KenderKin |
Hollow’s Last Hope
Will be right here on Paizo,
Recruitment :
Wanted an old fashioned team of four PC’s to take on the “short term” PBP module Hollow’s Last Hope!
I am looking for a “traditional team”* in the sense of roles, though APG and UM are both fine.
*tank, healer, skill monkey, arcanist
22 point buy, no score under 10!
2 traits, no rich parents!
Each person submitting a full character will vote for the composition of the party….
So each submission is looked over by every applicant and then at the end of the week…..
Everyone who submits a full character can vote for not only themselves, but also is required to vote for the rest of the party.
Recruitment will last from today and run a full week. At the end of recruitment, everyone will move over to the OOC thread.
Each full character will post once, the character name and avatar being correct and stating your role in the party.
After all the potential PC’s are in the “line-up” you can then cast your votes for whom you want in the party…..(one post listing your picks for the four PCs to be in the game)
I will of course veto things as they appear in the recruitment thread!
When you post here please tell what role you really want!
Any takers?
Any questions?

Faunra Variel |

I'd like to submit Faunra Variel, I need to change some of the background and her stats(was a 20 point buy) but other than that she's done. She's a bard so she can either be the arcanist or the skill monkey.
I should mention I am currently running this but don't worry I won't meta-game and I'm sure you going to make it very different.

KenderKin |
Let's give it a try, it seems the biggest threat is that it might slow-down RL game play, but should work fine in PBP format.
Words of power spellcasting is a complicated subsystem that, in the hands of players suffering from bouts of analysis paralysis, may slow down game play. But in the right hands, the system creates a fun, flexible play experience for fans of free-form spellcasting that works either alone or with standard Pathfinder spellcasters.

MundinIronHand |

Currenlty playing a tiefling summoner with a biped demon eidolon and loving it. While his full attacks are nice, he's a great flanker and his perception skill is extremely handy (skilled rocks). As you level, the summoners battlefield control spells really do make a difference. Create pit matched with summoning anything that has a good cmb for bull rush really is fun, expecially if u grease the sloped edges around the pits!
Dwarven cleric of Torag with Earth and Inevitable as his domains.
Is there any backstory here we can know, a town we should be in when this starts, so that we can make a back story. Are we in desert, forest, jungle, arctic climate?

KenderKin |

seekerofshadowlight |

We do not post finished pc here correct?
As for Role, Hanathan will be a face man, a talker, the diplomatic sort. His skills and spells are build more around that kind of think then brute force.
He would much rather, Bluff, flatter, talk or Intimidate his way out of a fight then have to fight.
Also GOld? We rolling? Max Hp at level 1?

KenderKin |
If you are talking about a druid the animal companion should generate fairly straight forwards....
Starting Statistics: Size Large; Speed 50 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Attack bite (1d4), 2 hooves* (1d6); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.
* This is a secondary natural attack, see Combat for more information on how secondary attacks work.
4th-Level Advancement: Ability Scores Str +2, Con +2; Special Qualities combat trained.
and advance by levels as you do
see Table: Animal Companion Base Statistics

Norric Kolmmek |

May I present Norric Kelmmek, Dwarven armored melee fighter. Enjoys a good time but when blades are bared he gets quite serious, eager to pit himself against a challenger.
Background wise I imagine him having been recruited/hired to escort either a scholar heading to investigate the monastery(if that is known of) or a merchant. Either is in or heading to Falcon's Hollow with his ward.
Please let me know if need anything built on or changed.
p.s. I equipped him with an armored kilt. Ok? or should I remove it.

Faunra Variel |

May I present Norric Kelmmek, Dwarven armored melee fighter. Enjoys a good time but when blades are bared he gets quite serious, eager to pit himself against a challenger.
Background wise I imagine him having been recruited/hired to escort either a scholar heading to investigate the monastery(if that is known of) or a merchant. Either is in or heading to Falcon's Hollow with his ward.
Please let me know if need anything built on or changed.
p.s. I equipped him with an armored kilt. Ok? or should I remove it.
No please remove it...I've been dying for new material for a song and I'm sure people would love to hear about the dwarf who wasn't just dwarfed in height...if you get what I mean.