I hope we get a ton of them and I know they will sell like crazy, but they are not direct replacements for scaled 3D minis.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
blindelf wrote:
1) people clamoring for front and back side do realize that Paizo has an immense library of ready-to-print artwork for monsters and NPCs? Do you think they are going to approach those artists to go back and somehow make matching rear-view artwork of all those existing illustrations? For brand-new art it would be an option but I'm assuming the future pawn sets would primarily utilize existing artwork.

I think people mainly just want to check out Seoni's ass.

Kthulhu wrote:
blindelf wrote:
1) people clamoring for front and back side do realize that Paizo has an immense library of ready-to-print artwork for monsters and NPCs? Do you think they are going to approach those artists to go back and somehow make matching rear-view artwork of all those existing illustrations? For brand-new art it would be an option but I'm assuming the future pawn sets would primarily utilize existing artwork.
I think people mainly just want to check out Seoni's ass.

I was fine with the pawns as they were, now though, your argument has swayed me. I require backside art!

Scarab Sages

Kthulhu wrote:

I think people mainly just want to check out Seoni's ass.

You are wrong.

(It's Feiya's I want to see.)

Your comment made me really LOL.

Let me step into this thread just to say: Pawns, please.

I'm neutral about frontside/backside art, but I do want pawns.

I love the pawns and if prepainted plastic minis didn't exist I would buy a ton of pawns.

I just needed to add my voice to the throng here about the Pawns. They are great and I love them.

If there were a Pawn Set for each issue of an AP I would add those to my subscription.

If there were Pawn sets for Bestiary (lets say 4 - 5 sets for each Bestiary) I would subscribe to those.

4 or 5 sets would obviously include multiples of things like Goblins, Orcs, Hobgoblins, etc.
One set for Dragons of various sizes etc.
One set for both Demons and Devils, etc.

Hell, now that I think about it themed sets might actually work better.

Either way, BUYIN IT.

Sovereign Court

blindelf wrote:

2) I could see them doing 3 sizes of die-cuts on sheets of pawns but how do you expect anything like true scale? This is unrealistic. Look at the black dragon from the BB set. They probably aren't going to do giant standee pawns that take up half a sheet of cardstock. What would the base be like?

I assume you'd need a wider base and to have, say, two of them to support the bigger pawn. Up to size huge or even gargantuan, at least, I think that there wouldn't be a significant issue, although I would agree that bigger than gargantuan would be problematic (as it is for existing minis, it's hard to get one that large for anything other than the previously-released dragons).

Dream Daemon wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:

I think people mainly just want to check out Seoni's ass.

You are wrong.

(It's Feiya's I want to see.)

Your comment made me really LOL.


Nymph. I might be blind for life afterwords, but if I have that image in stuck in my head it's totally worth it.

Liberty's Edge

I love the pawns in my Beginner Box and I will be using them in my game. I would definitely buy more if they were available separately.

One thing I would ask for, though, are different sizes for bases. I would imagine they weren't added in the Beginner Box to keep things simple, but I don't really want to have a huge or gargantuan pawn (Desna willing) on a 1" base.

Auggie's Games is selling individual pawns.

Talwynor wrote:
So Im finally using my pogs and one thing Id love to see if these were ever released as a separate line is making them wet&dry eraseable. Adding numbers for gangs and the ability to quickly mark conditions would be very useful. I tried to use my current dry erase and while the color came off for the most part - it does bleed through a little. I'd understand if using the same material as the flip mats was cost prohibitive, but it would be a nice valude add if feasible.

I agree that it would be very usefull to be able to use wet and dry erase, but if they change the material a bit, I would suggest to make them a bit more durable on the botton where they are stuck into the stand.

That said after the success of the pawns, I guess we will get some product like it either directly from paizo (best choice IMO especially since that way you could get packs for your Adventure Paths) or other companies.

I recently received my first miniature from paizo, Ameiko Kaijitsu, and while I love it, but I am waaayyy to unskilled to paint it to my extremely unreasonably high standards.

Soooo when can I get my Kingmaker Pawns^^

Scarab Sages

Banpai wrote:

I recently received my first miniature from paizo, Ameiko Kaijitsu, and while I love it, but I am waaayyy to unskilled to paint it to my extremely unreasonably high standards.

Soooo when can I get my Kingmaker Pawns^^

Although a Pathfinder character, the Ameiko Kaijitsu mini is from the Reaper Miniatures company, not Paizo.

And I am also too unskilled to paint my own minis. I have to pay others to do it for me.

My room-mate got his son the Beginner Box, and after some help, he ran his first game tonight for my "adult" playgroup, and his 5 year old little brother...It was a blast!!!!! Yeah, he's rough, but he's got the spark, he's having fun, and the pawns were a big part of his arsenal when it came to helping him visualize to tell his story...The pawns brought a 5 year old into a world his brother made, and kept him enthralled for 2 hours...when was the last time you saw a 5 year old stay still and interested for that long in anything??

Paizo, again, as I've said many times, you brought a new generation back to the table, but you also gave us old dogs a reason to be happy we're still here. And I'm more than on board for more pawns, at the very least I've already been asked if you are thinking of making the sheets of monsters and plastic bases available as a separate purchase...I think he's already envisioning large orc armies (lol).

Pawns = win.

I would love to see pawns that cover all the Bestiaries, AP's, Modules, and Character Classes, done to scale and with appropriately sized bases.

Releasing these would certainly not stop me from purchasing the miniatures line (I do have the Beginner Box Heroes coming already as well as a case of Pathfinder Battles and the Black Dragon.)

For me, the pawns would simply serve duty until, naturally, they could be replaced with a miniature counterpart - once it was released. Also, the pawns are real nice for ease of transport.

These would also be awesome as a standard pack-in included with future Ap's and Modules, or at least be available for purchase separately. Undoubtedly, you'd see a huge increase in flip-mat sales too.

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