Kirthfinder - World of Warriorcraft Houserules

Homebrew and House Rules

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Reposting my E-mail just in case.


Would love a copy

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'd love the final copy :)


I'd love the final copy too!



Please include me in your mailing list as well. Many thanks for your effort with Kirthfinder!


I'd love a final copy, when you release it.


would also love a final copy

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Kirth, I too would love the updated version when you send it out. Thanks,
Stratton (strattonel at yahoo dot com)

Liberty's Edge

I'd love an updated copy as well when one becomes available please.


I'm hoping for this weekend, or next weekend at the latest -- there's still a lot of other stuff I'd like to do (for example, standardizing missile, spell, and Perception ranges into simple categories with a single summary table), but my energy is no longer the equal to my ambition.

I sustained an unfortunate concussion last weekend, but am swiftly on the mend, and will soon have the rules finalized. Still on track for this coming weekend (probably Sunday).

So, did you suffer Int damage, Wis damage or both? (Get well soon!)

Interestingly, I gained the sickened and fatigued conditions. For several days, looking at a computer screen forced saves vs. nausea and exhaustion. So apparently the "Concussive Strike" feat is misnamed.

adding my email again, just to be on the safe side. Be well.


May i have some more?


Ouch man glad you doing alright. So are you saying in the new version concussive strike will be more useful in modern settings?

Kirth Gersen wrote:
I sustained an unfortunate concussion last weekend, but am swiftly on the mend, and will soon have the rules finalized. Still on track for this coming weekend (probably Sunday).

Several of my relatives have had to deal with concussions and they are pretty serious matters. Don't push yourself too hard. The recovery tends to be a lot longer and more frustrating than you first think.

If I could get the new update that'd be awesome.


I'd love a copy too please.



Kirth Gersen wrote:

I sustained an unfortunate concussion last weekend, but am swiftly on the mend, and will soon have the rules finalized. Still on track for this coming weekend (probably Sunday).

Interestingly, I gained the sickened and fatigued conditions. For several days, looking at a computer screen forced saves vs. nausea and exhaustion. So apparently the "Concussive Strike" feat is misnamed.

Careful Karth! One of my brothers suffered from a fairly nasty hit to the head from a high school baseball game and he was out for a good two weeks before he was back up to full. Take it slow and rest up. I'm sure the interwebs will understand :D

Final rules sent (I neglected to include a subject heading, but if you see something from

with a huge file size, that's it. I think I captured every email submitted since page 36 or so of this thread.

Further updates will appear only in the form of errata and/or FAQs as needed, which will be posted under this avatar.

Happy gaming!

Aaand of course I neglected to resupply my email in time >_< I just sent you a reply to an older houserules email Kirth, asking for a copy of the final rules.

The Egg of Coot wrote:
I think I captured every email submitted since page 36 or so of this thread.

Ahh! I was on page 35


And a big thanks from all of us to Kirth- working through his concussion.

The Egg of Coot wrote:

Final rules sent (I neglected to include a subject heading, but if you see something from ** spoiler omitted ** with a huge file size, that's it. I think I captured every email submitted since page 36 or so of this thread.

Further updates will appear only in the form of errata and/or FAQs as needed, which will be posted under this avatar.

Happy gaming!

I hate to sound greedy, but was there a plan to do a compiled single doc for ease of using PoD?

Liberty's Edge

Hey there! Could I get a copy of this as well? I had always assumed the Google Docs version was being updated. Thanks!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just wanted to say thanks for putting it all together.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Aaand of course I neglected to resupply my email in time >_< I just sent you a reply to an older houserules email Kirth, asking for a copy of the final rules.

Scratch that, I got a 'mail delivery failure' notice, so I've PM'd it instead.

I'd like a final copy as well thanks guys I missed the deadline:

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Woo! I can not wait to get started reading though this! It came just in time for my group as we are about to start our new campaign. Thank you Kirth and everyone who put time and effort into this amazing product!

Some quick replies:

1. I usually get a spate of requests after a mailing. This time, I'm going to save myself hitting "forward" 10 times a day -- instead, I'll wait 2 weeks to collect as many late requests as possible, then do another mailing. Sorry for the delay.

2. Re: Bookmarked PDFs and Google Docs and other formats: I generally send out docx format because a lot of people like to edit the rules to better suit their home game, and as always I encourage them to do so.

  • At some point I might try and compile a standard (non-bookmarked) PDF. Barring that, if you want one, feel free to compile one from the Word documents.
  • If TOZ wants to update the docs at his link, he's granted one-time permission to put them there for that purpose; if not, be aware that those links are obsolete at this point.
  • If someone wants a Wiki or some other form of widespread dissemination, there are a few rules to observe: (1) All of the names of feats, abilities, spells, etc. need to be changed to something generic; (2) All references to other books, abilities, feats, etc. need to be removed; (3) All of the flavor quotations (shaded in gray) need to be removed if the associated date is later than 1920 or so.

  • 1 person marked this as a favorite.

    And received. Thanks Kirth. A wonderful resource!!!

    Received mine - thank you. It looks great.
    One thing though, when I open the Sorcerer file, it is only one page. Is it just me, or are others seeing this as well?

    Liberty's Edge

    Firstbourne wrote:

    Received mine - thank you. It looks great.

    One thing though, when I open the Sorcerer file, it is only one page. Is it just me, or are others seeing this as well?


    Look which software you use to read the file. For me, the Incarnate was only one page with OpenOffice, but I could see the complete document with Wordpad.

    Grand Lodge

    The Egg of Coot wrote:
    If TOZ wants to update the docs at his link, he's granted one-time permission to put them there for that purpose; if not, be aware that those links are obsolete at this point.

    I will take it under consideration after I return from annual training this weekend.

    I will also be participating in Conline this weekend, so don't expect an answer sooner than next week.

    TriOmegaZero wrote:
    The Egg of Coot wrote:
    If TOZ wants to update the docs at his link, he's granted one-time permission to put them there for that purpose; if not, be aware that those links are obsolete at this point.

    I will take it under consideration after I return from annual training this weekend.

    I will also be participating in Conline this weekend, so don't expect an answer sooner than next week.

    I didn't want to be a pain or anything, i am just not well versed in all that conversion to pdf/accumulating files/stuff. And it costs over 300 dollars to use kinkos, which is the primary PoD for me using word docs...again im sorry to be a bother. I just want this glory personified in physical papery form.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Got it, thanks Kirth

    I'm always late to the party... After enjoying reading one of your previous versions, I too would be interested in this latest document.

    scorpioni_prime (ad hotmail dot com)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Got mine in the inbox. Thanks Kirth :)

    Liberty's Edge

    Man, I am almost tempted to make your company move to Houston so i can update Cadogan and let you do more evil things to him.

    I'm also interested in a copy of the final document. Email is where MyUserName is the name attached to this post.

    Thanks. You've put a huge amount of work into this and it is much appreciated.

    Also would like a updated if you don't mind Kirth

    houstonderek wrote:
    Man, I am almost tempted to make your company move to Houston so i can update Cadogan and let you do more evil things to him.

    We've already got an office in Houston. The problem is that if we move back, Mrs Gersen loses her cushy work-out-of-the-house gig and goeas back to an epic-length commute.

    Kirth, for your next project, assuming you won't be hosting the ruleset online, anywhere, I imagine that there's an easier solution for maintaining an e-mail list than the way it's been done for Kirthfinder. Something where you provide a link and anyone who wants to be on the distribution list can sign up their own e-mail address.

    I bet you could jury-rig Yahoo Groups or Google Groups to manage that. There are probably other tools available.


    Once Baby Gersen gets here in October, I won't have much time or energy, so my next project may never see the light of day... have to wait and see.

    I've been refraining from creating a master mailing list due to privacy issues: I've had email hacked in the past, and I don't want people getting spammed in the event of a recurrence, however unlikely. Secure methods of maintaining a list would definitely be worth considering.

    Kirth Gersen wrote:


    Once Baby Gersen gets here in October, I won't have much time or energy, so my next project may never see the light of day... have to wait and see.

    I've been refraining from creating a master mailing list due to privacy issues: I've had email hacked in the past, and I don't want people getting spammed in the event of a recurrence, however unlikely. Secure methods of maintaining a list would definitely be worth considering.

    I appreciate your carefulness.

    Digging into the houserules now. Thanks as always for your hard work Kirth.

    I'd love the final copy

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Thanks for all the work you've put in here, Kirth. Definitely an enjoyable read. Hoping I get to use it at some point.

    Good luck with Baby Gersen! Looking forward to seeing your next project, if/when you're able to get to it.

    Package received. Sorry it took me so long to say so.


    Baby Gersen? What is this, some sort of Disney Movie!? (If I haven't said so, that means congratulations from Hitdice)

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