Level 2
AC 13
hp 120; current 111
Security +8 (+12 to avoid surprise); Resolve +6
Defensive Abilities campsite traps (+4 to Security to avoid surprise while camped, +4 to Attack rolls on first round of combat while camped)
Spd 32 miles/day
Attack +10 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks none
Offense 2, Defense 3, Mobility 3, Morale 1
Unrest 0; Consumption 15
Feats Circle the Wagons, Enhanced Caravan
Wagons covered wagon (Bevelek), fortune-teller’s wagon (Vankor), supply wagon (Celia), supply wagon (Aris), supply wagon (Salliudinor).
Travelers Ameiko (cook), Aris Sartinjar (driver-wainwright), Bevelek (driver), Callomeleth (spellcaster-entertainer), Celia Thorne (driver), Gan (spellcaster-guard), Koya (fortune-teller), Lamsfel (scout), Salliudinor Sartinjar (driver), Sandru (guard), Shalelu (scout), Tristan (guard), Tybus (spellcaster-guard), Vankor (driver); Traveler Capacity 14
Cargo Capacity 38; Monthly Wage Costs 55 gp; Special Equipment campsite traps