Duelist and Dex (int) bonus

Rules Questions

The Exchange

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Ok I did a search and saw another thread that was NEVER answered So I am gonna ask again...

The Int Bonus says it is added to DEX bonus for AC

This seems clear to be a bonus that is CAPPED by the Type of armour worn (IE if wearing Mithral Chain Shirt and Dex bonus is ALREADY 9 the INT bonus WILL NOT DO ANYTHING) but some refuse to believe the wording...

Reviews of 3.5 do not help because Deulist in 3.5 ONLY got the bonus when wearing NO armour

Reviews of Monk do NOT help because the WISDOM bonus is CLEARLY stated as a BONUS to AC not a bonus to DEX

Reviews of DODGE do not help because it is CLEARLY stated as a BONUS to DEX

The PROBLEM is it seems counterintuitive... a fighter (or rogue) who moves to duelist is probably already maxed out on the Dex for his armour so why give him this USELESS feat...

Am hoping SOMEONE can tell me this has been erratad somewhere as a BONUS to AC and no longer a BONUS to Dex... if so can someone point me to the ERRATA ...


Dark Archive

Canny Defense (Ex)

When wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, a duelist adds 1 point of Intelligence bonus (if any) per duelist class level to her Dexterity bonus to modify Armor Class while wielding a melee weapon. If a duelist is caught flat-footed or otherwise denied her Dexterity bonus, she also loses this bonus.

still capped by armor.

kinda sucks. Thats what happens with a 3.0/3.5 "legacy" class

The Exchange

I can read LOL... I know what the book says the ISSUE is that some players insist this ADDITION of Intelligence Bonus to the Dex bonus goes AFTER the CAP in the Formulae for AC... I need something that either CONFIRMS of denies this please...

Mithral Chain shirt has a Max Dex of like +6, I think. Before any special fighter bonuses. (I'm drunk and I'm not exactly sure what the book says.) Either way, for most common builds, that covers the int and dex bonus combined.

If you don't have that kind of armor, or you have a rediculous total between int and dex. Your best option might be to stop wearing actual armor and go with bracers of armor.

The last time I played a duelist I dipped two into barbarian for uncanny dodge, then got a headband of int and a belt of dex. I didn't wear armor and rarely had to mention my flat footed ac. I was unstoppable.

Even spellcasters with their s!+@ty ranged touch attacks couldn't touch me.

The point is, duelist is a class designed to dodge everything, and parry what you can't dodge. If you're wearing any armor at a level that it matters, than you're doing it wrong. (Though in a low stat buy campaign, it's forgiveable to wear mithral chain shirt.)

But to answer your question, the book specifically says that it adds to your DEX bonus and not to your AC. (I made sure by finding my book.)

Therefore any limitation to your DEX bonus is a limitation to this ability.

Geth Ro Se wrote:
I can read LOL... I know what the book says the ISSUE is that some players insist this ADDITION of Intelligence Bonus to the Dex bonus goes AFTER the CAP in the Formulae for AC... I need something that either CONFIRMS of denies this please...

The player is wrong. It doesn't say anywhere that the int bonus is added after the cap - but you know that, since you can read. And if it doesn't say that it circumvents the rules, it doesn't circumvent the rules. Int is added to dex, dex is capped. If they didn't want the int to be capped, they'd have added it to AC as a dodge bonus. Adding it to the dex bonus is clearly done so it would be capped.

P.S. No need to randomly SHOUT words. :P

The Exchange

SORRY about the Random use of Capitolization... I am new to THESE boards so you all don't know me well yet... but I spend most of my TYPING time copying sermon notes for a pentacostal pastor and the RANDOM shouts are normal in those notes so now it is HABIT LOL... if I spend a lot of time here you will get used to IT from me... :) (trust me on the OTHER boards I am in they can tell a post from ME just by spotting those random CAPS LOL)

But getting back to my OP... just were is that PESKY Errata Doc anyway can someone point me to the link?

Dark Archive

Geth Ro Se wrote:

SORRY about the Random use of Capitolization... I am new to THESE boards so you all don't know me well yet... but I spend most of my TYPING time copying sermon notes for a pentacostal pastor and the RANDOM shouts are normal in those notes so now it is HABIT LOL... if I spend a lot of time here you will get used to IT from me... :) (trust me on the OTHER boards I am in they can tell a post from ME just by spotting those random CAPS LOL)

But getting back to my OP... just were is that PESKY Errata Doc anyway can someone point me to the link?

What errata? it hasnt been errata'd or ERRATA'D

if it doesnt very specifically say it does something, it doesnt. Does it say "added after blah blah blah"? no? then its not.

This is why you get Ceremonial Silken Robes yeah its only 1 ac (6ac when +5 added), but there is no max and so you will have a higher ac than plate when you get to add your entire dex and int to it.

What about canny defense leads to the idea that your INT is added after your Armors Max DEX?

Rules as written, Canny Defense adds your INT mod your DEX. You Max DEX from Armor would still limit that number.

Hmm, in one of the Serpent's Skull Adventures I ran, there's an NPC Duelist who only has 3 levels of Fighter, wears Leather Armor(Max Dex of 7 after Armor Training), and he applies his +7 Dex bonus to AC AND his +6 Int Bonus to AC. So either the creator of that NPC did it wrong, or the Int Bonus is added AFTER Max Dex is applied.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

Canny Defense (Ex): When wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, a duelist adds 1 point of Intelligence bonus (if any) per duelist class level to her Dexterity bonus to modify Armor Class while wielding a melee weapon

It clearly adds the Int bonus to your Dex, not to your AC, so it would be capped by armor, as normal. No need to eratta or FAQ this, it's pretty straightforward.

@Martiln- I'm sure this was probably an error on the part of whomever drew up the NPC. It happens.

Silver Crusade

Martiln wrote:
Hmm, in one of the Serpent's Skull Adventures I ran, there's an NPC Duelist who only has 3 levels of Fighter, wears Leather Armor(Max Dex of 7 after Armor Training), and he applies his +7 Dex bonus to AC AND his +6 Int Bonus to AC. So either the creator of that NPC did it wrong, or the Int Bonus is added AFTER Max Dex is applied.

I remember reading that NCP and the total AC seemed to high. Yup, now I see the error.

Dark Archive

just take the armor off and use bracers of armor.

Ssalarn wrote:

Canny Defense (Ex): When wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, a duelist adds 1 point of Intelligence bonus (if any) per duelist class level to her Dexterity bonus to modify Armor Class while wielding a melee weapon

It clearly adds the Int bonus to your Dex, not to your AC, so it would be capped by armor, as normal. No need to eratta or FAQ this, it's pretty straightforward.

@Martiln- I'm sure this was probably an error on the part of whomever drew up the NPC. It happens.

That's dumb, they never should have carried that text over from 3.5, it should just be that you add 1 point of intelligence per duelist level to AC, otherwise you eventually outgrow almost every suit of armor in the game.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

If you're having problems with armored duelists go back and re-read the first three paragraphs of the PC.

There you will find all the information you need about what kind of armors your duelist should be using, irregardless of what you think your character should be wearing.

I FAQ'd this thread in hopes that someone can clarify this for us.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Let me try a more direct approach.

Canny Defense adds one point of INT bonus to DEX bonus to AC per level of Duelist.

It appears that the intent of this ability is to improve the DEX bonus of the Duelist to the point that armor DOES get in the way, so that the Duelist will opt to use lighter and lighter armors as the Duelist increases in level.

They may wear armor, but generally eschew such bulky protection as their grace allows them to dodge their opponent's with ease.Third sentence.

This is what InsaneFox, Tharg the Pirate King, and Mr Whos are talking about, the Duelist is not a Tank, she is a Sabre Dancer.

There's an npc on "Pathfinder campaign setting: Rival guide", named "Estella Cheriford", she's a Figther 6 duelist 4, she uses a Chain shirt +2, has +5 Dex plus +2 uncanny defense on her armor class, She has armor trainign I (that's why her chain shirt alow +5 max dex)

If someone like to check, it's on pag 7 of this book, or...

Can check this link http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/npc-s/npc-9/estella-cheriford. Basides what the website says, this book it's pathfinder, and not pathfinder compatible.

It seems pretty clear that this is affected by your max dex. This really limits your armor choices and is why I dipped into Monk. There an Eastern armor choice called Haramaki which hasn't a max dex. That is what my character was wearing until he took monk.

Here's the developer response to this question.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

The Canny Defense ability is worded very poorly.

As written, it's easily interpreted that you use her Int bonus to boost her Dex bonus to AC, which would mean it runs into the max Dex limit from armor.

How it's supposed to work is the duelist* adds her Int bonus to her AC (not to her Dex bonus to AC), and she loses that Int-based AC bonus under any situation where she's denied her Dex bonus to AC. Therefore, her Int-based bonus to AC ignores the max Dex limitation of armor because the Int-based bonus to AC is not a Dex bonus.

* when wearing light or no armor, not using a shield, and wielding a melee weapon

Expect a FAQ blog about this next week.

Dark Archive

Wow, that changes my opinion of the Duelist prestige class. I'll have to reevaluate the class now knowing it's worth it to continue wearing light armor.

Cheapy wrote:

Here's the developer response to this question.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Expect a FAQ blog about this next week.

That was written in September. Still waiting for the FAQ update :-)

Yea, I was wondering about that too. But things happen and we know for sure how it's supposed to work, so it doesn't really matter :)

Dark Archive

I noticed HeroLab treats it as a DEX bonus to AC and caps it at the armor's max. I'm hoping the FAQ gets updated soon.

edit - my bad, repost

The Exchange

There was an old thread about this same topic that SKR ruled on, I'd direct message SSalarn, he was the one who was chatting with it to SKR so he could probably point to the thread.

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