Bestiary 4 Wish List

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Silver Crusade


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Playable undead.
Undead that you can summon / create, specially medium size. Greater skeleton would be nice, but now the best choice is take down the big monster then make zombi or skeleton.
New races, but could be less important with advanced race.
Stop with variant demon/dragon/angels. We got enough variety now.
More environment related monster, that can be a threat even if they are not of high CR.

Tnks ;)

Do want playable undead. Do want.

More playable races

-Dragon based humaniod one with racial feats for usable wings, breath weapon, etc.

-Fey based- Fey touched medium size human blooded race, and small size race of playable fey.

-Animal based-Squirel, Dog/Wolf, Rabbit, Mouse, Bat, Turtle

-Plant based ones-an atractive female flower like one(+2con +2cha -2str), a tough tree like one(+2str +2wis -2Dex).

-living construct that is more organic then anything like the warforged. like a perfected flesh golem that is medium size and can pass for human(or any other race it was made to look like).

-Aberation- playable humaniod shaped creature(medium or small).

-Monstrous humaniod- anything in this type would be interesting like a lamia/serpant lower bodied style playable race.

-Magical beast- this one can be many different things, like a shapeshifters, intellegant animals, some magical beast can be humaniod in shape.

-Outsider-planetouched races for chaos, Law, Posistive energy plane, dream dimension/world, dimension/plane of time.

What I'd really love to see, and sorry if anyone else has already said this, I did not see it in the first and last 50 or so posts I read, would be something like Ultimate Monsters rather than just another Bestiary.

What I mean is, I wish Pathfinder would publish rules on how to make balanced monsters all on your own. I think one of the Monstrous Manuals offered up some rules, and the back of the original Bestiary offers the ground floor starting point but I think I'd really like a "How to Make Your Own Monsters" guidebook.

And in it a lot about making more templates -- I like templates and apply them often to spice things up with monsters.

Silver Crusade


I think I'd like to see a few more dinosaurs (with Jacobs that probably won't be a problem)

A few new types of true dragons

Some new fey would be reasonable

More cryptids would be cool

Some sort of dog-like humanoid and/or a 0HD lizardfolk analogue (medium size)

Might have more ideas later

Dark Archive


It's been 3 books already and the monster feat pages are CUT & PASTE

More Small animals for Improved Familiar.
Giant treefrog(Small toad), Lynx(Small cat), Iguana(Small lizard), and so on.

Native outsiders related to Utopia or Limbo.

More Lovecraftian creatures particularly the ones cut from AP#46.

More creatures from classic literature, especially ones from Alice in wonderland.

Some more movie inspired creatures as well.

More creatures from the Positive energy plane

More asian type mosters like the Nekomata, evil doll that will curse you, more oni, asian style ghosts, etc.

More Celtic creatures like Firbolg, Leanan Sidhe, etc.

That creature from egyptian mythology that had a crocs head body of a lion and hippo.

More greek creatures like Argus, Ladon, Orthus, etc.

Some Autralian creatures like the Rainbow serpant.

I don't care about any specific monsters, though what would be nice is alot of content involving the solar system at large. That way the Distant Worlds Gazetteer that I can't wait to buy will get lots of use.

Since they keep there Bestaries world neutral the odds of that are slim but maybe we can convince them there is a market for Golarion specific mini(65pages) bestairies.

KoboldOracle wrote:

What I'd really love to see, and sorry if anyone else has already said this, I did not see it in the first and last 50 or so posts I read, would be something like Ultimate Monsters rather than just another Bestiary.

What I mean is, I wish Pathfinder would publish rules on how to make balanced monsters all on your own. I think one of the Monstrous Manuals offered up some rules, and the back of the original Bestiary offers the ground floor starting point but I think I'd really like a "How to Make Your Own Monsters" guidebook.

And in it a lot about making more templates -- I like templates and apply them often to spice things up with monsters.

This would be my worst nightmare EVER.

Don't do this Paizo, EVER. Keep making Bestiaries with as few as possible Templates in them! :D

More Anamone/Coral-based monsters, not just brainless versions but actually unique and monstrous versions with strange powers.

Same with the following animals: Parasitic Wasps, Mantis, Crocodiles, Tiger, Gila Monster, Skunk, Fish, Shark, Bunny, Elephant, Stag, Clam, Vulture, Centipede, Mosquito. No more spider monsters as there are enough, only Corpsspinner would be welcome but they are not an option too bad...

More Greek: Argus, Carcinos, Cacus, Ladon and Empusa.

Domovoi, Jormundgar Serpent, Fenrir, Goblin Cat (asian legend much like Julajimus)

Springheel Jack with a nicer picture, his current AP picture sucks.

A new creature that replaces the MORKOTH in behavior (building underwater labyrinths and luring victims in) currently i'm using the Ceratoidio (the angler-folk) for this role but its better to have a new creature for this.

Otherwise i'm very happy as it is.

And of course Dunkleosteus!!! The fish/water brother to the Stymphalian Bird and Gorgon.

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This is pretty much copied and pasted from my last suggestions that didnt make it into Bestiary 3

Yowie, Skunk ape, Almas, and Yeren (all off shoots of bigfoot/yeti)
Ninki Nanka
Namibian Night stalker

As for other ideas

1. We need some more smaller dragons. Drakes are nice but smaller dragons like felldrakes and the Ninki Nanka would be a nice addition
2. Ravids and many other positive energy plane creatures
3. More Agathions. Specifically equinals, Ursidals (Bear agathion), and Pachydermals (elephant/rhino/mastadon type Agathion)
4. Psychic dragons based around nature.
5. Gem dragons (I know they couldnt do psychic and gem dragons so Ill settle for them being magic). Some good examples for gem dragons could be Diamond, Ruby, Citrine, Peridot, and Saphire
6. More Linnorms
7. More dinosaurs. Specifically Ichthyosaurus and Mosasaurus. If these two make it in I wont have anymore dinosaurs to suggest and can make my own island of lost time setting
8. More golems. Specifically Grave dirt, tombstone, Dragon Skin, and most importantly Paper
9. Modrons! Ok yes WotC own them and they will never use them to their full glory but give us some kind of lawfully aligned machine race, preferably that can be a player character
10. Lawful and chaotic aligned Planetouched
11. A playable lizardfolk race, preferably modeled after Komodo Dragons
12. A lot more Devils. I know the Paizo guys have a thing for demons but it seems like we've gotten a bit to many additional demons and daemons but not enough Devils. Its personal taste but I like my other worldly Machevellian villains more then the other guys

Finally, its not a monster but I would like to see updated random monster encounter listing that includes monsters from all bestiaries and Adventure Path monsters

Sincubus wrote:
KoboldOracle wrote:

What I'd really love to see, and sorry if anyone else has already said this, I did not see it in the first and last 50 or so posts I read, would be something like Ultimate Monsters rather than just another Bestiary.

What I mean is, I wish Pathfinder would publish rules on how to make balanced monsters all on your own. I think one of the Monstrous Manuals offered up some rules, and the back of the original Bestiary offers the ground floor starting point but I think I'd really like a "How to Make Your Own Monsters" guidebook.

And in it a lot about making more templates -- I like templates and apply them often to spice things up with monsters.

This would be my worst nightmare EVER.

Don't do this Paizo, EVER. Keep making Bestiaries with as few as possible Templates in them! :D

I disagree. Having bought Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary, I was amazed at the versatility of templates and would love Paizo to keep making more. They can really add extra flavor to monsters your party is already used to.

As for more monsters, today, I'm on a pre-Colonies America kick and I'd love to see more monsters from the different Native American folklores. Cemis would be interesting, although they have a similar flavor to the kami (specifically kodama). I can't think of anything else off the top of my head right now.

Odraude wrote:
Sincubus wrote:
KoboldOracle wrote:

What I'd really love to see, and sorry if anyone else has already said this, I did not see it in the first and last 50 or so posts I read, would be something like Ultimate Monsters rather than just another Bestiary.

What I mean is, I wish Pathfinder would publish rules on how to make balanced monsters all on your own. I think one of the Monstrous Manuals offered up some rules, and the back of the original Bestiary offers the ground floor starting point but I think I'd really like a "How to Make Your Own Monsters" guidebook.

And in it a lot about making more templates -- I like templates and apply them often to spice things up with monsters.

This would be my worst nightmare EVER.

Don't do this Paizo, EVER. Keep making Bestiaries with as few as possible Templates in them! :D

I disagree. Having bought Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary, I was amazed at the versatility of templates and would love Paizo to keep making more. They can really add extra flavor to monsters your party is already used to.

As for more monsters, today, I'm on a pre-Colonies America kick and I'd love to see more monsters from the different Native American folklores. Cemis would be interesting, although they have a similar flavor to the kami (specifically kodama). I can't think of anything else off the top of my head right now.

They can always create a book for only Templates, i'm not a game-addict I buy the books for other reasons and so templates for me personally are a waste of page, I wish for you template-players they create a book for only templates one day and leave the bestiaries free from them, they are just skipp-material for me in the books.

Windcaler wrote:

1. We need some more smaller dragons. Drakes are nice but smaller dragons like felldrakes and the Ninki Nanka would be a nice addition
2. Ravids and many other positive energy plane creatures
3. More Agathions. Specifically equinals, Ursidals (Bear agathion), and Pachydermals (elephant/rhino/mastadon type Agathion)
4. Psychic dragons based around nature.
5. Gem dragons (I know they couldnt do psychic and gem dragons so Ill settle for them being magic). Some good examples for gem dragons could be Diamond, Ruby, Citrine, Peridot, and Saphire
6. More Linnorms
7. More dinosaurs. Specifically Ichthyosaurus and Mosasaurus. If these two make it in I wont have anymore dinosaurs to suggest and can make my own island of lost time setting
8. More golems. Specifically Grave dirt, tombstone, Dragon Skin, and most importantly Paper
9. Modrons! Ok yes WotC own them and they will never use them to their full glory but give us some kind of lawfully aligned machine race, preferably that can be a player character
10. Lawful and chaotic aligned Planetouched
11. A playable lizardfolk race, preferably modeled after Komodo Dragons
12. A lot more Devils. I know the Paizo guys have a thing for demons but it seems like we've gotten a bit to many additional demons and daemons but not enough Devils. Its personal taste but I like my other worldly Machevellian villains more then the other guys

Finally, its not a monster but I would like to see updated random monster encounter listing that includes monsters from all bestiaries and Adventure Path monsters

You really want more golems, dragons and drakes? They are in huge numbers available already...

If you really like drakes that much they are in HUMONGOUS numbers in the new D&D4th edition material, in matter of fact they are in every new book they create instead of classics such as morkoth, leucrotta and peryton, it even made me stop buying their products.

Mosasaurus = pretty much the same material as Tylosaurus from Bestiary 2.

Ravids ain't gonna happen, they don't really like that creature so it will never be there, its weird looking and too complex or something like that.
I don't understand this, why they want to copy the entire creature from MONSTER MANUAL 1st edition while they can just copy the name and abilities and change its worthless appearance all together into something more appealing and playable, at least cut that strange hand ontop of it.

And all these difficult-name critters are mostly copies of other creaturs such as Chupacabra, Water Orm, Yeti, Nue and all those pterosaur-like-drakes-and-dragons... but from different countries and folklore, so those would be good upgrade-creatures for the excisting creatures but a whole own page of these would be like a copy of the previous bestiaries.

Shadow Lodge

Sincubus wrote:
They can always create a book for only Templates, i'm not a game-addict I buy the books for other reasons and so templates for me personally are a waste of page, I wish for you template-players they create a book for only templates one day and leave the bestiaries free from them, they are just skipp-material for me in the books.

I'd happily buy Ultimate Templates...especially if it included updated versions of everything from both the Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary and Silverthorne Games' Book of Templates, as well as all the templates from the SRD.

Looking back through my books on Central Amercian and Caribbean folklore here, I'd like to see the following:

Coatlicue: Mixing Aztec mythology with Golden Sun (the Video Game), perhaps a fey woman that focuses more on divine casting.

Xmulzencab/Ahmuzencab: A 'swarm of bees' demon. Looking through the bestiaries, we don't have any 'living swarm' type of monsters, except maybe the Worm that Walks. The first name is Aztec while the second is Mayan and more named after a bee deity.

Cipactli: Would make a great Tarrasque-like monster. A subterranean caiman-like monstrosity with mouths on its knees/elbows.

Nagual: Not so much a monster as a template update to the Animal Lord in the Bestiary 3. Essentially, add an ability for it to drink blood and curse and BOOM, instant Nagual :)

Jaguars: Because Jaguars are awesome! I'd imagine they would be similar to Leopards but with a greater jaw strength. Plus, jaguar animal companion would be cool.

Cemi: Like I said a bit earlier, they admittedly have similarities to kami. I'd like to imagine carvings (bone, wood, stone) given life.

Toa: Spirits of abandoned children left by their mothers at riversides and lake shores. Frog-like in appearance (i'd imagine like a tree frog), they constantly cry out 'toa toa' to their lost mothers.

Opia: A form of undead that look as they did in real life, minus their naval. Sleep in caves all day and come out at night to devour fruit. Corporeal unless attacked, and they use fear to drive people away. Hitting them in the stomach would probably stun them.

That's all I can muster at the moment. I think I'll come up with a list of beasts and monsters from North and South America later.

Silver Crusade

Odraude wrote:

Looking back through my books on Central Amercian and Caribbean folklore here, I'd like to see the following:

Coatlicue: Mixing Aztec mythology with Golden Sun (the Video Game), perhaps a fey woman that focuses more on divine casting.

I wonder how you balance her healing aspects with her destructive aspects. I know that the Aztecs focused a lot more on her destructive nature than on healing.

Apostle of Gygax wrote:
Odraude wrote:

Looking back through my books on Central Amercian and Caribbean folklore here, I'd like to see the following:

Coatlicue: Mixing Aztec mythology with Golden Sun (the Video Game), perhaps a fey woman that focuses more on divine casting.

I wonder how you balance her healing aspects with her destructive aspects. I know that the Aztecs focused a lot more on her destructive nature than on healing.

That's a fair point. Admittedly, I was thinking of simply giving her the tzitzimitl treatment (Bestiary 3) and make her a fey or outsider creature instead of a unique goddess. I also wouldn't mind seeing different types of coatls.

Something I was thinking was perhaps an Obsidian Golem. Either that or a Aztec stone construct in a similar vein to the Jaguar Statue in Dreamworks' animated film The Road to El Dorado or the 'mechanized' units of the Cuotl civilization in Rise of Legends.

Xmulzencab/Ahmuzencab: A 'swarm of bees' demon. Looking through the bestiaries, we don't have any 'living swarm' type of monsters, except maybe the Worm that Walks. The first name is Aztec while the second is Mayan and more named after a bee deity.

Forgot about Hellwasp Swarm? A intelligent swarm of evil wasps that can possess corpses, pretty much the same.

Jaguar = same as Leopard to me.

Sincubus wrote:

Xmulzencab/Ahmuzencab: A 'swarm of bees' demon. Looking through the bestiaries, we don't have any 'living swarm' type of monsters, except maybe the Worm that Walks. The first name is Aztec while the second is Mayan and more named after a bee deity.

Forgot about Hellwasp Swarm? A intelligent swarm of evil wasps that can possess corpses, pretty much the same.

Jaguar = same as Leopard to me.

I definitely disagree about jaguars and leopards. I feel that they are about as different (game mechanically) as cheetahs and leopards. And those two have separate entries. It does say in the description that jaguars can use the leopard stats, but since when has that stopped Paizo from publishing a monster already in one's stats (see Giant Ogre Spiders and Giant Black Widow Spiders in Bestiary 1 and 3).

What makes a jaguar different is:

1. Ability to swim well. I'm thinking like a tiger can. No actual swim speed, but they swim well enough.

2. Jaw strength. Jaguars have the strongest jaws in the feline family.

3. Jaguars are generally bigger and stronger than leopards. It allows them to ambush larger creatures (such as tapirs and capybaras) and even drown them if caught in water, dragging their bodies out and eating them.

So what I think should be in the stats for a jaguar are

1. Replace Acrobatics with Swim. Keep the other skills (Perception, Climb, and Stealth).

2. Bump up the jaw dice to 1d8. Jaguars don't really use their claws as much as other cats, so you could drop the claw damage, but I don't see any reason to honestly. Definitely keep the grab when biting and maybe some kind of crushing ability after grabbing. I don't really know.

3. Bump the strength to an 18.

4. Remove the climb speed.

5. Feats are a tough one. I think they are fine as is at the moment.

I think those would be really good for a jaguar statblock. If it could do some kind of 'crushing' ability with it's jaws after a grapple, or maybe a rend, I'd bump it up a CR I think.

As for the bee demon and Hellwasps, I think there can still be something done with the Xmulzencab. Remove the possession ability. I'd say to make it different, we could go with the interpretation that there is a skeleton beneath that swarm and it can fire bee swarms at people. Perhaps even manipulate objects with the bees as per mage hand..

Silver Crusade

Odraude wrote:
Apostle of Gygax wrote:
Odraude wrote:

Looking back through my books on Central Amercian and Caribbean folklore here, I'd like to see the following:

Coatlicue: Mixing Aztec mythology with Golden Sun (the Video Game), perhaps a fey woman that focuses more on divine casting.

I wonder how you balance her healing aspects with her destructive aspects. I know that the Aztecs focused a lot more on her destructive nature than on healing.
That's a fair point. Admittedly, I was thinking of simply giving her the tzitzimitl treatment (Bestiary 3) and make her a fey or outsider creature instead of a unique goddess. I also wouldn't mind seeing different types of coatls.

I don't disagree that she could be used as the inspiration for a type of fey or outsider. I just think that, particularly if you make it like Golden Sun, you get too much focus on the healing aspect and not enough on what the Aztec had in mind. I envision a race of CN fey that have healing abilities, but that require a gentle hand and a diplomatic touch to convince to help you and that could still turn on you at a moments notice. Something that looks like this would be awesome.

Something I was thinking was perhaps an Obsidian Golem. Either that or a Aztec stone construct in a similar vein to the Jaguar Statue in Dreamworks' animated film The Road to El Dorado or the 'mechanized' units of the Cuotl civilization in Rise of Legends.

An obsidian golem would be good so long as it is more Mesoamerican and less this.

While not Obsidian, I actually hope to see something like the Cuotl from the video game Rise of Legends:

Also, damn, she looks pretty awesome.

Come to think of it, are the other 3.5 Guardinals like the Ursinal WOTC IP? I saw a list of such creatures that WOTC will not permit anyone else to use(illithid, githyanki, etc.), and they weren't on that list. It's just that I have a cool character concept of my character being taught by a wise Ursinal. I've liked them since Planescape. It'd just be cool to have them.

Silver Crusade

Odraude wrote:

While not Obsidian, I actually hope to see something like the Cuotl from the video game Rise of Legends:


Also, damn, she looks pretty awesome.

Fixed the link for you. They look awesome by the way.

Barong wrote:
Come to think of it, are the other 3.5 Guardinals like the Ursinal WOTC IP?

Pretty sure they are, by virtue of not being in the first 3.5 Monster Manual. :(

I think I remember them saying that they were closed content as well.

Shadow Lodge

Wanna know what's closed content? If it's not in the SRD, and it's not in the Tome of Horrors, and it's not imported fairly faithfully from folklore, then it's closed content. This means that the overwhelming majority of monsters from Monster Manuals II - V are closed content. The listing that's often referenced is generally just a list of the monsters in Monster Manual I that are closed content.

Odraude wrote:
Sincubus wrote:

Xmulzencab/Ahmuzencab: A 'swarm of bees' demon. Looking through the bestiaries, we don't have any 'living swarm' type of monsters, except maybe the Worm that Walks. The first name is Aztec while the second is Mayan and more named after a bee deity.

Forgot about Hellwasp Swarm? A intelligent swarm of evil wasps that can possess corpses, pretty much the same.

Jaguar = same as Leopard to me.

I definitely disagree about jaguars and leopards. I feel that they are about as different (game mechanically) as cheetahs and leopards. And those two have separate entries. It does say in the description that jaguars can use the leopard stats, but since when has that stopped Paizo from publishing a monster already in one's stats (see Giant Ogre Spiders and Giant Black Widow Spiders in Bestiary 1 and 3).

What makes a jaguar different is:

1. Ability to swim well. I'm thinking like a tiger can. No actual swim speed, but they swim well enough.

2. Jaw strength. Jaguars have the strongest jaws in the feline family.

3. Jaguars are generally bigger and stronger than leopards. It allows them to ambush larger creatures (such as tapirs and capybaras) and even drown them if caught in water, dragging their bodies out and eating them.

So what I think should be in the stats for a jaguar are

1. Replace Acrobatics with Swim. Keep the other skills (Perception, Climb, and Stealth).

2. Bump up the jaw dice to 1d8. Jaguars don't really use their claws as much as other cats, so you could drop the claw damage, but I don't see any reason to honestly. Definitely keep the grab when biting and maybe some kind of crushing ability after grabbing. I don't really know.

3. Bump the strength to an 18.

4. Remove the climb speed.

5. Feats are a tough one. I think they are fine as is at the moment.

I think those would be really good for a jaguar statblock. If it could do some kind of 'crushing' ability with it's jaws after a grapple, or maybe a rend, I'd bump it up a CR I think.

As for the...

Okay I agree they are a bit different, but Leopards are far more powerful than Jaguars, they are known for their strength to lift large animals into trees and they are the only predators that succesfully can catch gemsbok, something lions even are afraid of, they also attack Zebra's and those are larger than Tapirs. :p

Barong wrote:
Come to think of it, are the other 3.5 Guardinals like the Ursinal WOTC IP? I saw a list of such creatures that WOTC will not permit anyone else to use(illithid, githyanki, etc.), and they weren't on that list. It's just that I have a cool character concept of my character being taught by a wise Ursinal. I've liked them since Planescape. It'd just be cool to have them.

I think you COULD Reintroduce under other name and diffrent abilities and diffrent CR

Ursinal --> Arkudal(arktós greek for bear)
Lupinal --> Lykonal (lykos greek for you know what)

After reading some Carrion Crown today, I was thinking about how cool it would be to have a vukodlak (imagine a creature with werewolf and vampire traits) but minus the daylight weakness. They are essentially cannibalistic witches and warlocks that died and became creatures that take the form of wolves and suck blood.

Why not have an Sincubus aswel, it looks like a Incubus but behaves like a Succubus... in that way we can turn everything together...

I want more unique Aztek monsters, but I don't know more than Ahuizotl and Couatl and the Tzitmiztl... What are some other monsters from aztek mythology that aren't good, template or boring clones from other mythologies or folklore?

Are there any other Aztek monsters in the three bestiaries that I don't know about? Baykok sounds and looks aztek but is it aztek?

Paizo, Please never make the mistake D&D made!!!

Never EVER create sooo many dragonspawn, drakes and other such creatures like they did! It really sucked!

That would be my nightmare, that you will invent a way to create legal dragonspawn-based creatures, those horrid endless possibility-excuse for more dragon horrors should be left where they belong, and that is D&D.

I can't believe people actually like Dragonspawn, they are horrible and non-creative.

Gladly they are not legal to copy, I hope they stay that way, forever rotting in their copyright. :D

Also there need to be some Scarab monster, and more egyptian mythology beasts in general, maybe egyptian mythology will be a good base for Bestiary 4!

I hated those Dragon spawn things as well but I doubt for both creative and legal reasons Paizo will not make such things. Besides we already have the half dragon template.

I agree about more egyptian mythological cretures would be cool as well.

It would have been nice to know what cultures a lot of these creatures were from.

While we don't need stats for all the big cats people should know that panthers are actually two seperate cats species one is a Jaguar the other is a lepord. Also a cheetah has a bone structure like that a grey hound and don't have retractable claws.

- Some raffleshia-flower monster (see lufia 2)
- Some new moss-based monster from the styx or any plant-creature that lives in the styx and drains memories.
- More nightshades, Spider nightshade, plant nightshade which could be a black raffleshia flower.
- Argus as giant but not with human-colored skin, its skin must be green or black to make him different from the boring Hill giant.
- While the Aurumvorax is much like it, the Nemean Lions ability should be implented into another new creature.
- All daemons not used yet from the Daemon book.
- Still a creature that uses magnetizm as an ability and which isn't an all-powerfull god creature such as the purple orb ooze in bestiary 3 as I don't like all-powerful monsters that have multiple very different powers, the monster should be like metalmaster so low-intelligent and with only magnetic abilities.
- Same with a zorbo-based creature, maybe dropbear.
- I can't stand it there is still no Jackalope-creature, for my sake a very different much more powerful carnivorous Jackalope.
- Evil Domovoi, the evil counterpart from Brownie.
- Fossergrim
- Foxwoman/Werefox
- Golden Fox (other name for the fox-version of kitsune)
- Tempest (living storm)
- Monstrous Mummies much like the Skirr from D&D
- Ukobach (with new art)
- Skrik Nettle with gravity abilities and same artwork as before, which is the best artwork ever.
- Kerkope, the winged monkey thieves from greek mythology.
- More non-humanoid undead
- More non-winged devils and demons.
- More intelligent oozes with bizarre abilities, we have enough ochre jellies and black puddings, not as bizarre as the purple-orb ooze from bestiary 3 tho... those were too complex.

And ALL adventure-path creaturs that make it into Bestiary 4 should get new artwork! Especially Vouivre, cut the wings.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm down with more Egyptian. As for the Aztec, I'd say of the 5 I listed, the Coatlicue, Cipactli, and Xmulzencab would be a decent fit. The last couple monsters (Toa, Opia, and Cemi) aren't Aztec but from Taino culture. Those are the indigenous peoples of Puerto Rico.

Coatlicue: A beautiful lady with a skirt of serpents, like Apostle of Gygax said, she is a force of life and death. Mixing the classic mythology with her appearance in Golden Sun, I'd make her a beautiful fey or outsider with the skirt of snakes and a large water jug filled with healing water.

Cipactli: A massive underground primordial fish-caiman monster. Similar to the tarrasque in sheer terror and danger, it has maws on it's elbows and knees and multiple legs. Perhaps it could have tongues that try to grasp people and pull it into it's many jaws.

Nagual: In recent times, it is a witch that transforms into an animal (usually jaguar) to drink the blood of people, spread curses, and give diseases. In the past though, they were spirits of nature that lived side by side with people and protected them.

Totochtin: From Centzon Totochtin, they were 'rabbit deities' that were immortal and enjoyed alcohol quite a bit. Imagine an Aztec version of the Tanuki, minus the giant scrotum ;)

Itzli: Itzli and many gods prefixed by the word Itz- all have to do with obsidian. I'm sure we can use this for obsidian golems.

Flayed Ones: A bit of an original creation here. Imagine a ghost or rotting corpse that wears the flayed skin of it's last victim and it goes after people to take their skin. I've based it on the practices of priests of Xipe Totec (Our Lord the Flayed One) who would flay people alive as part of their sacrifice.

Xiuhcoatl: A terrifying fire serpent of epic proportions. Like Cipactli, I'd say tarrasque levels of danger for this one.

That's all I can really get from what books I have on the matter. I do have some other Native American books here on Mayans, Incans, and other tribes of North America. I'll post ideas later. I'm a little biased but I'd love to see a couple of the Taino spirits in the next book.

The Baykok is actually of the Ojibwe peoples (Great Lakes area)

Coatlicue: A beautiful lady with a skirt of serpents, like Apostle of Gygax said, she is a force of life and death. Mixing the classic mythology with her appearance in Golden Sun, I'd make her a beautiful fey or outsider with the skirt of snakes and a large water jug filled with healing water.

This is a good-alignment creature, I don't really care for those, or they must be extremly cool (such Kirin and Couatl)

Cipactli: A massive underground primordial fish-caiman monster. Similar to the tarrasque in sheer terror and danger, it has maws on it's elbows and knees and multiple legs. Perhaps it could have tongues that try to grasp people and pull it into it's many jaws.

Too big, i'm more searching for small/normal/large/huge size creatures, not tarrasque wannabees.

Nagual: In recent times, it is a witch that transforms into an animal (usually jaguar) to drink the blood of people, spread curses, and give diseases. In the past though, they were spirits of nature that lived side by side with people and protected them.

This sounds like a fun replacer of the Tabaxi, I like it thanks!

Totochtin: From Centzon Totochtin, they were 'rabbit deities' that were immortal and enjoyed alcohol quite a bit. Imagine an Aztec version of the Tanuki, minus the giant scrotum ;)

I don't like alcohol-user monsters as they remind me of that horrid pandaren from warcraft and I usually don't like comical creatures, but Pathfinder needs a rabbit monster indeed, but I prefer Jackalope.

Itzli: Itzli and many gods prefixed by the word Itz- all have to do with obsidian. I'm sure we can use this for obsidian golems.

Sounds good, I would like a obsidian golem thing.

Flayed Ones: A bit of an original creation here. Imagine a ghost or rotting corpse that wears the flayed skin of it's last victim and it goes after people to take their skin. I've based it on the practices of priests of Xipe Totec (Our Lord the Flayed One) who would flay people alive as part of their sacrifice.

Good and all but will leave the Bestiaries Ecorche (skinless undead giant) without work as it has the same purpose.

Xiuhcoatl: A terrifying fire serpent of epic proportions. Like Cipactli, I'd say tarrasque levels of danger for this one.

I'm done with creatures that are on fire and with epic proportions which don't really suit into anything other than mass-destruction... so don't like this last one.

I like a lot of creatures that Odraude has sugested so I vote for his wishlist as well.

I'd actually think the Coatlicue would be neutral, with some having a penchant for one extreme or the other.

And it's not really bad for a couple monsters to have similar abilities. I mean, look at all the vampire types we got in the Bestiary 3.

Had to look up Tabaxi admittedly. I think the Nagual in both incarnations are more like Animal Lords with extra abilities.

Also, looks like you posted something Sincubus but didn't write anything.


As the office's resident expert in obscure monsters, I'm always impressed with some of the out-there creatures from folklore you guys dig up. I also really enjoy seeing names on these list that I've commissioned and are in the pipe. ;)

I think you all will be pleased with a few things we have in store later this year, but totally keep the wishlists going.

Sincubus wrote:
Never EVER create sooo many dragonspawn, drakes and other such creatures like they did! It really sucked!

Dragons are supposed to be special. I don't ever see us coming out with a big book of all weirdo new dragons. Any time we add dragons its. preferably, either as a new breed of five, a creature from folklore, or a minor spin off like drakes - things with some history, some precedent, some legs. For that reason, I'm a big opponent of a 0 HD dragon race (and avoid the half-dragon template), it just makes dragons too commonplace. The black dragon despot at the end of the campaign looses some of its oomph if you've had his two-legged cousin in the party the whole campaign.

That said, now that I've poo-pooed them, if you want a dragon race, just use the rules in the Advanced Race Guide to make them.

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

As the office's resident expert in obscure monsters, I'm always impressed with some of the out-there creatures from folklore you guys dig up. I also really enjoy seeing names on these list that I've commissioned and are in the pipe. ;)

I think you all will be pleased with a few things we have in store later this year, but totally keep the wishlists going.

Sincubus wrote:
Never EVER create sooo many dragonspawn, drakes and other such creatures like they did! It really sucked!

Dragons are supposed to be special. I don't ever see us coming out with a big book of all weirdo new dragons. Any time we add dragons its. preferably, either as a new breed of five, a creature from folklore, or a minor spin off like drakes - things with some history, some precedent, some legs. For that reason, I'm a big opponent of a 0 HD dragon race (and avoid the half-dragon template), it just makes dragons too commonplace. The black dragon despot at the end of the campaign looses some of its oomph if you've had his two-legged cousin in the party the whole campaign.

That said, now that I've poo-pooed them, if you want a dragon race, just use the rules in the Advanced Race Guide to make them.

Awesome stuff. Now, since you're the resident expert on obscure monsters, do you know what the Mayan name for the Cosmic Monster is? I can't seem to find it.

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

As the office's resident expert in obscure monsters, I'm always impressed with some of the out-there creatures from folklore you guys dig up. I also really enjoy seeing names on these list that I've commissioned and are in the pipe. ;)

I think you all will be pleased with a few things we have in store later this year, but totally keep the wishlists going.

Sincubus wrote:
Never EVER create sooo many dragonspawn, drakes and other such creatures like they did! It really sucked!

Dragons are supposed to be special. I don't ever see us coming out with a big book of all weirdo new dragons. Any time we add dragons its. preferably, either as a new breed of five, a creature from folklore, or a minor spin off like drakes - things with some history, some precedent, some legs. For that reason, I'm a big opponent of a 0 HD dragon race (and avoid the half-dragon template), it just makes dragons too commonplace. The black dragon despot at the end of the campaign looses some of its oomph if you've had his two-legged cousin in the party the whole campaign.

That said, now that I've poo-pooed them, if you want a dragon race, just use the rules in the Advanced Race Guide to make them.

I don't mean the Dragonspawn-dragon humans, I mean the D&D dragonspawn which are just smaller versions of the dragons with strange appearances, such as the black dragon spider, the whitespawn iceskater, greenspawn assassin, purplespawn nightmare killer, the godslayer bluespawn and the redspawn firebelcher... such dragonspawn are a waste of space and blasphemy to the real dragons.

And i'm very curious which creaturs you mean by this, I sure hope its about Argus and not the Tarrasque-aztek creatures they talk about :p

Kind of revisiting one of the Taino creatures I listed...

Toa: In the Folklore, there is a story of a man that tricked all the women into leaving their villages and children. Without anyone that could breastfeed them (since only the fathers were left), the children would continue to make a 'toa' sound until they all unfortunately 'died' and became frog creatures.

For Pathfinder, I think it'd be an interesting type of aquatic/jungle undead. Have Small sized humanoid frogs that are thin and constantly cry out their name, trying to lure women (usually mothers) to their doom. Whether it's out of malice or want of a mother... is up to the GM of course :)

Getting off my New World kick, I'd also like to seem some more titans. Titans are awesome And it'd be cool to see more out there.

Would like to see the Cyclopes version of the Titans, along with Titans from some of the other outer planes.

Sincubus wrote:
Windcaler wrote:

1. We need some more smaller dragons. Drakes are nice but smaller dragons like felldrakes and the Ninki Nanka would be a nice addition
2. Ravids and many other positive energy plane creatures
3. More Agathions. Specifically equinals, Ursidals (Bear agathion), and Pachydermals (elephant/rhino/mastadon type Agathion)
4. Psychic dragons based around nature.
5. Gem dragons (I know they couldnt do psychic and gem dragons so Ill settle for them being magic). Some good examples for gem dragons could be Diamond, Ruby, Citrine, Peridot, and Saphire
6. More Linnorms
7. More dinosaurs. Specifically Ichthyosaurus and Mosasaurus. If these two make it in I wont have anymore dinosaurs to suggest and can make my own island of lost time setting
8. More golems. Specifically Grave dirt, tombstone, Dragon Skin, and most importantly Paper
9. Modrons! Ok yes WotC own them and they will never use them to their full glory but give us some kind of lawfully aligned machine race, preferably that can be a player character
10. Lawful and chaotic aligned Planetouched
11. A playable lizardfolk race, preferably modeled after Komodo Dragons
12. A lot more Devils. I know the Paizo guys have a thing for demons but it seems like we've gotten a bit to many additional demons and daemons but not enough Devils. Its personal taste but I like my other worldly Machevellian villains more then the other guys

Finally, its not a monster but I would like to see updated random monster encounter listing that includes monsters from all bestiaries and Adventure Path monsters

You really want more golems, dragons and drakes? They are in huge numbers available already...

If you really like drakes that much they are in HUMONGOUS numbers in the new D&D4th edition material, in matter of fact they are in every new book they create instead of classics such as morkoth, leucrotta and peryton, it even made me stop buying their products.

Mosasaurus = pretty much the same material as Tylosaurus from Bestiary 2.


I do want a much larger variety of golems. I want paper specifically because I have this crazy idea in my head for an oriental adventure revolving around an oragami expert.

I also want smaller dragons more. As i said small dragons like Felldrakes or ambush drakes from MM3. Tatzwyrms were a great addition but they only fill one role, the stealthy ambush dragon.

I also want to see a larger variety of dragons, one set for nature and one set for Gem dragons because I like the ideas for both. More importantly i really do believe that what the dragon groups are missing are psychic dragons. They played a huge part in the game for me in 2nd ed, and 3.X so I would like to see that continue with Pathfinder

On the Mosasaur, what can I say besides I like them? I want an aquatic apex predator of the seas for prehistoric settings. We dont really have a Megalodon (no i dont consider the advanced giant shark an acceptable megalodon) but I think I would still want a Mosasaur even if we did. The tylosaurus could be a Mosasaur in a pinch but that feels, for lack of a better word, cheap

Yes Ravids and more positive energy creatures. I like the positive energy plane, I think theres a ton that can be done with it in Pathfinder but throughout the various editions its barely been touched. Ive personally written entire campaigns surrounding the plane because I find its dangerous allure so enchanting and its very existance such a powerful challenge to conventional PCs. Its the perfect plane to mix things up

Every one of the crytids I mention is unique in some way. I suggest you do some research before you dismiss them so readily.

Finally, Ill save the bile I have for all things 4th edition and just state that nothing in those books are workable for what I want

ehhm we have the megalodon its the dire shark

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