Pathfinder Plush Toy Goblins

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

I'd be up for 1 or 2. Make them small size but not extra small thou, just cause well goblins are small creatures anyways.

Paizo goblins are my favorite incarnation of the little suckers. Thanks guys!!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
feytharn wrote:
WarDriveWorley wrote:

What else could be plushied?

Um, no. Pass.

I mean, seriously.

Jezred wrote:

I would like a plush goblin. I played Frostfur Captives at Nuke-Con, and I loved our captives (or at least how the GM RPed them).

Plus I need some to go with my collection of Gnome-Be-Gones.

I didn't mention it before, but some ceramic goblins would go over big with garden gnome fans. They really would!

Silver Crusade

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Are you crazy? If you did this I would take 10d6 sonic damage per round from Mrs Camelot squeeing...

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
FallofCamelot wrote:
Are you crazy? If you did this I would take 10d6 sonic damage per round from Mrs Camelot squeeing...

Bah... just put in your earplugs of sonic resistance 30 before you tell her. ;)

WarDriveWorley wrote:
What else could be plushied?

Landshark, Treant, Orcus. Maybe the Intellect Devourer?

I'd kill for a Mindflayer plushie, though.

Dark Archive

maybe the James Jacobs T-Rex could be plushied

3 people marked this as a favorite.

One of my GMs makes these. They're about 1.5 feet tall, and their face is about a foot long. They are awesome :) I've been trying to get her to send one to Paizo as a gift.

Cheapy wrote:
One of my GMs makes these. They're about 1.5 feet tall, and their face is about a foot long. They are awesome :) I've been trying to get her to send one to Paizo as a gift.

Pics or it didn't happen. :D

I'm sure these would sell well. The question is, is it worth Paizo's time to find a company to produce these on their behalf?

Same issue as vinyl maps, I guess. There's definitely a market there, but is it worth the resources of the company to produce?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lilith wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
One of my GMs makes these. They're about 1.5 feet tall, and their face is about a foot long. They are awesome :) I've been trying to get her to send one to Paizo as a gift.
Pics or it didn't happen. :D

Meet Akatosh, Gestalt Cleric / Duskblade of Khor, spreading Khor's Light everywhere he can find, and slashing those who will not accept his religion.

APG is there for size reference!

Silver Crusade

Cheapy wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
One of my GMs makes these. They're about 1.5 feet tall, and their face is about a foot long. They are awesome :) I've been trying to get her to send one to Paizo as a gift.
Pics or it didn't happen. :D

Meet Akatosh, Gestalt Cleric / Duskblade of Khor, spreading Khor's Light everywhere he can find, and slashing those who will not accept his religion.

APG is there for size reference!

It did happen!

Shadow Lodge

Fabius Maximus wrote:
WarDriveWorley wrote:
What else could be plushied?
Maybe the Intellect Devourer?

WE NEED PLUSHIE INTELLECT DEVOURERS!!!!! :D But seriously, it would be so cool!

Plush Goblins? Oh hell yes. I know I would want... A dozen, I think? Myself, my girlfriend, at least three people in my current pathfinder group, and at least one other person I know would want at least one.... I myself would want a whole war party full....

So I can set them up in a catapult and fire them at my girlfriend when she's depressed (stuff like that with silly voices always gets a bit of a smile and a giggle, at least from the sheer silly). I shall dub them the Happy War Friends, and we shall have many youtube adventures....

Grand Lodge


With enough plush goblins, I could organize a "gobbo hunt" in place of an Easter egg hunt one year...

Image of all the other Goblins, together! On a raiding party.

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

shameless *BUMP*

Still Eagerly Awaiting Plushie Goblins WarHoard....Monies In Hand....Nothing Would Make Christmas Better!!!!!!!!!!

Shadow Lodge

There is no way they'd be out before Christmas... Maybe Christmas next year if they did anything, but definitely not this year.

I keep waiting for the call for a Plush Seoni.

Anguish wrote:
WarDriveWorley wrote:
What else could be plushied?

I think there's already something on that line in certain shops...

Anyway I'd like a cute Tar-Baphon plush with phosphorescent evil-yet-tender eyes.

Or, since Christmas is close, SanTar-Baphon, together with some Vampire-Gnomes to spread dark gifts and eight Wendigo-reindeers to pull his sleigh.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Benicio Del Espada wrote:
Jezred wrote:

I would like a plush goblin. I played Frostfur Captives at Nuke-Con, and I loved our captives (or at least how the GM RPed them).

Plus I need some to go with my collection of Gnome-Be-Gones.

I didn't mention it before, but some ceramic goblins would go over big with garden gnome fans. They really would!

OHMYGOSH! Lawn Wars!!! :D

xorial wrote:
I keep waiting for the call for a Plush Seoni.

You misspelled "inflatable".

PLUSH GOBLINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ME WANT'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How about they come in little Baby Goblin Cages.

OMG I'm actually a little sad that I cant have a plush goblin now. :(

I hate life! already sells plush toys from other gaming companies, surely some of them would like to license and sell plush goblins for PF fans?

Has any of the Paizo staff made any comments on this possibility? (didn’t find anything in a search…)

Justin the Big wrote:

If Paizo made plush toy goblins I'd buy a dozen at least for my kids and nephew. Just sayin...

Who else wants a cute, cuddly, plushie goblin?

Yes! Yes! A collection of goblin plushies with interchangable costumes that urinate and lactate would be super awesome! Can you add a customizable voice box that, with software, we could say things like:

"I make babies for dinner!"
"You eat chicken, I eat everything!"
"My sister is sometimes my uncle."

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