
Marcelina's page

96 posts. Alias of Aluvian.

Full Name



Human (Varisian)


Oracle (Waves): 1







Special Abilities

Oracle Curse: Tongues (Only speak Aquan when stressed)


Nuetral Good


Gozra, Pharasma


Common, Varisian, Aquan, Sylvan, Elven

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 16

About Marcelina

HP: 8 (Current: 8)
AC: 14 T: 12 FF: 12
BAB: 0
CMB: 0
CMD: 12

Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +4
Spear: +0(1d8/x2)
Ranged Touch - +2

Acrobatics 1/2/3 = 6
Craft (weapons) 1/2/3+2 = 8
Diplomacy 1/3/3 = 7
Escape Artist 0/2/0 = 2
Heal 1/2/3 = 6
Knowledge (geography)0/2/3+1 = 0
Knowledge (history)
Knowledge (nature) 1/2/3+1 = 7
Knowledge (planes)
Knowledge (religion)
Prof (Fishing) 1/2/3 = 6
Sense Motive 0/2/0 = 2
Spellcraft 1/2/3 = 6
Swim 1/0/3 = 4

Trait: Devotee of the Green
Campaign Trait: Unknown

Feats: Extra Revelation, Combat Casting

Spells Known:

0th - Light, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Create Water
1st (4/day) (Used: 1) - Cure Light Wounds, Shield of Faith, Bless


Wintry Touch (Su): As a standard action, melee touch attack 1d6 points of cold damage + 1/2 lvls. 3+Cha/day. At 11th level, any weapon that you wield is treated as a frost weapon.

Ice Armor (Su): Ice armor +4 armor bonus. At 7th level, and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2. At 13th level, DR 5/piercing. In cold the armor bonus (and DR bonus) increases by 2; in very hot it decreases by 2. 1 hour per day per oracle level. 1-hour increments.


Leather Armor
Mwk tools
(Mwk spear in works - 2500sp left)
15 GP of General Adventuring Equip
2 Potions CLW
1 Liquid Ice
2 Vials Antiplague
2 vials Bloodblock
5pp, 42gp


Total: 84
Need: 2,000


Marcelina is a young human woman. Though her Varisian ancestry is easy to tell as soon as she speaks, one would never guess it otherwise. White hair falls down her shoulders in waves to tickle her back between the shoulder blades. As if to further separate her from her kin, her skin is fair, and her eyes an icy blue. The clothes she wears are rugged and meant for travel with a nice thick cloak over her shoulders. Leather armor covers much of her upper body, and she carries a spear, handy for getting her dinner from the closest stream or lake.


Marcelina's birth was not anything out of the ordinary. However she quickly showed herself to be anything but ordinary. Facinated by water at an early age, she wandered into a lake that her family often camped next to. It was some time before her parents found her, laying in the water, but when they pulled her out, she just smiled and giggled. The only thing changed about her was her hair, from black to white. It was then that her parents knew that their little Marcelina was chosen by the gods for something special. Since then she has spent as much time as possible by the lakes and rivers of Varisia as her family traveled around. Even when it rained she would refuse to come inside, preferring to sleep and walk out in the water. recently, though, she has been itching to head off on her own. To the ocean. So, saying goodbye to a family that has always known she must leave, she has head off for a little town on the coast, Sandpoint. So that she can see the ocean.