Tom_Kalbfus |
Here's the idea a party consisting of every core character class and every race, all drawn from popular culture, History or literature.
Barbarian: The first one is Conan the Barbarian
Bard: The Pied Piper
Clerc: Saint Patrick
Druid: ?
Fighter: Odysseus
Monk: ?
Paladin: Joan of Arc
Ranger: Robin Hood
Rogue: Ali Babba
Sorcerer: Circe the Sorceress
Wizard: Merlin
Elf: Peter Pan
Dwarf: Rumplestiltskin
Gnome: ?
Halfling: ?
Half-Elf: ?
I'l like to hear your ideas about filling these slots, and would these characters get along as a party?

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Druid: Bjorn? The bear-guy from The Hobbit, I forget his name.
Monk: Xena Warrior Princess, or Avatar (the TV show).
Gnome: The Little Prince.
Halfling: Frodo, Sam, Bilbo, Merry, Pippin. Take your pick.
Half-Elf: Elrond, and thus his daughter Arwen.
As to whether they would get along... I'm going to go with no, because Xena would beat up Rumpelstiltskin for trying to kidnap babies, and Circe would keep hitting on Odysseus until he cried. Oh, wait, that already happened.

VM mercenario |

Ali Babba? The forty thieves were rogues. Ali Babba was lucky. Discounting the Disney version, Aladin wasn't much good either. Who you want for a rogue is Simbad.
Odysseus is more of a rogue actually, he was very sneaky and he was a recognized strategist, not so much as a fighter. Keeping it great, I would suggest Hercules (str ~30) Aquiles (DR20/-) or even Hector.
For paladin I would vote Galahad, most pure of the knights of the round table and the only capable of defeating Lancelot in battle. (Sure Lancelot was pushing forty to fifty by that time, but he had been invict till then). Or even Lancelot himself, whos dream was to perform a miracle. And he managed a healing miracle once, in a tournament after the Grail storyline but before his thing with Guinevere was discovered. Or maybe someone from the Charlemagne circle since you already have Merlin...
Can I suggest a monk that uses spear? Then I suggest Lu Bu, greatest warrior from the Trhee Kingdoms era from china. For a good aligned one, Guan Yu, who was the greatest fighter after Lu Bu (and maybe Zhang Fey), and ended up promoted to godhood after his death.
Also Circe is Evil, and most of the party is good. She would not go well with all these heroes.

DM Wellard |

Barbarian: Cuchullain
Bard: Ossian
Cleric: Saint Patrick
Druid: Cathbad..the Chief Druid of Ulster in the tales of the Red Branch
Fighter: Achilles
Monk: Li Mu-Bai..from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Paladin: Sir Perceval
Ranger: Robin Hood( but only if he is played by Errol Flynn)
Rogue: Silk from the Belgariad
Sorcerer: Circe the Sorceress
Wizard: Merlin
Witch: Morgana Le Fay
Elf: Glorfindel
Dwarf: Thorin Oakenshield
Gnome: ?
Halfling: Bullroarer Took
Half-Elf: Elrond

Tom_Kalbfus |
Barbarian: Ayla (From "Clan of the Cave Bear" by Jean M. Auel)
Bard: Ariel (From Disney's "The Little Mermaid")
Cleric: Saint Peter
Druid: Pocahontas
Fighter: Beowulf
Monk: Hong Kong Phoey
Paladin: Joan of Arc
Ranger: Grizzly Adams
Rogue: Jack "the Giant Killer" (From Jack and the Beanstalk)
Sorcerer: Dorothy Gail
Wizard: Professor Marvel (from "the Wizard of Oz".)
Witch: Galadriel
Elf: Weena from the Time Machine
Dwarf: Grumpy
Gnome: The Good Magician Humphrey from the Xanth Novels
Halfling: Tasslehoff Burrfoot
Half-Elf: Snow White

Karel Gheysens |
I think Achilles may have been a barbarian. I seem to remember some serious berserking when he fought Hector after his boy toy got offed.
Achilles ain't a barbarian. Even in the film (which is not a good representation of the real story ihmo) he's only angered for a small part.
Furthermore, on several occasion you can see that he doesn't want to fight which is not a characteristic of a barbarian ihmo.P.S.
I think there is only one real druid archedruid in lord of the rings, and that's Tom Bombadil.
And there is only one real archegunslinger and that's Roland from The dark tower series (Steven King).

Tom_Kalbfus |
A good example of a barbarian is Little John, as he's portrayed in the BBC Robin Hood. You don't want to make him angry, even if you're his friend.
I think Little John would be offended if you called him a barbarian. Little John was a civilized Englishman, he was just big. An American Indian during the 12th century would be a barbarian, doesn't mean he would automatially win a wrestling competition with Little John.

Brambleman |

Well, I may not like
Druid: Radagast the Brown from Lord of the Rings,
Monk: Monkey King from Journey to the West
Cavalier: Don Quixote de La Mancha
Bard: Orpheus
Duelist: D'Artagnan, The Three Musketeers (Edging out Edmond Dantes of the Count of Monte Cristo)
Barbarian: Hercules (other canidates: Samson and Beowulf)
Alchemist: Nicholas Flammel
Wizard: Ptolemy
Inquisitor: Abraham Van Hellsing
Cleric: Solomon the Wise.
Well, I may not like these classes in every game but:
Samurai: Myamoto Musashi
Ninja: Sarutobi Sasuke of course (Second choice was mizugakure, his archrival)
Gunslinger: Wild Bill Hickok, though he's way out of genre here.
Well Sarutobi and Monkey would be like Brothers, and be friendly with Radagast. Don Quixote and D'Artagnan's talk of honor and glory would drive Orpheus insane. Bill would probably become drinking buddies with Hercules. Flammel and Ptolemy are always deep in conversation of some arcane mystery.

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I think Little John would be offended if you called him a barbarian. Little John was a civilized Englishman, he was just big. An American Indian during the 12th century would be a barbarian, doesn't mean he would automatially win a wrestling competition with Little John.
I think you may be confused. Little John gets more powerful when he's angry, at least in the TV show, and definitely has the Rage ability (he can break his chains when his son's in danger, but not when he's perfectly calm).
And are you suggesting that Native Americans were all barbarians? That's kind of ridiculous.

VM mercenario |

You know, depending on which origin story you pick Merlin could be either a druid, a wizard or a sorcerer.
@ malebranche: Little John? The guy from Robin Hood? I don't know about this TV show, but from the original legemds/ books I would say he is a fighter.
@ Brambleman: Duelist is not a class... And I would say Hercules as a fighter and Beowulf as a barbarian. Other than that I like your picks.

Fozbek |
No, Herakles is definitely a barbarian by mechanics. He's not skilled at all with armor (he doesn't wear any; his "armor" is the skin of the Nemean Lion, which is invulnerable to weapons), isn't a particularly skilled weapon user (he prefers to grapple, and in fact that's how he killed the Nemean Lion, by strangling it), and has major anger management issues. He kills quite a few people, including his wife and children, in fits of terrible rage; the murder of his children is why he was given the ordeals. He's also monstrously strong, of course.
Absolutely a barbarian.

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A bit combat-heavy, but my historic party picks would be:
Bard: Robert Johnson
Fighter: Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
Paladin: Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
Ranger: Chief Maȟpíya Lúta (Red Cloud)
Rogue: Belle Boyd
Wizard: John Dee
As for literature/pop culture, I'd go with:
Monk: Shimei Ryomou from Ikki Tousen
Sorcerer: One Eye from Glen Cook's Black Company series
Rogue: Sherlock Holmes (also possible as the Bard [Detective] archetype)
Cleric: Abu 'Imam' al-Walid from Pitch Black
Ranger: Burt Gummer from Tremors

SlamEvil |

Alchemist: The boy, from The Alchemist
Barbarian: The Hulk
Bard: Lady Gaga
Cavalier:Sir Lancelot
Druid: Beorn
Fighter: Achilles
Inquisitor: Oliver Cromwell
Magus: Squall
Monk: Neo
Paladin: Joan of Arc
Oracle: Nostradamus
Ranger: Ashitaka from princess Mononoke
Rogue: Zoro
Sorcerer: Harry Potter
Witch: ??
Wizard: Ged from Earthsea books

Tom_Kalbfus |
Tom_Kalbfus wrote:I think Little John would be offended if you called him a barbarian. Little John was a civilized Englishman, he was just big. An American Indian during the 12th century would be a barbarian, doesn't mean he would automatially win a wrestling competition with Little John.I think you may be confused. Little John gets more powerful when he's angry, at least in the TV show, and definitely has the Rage ability (he can break his chains when his son's in danger, but not when he's perfectly calm).
And are you suggesting that Native Americans were all barbarians? That's kind of ridiculous.
If you called Little John a "Barbarian" he is liable to get mad and smash things! ;)
By definition any one who is uncivilized, is a barbarian. That is people who belong to tribes instead of nations and can't read or write etc. Many North American Indians precontact fall into that category, the Aztecs maybe not, as they had cities and pictograms for writing, though many of the northern "barbarian" Indians didn't practice human sacrifice like the Aztecs did. Some civilizations were not so nice.

Brambleman |

@ Brambleman: Duelist is not a class... And I would say Hercules as a fighter and Beowulf as a barbarian. Other than that I like your picks.
I know, its a prestige class, but I wrote as they came to me. He's a fighter as his base class, prestiged into duelist.
As for Hercules, in the legends, he was more wrestling and was cursed by Hera with fits of rage, he seemed barbarian to me. Beowulf I called as barb as well, thogh he could be at least part fighter for all the same reasons.

SwnyNerdgasm |

Alchemist: Dr. Jekyll
Barbarian: Cuchullain
Bard: Alan-a-Dale
Cavalier: King Arthur
Cleric: St. Patrick
Druid: Malfurion Stormrage
Fighter: Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar
Gunslinger: Raylan Givens
Inquisitor: Solomon Kane
Magus: Elric
Monk: Kwai Chang Kane
Paladin: Michael Carpenter
Oracle: Pythia
Ranger: Aragorn
Rogue: Odysseus
Sorcerer: Belgarath
Witch: Baba Yaga
Wizard: Harry Dresden
Elf: Glorfindel
Dwarf: Thorin Oakenshield
Gnome: David
Halfling: Samwise Gamgee
Half-Elf: Tanis Half-Elven

Grey Lensman |
Barbarian: Regnak, the Earl of Bronze
Bard: Vainamoinen (probably horribly mis-spelled. Kalevela)
Cleric: St. Patrick
Druid: Merlin (depending on which version)
Fighter: Druss the Legend, Odysseus (tactician archetype)
Monk: Lu Mi Bai (weapon adept)
Paladin: Rinaldo (the Charlemagne stories even have the bonded mount)or Joan of Arc
Ranger: Legolas (archer version)
Rogue: Thom Merrilin (no magic keeps him from being a bard)
Sorcerer: Nyneave Al-Meara
Wizard: actually drawing a blank here. Most mage-type from fiction are better fit with other classes.
Alchemist: Dr. Jeckyl
Cavalier: Richard the Lionheart, Hogun
Inquisitor: Solomon Kane
Oracle: Serbitar
Summoner: Nostra-Khan
Witch: Circe
Magus: Malagigi
Gunslinger: Wyatt Earp, or The Man With No Name

Taishaku |

Here's who I think of:
Barbarian: Conan (though I'd agree he is also a rogue/fighter/ranger etc...)
Bard: Allan-a-Dale (as voiced and sung by Roger Miller in the 1973 Disney version of Robin Hood)
Cleric: Abraham Van Helsing (healer and scourge of the undead), but Archbishop Turpin, the Hebrew prophets, and the apostles of the New Testament are also inspirations for this class so I think of them too.
Druid: I think of Merlin in this role particularly as he comes across in the movie Excalibur, in T.H. White's Once and Future King and in Marion Zimmer Bradley's Mists of Avalon.
Fighter: Conan again, because in the original stories by Robert E. Howard he seems to get trained in all manner of arms and armor over his long career and becomes proficient in a wide variety of fighting styles.
Monk: Bannor or any of the Bloodguard/Haruchai from the Thomas Covenant Chronicles by Stephen Donaldson - a great example of how monks don't necessarily require an Asian setting.
Paladin: Galahad is of course the original inspiration for this class but I think a better example would be Paksenarrion (who herself was inspired by the D&D paladin).
Ranger: Aragorn of course, but also Pathfinder from the Leatherstocking Tales by James Fenimore Cooper.
Rogue: So many to choose from! Hanse Shadowspawn from the Thieve's World series would have to be my choice though.
Sorcerer: Timothy Hunter from the Books of Magic graphic novels.
Wizard: Cugel the Clever from Jack Vance's Dying Earth series should be mentioned here but as far as wizards who actually get their power from sheer intelligence and study and with no supernatural heritage to draw upon I think Hermione Granger is one of the best examples of this (she is clearly better than any of her peers including Harry).
Alchemist: Dr. Jekyll of course.
Cavalier: I actually think of Lancelot as one of these rather than as a paladin, because he is most often portrayed as a consummate and pious knight, but in most stories he doesn't really ever do any miracles (at least not in the Once and Future King).
Inquisitor: Solomon Kane by Robert E. Howard. (though he doesn't actually have any supernatural powers and he is arguably a Gunslinger)
Oracle: Cassandra
Summoner: Ash Ketchum
Witch: Medea
Anti-Paladin: Prince Gaynor the Damned from Michael Moorcock's Revenge of the Rose)
Magus: Elric of Melnibone of course.
Gunslinger: Solomon Kane again, for a great example of a gunslinger in sword & sorcery tales. I should also mention that Sakamoto Ryoma is a good real life inspiration for a multi-class samurai-gunslinger.
Ninja: Hattori Hanzo (though the more fictionalized version of him as the real life person was more of a samurai. Nicholas Linnnear from the novels by Eric Van Lustbader would be a good example also, though more of a modern day version.
Samurai: Minamoto Yoshitsune or Miyamoto Musashi are real world examples, but for a literary figure I'd have to choose Ogami Itto - the Lone Wolf of Lone Wolf and Cub aka the Babycart Assassin (BTW, he once had a gattling gun built into that babycart).

Lord Zeb |

Barbarian: Conan
Bard: Sherlock Holmes
Cleric: Thoros of Myr the Red Priest
Druid: Bran Stark
Fighter: Achilles
Monk: Kwai Chang Caine
Paladin: Sir Galahad
Ranger: Aragorn
Rogue: Sinbad
Sorcerer: Circe
Wizard: Merlin
Alchemist: Dr Jekyll
Cavalier: Sir Gawain
Gunslinger: Roland Deschain
Inquisitor: Eisenhorn
Magus: Elric
Oracle: Pythia
Summoner: Master Pandemonium
Witch: Baba Yaga
Elf: Legolas
Dwarf: Gimli
Gnome: Rumpelstiltskin
Halfling: Sam
Half-Elf: Tanis Half-Elven

Doomed Hero |

The Evil Version!
Barbarian: The Kurgan (Highlander)
Bard: Lord Raptor (from Darkstalkers)
Cleric: Darkness (Legend)
Druid: Thulsa Doom (Conan, and yes, he totally fits the criteria)
Fighter: Berne (from Heroes Die by Matthew Stover)
Monk: Darth Maul
Paladin: Arthas (Warcraft)
Ranger: The Predator (Yes, that predator)
Rogue: Artemis Entreri (Legend of Drizzt, R.A. Salvatore)
Sorcerer: Xycon (Order of the Stick)
Wizard: Sarumon
Alchemist: Ra’s al Ghul (Batman)
Cavalier: Lord Soth (Dragonlance/Ravenloft)
Gunslinger: Revolver Ocelot
Inquisitor: Agent Smith
Magus: Darth Vader
Oracle: Islington (Neverwhere)
Summoner: Kefka (Final Fantasy iV)
Witch: The White Witch (Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis)
Elf: Jareth (Labyrinth)
Dwarf: Azrael (Ravenloft, also the *only* one I could come up with)
Gnome: Rumplestiltskin
Halfling: Gollum
Half-Elf: Morgan le Fey

Cult of Vorg |

Barbarian: Logen (the Bloody Nine) Ninefingers
Bard: Gandalf
Cleric: Erevis Cale
Druid: Forestal Caerroil Wildwood
Fighter: Karl Cullinane
Monk: Dr Robert "Mongo" Frederickson
Paladin: Paksenarrion Dorthansdottir
Ranger: Will Treaty
Rogue: Hanse Shadowspawn
Sorceror: Hendregan
Wizard: Harry Dresden
Alchemist: Egg Shen
Cavalier: Sir Didymus
Gunslinger: Roland Deschain
Inquisitor: Eric Draven
Magus: Geralt de Rivia
Oracle: Meredith Gentry
Summoner: Baba Lavelle
Witch: Shota of Agaden Reach

Sylvanite |

My requirements on myself for this are that each answer HAS to be someone that a non-nerd off the street would have a really good chance of at least recognizing the name of...so in a sense this is not LEGENDARY archetypes so much as ones that have some resonance in American Pop Culture.
Alchemist: Dr. Jekyll
Barbarian: Conan
Bard: Shakespeare is THE bard (I'd love to say The Crow here).
Cavalier: Ghost Rider
Cleric: Friar Tuck (I'm not happy with this answer, but it's the best I can think of at the moment. I feel that TECHNICALLY this would be Gandalf, but it doesn't fit my rules I'm playing by.)
Druid: Jacob from Twilight. (Yeah. I went there....I was desperate.)
Fighter: Beowulf
Gunslinger: The Boondock Saints
Inquisitor: Van Helsing
Magus: Link from the Legend of Zelda series (honorable mentions to Elric, John Ross, and Lion-O)
Monk: the Kung Fu Panda (skadoosh!)
Ninja: The Ninja Turtles
Oracle: Neo from The Matrix
Paladin: King Arthur
Ranger: Robin Hood
Rogue: Indiana Jones
Samurai: The Bride from Kill Bill
Sorcerer: Emperor Palpatine
Summoner: Yugioh (Though the main character from the Bartimaeus Trilogy is better)
Witch: The Wicked Witch of the West
Wizard: Dumbledore/Merlin/Gandalf (they're all kinda the same archetype)
Elf: Legolas
Dwarf: Gimli
Gnome: Expedia Gnome
Halfling: Bilbo Baggins
Tiefling: Nightcrawler (Darth Maul honorable mention)
Aasimar: Jesus
Githyanki: Joan Rivers

ZeroCharisma |

Barbarian: (Dwarf) Ahira (guardians of the flame)
Bard: Jon-Tom (Spellsinger)
Cavalier: Jaxom (Dragonriders)
Cleric: Alia Atreides (Dune)
Druid: (Aasimar) Gandalf
Fighter: Barak/Karl Kullinane (Also GotF)
Monk: Kwai Chang Kaine (Kung Fu)
Paladin: Jack (LOST)
Ranger: Dar (Beastmaster)
Rogue: Sidney Bristow (Alias)
Sorcerer: (Tiefling) Lady of the Green Kirtle/Queen of Underworld (The Silver Chair)
Wizard: Tim Hunter (Books of Magic)
Witch: (Goblin?) Aughra (Dark Crystal)