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see wrote:The left-side navigation doesn't work in Firefox 3.6.22 unless you're on the main PRD page.
(I grant it's an older browser, but it does still get security updates.)
Lissa Guillet wrote:I'll probably be working on the javascript first thing in the morning. I'll see if I can't add Firefox 3.6.22 to my list of browsers to test with and figure out what bits causing problems. Likely something to do with font size for the navigation if it doesn't have a problem on the front page. Thanks for letting me know. There is js error on some of the larger heavily linked pages for IE so that's on my list as well.I love the new prd. But just wanted to let you know that they sidebar completely uncollapses in about half of the pages when using Windows 7 and Firefox 8.0
(which is better than 7.x firefox... where is was always uncollapsed)
I clicked through a couple of the links and didn't see that happen. It's uncollapsed if the javascript doesn't run and it runs once everything is loaded, so if something is stuck or if there is a reason the javascript can't run it will stay open so that those without javascript can still take advantage of much of the prd.

Noah Fentz |

Here's an odd one ...
I load up the PRD on my desktop, running Firefox 3.6.24, and the left sidebar menu collapses just fine.
I load it up on my laptop, also using Firefox 3.6.24, and they don't collapse at all.
The browser settings are identical, as I recently bought the laptop and imported my settings. Both run Win7 Premium 64-bit.

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Here's an odd one ...
I load up the PRD on my desktop, running Firefox 3.6.24, and the left sidebar menu collapses just fine.
I load it up on my laptop, also using Firefox 3.6.24, and they don't collapse at all.
The browser settings are identical, as I recently bought the laptop and imported my settings. Both run Win7 Premium 64-bit.
Hmm. Weird. Is javascript running at all? Do the index links work for you? Like I said earlier, the thing that would keep those from closing is javascript not running. Either having a cached version of the javascript file that is way out of date or having an image stuck so that it doesn't load all the way would do it(since the collapsing happens after loading the entire page.)

Stynkk |

First: Kudos! The new PRD is awesome.
Second: The PF Core Errata for the Skill: Intimidate is missing from the PRD.
In the Intimidate skill, add the following sentence after the first sentence of the Demoralize paragraph:
This shaken condition doesn’t stack with other shaken conditions to make an affected creature frightened.
The errata text is missing from the entry.

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Javascript is definitely running, cleared my cache, and all links work as they should.
I'm completely baffled myself.
Huh. Anyway that you can bring up the console and see if there is some kind of javascript error? It's definitely not normal. I use firefox 8 at home and it works great for me and apparently it works fine for you in one location. Which is just weird. The only thing I can think of is that some application or toolbar is interfering with it somehow. I used to see problems like that with the yahoo toolbar, but that was a long time ago.

Noah Fentz |

Noah Fentz wrote:Huh. Anyway that you can bring up the console and see if there is some kind of javascript error? It's definitely not normal. I use firefox 8 at home and it works great for me and apparently it works fine for you in one location. Which is just weird. The only thing I can think of is that some application or toolbar is interfering with it somehow. I used to see problems like that with the yahoo toolbar, but that was a long time ago.Javascript is definitely running, cleared my cache, and all links work as they should.
I'm completely baffled myself.
I only get css dropped declarations, no real errors. I never install toolbars. They are a waste of resources and a security risk.
Source File: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/include/prd-template.css
Line: 470
Warning: Unknown property 'column-width'. Declaration dropped.
Source File: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/include/prd-template.css
Line: 471
Warning: Unknown property 'column-break-inside'. Declaration dropped.
Source File: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/include/prd-template.css
Line: 487
Warning: Unknown property 'break-inside'. Declaration dropped.
Source File: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/include/prd-template.css
Line: 488
Warning: Unknown property '-moz-column-break-inside'. Declaration dropped.
Source File: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/include/prd-template.css
Line: 489
Warning: Unknown property '-moz-break-inside'. Declaration dropped.
Source File: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/include/prd-template.css
Line: 490
Warning: Unknown property '-moz-column-span'. Declaration dropped.
Source File: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/include/prd-template.css
Line: 497
Warning: Unknown property 'column-span'. Declaration dropped.
Source File: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/include/prd-template.css
Line: 500
Warning: Unknown property 'border-radius'. Declaration dropped.
Source File: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/include/prd-template.css
Line: 690
I do some web design, and I know all too well the biggest PITA is browser compatibility, but I've never seen the exact same browser version with identical settings behave differently.
Edit: I get the exact same warnings on my desktop, with a multitude of other entries not found on my laptop. Again, same exact browser, add-ons, and OS.

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Lissa Guillet wrote:Noah Fentz wrote:Huh. Anyway that you can bring up the console and see if there is some kind of javascript error? It's definitely not normal. I use firefox 8 at home and it works great for me and apparently it works fine for you in one location. Which is just weird. The only thing I can think of is that some application or toolbar is interfering with it somehow. I used to see problems like that with the yahoo toolbar, but that was a long time ago.Javascript is definitely running, cleared my cache, and all links work as they should.
I'm completely baffled myself.
I only get css dropped declarations, no real errors. I never install toolbars. They are a waste of resources and a security risk.
** spoiler omitted **...
Only time I've seen it is with weird caching settings or proxy servers. Our code base changes from time to time and a month ago, nothing happened to the side menu to begin with. My best guess is that there is some kind of stuck js file or something in cache or the internal database. The errors are just the css errors for the items that make up the column breaks on the index pages and such that don't have a valid single css property yet. Nothing weird there.

Drejk |

In Ultimate Magic's Summoner section I just found some minor errors. I noted .html source lines in parentheses for ease of finding them:
Low-light vision evolution (html source line 260) is linked to vision spell instead of low-light vision ability from the universal monster rules.
Channel Resistance evolution (html source line 264) is linked to resistance spell instead of channel resistance ability from the universal monster rules. It has also three <br/> tags within that break the formatting of it's description.
Minor Magic evolution (html source line 267) has missplaced <br/> tag near it's end as well.
See In Darkness evolution (html source line 276) is linked to darkness spell.
Broodmaster's Maker's Call class feature (html source line 296) has another rogue <br/> tag.

Astral Wanderer |

The Table: Umbral Special Abilities doesn't include the fact that Umbral Dragons can cast Cleric spells as arcane spells.
The end of the creature's descriptive text says: "... and the following additional spell-like abilities:"
The spell-like abilities to be written afterwards (Constant—speak with animals; 3/day—contagion (DC 15), confusion (DC 14), quench (DC 14)) have instead been placed amid the normal spell-like abilities of the Marsh Giant.

RonarsCorruption |

In the Core Rulebook, under GameMastering, in the section on designing encounters - the first two and a bit paragraphs in step 3 highlight when you roll over them. If you examine the HTML of the page, they appear to be tagged with: <a id="xp">

Drakir2010 |

Something's kinda screwy when browsing on my BB Torch.
Properly in PRD headings, the first letter of words in an all capitalised heading show as slightly larger than the remainder of the word. However I very frequently find that this oversizing occurs in the middle of words as well. For an example, I've gone through the Getting Started page. Things in capital letters appear in larger font, and things in lower case letters appear in smaller font.
PlAyinG ThE GAmE
common TErmS
GEnErATinG A chArAcTEr
AbiliTy ScorES
tABle: ABility sCore Costs
tABle: ABility sCore points
tABle: ABility Modifiers And Bonus spells
Now, the problem could just be on my end. My browser has always rendered things a little screwy...

Iziak |
Something's kinda screwy when browsing on my BB Torch.
Properly in PRD headings, the first letter of words in an all capitalised heading show as slightly larger than the remainder of the word. However I very frequently find that this oversizing occurs in the middle of words as well. For an example, I've gone through the Getting Started page. Things in capital letters appear in larger font, and things in lower case letters appear in smaller font.PlAyinG ThE GAmE
common TErmS
GEnErATinG A chArAcTEr
AbiliTy ScorES
tABle: ABility sCore Costs
tABle: ABility sCore points
tABle: ABility Modifiers And Bonus spellsNow, the problem could just be on my end. My browser has always rendered things a little screwy...
It looks fine to me on Firefox 8 (operating system: Ubuntu 11.04, GNOME). I'd try upgrading your browser if you're on a version other than the newest; it could be a CSS issue of some sort.

Chris Lambertz |

Something's kinda screwy when browsing on my BB Torch.
Properly in PRD headings, the first letter of words in an all capitalised heading show as slightly larger than the remainder of the word. However I very frequently find that this oversizing occurs in the middle of words as well. For an example, I've gone through the Getting Started page. Things in capital letters appear in larger font, and things in lower case letters appear in smaller font.PlAyinG ThE GAmE
common TErmS
GEnErATinG A chArAcTEr
AbiliTy ScorES
tABle: ABility sCore Costs
tABle: ABility sCore points
tABle: ABility Modifiers And Bonus spellsNow, the problem could just be on my end. My browser has always rendered things a little screwy...
We actually pull out all the text for the PRD out of InDesign through a basic epub and then mangle it. Because the text has certain styles set to it originally that make the text appear the way it does in the books, the source text sometimes has different capitalization. We try to go through and correct this, but we also have a CSS class that changes the display in the same way the InDesign style does. It sounds like your browser is ignoring our CSS for the headers.

Ghost In The Ruins |

Error in links to cleric Knowledge domain in APG subdomain section:
In the Advanced Players Guide section that describes cleric subdomains (i.e. here: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/coreClasses/cleric.html), every time the Knowledge domain is linked to in a subdomain description, it is *supposed* to link to the description of the Knowledge cleric domain in the Core Rulebook, but instead they all link to the Knowledge *skill* description, which is not useful.

Kendrosthenes |
The challenge rating is not right aligned starting with the following creatures:
Angel, Planetar
Angel, Solar
Animated Object
The alignment appears to be OK for Aasimar and Aboleth, however.
Bestiary 2:
The challenge rating is not right aligned for the following creatures that begin with the letter "A":
Agathion, Vulpinal
Amoeba, Giant
Amoeba Swarm
Angel, Monadic Deva
Angel, Movanic Deva
Animate Dream
Archon, Shield
Archon, Star
Attic Whisperer
You will see that some of the challenge ratings are right aligned for the other creatures in that section.
The alignment issue continues to the end of the alphabet.
Also, there is no black bar for Bat, Skaveling.
[I am using Internet Explorer 8.]

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Teeny tiny thing -- in the APG Wondrous Items, if you click on necromancer's athame in the summary list at the top, it does not take you down to the entry, it just stays where it is. I randomly clicked on some other items listed and they jumped to the right bookmark as appropriate.
This is in Firefox 8 if that's relevant.

Drejk |

Teeny tiny thing -- in the APG Wondrous Items, if you click on necromancer's athame in the summary list at the top, it does not take you down to the entry, it just stays where it is. I randomly clicked on some other items listed and they jumped to the right bookmark as appropriate.
This is in Firefox 8 if that's relevant.
It seems to be problem with all magic items with 's in their name (grappler's mask, knight's pennon) on that page.
It seems to be specifically Firefox issue - in Chrome those links work correctly.EDIT: probably Firefox can't correctly follow href containing 's (href="#necromancer's-athame"). In Core Rulebook Wondrous Items page items with 's in their name have -s in their href instead and work correctly. E.g. vestment, druid's is renderd as href="#vestment-druid-s".

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EDIT: probably Firefox can't correctly follow href containing 's (href="#necromancer's-athame"). In Core Rulebook Wondrous Items page items with 's in their name have -s in their href instead and work correctly. E.g. vestment, druid's is renderd as href="#vestment-druid-s".
Yeah. That was my thought yesterday. In other places, that got mangled to _, but there ya go. We will add it to the list for the next time we do PRD stuff.

wraithstrike |

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): Spell-like abilities, as the name implies, are magical abilities that are very much like spells. Spell-like abilities are subject to spell resistance and dispel magic. They do not function in areas where magic is suppressed or negated (such as an antimagic field). Spell-like abilities can be dispelled but the cannot be counterspelled or used to counterspell.
The bolded word should probably be "they".
Here is the link.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

OperationsKT, I'd love it if we could get the PRD on the Kindle. More to the point, I'd pay for that.
As to PRD corrections -- a quick, small spelling issue (that spellcheck wouldn't catch):
In the core rulebook wizard page, in the familiar section, the following currently reads as such:
Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his familiar to a 1 mile distance. The master can communicate emphatically with the familiar, but cannot see through its eyes.
Unless the master is supposed to be gesturing wildly, I am assuming the second sentence should read, "The master can communicate empathically..."

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OperationsKT, I'd love it if we could get the PRD on the Kindle. More to the point, I'd pay for that.
As to PRD corrections -- a quick, small spelling issue (that spellcheck wouldn't catch):
In the core rulebook wizard page, in the familiar section, the following currently reads as such:PRD wrote:Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his familiar to a 1 mile distance. The master can communicate emphatically with the familiar, but cannot see through its eyes.Unless the master is supposed to be gesturing wildly, I am assuming the second sentence should read, "The master can communicate empathically..."
Probably is an error but it matches the text in the core rulebook. It should probably go in here.

Grick |

The new layout is great--I'll test it out on my Android tablet when I get home (1024x600, running Honeycomb and using Opera Mobile as browser--I can also test with Dolphin HD, Firefox, etc. if that will help).
Did yours work? I tried it using "Browser" the default browser with Honeycomb (Asus, if it matters?) and the left nav column of the PRD didn't work. The whole column was just missing. (I haven't tried it with scripting disabled yet, though I assume even if it works, it'll have all the usual non-scripting issues with the anchor links)
If someone can tell me how to get more info from the thing, I'd be happy to list name/version#/etc.
The downloadable zipped PRD from d20pfsrd downloads worked great, though that was from before the overhaul (and is missing UC/UM). With the scripting stuff now, that's probably going to make it much harder to get an offline version. Any chance of paizo making an offline version for us? I'd love to have the PRD available when outside of wifi, and the PDFs take so very long to load.

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Elemental Body I (Earth Elemental) on the PRD shows
Earth elemental: If the form you take is that of a Small earth elemental, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength and a +4 natural armor bonus. You also gain darkvision 60 feet, the push ability, and the ability to earth glide.
Earth elemental: If the form you take is that of a Small earth elemental, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength and a +4 natural armor bonus. You also gain darkvision 60 feet and the ability to earth glide.
I think the PRD needs to be updated to reflect the CRB.
As a side note I could not find this change in any CRB errata doc listed on the Paizo website.

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Elemental Body I (Earth Elemental) on the PRD shows
Quote:Earth elemental: If the form you take is that of a Small earth elemental, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength and a +4 natural armor bonus. You also gain darkvision 60 feet, the push ability, and the ability to earth glide.Core Rulebook (4th Printing) wrote:Earth elemental: If the form you take is that of a Small earth elemental, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength and a +4 natural armor bonus. You also gain darkvision 60 feet and the ability to earth glide.I think the PRD needs to be updated to reflect the CRB.
As a side note I could not find this change in any CRB errata doc listed on the Paizo website.
The bolded text was removed between the second and third printings of the Core Rulebook. It appears that that change is not mentioned in the current errata docs for 1st or 2nd printings, though.

Pirate |

And yeah, searching the PRD kind of sucks. We're working on that.
**Warning: I'm about to go on a rant**
I know you know.... but MAN the PRD search function is sucking my will! I either get some links (as few as only 1 to as many as 20+ pages worth) that have little-to-nothing to do with what I'm searching for other than a similar word existing in it, or I get the "Your search didn't match any items." page. This is even when I copy-paste a section's heading/title and ability names directly from the PRD and search for it.
Most of it seems to be with regards to the Core Rule Book and Ultimate Combat, but I've been getting generally jerked around by the search function as of late.
I can search for Wind Stance and the top result is a direct link to the feat (yay).
I then search for Widen Spell, and the only link given brings me to the table of feats instead of the feat itself (meh)
Then I search for Agile Maneuvers. I get 6 links to monsters that have it, one link to the APG feat table (huh?), one link to the Under and Over feat (...uhm...), and one link to the list of Animal Feats in the druid page. (o_O)
Now lets step away from feats and search for some gear. Something simple and basic, like Thieves Tools. "Your search didn't match any items" (... what)
...how about a Revolver (an Advanced Firearm from UC)... "Your search didn't match any items"
Firearm Rules? "Your search didn't match any items"
Firearms? ....2 results: a link to a Bayonet (from the APG) and a Dagger, Pistol (Hey, at least it's the right page now)
How about a search for "Called Shots" now? I know there's an entire page dedicated to this, titles exactly that, and I find ... a link to the APG feat table again (no comment), and two links to monsters that have nothing to do with called shots (as far as I can tell, it picked up the word "shot"s and linked it to their feats "Shot on the run" and "precise shot")
...and it (search function sucking) goes on.
The index filters regarding the Core Rule Book and Metamagic Feats is greatly troubling as well. Not having the Metamagic feats from the CRB listed as Metamagic feats (which they are) is very annoying and makes making lists and quick referencing very difficult.
I also need to complain about some of the nonsensical hyperlinks. For example (just from the Oracle page):
-The Oracle of Lore Revelation "Sidestep Secret" links to the Sidestep feat. (huh?)
-The Oracle of Lore Revelation "Whirlwind Lesson" links to the 8th level Druid spell "Whirlwind" (Seriously? They have nothing in common!)
-The Oracle of Nature Revelation "Bonded Mount" links to the Mount spell. (uhm, it serves as a druids animal companions, nothing like that spell)
-The Oracle of Stone Revelation "Earth Glide" links to the GLIDE SPELL! (...what!? ...when did supernaturally swimming through the earth become related to gliding through the air via a spell that describes itself as a better version of featherfall?)
-The Oracle of Stone Revelation "Rock Throwing" links to the weapon property of "throwing" (If this must link to something, why doesn't it link to the Rock Throwing monster ability instead?)
...and it goes on! Not just in the Oracle page, but throughout. It's as if someone figured that ANY word that is also the name of a spell will link to that spell, regardless of the context of that word (such as when it's a part of the name of a completely unrelated ability, or in a sentence using the word in it's normal fashion instead of as the spell). It just... ODD... and a bit annoying that those were added instead of the search functioned getting cleaned up.
*deep breath*
OK. I'm done ranting for now. Paizo is great, and I use the PRD a lot (as well as the real books), but this was really starting to annoy me.
*Stops being the Grinch/Scrooge*

Drejk |

Sacred Summons feat: summon monster link in prerequisites leads to Summoner's class ability instead of spell of the same name.

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Another option is to enter a term or phrase in the search box in the upper right corner of d20pfsrd.com and then clicking the down arrow on the search button and choosing Paizo.
This launches a new browser window to a custom google search page that allows for refinements based on sourcebook.
Current Refinement options are:
- All results
- Advanced Players Guide
- Bestiary 1
- Bestiary 2
- Game Mastery Guide
- Ultimate Combat
- Ultimate Magic
- Messageboards