Lamsfel |

I'm not very interested in trying to figure out who's getting how many gp in their gear, it's more about the functionality to me.
With that in mind, Lamsfel already has a chain shirt. Unless the new one is masterwork, he gains nothing from the trade - if it is masterwork and the party feels he can have it, he would give Tybus his old one if that helps Tybus. For obvious reasons, he would take a CLW potion.
@Tristan - are you able to use scrolls yet? I thought you would have to be at least 4th level...
Lamsfel would be willing to take the arrows if Tristan and Tybus are not interested in them and he could always take the offensive alchemical items, but it seems logical to leave those to the folks not on the front row so they can provide support by lobbing bombs over the melee.
@Shisumo - are the scrolls limited to arcane or divine casters? Or does the inventory include both options?

Stalwart |

From a purely practical standpoint, the two prepared casters are salivating at the scrolls because they can be used to expand their repertoire. Those one-shot use items ultimately provide additional diversity.
So while Tristan can (I believe) use a divine scroll, the party's better off letting him have a few potions instead.
As Tybus is most useful as a front-liner (spell combat and soon (hopefully!) spell strike), he's also eyeing the better armor. Even a non-masterwork hand-me-down is preferable. I'm pretty sure Marcelina could also use the armor, but since she has her ice armor revelation, it might not be all that useful since I don't expect them to stack. I could be wrong. We'll let her chime in, obviously.

Marcelina |

Marcelina is too shy to really ask for any of the items ICly. And I think the frontliners can certainly use the armor more than she can. So she'll take what of the alchemical/scrolls that the others deem appropriate to give her.
Only things I can see that I would for sure like her to get is the CLW potion, and obviously the ticket.

mbauers |

From a purely practical standpoint, the two prepared casters are salivating at the scrolls because they can be used to expand their repertoire. Those one-shot use items ultimately provide additional diversity.
So while Tristan can (I believe) use a divine scroll, the party's better off letting him have a few potions instead.
As Tybus is most useful as a front-liner (spell combat and soon (hopefully!) spell strike), he's also eyeing the better armor. Even a non-masterwork hand-me-down is preferable. I'm pretty sure Marcelina could also use the armor, but since she has her ice armor revelation, it might not be all that useful since I don't expect them to stack. I could be wrong. We'll let her chime in, obviously.
My thoughts exactly. No point in getting a CLW scroll when you can just pour a potion down someone's throat.
I'd like a ticket, a second level scroll, maybe 1-2 1st level scrolls, and a potion of CLW if there's one left over. Again, I'm willing to give someone gold so they can buy something more suited to their character (for Tristan or Marcelina maybe, for example).

DM Shisumo |

For purposes of adding spells to a character's repertoire, Tybus can actually ask Voon to copy spells from his spellbook directly - it's basically 15 gp per spell for the copying and scribing fee. (If he decides to go this way, I'll provide you with the spells in Voon's book for copying purposes.) Unfortunately, Gan can't use the same trick, because while familiars can learn spells from scrolls, they can't learn them from spellbooks. So you might want to factor that into your decision as well.
Also, for the record, Marcelina's ice armor wouldn't stack with actual armor, and you have to actually have a caster level in order to use a scroll (so Tristan can't use divine scrolls yet); wands don't have the same restriction, but the scrolls will have to wait.

Stalwart |

For purposes of adding spells to a character's repertoire, Tybus can actually ask Voon to copy spells from his spellbook directly - it's basically 15 gp per spell for the copying and scribing fee. (If he decides to go this way, I'll provide you with the spells in Voon's book for copying purposes.) Unfortunately, Gan can't use the same trick, because while familiars can learn spells from scrolls, they can't learn them from spellbooks. So you might want to factor that into your decision as well.
Also, for the record, Marcelina's ice armor wouldn't stack with actual armor, and you have to actually have a caster level in order to use a scroll (so Tristan can't use divine scrolls yet); wands don't have the same restriction, but the scrolls will have to wait.
That's the ideal solution, right there! Absolutely, I'd like to see Voon's spellbook.

Lamsfel |

This appears to be how things are shaking out thus far:
Savah's Armory: "finest chain shirt" Lamsfel, Tybus, or Tristan
Savah's Armory: "six magically enhanced arrows" Lamsfel?
Feathered Serpent: "any five magical scrolls, one of which may be of second level" Possibility: Gan gets the scrolls and pays Tybus so he can scribe spells from Voon into his spellbook so they both can expand their repertoire?
Bottled Solutions: "two vials of antiplague" Marcelina?
Bottled Solutions: "two vials of bloodblock" Marcelina?
Bottled Solutions: "two vials of liquid ice" Marcelina, Lamsfel
Bottled Solutions: "two vials of alchemists' fire" Marcelina, Lamsfel
Hannah Velerin: "five potions of cure light wounds" Lamsfel, Tybus, Tristan, Marcelina, Gan
Sandpoint Theater: "five tickets to see 'The Harpy's Curse'" Lamsfel, Tybus, Tristan, Marcelina, Gan
Armchair analysis
For the armor: It appears to me that Tristan would gain the most from the chain shirt, whether the masterwork one or Lamsfel's old one; for the small price of a point of AC, gains better speed and significant reduction in ACP
For the arrows: I don't believe anyone else has expressed an interest, so I think Lamsfel will go with those.
For the scrolls: It appears that the best way to handle these is to let Gan obtain the scrolls and contribute gold to Tybus' funds for scribing spells from Voon's spellbook.
For the antiplague and bloodblock, Marcelina seems a good choice if she's going to play the role of medic, but it might make sense to share them among the party, too. But they seem to be good choices to remain party property, regardless of who carries them.
For the liquid ice and alchemists' fire, Marcelina again seems a good choice, though Lamsfel should be a mobile character and might be able to utilize them better if he comes around on the flank of the foe. If he's getting the arrows, though, I'm not sure that he should get these, too. My vote is that Marcelina gets to choose.
Everyone gets a CLW potion and everyone gets a ticket.
What do you folks think?

DM Shisumo |

DM Shisumo wrote:That's the ideal solution, right there! Absolutely, I'd like to see Voon's spellbook.For purposes of adding spells to a character's repertoire, Tybus can actually ask Voon to copy spells from his spellbook directly - it's basically 15 gp per spell for the copying and scribing fee. (If he decides to go this way, I'll provide you with the spells in Voon's book for copying purposes.) Unfortunately, Gan can't use the same trick, because while familiars can learn spells from scrolls, they can't learn them from spellbooks. So you might want to factor that into your decision as well.
Also, for the record, Marcelina's ice armor wouldn't stack with actual armor, and you have to actually have a caster level in order to use a scroll (so Tristan can't use divine scrolls yet); wands don't have the same restriction, but the scrolls will have to wait.
Voon's spellbook contains the following spells: charm person, comprehend languages, crafter's fortune, floating disk, identify, illusion of calm, mirror strike, peacebond, shadow weapon, shield, true strike, unseen servant, vanish and youthful appearance. He always has copies of these spells in stock as scrolls as well.

Lamsfel |

I'm fine with what Lamsfel laid out. Maybe she could split the alchemical items with him?
Lamsfel would graciously accept her generosity. In his mind, they are all hers to disseminate since she's getting little else from the list. Just tell me which ones you want him to hold onto.*
* Assuming, of course, that the rest of the party agrees with that particular part of the distribution.

mbauers |

This appears to be how things are shaking out thus far:
Savah's Armory: "finest chain shirt" Lamsfel, Tybus, or Tristan
Savah's Armory: "six magically enhanced arrows" Lamsfel?
Feathered Serpent: "any five magical scrolls, one of which may be of second level" Possibility: Gan gets the scrolls and pays Tybus so he can scribe spells from Voon into his spellbook so they both can expand their repertoire?
Bottled Solutions: "two vials of antiplague" Marcelina?
Bottled Solutions: "two vials of bloodblock" Marcelina?
Bottled Solutions: "two vials of liquid ice" Marcelina, Lamsfel
Bottled Solutions: "two vials of alchemists' fire" Marcelina, Lamsfel
Hannah Velerin: "five potions of cure light wounds" Lamsfel, Tybus, Tristan, Marcelina, Gan
Sandpoint Theater: "five tickets to see 'The Harpy's Curse'" Lamsfel, Tybus, Tristan, Marcelina, GanArmchair analysis
For the armor: It appears to me that Tristan would gain the most from the chain shirt, whether the masterwork one or Lamsfel's old one; for the small price of a point of AC, gains better speed and significant reduction in ACP
For the arrows: I don't believe anyone else has expressed an interest, so I think Lamsfel will go with those.
For the scrolls: It appears that the best way to handle these is to let Gan obtain the scrolls and contribute gold to Tybus' funds for scribing spells from Voon's spellbook.
For the antiplague and bloodblock, Marcelina seems a good choice if she's going to play the role of medic, but it might make sense to share them among the party, too. But they seem to be good choices to remain party property, regardless of who carries them.
For the liquid ice and alchemists' fire, Marcelina again seems a good choice, though Lamsfel should be a mobile character and might be able to utilize them better if he comes around on the flank of the foe. If he's getting the arrows, though, I'm not sure that he should get these,...
Again, I don't know how nitpicky you guys get, but when divvying up treasure I try to look at GP amounts because you never know when you'll get an item that's "suited" for someone. Look at the case of the arrows. None of us can really use them, so maybe we can sell them at half price to get something we can use, you know?
Also, as Tybus knows Ray of Frost, I think he should take one of the Liquid Ices. He can use it as a material focus without expending it and it adds one to the damage. Not bad at low levels.
Here's how I see things--
To be divided:
MW Chainshirt 250 gp
4 1st level scrolls 100 gp total
1 2nd level scroll 150 gp total
2 vials of liquid ice 80 gp total
2 vials of alchemist's fire 40 gp total
5 potions of CLW 250 gp total
375 gp in platinum and gold
Total wealth to be divided = 1,245 / 5 party members = 249 each.
Party items, not counting as anyone's wealth:
2 vials of antiplague 100 gp total(I think Marcelina should carry this ,IMO).
2 vials of blood block 50 gp (same as anti plague)
5 tickets--everyone gets one?
Can't really use:
6 +1 arrows 276.3 gp total (maybe we can sell for 138?)
So I'd recommend:
Tristan gets MW Chainshirt = 250
Gan gets Lev 2 scroll, 4 Level 1 scrolls = 250
Tybus gets Liquid Ice, 2 Potions of CLW, 110 gp to copy spells out of the spell book = 250
Marcelina gets 2 Potions of CLW, 145 gp = 245 (but she gets the "party" items and if she really wants to she can take 5 gp off the top after we sell the arrows but before we divide the money, hehe)
Lamsfel gets 2 vials of alchemist's fire, 1 vial of liquid ice, 1 Potion of CLW, 120 gp = 250
Then we try to sell the arrows and divvy up the money.

Stalwart |

Wow, that's really well-thought out. I'm happy with it.
I just looked up the spells in Voon's book, and it seems that seven of them are on the Magus list. Unless I missed one somewhere, it's floating disk, shield, true strike, unseen servant, vanish, illusion of calm, and mirror strike.
I'd need 105 gp for those seven, so that works for me. I'd get 10 gp left over, if we follow mbauers's plan.

Lamsfel |

It is well thought out and I don't want to cheat anyone (I just didn't have time to care about the values and find it can get in the way -- but this has been done very well).
Just for sake of argument, what happens if we include the arrows? I believe we have no ranged fighter currently and Lamsfel does carry a bow, so we can use them. That lets us keep their value in the party. With some very rough figuring, I think it would work out and, as a bonus, Tristan and Gan should get some gold or CLW as a side benefit.
Note: My feelings won't be hurt if my suggestion isn't taken, so I'm not arguing against mbauers' suggestion so much as trying to fine-tune it.

mbauers |

It is well thought out and I don't want to cheat anyone (I just didn't have time to care about the values and find it can get in the way -- but this has been done very well).
Just for sake of argument, what happens if we include the arrows? I believe we have no ranged fighter currently and Lamsfel does carry a bow, so we can use them. That lets us keep their value in the party. With some very rough figuring, I think it would work out and, as a bonus, Tristan and Gan should get some gold or CLW as a side benefit.
Note: My feelings won't be hurt if my suggestion isn't taken, so I'm not arguing against mbauers' suggestion so much as trying to fine-tune it.
Ok, here's a proposal with the arrows. Suppose Lamsfel just takes the arrows and not the stuff I listed, and everyone else takes the stuff I listed. Then we give 5 more gold to Marcelina so we're all at 250 except Lamsfel is at roughly 275. We then give 25 gp equivalent to the other 4 so we're all at 275. This leaves 145 gp value left. So we would each get about 29 more gp. So it would probably look something like this (again, sorry to be so nitpicky, hehe):
So I'd recommend:
Tristan gets MW Chainshirt,Potion of CLW , 4 gp = 304
Gan gets Lev 2 scroll, 4 Level 1 scrolls, 54 gp = 304
Tybus gets Liquid Ice, vial of alchemist's fire, 2 Potions of CLW, 144 gp = 304
Marcelina gets 2 Potions of CLW, 1 vial of liquid ice, 164 gp = 304
Lamsfel gets 6 +1 arrows, 1 vial of alchemist's fire, 9 gp = 304
Party items, not counting as anyone's wealth:
2 vials of antiplague 100 gp total(I think Marcelina should carry this ,IMO).
2 vials of blood block 50 gp (same as anti plague)
5 tickets--everyone gets one?
Kind of funny to picture everyone divvying that up, hehe.
This look good?

DM Shisumo |

Fine! I'll change my vote to proposal #2. :)
@ Shisumo: I believe the Spellcraft DC to learn first level spells is 16. Can I take 10 on those skill checks? That should give me just enough to pick them up.
You can indeed. Well, under these circumstances anyway. Trying to do so in the midst of a dungeon, for instance, might be distracting enough for me to require a roll, but within the calm confines of the Feathered Serpent, that's fine.

mbauers |

I'm perfectly happy with proposal #2. I also nominate mbauers our official loot tracker. :)
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, not more responsibility! :-)
Shisumo, can I pick any scrolls I want? If so, I'd like these:
1)Ear Piercing Scream, Enlarge Person, Interrogation, Ray of Sickening

DM Shisumo |

1)Ear Piercing Scream,
1d100 ⇒ 44
Enlarge Person,
1d100 ⇒ 43
1d100 ⇒ 26
Ray of Sickening
1d100 ⇒ 60
1d100 ⇒ 88
All of them except the glitterdust are available; for that one, though, he'd have to request it from a contact in Magnimar, and it would be a week or so before it would show up.

mbauers |

mbauers wrote:1)Ear Piercing Scream,d100
mbauers wrote:Enlarge Person,d100
mbauers wrote:Interrogation,d100
mbauers wrote:Ray of Sickeningd100
mbauers wrote:2)Glitterdust
All of them except the glitterdust are available; for that one, though, he'd have to request it from a contact in Magnimar, and it would be a week or so before it would show up.
I don't mind waiting a week. I doubt we'll get to level 3 by then :-)

Marcelina |

Shisumo - I realized that I didn't pick a craft skill for Marcelina, so I went ahead and did that, choosing weapons. In keeping with that, she's also going to purchase a set of mwk tools at the next opportunity. Also, since she feels she's going to be in town for a while, she's going to start work on a new spear. She made her currant one more for fishing than fighting. So she's going to try to make a masterwork one while she's waiting in town. Not sure how long we're going to be inactive, but letting you know what I have planned.
Since a spear is 20sp, and a craft DC of 12.
1/3 cost would be about 7 sp.
Craft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
14x12=168 168/20=8.4 times the normal speed of 40 hours.
So she completes the base spear in about 5 hours.
The mwk component is 3000 sp, and a DC of 20.
1/3 cost is 1000sp.
Mwk component of the spear 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
25x20=500 So after a week, she has 2500sp worth of work left.
Obviously other things are going to come in the way of this work, so it might actually be longer than a week, this is just a side project. Just let me know when she needs to make another roll.

Lamsfel |

Lamsfel downtime plans are merely to walk through town, looking for acquaintances from ten years ago, and making new acquaintances (per Hemlock's wishes). He will stop in to see Mother Mvashti each day if Koya approves and can let him know when would be a good time.
Primarily as flavor, we certainly don't need to rp his one-on-ones with her unless you have something specific you want to share with us as a result of them.

Gan Liang |

Stalwart wrote:Voon's spellbook contains the following spells: charm person, comprehend languages, crafter's fortune, floating disk, identify, illusion of calm, mirror strike, peacebond, shadow weapon, shield, true strike, unseen servant, vanish and youthful appearance. He always has copies of these spells in stock as scrolls as well.DM Shisumo wrote:That's the ideal solution, right there! Absolutely, I'd like to see Voon's spellbook.For purposes of adding spells to a character's repertoire, Tybus can actually ask Voon to copy spells from his spellbook directly - it's basically 15 gp per spell for the copying and scribing fee. (If he decides to go this way, I'll provide you with the spells in Voon's book for copying purposes.) Unfortunately, Gan can't use the same trick, because while familiars can learn spells from scrolls, they can't learn them from spellbooks. So you might want to factor that into your decision as well.
Also, for the record, Marcelina's ice armor wouldn't stack with actual armor, and you have to actually have a caster level in order to use a scroll (so Tristan can't use divine scrolls yet); wands don't have the same restriction, but the scrolls will have to wait.
I'm considering buying some or all of these scrolls from Voon: Comprehend languages, Identify, Unseen Servant
Do they cost 25 gp each? Also, what are peacebond and mirror strike? I couldn't find them in the SRD.

DM Shisumo |

I'm considering buying some or all of these scrolls from Voon: Comprehend languages, Identify, Unseen Servant
Do they cost 25 gp each? Also, what are peacebond and mirror strike? I couldn't find them in the SRD.
25 gp each. Peacebond and mirror strike are from Ultimate Combat - peacebond targets a sheathed weapon, and forces a Strength check as a standard action (DC = spell save DC) to draw it; mirror strike is slightly complicated, but it essentially lets you make one melee attack before the end of your next turn against two enemies - if the attack hits both enemies, you deal half damage to each, if you hit just one, that one takes full damage. Peacebond is a witch spell, mirror strike is not.

mbauers |

Gan Liang wrote:25 gp each. Peacebond and mirror strike are from Ultimate Combat - peacebond targets a sheathed weapon, and forces a Strength check as a standard action (DC = spell save DC) to draw it; mirror strike is slightly complicated, but it essentially lets you make one melee attack before the end of your next turn against two enemies - if the attack hits both enemies, you deal half damage to each, if you hit just one, that one takes full damage. Peacebond is a witch spell, mirror strike is not.I'm considering buying some or all of these scrolls from Voon: Comprehend languages, Identify, Unseen Servant
Do they cost 25 gp each? Also, what are peacebond and mirror strike? I couldn't find them in the SRD.
K, for now I'll buy Peacebond and Comprehend Languages.

DM Shisumo |

School abjuration; Level inquisitor 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S
Range close
Target 1 sheathed weapon
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance Yes (object)
You lock a weapon in place on its owner’s body, or within the weapon’s sheath or holster. Anyone who then tries to draw the weapon must spend a standard action and succeed at a Strength check (DC equal to the saving throw DC) to do so, provoking attacks of opportunity whether the attempt succeeds or fails.

DM Shisumo |

I'd just like to point out that we have awesome new campaign management tools that Paizo rolled out for us here - note the linked discussion and campaign info tabs at the top of the page! I'm pondering how best to take advantage of this stuff; anyone got suggestions? I fully intend to put NPC stats and the caravan stuff on the info page when we get there, but I think there might be some other worthwhile uses as well. For instance, would it be easier for me to put the Googledoc links for the battle maps in the campaign info page than to continue putting them in links in the thread?

Lamsfel |

Oh, wow! I noticed the path changed because I couldn't find any of the threads when I jumped in like normal, but I had not noticed those tabs.
I for one would definitely appreciate map links being in the campaign info. Will have to give it some thought regarding what other tricks we might be able to do now...

DM Shisumo |

Oh, wow! I noticed the path changed because I couldn't find any of the threads when I jumped in like normal, but I had not noticed those tabs.
I for one would definitely appreciate map links being in the campaign info. Will have to give it some thought regarding what other tricks we might be able to do now...
Since you guys are about to run off the current map anyway, I won't bother posting the current one, but I think I will do that from now on for the rest of them.

DM Shisumo |

Little head's-up: I work in retail, and we are beginning the season where I will be at work a lot and pretty exhausted whenever I am not at work. I fully intend to keep to my posting rate as best I can, at least one post on any given day and more if I can, but things could get a little spotty here and there. That's actually why I haven't posted as much as usual in the last couple days. Anyway, just wanted you to be aware of it, in case I do disappear for a day or so. It's likely to last until January or thereabouts, and then things will be back to normal.

Marcelina |

Ok, sorry to do this to you guys, but RL is heating up. Work is picking up, and as I prepare to start up classes for my Masters I'm getting more heavily into my own writing. (The masters is in creative writing) I'm doubting I'll be able to come back at all. There's just too much going on with no end in sight. I wanted to thank you all for the great RP and I really hope that you can continue and keep this game alive.