The "Useful Party Member" Olympics


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Liberty's Edge

Dumb Paladin wrote:
ciretose wrote:
Blazej wrote:

Here is a variation on one of my current characters. A 10 level character, mostly bard.

** spoiler omitted **...

I think since you only have one level of Oracle, your vision is only 30 feet, which is a major limitation. Particularly combined with 15 feet of movement.
Oracle curse level is set as: Oracle level + 1/2 your non-Oracle levels. 1 + 4 (1/2 of 9) = 5, which is when it goes up to 60 feet.

My bad. Still a bit to much of a limitation for me to vote for, and expeditious retreat is still a standard action and a spell.

I don't see the synergy being worth the negatives that come with it, but to each there own.

Helena Healadin

Healing in a can. Not a ZOMG damage build, but will act nicely against hordes of undead. Also good to patch up loads of allies.


Helena Healadin
Female Human Hospitaler 10
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)

Init +1; Senses Perception +4
AC 27, touch 13, flat-footed 22 (+1 dex, +10 armor, +3 shield, +2 deflection)
hp 79 (10d10+20)
Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +12
Spd 20 ft.
Melee +2 Warhammer +15/+10 (1d8+4 20/x3)
Special Attacks Channeled Smite 4d6, Bonded Warhammer +17/+12 (1d8+6 20/x3), Smite Evil +19/+14 (1d8+14 50/x3), Smite Evil Bonded Warhammer +21/+16 (1d8+16 20/x3)
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 22
Base Atk +10; CMB +13; CMD 23
Feats Extra Lay on Hands, Extra Channel, Selective Channeling (4), Weapon Focus (Warhammer), Channel Smite, Turn Undead
Traits Sacred Touch
Skills Concentration +14, Diplomacy +10, Heal +13, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (religion) +10, Perception +4, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +13
Languages Common

Combat Gear Mithral Full Plate of Speed, +2 Warhammer, +1 Heavy Steel Shield; Other Gear Ring of Protection +2, Handy Haversack, Headband of Alluring Charisma +4
Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Smite Evil 2/day
Divine Grace
Divine Health
Lay on Hands 13/day (5d6)
Aura of Courage
Channel Positive Energy 11/day (4d6), DC 19
Divine Bond Mace
Mercy Exhausted
Aura of Resolve
Mercy Fatigued

A vanilla archer bard. Very straightforward. The only non-core thing is the humain favored class option from APG (not indispensable, but handy).

Male Human Bard 10
NN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +12
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 68 (10d8+20)
Fort +8, Ref +14, Will +9
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +7/+2 (1d3/20/x2)
Ranged +3 Shortbow +14/+9 (1d6+3/20/x3)
Special Attacks Bardic Performance (move action) (26 rounds/day), Bardic Performance: Countersong, Bardic Performance: Dirge of Doom, Bardic Performance: Distraction, Bardic Performance: Fascinate (DC 19), Bardic Performance: Inspire Competence +3, Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +2, Bardic Performance: Inspire Greatness (1 allies), Bardic Performance: Suggestion (DC 19)
Bard Spells Known (CL 10, +7 melee touch, +11 ranged touch):
4 (2/day) Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement (DC 18)
3 (4/day) Haste (DC 17), Sculpt Sound (DC 17), Confusion (DC 17), Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic
2 (5/day) Alter Self (DC 16), Glitterdust (DC 16), Shatter (DC 16), Tongues (DC 16), Blur (DC 16), Heroism (DC 16)
1 (6/day) Alarm, Animate Rope, Silent Image (DC 15), Hideous Laughter (DC 15), Grease (DC 15), Feather Fall (DC 15)
0 (at will) Mage Hand, Mending, Read Magic (DC 14), Detect magic, Message, Dancing Lights
Str 10, Dex 16/18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 16/18
Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 21
Feats Arcane Strike, Bard Weapon Proficiencies, Deadly Aim -2/+4, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
Skills Acrobatics +17, Bluff +17, Diplomacy +17, Disable Device +16, Disguise +17, Fly +17, Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (Engineering) +10, Knowledge (Geography) +6, Knowledge (History) +6, Knowledge (Local) +10, Knowledge (Nature) +10, Knowledge (Nobility) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +19, Knowledge (Religion) +10, Perception +12, Perform (Act) +17, Perform (Dance) +17, Perform (Oratory) +17, Sense Motive +17, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +17, Use Magic Device +17
Languages Common, Ignan
SQ Bardic Knowledge +5 (Ex), Jack of All Trades: Trained skills (Ex), Lore Master (1/day) (Ex), Metamagic Rod, Extend, Lesser, Versatile Acting +17 (Ex), Versatile Dance +17 (Ex), Versatile Oratory +17 (Ex), Well Versed (Ex)
Combat Gear +3 Mithral Chain Shirt, +3 Shortbow, Adamantine Arrows (50), Arrows (50), Cold Iron Arrows (50), Silver Arrows (50); Other Gear Belt of Incredible Dexterity, +2, Cloak of Resistance, +3, Efficient Quiver (200 @ 30 lbs), Headband of Alluring Charisma, +2, Metamagic Rod, Extend, Lesser, Thieves' tools, masterwork
Arcane Strike As a swift action, add +1 damage, +1 per 5 caster levels and your weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Bardic Knowledge +5 (Ex) Add + 5 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (move action) (26 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Bardic Performance: Countersong (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sound.
Bardic Performance: Dirge of Doom (Su) Enemies within 30' are shaken.
Bardic Performance: Distraction (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sight.
Bardic Performance: Fascinate (DC 19) (Su) One or more creatures becomes fascinated with you.
Bardic Performance: Inspire Competence +3 (Su) +2 competence bonus for one ally on a skill check.
Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +2 (Su) Morale bonus on some saving throws, attack and damage rolls.
Bardic Performance: Inspire Greatness (1 allies) (Su) Grants allies 2 bonus hit dice, +2 to attacks and +1 to fort saves.
Bardic Performance: Suggestion (DC 19) (Sp) Make a Suggestion to one Fascinated creature.
Deadly Aim -2/+4 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Jack of All Trades: Trained skills (Ex) You may use all skills untrained.
Lore Master (1/day) (Ex) Take 10 on knowledge checks, and 1/day take 20 as a standard action.
Manyshot You can shoot two arrows as the first attack of a full attack action.
Metamagic Rod, Extend, Lesser The wielder can cast up to three spells per day that are extended as though using the Extend Spell feat.
Strong (no school); CL 17th; Craft Rod, Extend Spell; Price 3,000 gp.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into combat.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Versatile Acting +17 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Act skill for Bluff or Disguise checks
Versatile Dance +17 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Dance skill for Acrobatics or Fly checks
Versatile Oratory +17 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Oratory skill for Diplomacy or Sense Motive checks
Well Versed (Ex) +4 save vs. bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependant effects.

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When needed, he casts alter self (goblin) and heroism, and gains +7 stealth (+4 size, +2 moral and +2 Dex), darkvision, and +2 or +3 to every other skills for 100 minutes (200 minutes with the lesser rod of extend). His stealth is then +24, his Perception +14 and his disable device +17. He can also cast heroism on a useful party member who's a bit short in the save department. Blur allow him to hide in plain sight I think (if not, replace with mirror image).

With sculpt sound and invisibility sphere, he can allow his whole party to sneak if necessary (that's why I have chosen invisibility sphere instead of invisibility or greater invisibility). He can cast extend sculpt sound each morning, removing every sound from the party except voices for 20 hours.

To conclude about his scouting capability, he has Message, Clairvoyance and DimDoor. The latter can be used as "lesser scry'n'fry" (he can't do the "fry" part since he lose the end of his turn, but he can take 3 passengers) or as a quick way to flee if he's spotted.

He begin fights with inspire courage+haste or dirge of doom+confusion, except if there's something else important to do (dispel something or DimDoor someone in combat or out of combat). He can confuse peoples, blind them with glitterdust, shatter some object, hideous laughter or grease peoples; dirge of doom grants a -2 penalty to save. Oh, and he can use animate rope, but he didn't take the spell for combat.

He can also dispel, cast freedom of movement, DimDoor, and other random things if needed.

And he can hit them with arrow. With every buff (alter self: goblin, heroism, inspire courage, haste, arcane strike) (that's only 1 turn of in-combat buffing) and with rapid shot, manyshot and deadly aime, his attack sequence is:
+17 (1d4+14+1d4+14)/+17 (1d4+14)/+17 (1d4+14)/+12 (1d4+14)
His DPR against an AC 24 is then almost 60. That's not great, but that's enough to contribute.

Since he has 8 skill with a +17 bonus (+19 with heroism), I suppose he can be a skill monkey, if skills are somehow useful. He can probably be a face. With his Diplomacy, Bluff and Sense motive, he should be able to seduce many women, and then he use animate rope during the night.

Sylvanite wrote:

This one's at 11th level, because that's an awesome level for this build...but it's still useful before that.

** spoiler omitted **...

Heh, with Ek you recreated one of my Pathfinder Society almost precisely - except I had a 20 point buy, a bat familiar and was elven... funny...

A couple of things I found in play:

-having the familiar is nice, to deliver that greater invisibility to the barbarian in the front line who is about to collapse.

-hunters eye is a nice trait, when you want to d-door the party out of a hot spot and take a BBEG down from range.

-There is a stone from the Pathfinder Field Guide you can attach to a weapon to make it more robust; increases hardness and hitpoints. Also, you can use the spell "Rune of Durability" - has a similar effect, and is permanent (which, unfortunately, doesn't help in PFS).

Liberty's Edge

Tangaroa wrote:

Male Half-Elf Ranger5/Cavalier2/Low Templar3

...Male Horse Animal 6 TN Large companion
AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 20 (+4 armor-1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural, )
hp 60 (6d8)+30
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5; +4 vs enchantment
Bite +13 1d4+5
2 hoofs +8 1d6+2

...Belurion is not afraid to charge in astride his steed, but before he does so, he'll give his allies his hunters bond....

Your horse is statted wrong, since it'll be based off cavalier (you took Hunter's Bond with ranger) -- which features a combat-trained mount which means its hooves are primary attacks; on the down side it appears its starting stats are too high because it's based on the animal companion template and not Bestiary stats.

Suggestion: Cavalier4/Ranger4/Templar2 with the Horse Master feat from Ultimate Combat -- you'll have a 10th level animal companion. You'll give up 1d6 sneak and 2nd favored enemy, but pick up an extra Challenge and do +6dmg on them as opposed to +3dmg (as a 4th-level cockatrice cavalier versus a 2nd level one).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Vale Shadow Blade: Human Scout Brute/Weapon Master
Traits-Wealthy Dabbler (detect magic, message)
Birthmark- +2 saves vs Mind Affecting

1 Fighter1 TWF, Power Attack, Wpn Fcs: Shortsword
2 Rogue1 SA 1d6, Frightening
3 Rogue2 Evasion, Offensive Defense, Intimidating Prowess
4 Fighter2Weapon Guard +1, Dazzling Display
5 Rogue3 SA 2d6, Brutal Beating, Shadow Strike
6 Fighter3Weapon Training 1 (Kukri)
7 Rogue4 Scout’s Charge (SA on charge’s), Wpn Fcs: Kukri, Two Weapon Pounce
8 Fighter4Shatter Defenses, Retrain Wpn Fcs: Shortsword for Conrugan Smash
9 Rogue5 SA 3d6, ITWF
10 Fighter5Reliable Strike

Vale is Useful in that he is a rogue that doesn't need a flank buddy.
Between Conrugan Smash, Shatter Defences, Scout's Charge and Brutal Beating he Pretty much sneak attacks all the time. Shadow Strike keeps him SA vs Concealment

Being able to auto intimidate a foe rocks and Dazzling display lets him Shaken and Sicken a room (which the party casters and melee pals LOVE)

He's a Good Scout who doesn't immediately die if caught out. He's a viable blend of Rogue/Fighter because he if is not as fragile, is not dependent on flanking. Does great damage and is a decent trapmonkey.

He's scaleable too. Towards 10, weapon training comes online and he's starting to be able to afford the awesome gear. Mithral Breastplate, Duelist gloves etc.

Mike Schneider wrote:

Suggestion: Cavalier4/Ranger4/Templar2 with the Horse Master feat...

Alright, Horse Master is a good suggestion. It would be a significantly different build. I took the the horse as cavalier, not ranger, and bumped him up with boon companion (effective level 6). Horse master is just better.

However my stats are correct for a level 6 companion.
Str 16 +2 level 6 +2 advancement = 20
Dex 13 +2 level 6 = 15
Con 15 +1 level 4 +2 advancement = 18

Can you link me the rules for Combat Training giving you hooves as primary? Nothing I've read about combat training does that. It specifically says in the horse animal companion the attacks are secondary, and the horse is combat trained.

PRD wrote:
Combat Training (DC 20) An animal trained to bear a rider into combat knows the tricks attack, come, defend, down, guard, and heel. ... Many horses and riding dogs are trained in this way.

EDIT Oh I see, the bestiary has some confusing language about secondary attacks and war training. Yeah, unless you can point me to a dev post I would preferentially default to RAW; that is, take the attacks as secondary.

Looking at Hunters Bond (Favored Enemy) again, I've got the character built wrong, as he would want more int to make the favored enemy bonus last longer (at least a 16 to get 3 rounds, which could come via items). He's a bit MAD, especially for a 15 pt buy, wanting CHA and WIS. I could reallocated a bit...

Hmmm, is it worth a version 2? Anything I make is going to be less awesome then an evangelist :)

Liberty's Edge

Bestiary, Horse:

Docile (Ex) Unless specifically trained for combat (see the Handle
Animal skill on page 97 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook), a
horse’s hooves are treated as secondary attacks.

....a Combat Trained horse no longer has the Docile trait.


The Helpful One, dwarven flowing monk master of styles:

Male Dwarf Monk (Flowing Monk, Master of Many Styles) 10
LG Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +18
AC 26, touch 24, flat-footed 21 (+1 shield, +3 Dex, +2 deflection, +2 dodge, +5 Wis, +3 monk) 29 defensively
hp 93 (10d8+30)
Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14
Defensive Abilities Defensive Training, Evasion, Improved Evasion
Spd 50 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +12/+7 (2d6+5/20/x2) +11/+6 defensively
Special Attacks Ki Strike, Lawful, Ki Strike, Magic, Relentless
Str 16/18, Dex 14/16, Con 14/16, Int 10, Wis 16/20, Cha 6
Base Atk +7; CMB +14; CMD 36
Feats Combat Reflexes (4 AoO/round), Crane Riposte, Crane Style, Crane Wing, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monk Weapon Proficiencies, Snake Fang, Snake Style, Snapping Turtle Style +1
Traits Grounded, Sacred Touch
Skills Acrobatics +16, Climb +13, Knowledge (History) +4, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Perception +18, Sense Motive +20, Stealth +7, Swim +8 Modifiers Lorekeeper
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ AC Bonus +7, Elusive Target (Ex), Fast Movement (+30'), Flowing Dodge (maximum +5) (Ex), Fuse Style (3 styles) (Ex), Hardy, Hatred, High Jump (+10) (Ex), Ki Defense (Su), Ki Pool (Su), Maneuver Training (Ex), Redirection (10/day) (DC 18) (Ex), Slow and Steady, Slow Fall 50' (Ex), Still Mind (Ex), Stonecunning +2, Unarmed Strike (2d6), Unbalancing Counter (DC 20) (Ex), Wholeness of Body (10 HP/use) (Su)
Other Gear Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, Belt of Physical Perfection, +2, Cloak of Resistance, +2, Headband of Inspired Wisdom, +4, Ring of Protection, +2, Robe, Monk's
--------------------TRACKED RESOURCES--------------------
Ki Pool (Su) - 0/10
Redirection (10/day) (DC 18) (Ex) - 0/10
--------------------SPECIAL ABILITIES--------------------
AC Bonus +7 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Combat Reflexes (4 AoO/round) You may make up to 4 attacks of apportunity per round, and may make them while flat-footed.
Crane Riposte When you deflect an attack, you may make an attack of opportunity
Crane Style Take -2 penalty when fighting defensively
Crane Wing May deflect one attack per round while fighting defensively or using total defense
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Defensive Training (+4) +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the Giant type.
Elusive Target (Ex) At 5th level, as an immediate action, a flowing monk may spend 2 points from his ki pool to attempt a Reflex save opposed by an attacker's attack roll to halve damage from that attack. At 11th level and above, the flowing monk suffers no damag
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Fast Movement (+30') The Monk adds 10 or more feet to his base speed.
Flowing Dodge (maximum +5) (Ex) At 3rd level, a flowing monk gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC for each enemy adjacent to him, up to a maximum bonus equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This ability replaces fast movement.
Fuse Style (3 styles) (Ex) At 1st level, a master of many styles can fuse two of the styles he knows into a more perfect style. The master of many styles can have two style feat stances active at once. Starting a stance provided by a style feat is still a swift action, but whe
Grounded You gain a +2 trait bonus on balance-related Acrobatics checks, and a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.
Hardy +2 racial bonus to Poison, Spells and Spell-Like effects.
Hatred +1 racial bonus to attacks against Orcs and Goblinoids.
High Jump (+10) (Ex) +10 to Acrobatics checks made to jump.
Improved Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead. If you fail you take half damage.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Ki Defense (Su) A monk can spend 1 point from his ki pool to give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Ki Pool (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Ki Strike, Lawful (Su) At 10th level, a monk's unarmed attacks are also treated as lawful weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Ki Strike, Magic (Su) At 4th level, ki strike allows a monk's unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Lorekeeper +2 for Knowledge (History) checks relating to dwarves and their enemies. These checks can be made untrained.
Maneuver Training (Ex) CMB = other BABs + Monk level
Redirection (10/day) (DC 18) (Ex) At 1st level, as an immediate action, a flowing monk can attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver against a creature that the flowing monk threatens and that attacks him. If the combat maneuver is successful, the attacker is sickened for 1 round
Relentless +2 Bull Rush and Overrun if you and your opponent are standing on the ground.
Sacred Touch You were exposed to a potent source of positive energy as a child, perhaps by being born under the right cosmic sign, or maybe because one of your parents was a gifted healer. As a standard action, you may automatically stabilize a dying creature mer
Slow and Steady Your base speed is never modified by encumbrance.
Slow Fall 50' (Ex) Treat a fall as shorter than normal if within arm's reach of a wall.
Snake Fang If opponent misses you, make an attack of opportunity as an immediate action
Snake Style Gain +2 on Sense Motive checks, and deal piercing damage with unarmed attacks
Snapping Turtle Style +1 Gain +1 shield bonus to AC when at least one hand is free
Still Mind (Ex) +2 to saves against enchantment spells and effects.
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.
Unarmed Strike (2d6) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Unbalancing Counter (DC 20) (Ex) At 2nd level, a flowing monk's attacks of opportunity render a struck creature flat-footed until the end of the flowing monk's next turn (Reflex DC 10 + 1/2 the monk's level + Wisdom modifier negates). This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 2
Wholeness of Body (10 HP/use) (Su) Self-heal monk level in damage for 2 Ki points.

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Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.

The idea is to present a tempting target (no armor, barehanded), but have a good AC (29 defensive and up to 34 depending on how many adjacent opponents) and then dominate with AoO:

Opponent attacks Helpful One (HO) and would hit: 1/round Crane Wing to deflect the attack and Attack of Opportunity (AoO) the opponent. If HO hits, opponent has DC20 Reflex or is flatfooted for a round.

Opponent attacks HO and misses: HO uses Snake Fang to make an immediate AoO (if that hits, gets another unarmed strike). Opponent has DC20 Reflex or is flatfooted for a round.

Opponent attacks ally of HO and HO is threatening the opponent: HO uses Redirection ability to move & trip the attacker as an immediate action (opponent is sickened for 1 round if successfully moved).

At 12th level, HO can use Redirection on anyone that attacks him, even if HO doesn't threaten him. As he levels and gains new styles to fuse (currently 3, soon 4 and eventually 5), he can add in Panther style for more AoO madness while moving around the battlefield.

Aside from the good combat stuff, HO knows a little bit about history and religion, is very perceptive (perception and sense motive), and has a 50' move around the battlefield to use Sacred Touch on any fallen allies.

I can see him zipping around standing over top the fallen, AC going up thanks to Flowing Dodge and ruining opponents with AoO and Redirections.


Alright, here's my entry.

Linxi Brighteyes:

Female Gnome Paladin 5/Bard 5
STR 12, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 8, CHA 18
BAB:+9/+4 FORT:+7 REF:+7 WILL:+10 HP:70[5d10+5d8+20]
AC:23 TOUCH:12 FLAT-FOOTED:22 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +7 Armor, +3 Shield)

Feats: Combat Reflexes, Craft Wand, Extra Lay on Hands, Improved Shield Bash, Quick Draw

Bard Spells Known:
0:Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Read Magic, Ghost Sound, Know Direction
1:Silent Image, Grease, Hideous Laughter, Feather Fall
2:Suggestion, Heroism
Paladin Spells Prepared:
Magic Weapon, Lesser Restoration

Skills: (including attribute and class skill bonuses)
Knowledge(all) +6
Use Magic Device +10
Perception +10
Perform(dance) +17
Perform(oratory*) +17
Intimidate +10
*Versatile Performance-- Linxi uses this skill in place of Diplomacy and Sense Motive as well

+1 Whip, +1 Returning Trident
+1 Heavy Wooden Shield of Bashing
+3 Chain Shirt
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds
Wand of Invisibility
Wand of Bull's Strength
Wand of Shatter
Wand of Hold Person

-All the savoir faire of a bard and all the respectability of a paladin, with a +4 to Charisma, mean Linxi can sweet talk her way out of (or into) near anything.
-At 10 INT she's no skill monkey, but her Bardic Lore can usually provide some information whenever you need it.
-Between Lay on Hands, Channel Energy, and her Wand of Cure Moderate, she provides plenty of healing without even being a dedicated healer.
-Craft Wand, two spell lists, and her UMD bonus make her a "wand monkey" able to provide whatever utility spell is needed. I'm pretty sure I didn't use her whole budget, so in theory she could craft whatever other wands her party needed.
-Choosing oratory and dance as her perform skills means she doesn't depend on an instrument, can perform for blinded or deafened allies (but not both) and can perform while silenced.

In combat...
-She enters the fray with a shield in her main hand, an empty offhand, and a rousing speech on her lips for Inspire Courage +2. She's ready to shield bash and spellcast, so woe betide the enemy who thinks she's unarmed.
-Quick Draw means she's ready to draw her whip or trident as the situation demands. The trident is a ranged weapon that can also be used to stab, and the whip is for combat maneuvers and the like.
-Linxi took the weapon enhancement for her Divine Bond-- since her whip and trident are both magic weapons (+1) she can make either one flaming, defending, keen, or merciful as needed in addition to giving either an extra +1.

She may not be able to deal out the big damage like an arcane blaster or a meaty fighter, but she's got plenty of spellcasting ability while still being front-line ready, and can control the battlefield (grease, hideous laughter, whip trips), buff allies, heal, and fight in melee or at range.

Liberty's Edge

Silent Saturn wrote:

Alright, here's my entry.

** spoiler omitted **

-All the savoir faire of a bard and all the respectability of a paladin, with a +4 to Charisma, mean Linxi can sweet talk her way out of (or into) near anything.
-At 10 INT she's no skill monkey, but her Bardic Lore can usually provide some information whenever you need it.
-Between Lay on Hands, Channel Energy, and her Wand of Cure Moderate, she provides plenty of healing without even being a dedicated healer.
-Craft Wand, two spell lists, and her UMD bonus make her a "wand monkey" able to provide whatever utility spell is needed. I'm pretty sure I didn't use her whole budget, so in theory she could craft whatever other wands her party needed.
-Choosing oratory and dance as her perform skills means she doesn't depend on an instrument, can perform for blinded or deafened allies (but not both) and can perform while silenced.

In combat...
-She enters the fray with a shield in her main hand, an empty offhand, and a rousing speech on her lips for...

Little too much of a tweener for my tastes.

ciretose wrote:
Silent Saturn wrote:

Alright, here's my entry.

** spoiler omitted **

-All the savoir faire of a bard and all the respectability of a paladin, with a +4 to Charisma, mean Linxi can sweet talk her way out of (or into) near anything.
-At 10 INT she's no skill monkey, but her Bardic Lore can usually provide some information whenever you need it.
-Between Lay on Hands, Channel Energy, and her Wand of Cure Moderate, she provides plenty of healing without even being a dedicated healer.
-Craft Wand, two spell lists, and her UMD bonus make her a "wand monkey" able to provide whatever utility spell is needed. I'm pretty sure I didn't use her whole budget, so in theory she could craft whatever other wands her party needed.
-Choosing oratory and dance as her perform skills means she doesn't depend on an instrument, can perform for blinded or deafened allies (but not both) and can perform while silenced.

In combat...
-She enters the fray with a shield in her main hand, an empty offhand, and a rousing speech on her lips for...

Little too much of a tweener for my tastes.

Not to mention that RAW, you don't need to perform to give bonuses. It's kinda like Rage. It's on or off. You're welcome to flavor it how you want though.


ciretose wrote:
Silent Saturn wrote:

Alright, here's my entry.

** spoiler omitted **

-All the savoir faire of a bard and all the respectability of a paladin, with a +4 to Charisma, mean Linxi can sweet talk her way out of (or into) near anything.
-At 10 INT she's no skill monkey, but her Bardic Lore can usually provide some information whenever you need it.
-Between Lay on Hands, Channel Energy, and her Wand of Cure Moderate, she provides plenty of healing without even being a dedicated healer.
-Craft Wand, two spell lists, and her UMD bonus make her a "wand monkey" able to provide whatever utility spell is needed. I'm pretty sure I didn't use her whole budget, so in theory she could craft whatever other wands her party needed.
-Choosing oratory and dance as her perform skills means she doesn't depend on an instrument, can perform for blinded or deafened allies (but not both) and can perform while silenced.

In combat...
-She enters the fray with a shield in her main hand, an empty offhand, and a rousing speech on her lips for...

Little too much of a tweener for my tastes.

What's a tweener? If it means she doesn't excel enough at any one thing, I thought that was the whole point of this-- a character who is useful to have in the party under the most situations possible.

Liberty's Edge

Silent Saturn wrote:

What's a tweener? If it means she doesn't excel enough at any one thing, I thought that was the whole point of this-- a character who is useful to have in the party under the most situations possible.

The point for me is to have someone who you want in your standard adventure party.

When I say tweener, I mean I think that while she does a lot of things ok, she is multiclassed to the point she doesn't do any thing as well as you would need of a 10th level character. She would be subpar as a fighter/caster/healer/skill monkey/ I would rather have someone who filled one or two of those really well than someone who filled all of them in a mediocre way.

If this were a "solo quest" post, where you were looking for the most versatile character she would do fine. But if I personally were looking for someone to go adventuring with, I think here inability to do anything exceptionally well would be a serious liability.

What happened? Did this thread just kinda peter out?

Does Manny win? :D

Liberty's Edge

Dumb Paladin wrote:

What happened? Did this thread just kinda peter out?

Does Manny win? :D

Yes. But now I'm bringing it back by shamelessly posting here in an attempt to bring in new submissions almost a year later.

I'll put up a couple of builds I've been tinkering around with in my head. Goal here is to optimize for a specific role, right? So something that would be really fun to play, and can contribute in a specific way.

Right Hand Manny is pretty good at what he does, but so's Gatfromki's bard. Of course apart from diplomacy they do almost entirely different things so comparing them is hard.

Right out of the box a bard provides excellent buffing and starting at level 8 can reduce saving throws on almost anything capable of fear as an emanation. It's actually hard to make an un-archetyped bard that isn't worth a slot in the party. You'd have to build as a caster and fail to know all the good spells.

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Try pondering the win of a one-level dip in Trapper Freebooter Ranger for those Evangelist Clerics...

The PC still gets the big healing spells as early or earlier than any non-Cleric. And it gains armor and weapon proficiencies, Freebooter's Bane, trap disabling, and better saving throws.

(My current character is one of these. A giant rat that rides a dinosaur!)

ciretose wrote:
Xykal wrote:

Here's the Evangelist with some basic (mostly defensive) gear:

** spoiler omitted **...

I like it a lot. Every group needs a cleric, you get bard performance features, and summon as a standard action is huge. Not to mention good AC and saves mean you are going to be able to stay upright.

Nice build, only question is what armor you are wearing (since evangelists get less proficiency.)

For a cleric of Abadar sacred summons is pretty useless, you need summons that have the subtype lawful to be able to summon it in a standard action.

Sacred Summons:

Sacred Summons
The minions of your divine patrons stand ready to answer your call.

Prerequisites: Aura class feature, ability to cast summon monster.

Benefit: When using summon monster to summon creatures whose alignment subtype or subtypes exactly match your aura, you may cast the spell as a standard action instead of with a casting time of 1 round.

It needs to exactly match your aura. For a cleric of Abadar that is subtype lawful. I can't even think offhand one summon that has just the lawful subtype. Can't even sacred summons the lawful good or lawful evil, since it must exactly match based on RAW of the feat. I tried to like the feat but other than a Cayden Cleric standard summoning Lantern Archons really can't make a build that works well with it.

Liberty's Edge

ashern wrote:
I'll put up a couple of builds I've been tinkering around with in my head. Goal here is to optimize for a specific role, right? So something that would be really fun to play, and can contribute in a specific way.

Goal is more to be someone who can be added to any party and be welcome.

Filling a specific role is less important than always having a place, regardless of who else is in the party.

Been working on this one a while, juggling her level around depending on what thread I'm in.

Jonah Sunstar:

Jonah Sunstar
LG Female Paladin 2/Summoner 8 (Synthesist)

Str 5
Dex 10/12
Con 17/19
Int 10
Wis 15
Cha 20/24
Fort Base 5+Con 4+Cha 6+ Cloak 2 = 17
Ref Base 2+Dex 1+Cha 6+ Cloak 2 = 11
Will Base 9+Wis 2+Cha 6+ Cloak 2 = 19 (+2 vs enchantments, fear, despair, illusion
AC 20 (Full Plate)
HP 10 (Paladin) + 40 (Summoner) + Toughness (10) + Con (40)=100
Traits: Magical Knack (Summoner), Explorer

Alternate Racial Feature: Eternal Hope
1 Toughness
3 Point Blank Shot
5 Weapon Finesse
7 Rapid Shot
9 Manyshot


3 (4/day)- Wall of Ice, Stoneskin, Rejuvenate Eidelon
2 (6/day)- Haste, Glitterdust, Communal Protection from Evil, Lesser Evolution Surge
1 (6/day)- Feather Fall, Grease, Enlarge Person, Reduce Person, Mage Armor
0 – Detect Magic, Guidance, Message, Open/Close, Resistance, Mending
Eidelon - Serpentine Form
Str 15
Dex 24/26
Con 13/15
Int 10
Wis 15
Cha 20/24
AC: 10+8(dex)+12(Nat Armor)+2(Shield) = 32
Touch: 18?

Fort Base 5+Con 2+Cha 6+Cloak 2+2Circumstance = 17
Ref Base 2+Dex 6+Cha 6+Cloak 2+2Circumstance = 18 (Evasion)
Will Base 9+Wis 2+Cha 6+ Cloak 2+2Circumstance = 21 (+2 vs enchantments, fear, despair, illusion)
Initiative: +8

HP 10 base+42 levels+16 Con+8 Favored Class=76
BAB: 8

Limbs (arms) 2
+4 Dex 4
+4 Natural Armor 2
40 Flight 3

Budget: 62k

Cloak of Resistance +2 – 4k
Headband of Cha +4 – 16k
Belt of Physical Might +2 – 10k
Full Plate 1500
Handy Haversack – 2k
Hat of Disguise - 1800
Thunderstone x5 – 150
Slingshot (sling)
Efficient Quiver 1800
Utility Scrolls: - Alarm, Jury Rig, Magic Mouth, Identify, Ant Haul – 150

Mister Radar: Intelligent, Seeking Composite Longbow +1 (+2 Strength), Lawful Neutral, Int 14
1500 (Base+Int bonus)+5000 (Blindsense)+1000 (Telepathy) +500 (60'senses)+18000 (Seeking +1) + 300 (Composite Longbow +2) = 16,300

The Needle: Agile Rapier +1 – 8,020

My calculations give me about 280 to spend on arrows, clothes, and supplies. She should have some walking around money after that.


Acrobatics 8
Bluff 2=9
Climb 20'
Diplomacy 2=12
Disable Device
Disguise 7
Escape Artist
Fly 1=12
Handle Animal 1=11
Heal 1=6
Intimidate 7
Arcana 1=4
Dungeoneering 1=4
Religion 1=4
Perception 2=4
Perform:Singing 1=8
Ride 8
Sense Motive 1=6
Spellcraft 2=5
Stealth 8 (Gnome - 5 in light armor before buffs, reduce person)
Survival 2
Swim 2
UMD 3=12

Defense wise, in her Eidelon form, her saves are 18,19,22. AC 32 (but only 18 touch) and she can fly at 40'. She's like a pretty version of Medusa from Clash of the Titans, with wings. Someone suggesting reskinning the Serpentine Form's Bite as a lunge of snake hair, and that seems like an interesting idea. It goes a long way to explaining why she's got reach.

Her primary role is obviously as a glass cannon, but the glass is pretty sturdy with 32 AC and 76 HP (and 100 gnome HP to bolster). As a swift action she can heal herself for 1d6 8/day. May not seem like much, but a potential 8d6 spread over a battle while still being able to full attack seems pretty good.

Speaking of full attack, while rapid shotting and under the effect of Haste (her go-to buff), I put her at +16(two arrows)/+16/+16/+11 on a full attack. Increase by 7 for the occasional victim of Smite Evil.

But this is a usefulness thread. What other roles can she fill?

She's capable of some pretty decent buffs. Grease on a companion to help him/her escape a grapple. Feather fall. Protection from Evil for a buddy who's failed a save. Enlarge Person for a tank. Reduce Person for a caster or a sneak, or a non-melee healer or bard who doesn't care about weapon damage. Or for herself, in gnome form. Stoneskin for everybody.

Debuffing? Not her specialty, but glitterdust can help light up an invisible monster. And invisible, concealed, blurry, or displaced foes are going to get a surprise when she comes at them with a seeking, blindsense longbow. That plus darkvision means that caves and mist are her friend. In fact, if the enemy is all about ranged attacks, covering the party in an obscuring mist or a fog cloud will probably not negate her.

Control? Not a lot, but it's there. Grease keeps being fairly useful against non-flying opponents, and it can make a dangerous object in the hands of the enemy a hot potato. Wall of Ice is by far her best battlefield control spell, and I think it's a damn good one, especially considering the hemisphere option. She can put an igloo over a fallen comrade, and then DimDoor into it to provide some healing.

Is she a good dedicated healer? Nah. But Lay on Hands has its uses. For that pal who's only down by two points (as revealed by a quick heal check). Magical healing also stabilizes someone who's dying, a spell she doesn't have access to.

The melee tank went down? We've got a few options. The most obvious (if the beast can't be put down with arrows) is to draw the agile rapier and fly (or DimDoor) in there. Another is to revert to Gnome form and begin firing off some Summon Monster SLAs; as an eighth level summoner, she can summon Lions as flanking/grappling buddies, pteranodons to pursue the fleeing, or just groups of Lantern Archons that can join together to form Devastator (or whatever). If she's in her full plate, she'll have a 20 AC right off the bat. Not terrific, but not terrible for a tenth level caster, no? (The jury's still out on whether or not Synthesists take ASF for heavy armor while in Eidelon form).

A side note -- as I am interested in seeing new builds as well -- but my GM actually liked Right-Hand Manny so much that he played him as a DMPC for over a year.

He is indeed very useful to have around!

Shadow Lodge

Patty Pompom -- human bard with a fighter dip designed to exploit the Bodyguard feat with a high AoO count and big bonuses.

STR:07 ... INT:14
DEX:15 ... WIS:14
CON:12 ... CHA+16

Traits: Adopted (Halfling:Helpful [racial)

01 01 fight1 Combat Reflexes, Weapon Finesse, Flagbearer
02 01 bard1 [Arcane Duelist][Arcane Strike]
03 02 fight2 WF:whip, Whip Mastery
04 03 bard2 [Combat Casting] DEX>16
05 04 bard3 Bodyguard
06 05 bard4
07 05 bard5 Improved Whip Mastery
08 06 bard6 [Disruptive]

No fighter archetype offers much that we can use. Lore Warden seems like a shoo-in, but it forfeits medium armor proficiency if we want MBP (we do); also we're not a trip/disarm build, so Combat Expertise isn't needed. Cad is nice for the extra skillpoints, but it takes away the main fighter skills we'd like a few points in (such as Swim in a weak build). We also don't want to cash out +1 bravery, as many archetypes do (a panicking flagbearer would be demoralizing).

Equipment: +2 Benevolent elven chain or MBP, +2 mithral buckler, +1 Agile whip, CHA headband, DEX belt, Haversack, Banner of the Ancient Kings (may not yet own)

Tactics at 7th:
* pre-combat: if owned, hold BotAK in two hands (INIT+4 when combat breaks out)
* 1st: Inspire, hold flagpole in one hand and draw whip while moving
* positioning: behind front-line melees
Note: we never attack with the flagpole, and thus preserve buckler AC.

- By 7th we provide...
* +2/+2 (competence) att/dmg and +3 (morale) fear/charm saves to all perceptive allies
* +1/+1 (morale) att/dmg to allies within 30' (there are also non-stacking save bonuses)
- add +1 to BOTH of these bonuses when Banner of the Ancient Kings is acquired

- Ideally we are Enlarged for 15' threat range (via Improved Whip Mastery) over ally heads
* on our turn, we cast or full-attack with 30' reach
* on enemy turns, any attacks against Bodyguarded allies earn them AC+6 Aid Another AoOs due to the Helpful trait and +2 Benevolent armor. With three Enlarged AoOs per round, we can effectually negate those annoying encounters featuring a solitary multi-attack monster that picks one PC at random to murder/suicide itself against.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Mariusz the Maker:
Human Wizard (Teleportation) 10 Neutral Good
Str 8 -1
Dex 16 +3
Con 15 +2
Int 23 +6
Wis 12 +1
Cha 10 +0

Fort +10
Ref +11
Will +13

Initiative +13
HP 9d6+36
Base Attack +5
AC 29 (assuming Mage Armor is cast, 25 without)
Touch 18
Flat Footed 26
CMB +4
CMD 22

Alternate Racial Trait: Focused Study

Traits: Hedge Magician, Reactionary

Feats: Scribe Scroll, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Construct, Forge Ring, Skill Focus (Perception), Craft Rod, Quicken Spell

Arcane Bond: Scorpion Valet familiar (helps item creation, Alertness, +4 initiative)

Opposition Schools: Enchantment, Necromancy

Skills: Appraise +10, Craft (Alchemy) +15, Craft (Armor) +10, Craft (Blacksmithing) +10 ,Craft (Bows) +10, Craft (Calligraphy) +10, Craft (Carpentry) +10, Craft (Clothing) +10, Craft (Jewelry) +10, Craft (Leather) +10, Craft (Locks) +10, Craft (Painting) +10, Craft (Ships) +10, Craft (Stonemasonry) +10, Craft (Tattoos) +10, Craft (Traps) +10, Craft (Weapons) +10, Diplomacy +10, Fly +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (Engineering) +10, Knowledge (Geography) +10, Knowledge (History) +10, Knowledge (Local) +10, Knowledge (Nature) +10, Knowledge (Nobility) +10, Knowledge (Planes) +10, Knowledge (Religion) +10, Linguistics + 19, Perception + 25, Profession (Architect) +5, Profession (Barrister) +5, Profession (Cook) +5, Profession (Engineer) +5, Profession (Sailor) +5, Profession (Scribe) +5, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +25

Gear: (Everything magical is crafted by the character)
Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 (grants diplomacy and sense motive) 7,600 gp
Belt of Physical Might +2 (Dexterity and Constitution) 4,750 gp
Ring of Sustenance 1,190 gp
Handy Haversack 950 gp
Wayfinder 237.5 gp
Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone 2,375 gp
Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier 2,375 gp
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend 1,425 gp
Mithral Buckler +4 9,105 gp
Amulet of Natural Armor +2 3,800 gp
Ring of Protection +3 8,550 gp
Cloak of Resistance +5 11,900 gp
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Selective 1,425 gp
Bag of Holding Type I 1,190 gp
2 Pearls of Power 1st level spell 950 gp
All Tools Vest 855 gp
Robe of Infinite Twine 475 gp
Eyes of the Eagle 1,190 gp
Explorers Outfit (free)
Spellbooks 15 gp (one free)
Wizards Kit 21 gp
Shaving Kit 1.5 gp
Grooming Kit 1 gp
Mirror 10 gp
14 gold coins

Spells in Spellbooks
Cantrips: Resistance, Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic,Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Spark, Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation

Level One: Alarm, Endure Elements, Blood Money, Feather Fall, Mage Armor, Unseen Servant, Floating Disk, Magic Missle, Crafter's Fortune, Grease, Protection from Evil (spent 75 gp on scrolls, 30 gp scribing)

Level Two: Create Pit, Mirror Image, False Life, Rope Trick, Glitterdust, See Invisibility, Blur (spent 450 gp on scrolls, 120gp scribing)

Level Three: Stinking Cloud, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Haste

Level Four: Black Tentacles, Dimensional Anchor, Greater Invisibility, Stone Shape

Level Five: Wall of Stone, Teleport, Overland Flight, Fabricate

Mariusz is valuable to a party because of the things he makes. He can craft almost any magic item you could ask for at half price in a quarter of the normal time. He can Blood Money/Fabricate just about any mundane item you want in a round at high quality. He has six professions, sixteen crafts and all ten knowledges. He goes early in the round usually and likes to throw out buffs like Blur, Haste and Greater Invisibility or battlefield control like Create Pit, Stinking Cloud, Black Tentacles and Wall of Stone. He is a master of long duration spells like Mage Armor, Unseen Servant, Floating Disk and False Life so many of his spells are going all day. Alarm and Rope Trick make camping easy. He can cook. He won't embarrass you in social situations. He is a good guy who won't cheat or swindle the party.

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