Cheapy |
14 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Added to the FAQ. 2 people marked this as a favorite. |

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15 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Barbarian - Wild Rager Archetype -
Uncontrolled Rage (Ex): A wild rager’s rage functions as normal, except that when she reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points, she must attempt a Will save (DC 10 + the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Charisma modifier) or become confused.
I have no idea why a Charismatic barbarian would be more likely to be confused. I'd probably go the opposite because we really don't need any more 7 Charisma barbarians. I really have no idea what the developers intended here.
FYI - The 3.5 Frenzied Berserker is back for everyone who hated it.

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1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Don't have my pdf infront of me, so based on memory...
Tactician - Fighter Archetype
The level 15th power doesn't specify what it replaces. Assuming Armor Training, but its left ambiguous.
PDF Bookmarks
Missing most of the Mastering Combat chapter (Mine only has the first 2 sections of it bookmarked).

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Page 50: Musket Master
Weapon Proficiency:
A musket master only gains proficiency with two-handed firearms. She must take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearm) feat to gain proficiency with two-handed firearms and firearm siege engines.This should clearly be one-handed firearms
A Musket is a two handed firearm, so unless I am missing something Two-Handed is correct.

Irulesmost |

Berhagen wrote:A Musket is a two handed firearm, so unless I am missing something Two-Handed is correct.Page 50: Musket Master
Weapon Proficiency:
A musket master only gains proficiency with two-handed firearms. She must take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearm) feat to gain proficiency with two-handed firearms and firearm siege engines.This should clearly be one-handed firearms
Emphasis above. You missed something.

Krimson |

Dragnmoon wrote:Emphasis above. You missed something.Berhagen wrote:A Musket is a two handed firearm, so unless I am missing something Two-Handed is correct.Page 50: Musket Master
Weapon Proficiency:
A musket master only gains proficiency with two-handed firearms. She must take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearm) feat to gain proficiency with two-handed firearms and firearm siege engines.This should clearly be one-handed firearms
Maybe you did, too.

northbrb |

Irulesmost wrote:Maybe you did, too.Dragnmoon wrote:Emphasis above. You missed something.Berhagen wrote:A Musket is a two handed firearm, so unless I am missing something Two-Handed is correct.Page 50: Musket Master
Weapon Proficiency:
A musket master only gains proficiency with two-handed firearms. She must take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearm) feat to gain proficiency with two-handed firearms and firearm siege engines.This should clearly be one-handed firearms
it should be saying one handed firearms because you already have proficiency with the two handed firarms and if you want to use on handed firearms you need to take a feat

Irulesmost |

Irulesmost wrote:Maybe you did, too.Dragnmoon wrote:Emphasis above. You missed something.Berhagen wrote:A Musket is a two handed firearm, so unless I am missing something Two-Handed is correct.Page 50: Musket Master
Weapon Proficiency:
A musket master only gains proficiency with two-handed firearms. She must take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearm) feat to gain proficiency with two-handed firearms and firearm siege engines.This should clearly be one-handed firearms
no...I didn't.
Clearly the initial post was saying that
"A musket master only gains proficiency with two-handed firearms. She must take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearm) feat to gain proficiency with two-handed firearms and firearm siege engines."
Should change to
"A musket master only gains proficiency with two-handed firearms. She must take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearm) feat to gain proficiency with one-handed firearms and firearm siege engines."
And that is all. Enough on this point, though, it's been belabored far to much already.

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4 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Don't have my pdf infront of me, so based on memory...
Tactician - Fighter Archetype
The level 15th power doesn't specify what it replaces. Assuming Armor Training, but its left ambiguous.
As always, though I wrote a section I am not the official errata-giver, but on this one I don't think I'm speaking out of turn in saying: It replaces armor training 4.
Simple omission is all. It happens, alas.

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Barbarian - Wild Rager Archetype -
Uncontrolled Rage (Ex): A wild rager’s rage functions as normal, except that when she reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points, she must attempt a Will save (DC 10 + the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Charisma modifier) or become confused.
I have no idea why a Charismatic barbarian would be more likely to be confused. I'd probably go the opposite because we really don't need any more 7 Charisma barbarians. I really have no idea what the developers intended here.
FYI - The 3.5 Frenzied Berserker is back for everyone who hated it.
Well, yes and no.
The flavor of the FB is back, which some people liked.
The infinite hit points part of the FB is not back, and I think that's a thing that most people didn't like.
Except for people playing FBs, of course... :)

Xum |

sieylianna wrote:Barbarian - Wild Rager Archetype -
Uncontrolled Rage (Ex): A wild rager’s rage functions as normal, except that when she reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points, she must attempt a Will save (DC 10 + the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Charisma modifier) or become confused.
I have no idea why a Charismatic barbarian would be more likely to be confused. I'd probably go the opposite because we really don't need any more 7 Charisma barbarians. I really have no idea what the developers intended here.
FYI - The 3.5 Frenzied Berserker is back for everyone who hated it.
Well, yes and no.
The flavor of the FB is back, which some people liked.
The infinite hit points part of the FB is not back, and I think that's a thing that most people didn't like.
Except for people playing FBs, of course... :)
I played an FB and didn't like the infinite HP, but hey... I'm weird like that...

Grey Lensman |
Uncontrolled Rage (Ex): A wild rager’s rage functions as normal, except that when she reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points, she must attempt a Will save (DC 10 + the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Charisma modifier) or become confused.
I think the save DC should be (10+ 1/2 the barbarian's level + barbarian's charisma modifier), otherwise you have a DC that rapidly approaches the level of automatic failure. That, and "1/2 level" seems to be the rule for everything else.

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2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Quote:Uncontrolled Rage (Ex): A wild rager’s rage functions as normal, except that when she reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points, she must attempt a Will save (DC 10 + the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Charisma modifier) or become confused.I think the save DC should be (10+ 1/2 the barbarian's level + barbarian's charisma modifier), otherwise you have a DC that rapidly approaches the level of automatic failure. That, and "1/2 level" seems to be the rule for everything else.
I think that is likely the correct reading.

Quandary |

Yeah, I agree, either it should be 10+1/2level+something or just 10+level.
I think CON would make ALOT more sense to use as the stat, and it makes sense if Rage is ´physical being overcoming mind´, though I can see how Rage could also be seen as force of will, thus CHA. ...But CON seems to work better if it´s intended to actually be a DC increase to the formula, since VERY few Barbarians will have negative CON, and most will have a pretty good one (i.e. akin to CHA for Cleric channel in a way), yet MANY Barbs ditch CHA, even Intimidation Barbarians because they can swap STR for CHA when Intimidating.
Sounds like hell of dip class archetype now, since the DC only increases with Barb levels.

Ravingdork |
3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Lots of minor typos, but I've seen few things that look terribly serious.
The nodachi is a two-handed martial heavy blade that deals 1d10 damage, has an 18-20/x2 crit, and brace.
Shouldn't this be an exoitc weapon like it's smaller brothers the katana (one-handed, 1d8/18-20/x2) and the wakizashi (light, 1d6/18-20/x2)?
Also, the latter two get bonuses on coup de graces, but the nodachi does not, despite it having a similar creating process. Shouldn't all 3 get that ability?

Can'tFindthePath |
5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Under the Ranger, pg 68. Wildstalker archtype:
Rage Powers: At 5th level, a wild stalker ranger gains a single (..blah...blah...stuff) He gains another (stuff) each five levels after 5th (to a maximum of four (stuffs) at 20th level). This ability replaces the ranger’s second, third, fourth, and fifth favored enemy abilities.
Wild Talents (Ex): At 6th level, a wild stalker can either
(.......blah..blah....stuff...) The wild stalker can gain one of these
two benefits again every five levels after 6th (to a maximum of 4 times at 20th level). This ability replaces the ranger’s second, third, fourth, and fifth favored enemy abilities.
Also, note that the progression for Wild Talents doesn't work; you can't get the fourth instance of the ability because you would have to be 21st level, not 20th.

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7 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Under the Ninja, I'm not sure if this is right?
Hidden Master (Su): At 20th level, a ninja becomes a true master of her art. She can, as a standard action,
cast greater invisibility on herself. While invisible in this
way, she cannot be detected by any means, and not even
invisibility purge, see invisibility, and true seeing can reveal
If so, this should probably not be described as Greater Invisibility?
Seems as though the text rules out things like Blindsight, Echolocation, Tremorsense, audible Perception checks, touch, scent, etc.Or should it read differently?

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Under the Ninja, I'm not sure if this is right?
Quote:Hidden Master (Su): At 20th level, a ninja becomes a true master of her art. She can, as a standard action,
cast greater invisibility on herself. While invisible in this
way, she cannot be detected by any means, and not even
invisibility purge, see invisibility, and true seeing can reveal
her.If so, this should probably not be described as Greater Invisibility?
Seems as though the text rules out things like Blindsight, Echolocation, Tremorsense, audible Perception checks, touch, scent, etc.Or should it read differently?
"Not detected by any means." Great. Won't be any abuse with that one.
So if you throw a bag of flour, it somehow doesn't adhere. If the ninja is standing in the water, it doesn't reveal their location. When they get out of the water and walk across a dry floor, they're still undetectable.
If they're in a net chained to a length of tin cans, on fire, clashing a set of cymbals, and stomping through mudpuddles while screaming the Taldoran national anthem at the top of their lungs, somehow, incredibly, they're still undetectable, even to, say, Nethys, the All-Seeing Eye.
Apparently this astonishing new version of greater invisibility is actually a mind-affecting ability that even affects creatures immune to mind-affecting effects and non-living things such as traps.
So much for no new absolutes :)
I think I'll just be treating it like a greater invisibility that cannot be detected, rather than some sort of uber-powerful non-detection ability. And it WILL be subject to antimagic field, bags of flour, dispel magic, footprints in the sand, mage's disjunction, Perception, scent, etc., as the description explicitly says that the ninja is casting greater invisibility.
I think all it was meant to mean was that the invisibility cannot be defeated, it was just worded poorly.

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Well, yes and no.
The flavor of the FB is back, which some people liked.
The infinite hit points part of the FB is not back, and I think that's a thing that most people didn't like.
Except for people playing FBs, of course... :)
Infinte HP? Tell me more how did I miss that when I read about FBs I must have been to caught up on x3 power attack and such. (which you get for just having a greatsword and PA in Pathfinder, yay! Now if I could just get x4 PA.)

Cheapy |
16 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The Boar style as a whole is a tad wonky. The first feat in the chain gives 2d6 bleed.
The second feat lets you intimidate as a free action when you tear flesh.
The third feat lets you intimidate as a move action normally, and does 1d6 bleed damage.
Boar Style's table text doesn't mention and bleed damage, just the changing damage types. Perhaps Boar Style is meant to give +2d6 damage, not 2d6 bleed damage.
Also, Combat Patrol appears to work with Snap Shot line of feats. Is this intended?

Cheapy |

Cheapy wrote:A zen archer monk could already do this.
Also, Combat Patrol appears to work with Snap Shot line of feats. Is this intended?
That's different. That's using unarmed strikes to threaten, this is using a bow to threaten. You don't need to move around to shoot at the guys in the patrol.

Shadow_of_death |

That's different. That's using unarmed strikes to threaten, this is using a bow to threaten. You don't need to move around to shoot at the guys in the patrol.
Reflexive shot: At 9th level, a zen archer can make attacks of opportunity with arrows from his bow. The monk still threatens squares he could reach with unarmed strikes, and can still only make one attack of opportunity per round (unless he has Combat Reflexes).
This ability replaces improved evasion.
Anywhere you threaten with your unarmed strikes you threaten with your bow, with combat patrol you threaten everything in a 10-30ft area, so without moving you can use your bow to attack.

Ravingdork |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Also, Combat Patrol appears to work with Snap Shot line of feats. Is this intended?
REQUIREMENTS: BAB +9, Dex 15; Combat Patrol, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Improved Snap Shot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Snap Shot, Weapon Focus.
Doesn't matter if it wasn't intended. With a NINE FEAT INVESTMENT, it's perfectly balanced as is (and fun too)--especially when you consider that a zen archer monk with combat patrol can do it far more easily.

Cheapy |

Cheapy wrote:
That's different. That's using unarmed strikes to threaten, this is using a bow to threaten. You don't need to move around to shoot at the guys in the patrol.
Reflexive shot: At 9th level, a zen archer can make attacks of opportunity with arrows from his bow. The monk still threatens squares he could reach with unarmed strikes, and can still only make one attack of opportunity per round (unless he has Combat Reflexes).
This ability replaces improved evasion.
Anywhere you threaten with your unarmed strikes you threaten with your bow, with combat patrol you threaten everything in a 10-30ft area, so without moving you can use your bow to attack.
Yep, I skipped the first sentence. Thought it was flavor, guess not. Whoops.
Not sure how I didn't ever hear any chatter on the forums about that...

Cheapy |

Cheapy wrote:Because if no one moves you get no attacks.
Yep, I skipped the first sentence. Thought it was flavor, guess not. Whoops.
Not sure how I didn't ever hear any chatter on the forums about that...
Actually, if they do anything that provokes an AoO, and they are in your threatened area, you can attack them. At least that's my reading from Combat Patrol, since it mentions nothing about only working on AoOs that are provoked by movement.

Shadow_of_death |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Actually, if they do anything that provokes an AoO, and they are in your threatened area, you can attack them. At least that's my reading from Combat Patrol, since it mentions nothing about only working on AoOs that are provoked by movement.
So any archers that haven't taken a crucial feat by 9th level and any casters that aren't casting defensively/using new options from UC (after learning from the first attack of course).
Still not the 5 attacks you get from normal full attacking. Good for battlefield control, but not a dpr gamebreaker

Zen79 |
6 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |

pg. 239, Phantom Chariot:
"The chariot has all the normal qualities of a heavy chariot with metal scythes (see page 182)."
But the description in the spell deviates a little bit from that in the vehicles chapter.
1. A heavy chariot is pulled by either 6 medium or 2 large creatures, while the spell says 4 horse-like creatures.
2. The spell also mentions "metal scythes", which (sadly) aren't mentioned in the vehicles chapter. Were they cut from the vehicles chapter?

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"Not detected by any means." Great. Won't be any abuse with that one.
So if you throw a bag of flour, it somehow doesn't adhere. If the ninja is standing in the water, it doesn't reveal their location. When they get out of the water and walk across a dry floor, they're still undetectable.
If they're in a net chained to a length of tin cans, on fire, clashing a set of cymbals, and stomping through mudpuddles while screaming the Taldoran national anthem at the top of their lungs, somehow, incredibly, they're still undetectable, even to, say, Nethys, the All-Seeing Eye.
It's a Somebody Else's Problem field!

F. Castor |
7 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Although I do not yet own Ultimate Combat (still have to wait about a week for the PDF), I believe I can nevertheless mention the following, since it has been discussed in another thread.
The Martial Artist archetype seems to retain the Abundant Step monk ability (which requires a ki pool to use, something the Martial Artist does not have), instead of having it replaced with another, more suitable ability.
He also keeps High Jump, but from the discussion in the other thread I mentioned above, that was done on purpose, since this monk ability can function without a ki pool (you simply can no longer use ki points as a swift action to add +20 on Acrobatics checks to jump for 1 round; you still get to add your monk level to Acrobatics checks to jump and you always count as having a running jump when making jump checks with Acrobatics, since these do not need or use ki points to function).

Quandary |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

That could be Errata, or it could be intended: If they multi-class with Rogue or Ninja they can pick up a Ki Pool, and even if they don´t having the ability retained (even with no Ki Pool) means the Martial Artist could also take other Monk Archetypes that swap that ability out. ...OK, I promise to try harder not to side-track this thread with discussion :-)

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According to Jason Nelson, who as far as I can tell is responsible for giving us the Martial Artist archetype, it was not intended, which is why I brought it up here. He also suggested to post about it in the errata thread, so I thought, why not? :-)
As stated, I did write the martial artist, and high jump was intentionally retained, since it's still pretty useful even without ki. Abundant step, though, I just flat-out forgot to replace, since it does nothing without ki.
In the thread that F. Castor linked above, I offered up some wholly unofficial suggestions for things you could replace it with, from a simple bonus feat slot to some enhancements to their other class abilities.
For an official response from Paizo, however, this is the place to request errata, and hopefully at some point they will add something to the FAQ as an appropriate exchange for the accidentally included abundant step for the martial artist.