Your favorite spells as a DM?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

What are some fun spells to use as a DM?

I personally like to use Hideous Laughter to remind players not to dump Wisdom if they have a "Bad" progression for their will save.

The next time I gm I want to use murderous command from ultimate magic.

I still love Wrack from the Book of Vile Darkness. It didn't kill players outright, but it definately scared the crap out of them when they instantly drop to -7hp, and they are bleeding out.

Charender wrote:
I still love Wrack from the Book of Vile Darkness. It didn't kill players outright, but it definately scared the crap out of them when they instantly drop to -7hp, and they are bleeding out.

I like the spell compendium version which leaves them convulsing on the floor in pain and helpless, but does not take their hp away.

I also like Murderous Command and Black tentacles.

Going back to 3.5 I like the "Cyst" spells. I have yet to use them, but since I am running Carrion Crown..... :)


Stone shape.

Some favorites:

Fireball: A classic player spell, yet rarely prepared for by my players. Screws up a party AMAZINGLY well.

Entangle: Similarly to fireball, players rarely see it coming and it changes a whole encounter.

Teleport: SO very important for the bad guys to have.

Dimension Door: see teleport.

Fog cloud: Both effective with many monsters especially with blindsight, AND it makes things dramatic and scary for the players.


Liberty's Edge

That's easy!

Dispel Magic and Dispel Magic, Greater.

You want to hurt a party? Kick 'em right in the buffs.

Confusion. Nothing like sowing mayhem and chaos into the rank and file of the PCs.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dictum. It is exceedingly rare for anyone in my group to play a lawful alignment, so it hits virtually everyone if they're in range.

Excruciating Deformation. Sure, it doesn't kill, but it takes folks out of the fight, and if enough folks are hit with it, the group can find it VERY pressing that they hole up somewhere safe and lick their wounds.

Eldritch Fever and the other spellblight causing spells, because they leave a mark.

Orb of the Void: Because it's virtually certain one of two things will happen. A) the players will think the big bad evil guy has a Sphere of Annihilation that he uses as a weapon, and wet themselves, or B) stand there and declare, pleased with themselves, that they're going to "disbelieve the illusion"

Early Judgement: useful in combat, while simultaneously letting me hint at players when they might be facing an alignment change if they don't adjust their actions.

Dark Archive

DreamAtelier wrote:
Orb of the Void: Because it's virtually certain one of two things will happen. A) the players will think the big bad evil guy has a Sphere of Annihilation that he uses as a weapon, and wet themselves, or B) stand there and declare, pleased with themselves, that they're going to "disbelieve the illusion"

Love this.

I've personally had a lot of fun with entangle and sleep at lower levels. They really make encounters more challenging without being overwhelming.

Had fun using mad monkeys from Ultimate Magic as a player. I'd love to see how it plays out from the other side of the screen. Especially as a spell trap.

The Exchange

I love to use blindness/deafness and bestow curse; really anything that will cripple a PC for more than one encounter. HP damage is so easily reversed and doesn't provide the sense of actually being in danger.



project image...because you can't attack what's not really there

summon monster especially if you can get them out faster than 1 full round (druid animal shaman, etc)...lantern archon gun batteries are my favorite

xyz image again, when the party has to interact with it, they've already entered my desired kill zone

disintegrate...mostly for those annoying "Save or Lose" spellcasters who think they're all hot, buffing up their offense at the expense of survivability. And lots of d6's to roll is fun!

I've been using my own version of Create Pit for several years. Actually, the NPCs have had access to it as a flask... Such a simple way to drop a player out of melee for a round or two.

3.5's Sudden Maximize plus scorching ray at level 7 was kinda fun.
"You take 48 damage"
"but you didn't roll!"
"No, I did not"

I really like mirror image as a way of icing the one shot for nine zillion damage types too.

Dark Archive

Sanctuary on a cleric, who then just goes about healing. Command and hold person pack a punch at low levels for casters.

Sleep and color spray for low level arcane, sleep being the worst since most players seem to favor humans for feats, and forget how nice it is to be immune to this spell.

Shadowborn wrote:
Confusion. Nothing like sowing mayhem and chaos into the rank and file of the PCs.

Oh god yes, this.

Waffle_Neutral wrote:
I love to use blindness/deafness and bestow curse; really anything that will cripple a PC for more than one encounter. HP damage is so easily reversed and doesn't provide the sense of actually being in danger.

And this. My party evoker being blinded still gives me nightmares. "Okay, point me at the bad guys!" bzzzzt-

Dark Archive

I have this little trick that I like to call the Meat Grinder: quickened create pit + stone shape.

you dig a pit, hopefully drop half the party in, then make the ceiling come after them into the pit for a little bit of crushing damage.
The PC's that manage to remain on top can "hear muffled screams and crunches from below as the once-beautiful mosaic of the ceiling embeds itself in [character]'s ribs"

Just ran a heck of a fight this Saturday past wherein a group of intrepid adventurers encountered a unique advanced glomeray camping some very entertaining spell like abilities...

AoE confusion aura was highly entertaining, particularly when the druid's animal companion tripped the druid right before the cleric nearly killed him (both rolled attack nearest and the druid stood right between the two. Cue wolf-cleric fist/paw bump.)

But what really got to be fun was what happened with the barbarian.
Initial round of combat: fascinated by Hypnotic Pattern.
Later round of combat: tired of taking 20 point hits from the barb, the glomeray drops a Charm Monster into him. Instant Barbarian Buddy!
Next round: glomeray seeks to leave, and convinces his new friend to hop on its back so it can fly them both out of there. It delays. The barbarian is standing beside the glomeray, just waiting for his turn to mount up, when the cleric goes and drops a murderous command on the barbarian! Glomeray makes its Spellcraft, decides that just won't do, and drops a defensive cast Hypnotic Pattern again, fascinating the barbarian, before moving away.

So we have a charmed barbarian with a murderous command in a Hypnotic holding Pattern. Cue the gnomish sorcerer's turn, who decides using his standard action to awaken the barbarian would be a wise course of action... until he's reminded that he'd be the nearest (only) friendly target next to the barbarian, who's still Murderous Commanded.

They wisely opted to let the barbarian stay fascinated for a turn, though the gnome did end up biting the big one anyway (Chasing an advanced demon is a bad idea. Engaging in melee with said demon is just suicidal.)

tl;dr: I counter-countered Murderous Command (cast as a counter to Charm Monster) with Hypnotic Pattern.

The Exchange

Ryzoken wrote:

tl;dr: I counter-countered Murderous Command (cast as a counter to Charm Monster) with Hypnotic Pattern.

Sounds like a fun game, but doesn't the fascinated condition end when there are obvious threats about, such as bare weapons, clerics stomping on druids, spells being cast, and his demon and non-demon buddies fighting each other?

I nearly did a TPK at high levels with Prismatic Sphere. Was one of the best and closest fight I've ever had.

I like Telekinesis if you can have the terrain worth it.

Blade Barrier is one of my favorite spell, player or DM. And I always thought it was graphically pretty... impressive. I sometime combine it with Grasping Hand/Telekinesis/Bull Rush. On a low-CMD character, it's extremely dangerous.

Project Image + Globe of invulnerability.

Contagious Flames.

Stone to mud + Mud to stone; how to stuck a character in the ground with absolutely no saves.

Dominate, always fun on the fighter or barbarian.

And Scorching Ray will always be a fine quick damage output.

My favorites are probably:

Confusion: When the low will types suddenly stop following the plan and hitting anyone or standing doing nothing, I can't help but laugh.

The whole Fear type series: Again the low will damage machines stand frozen or suddenly run off screaming like a 12 year old girl.

Also, an old module had a custome spell called 'baneful blink' or something close to that. The victim would blink in random directions for the duration. That was hilarious.

Waffle_Neutral wrote:
Ryzoken wrote:

tl;dr: I counter-countered Murderous Command (cast as a counter to Charm Monster) with Hypnotic Pattern.
Sounds like a fun game, but doesn't the fascinated condition end when there are obvious threats about, such as bare weapons, clerics stomping on druids, spells being cast, and his demon and non-demon buddies fighting each other?

Sort of... Hypnotic Pattern was called out in the critter's statblock as its initial hostile action pattern. I adjudicated (in the spirit of not nerfing the SLA and spell into the ground) that it took overt hostile action against the fascinated creature to break the fascination, and potentially hostile action against the fascinated creature such as advancing enemies to give a new save. This allowed the creature (or the players!) to make use of its abilities as the stat block called for.

So if the creature attacked the fascinated target, fascination would break. If the creature cast a spell or spell like while the target was fascinated, the fascination would break. If the creature advanced on the fascinated target, the fascination could be saved against again. Attacking friendlies of the fascinated target did not inherently break fascination. Friendlies waving weapons around didn't necessarily break fascination, unless those friendlies started waving weapons AT the fascinated creature.

I THINK there's enough leeway in the effect's description to allow for my interpretation for allowed actions that wouldn't break fascination. The party was pretty good about breaking the fascination within a round anyway (except in the case of the animal companion, who got to sit and stare at pretty colors for three rounds. Had the demon swung on the druid in those three rounds, I'd have broken the fascinate, close bond between animal companion and master after all, but the demon was busy whaling on the cleric and barbarian, which the wolf probably didn't give a dropping about.) In fact, the barbarian never spent more than a round fascinated.

My interpretation was a bit charitable toward the Hypnotic Pattern, but without that interpretation the spell is virtually pointless. Bad guy casts Hypnotic Pattern. Good guy fails will save. Hypnotic Pattern breaks (or at least is saved against again) because bad guy is within sight range. ...

The Exchange

I like spells that (legally) edit the dungeon, and of these my favorite has to be unhallow - not only does it justify a number of creepy flavor-text effects, it inhibits good-aligned characters and isn't exactly fun even for the neutrals. Plus you can attach another effect to it: for example, dispel magic can hit each non-believer that enters the unhallowed zone every time they enter it with a little dispel check (usually at +10 given unhallow's casting level). Or flip it over and grant invisibility purge to anybody who enters. They're not as effective as forbiddance, I suppose, but a lot more fun because the PCs are gimped rather than simply unable to enter.

Silent Image its low level and has unlimited possibilities.

I love to magic missile the crap out of my party.

The other game the party was in a fight with some goblins, including a sorcerer with shield and magic missile. He blasted the sorcerer into unconsciousness, then started screaming about how he defeated him in an honorable duel.

Also, Magic Missile on a high level Magus is something I always describe about like a rapid fire attack on DBZ.

Sovereign Court

shatter at low levels, nothing is more satisfying than the fighters sword going bye bye


cranewings wrote:

I love to magic missile the crap out of my party.

The other game the party was in a fight with some goblins, including a sorcerer with shield and magic missile. He blasted the sorcerer into unconsciousness, then started screaming about how he defeated him in an honorable duel.

Also, Magic Missile on a high level Magus is something I always describe about like a rapid fire attack on DBZ.

magic missile + toppling spell, spell perfection, preferred spell, spell specialization (evocation), quicken spell. Blast the heck out of everyone, knock them down, then do it all over again.

For bonus points, be a Diviner, and go first, so you get 3 rounds of shooting in before anyone can do anything. Nothing says loving like "Auto-Hit" with trip attempts.

Lincoln Hills wrote:
I like spells that (legally) edit the dungeon, and of these my favorite has to be unhallow - not only does it justify a number of creepy flavor-text effects, it inhibits good-aligned characters and isn't exactly fun even for the neutrals. Plus you can attach another effect to it: for example, dispel magic can hit each non-believer that enters the unhallowed zone every time they enter it with a little dispel check (usually at +10 given unhallow's casting level). Or flip it over and grant invisibility purge to anybody who enters. They're not as effective as forbiddance, I suppose, but a lot more fun because the PCs are gimped rather than simply unable to enter.

Don't forget you can put dimensional anchor on unhallow. "What do you mean my teleport/dimension door/blink fails?!?!?!?"

wraithstrike wrote:
Charender wrote:
I still love Wrack from the Book of Vile Darkness. It didn't kill players outright, but it definately scared the crap out of them when they instantly drop to -7hp, and they are bleeding out.

I like the spell compendium version which leaves them convulsing on the floor in pain and helpless, but does not take their hp away.

I also like Murderous Command and Black tentacles.

Going back to 3.5 I like the "Cyst" spells. I have yet to use them, but since I am running Carrion Crown..... :)

Sorry, I got the wrong spell. Wrack is a great spell too. I was thinking of Stop Heart. You cause them to have a heart attack, they drop to -8 hp, and are bleeding. It really rachets up the tension on an encounter when a BBEG throws that out first round, and now the players are down a member and racing against the clock.

The BoVD is an excellent source for spells that cause players to have reactions of surprise/horror.

Personal favorite has to be Grim Revenge. "The hand of the subject tears itself away from one of his arms, leaving a bloody stump. This trauma deals 6d6 points of damage. Then the hand, animated and floating in the air, begins to attack the subject. The hand attacks as if it were a wight in terms of statistics, special attacks, and special qualities, except that it is tiny and gets a +4 bonus to AC and a +4 bonus on attack rolls. The hand can be turned or rebuked as a wight. If the hand is defeated, only a regenerate spell can restore the victim to normal."

Awesome. Has a very Army of Darkness feel to it. It is a two-weapon fighter's worst nightmare.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

It's more of a feat ... Fell Drain. Nothing like a bunch of fell drain magic missiles to ruin someone's day.

And when they get smart and cast death ward, it's time to drop the thanatopic fell drain magic missile. And then, when they wise up even more and grab a brooch of shielding, it's time for force missiles.

Liberty's Edge

Dancing Lights. The glowing man form always draws fire from the party. They'll use up actions, spend arrows, and waste valuable spells trying to kill it as soon as it appears.

The Exchange

Low level - Sanctuary (great combat extender)

Mid Level - Suggestion (when was the last time you visited your mother?) or Confusion (random lulz)

High Level - Blasphemy (ouch!), Antilife Shell (ranged or reach for melees), Contingency (lots of great options)

Explosive Runes for the shock value^^

Shadow Lodge

lastknightleft wrote:
shatter at low levels, nothing is more satisfying than the fighters sword going bye bye

Just out of morbid curiosity...does your fighter player whinge endlessly about how you are unfairly targeting him, and that his equipment should have plot immunity, and that you're a horrible GM, and....


Sczarni RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I personally love using Bestow Curse. Both because it lasts a while, and because you can use it to produce all sorts of fun effects!

I tend to go with weaker curses than the ones in the spell, because it makes for good RP and makes it less likely the PCs will get it removed soon. It doesn't really hinder combat that much if the PC finds that all his campfires get up and walk away as soon as he tries to cook dinner, but it's hillarious!

Kthulhu wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:
shatter at low levels, nothing is more satisfying than the fighters sword going bye bye

Just out of morbid curiosity...does your fighter player whinge endlessly about how you are unfairly targeting him, and that his equipment should have plot immunity, and that you're a horrible GM, and....


Well... in LoF the pugwampi have it as an SLA 1/day and you fight a LOT of pugwampi in the AP. I think this last time I broke the barbarian's sword twice and his armor once. They started having to borrow weapons and armor from the camp's mercenaries to keep fighting, which made things tricky when the barb discovered the mercs only had leather armor (desert environs) which was significantly worse than his chain.

While he hasn't started whining about unfairly targeting him and whatnot, he was suitably aggrieved with the pugwampi, such that he violated alignment to torture one they captured (fell from good to neutral for it. Would've fallen further but he kept the torture short.)

We'll see how annoyed they get when I start busting equipment later on. Firebleeder bleeds fire!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm officially removing this thread. My DM reads the forums sometimes and his encounters are scary enough without you guys giving him ideas!

*Rolls to disbelieve thread*

Sovereign Court


Magic Jar. The possibilities of messing with the PCs with it are virtually endless.

KaptainKrunch wrote:

What are some fun spells to use as a DM?

I personally like to use Hideous Laughter to remind players not to dump Wisdom if they have a "Bad" progression for their will save.

I used Cloudkill to great effect my last game. In an Underdark tunnel while they were in melee with the Morlock minions - who are immune to poison.

Surprisingly effective against a party of optimized 10th level characters.

Banpai wrote:

Explosive Runes for the shock value^^

I totally agree.


Explosive Runes.

Nebelwerfer41 wrote:

Had that thrown on my halfling shadow mage the other day. Major suckage. Still, fun spell to throw at PCs, especially if the only one with limited wish or heal prepared is the one you just granted with the IQ and personality of a lizard.

Charender wrote:
Banpai wrote:

Explosive Runes for the shock value^^

I totally agree.

** spoiler omitted **

A few years back I was running Iron Kingdoms (Steampunk/3.5 mashup). I had a wizard as a villain who had kidnapped an NPC and was fleeing through some sewers. He drops a metallic ball that is a Minor Image projector which covers a doorway with the illusion of a wall. The characters eventually figure it out and find the ball behind the illusion. One of them picks it up and sees writing on the ball. He reads it, "Oops". Explosive runes! Hehe, that's when the players figured out that the wizard was a formidable opponent for his intelligence and preparation more than his spells.

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