Shisumo's Jade Regent - Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Just so you know, I'm leaving for GenCon very early tomorrow morning and won't be back home until sometime ridiculously late on Sunday night. I still plan to check in on my games, but I won't be around more than once a day or so at best for the next little while.

28/28 hp
Shisumo wrote:
I have DD in hand, but the upcoming Blood of the Moon is making me wonder if I should wait until I see what the skin walkers look like, as a possible shifter replacement...

The player in question has gotten fired up in the game we have in common, so I think all is well. I would still endorse him, but he was bummed and seeking a new game after issues in the other game. I don't know if his dance card has room at the moment.

Current HP: 11/21, Strength Damage: 2 Channels Remaining: 3

I am also leaving for GenCon tomorrow. I don't anticipate getting to visit the boards during that time, so feel free to bot for Callomeleth. (Shouldn't be hard: shoot arrows until people start getting hurt, then start the heals.)

28/28 hp

Everyone's going to GenCon. I'm going to be holding down the fort alone, it seems.

Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

Not me. So our respective forts will be held.






That's not supposed to sound dirty. Why am I afraid it does?

Liberty's Edge

Human (Minkai) Samurai (sword saint) 7 (Order of the Warrior)

No... comment.

28/28 hp

Um... I think I will stand over here, thanks.

Glad to know I'm not alone, though. Just... stay over there.

Out of curiosity, Lamsfel, I was wondering if it might be time for another rebuild in a few weeks or months... Whaddaya think? Wanna playtest one of the new classes?

28/28 hp

Gee, I wonder which class you had in mind. ;-)

Seriously, the thought had certainly occurred to me. I'm open to the idea, for sure. It's funny/sad - I have hardly used any of the fusilier features that we worked so hard to hammer out.

There will be some time before that's out, I'm sure, but when it comes out, I'm definitely game.

28/28 hp

Headed out on vacation for a week and I am not sure what my access will be like yet. Bot me as necessary. Thanks!

28/28 hp

Looks like I should be able to post at least daily. Carry on!

Work's got me pretty strapped for free time at the moment. Probably won't be around until Wednesday night.

Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

Family vacation coming up. Posting will be light to nonexistent through the weekend.

Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

Shisumo: Just throwing this out there, but I've added up my XP up to now, and have come up with 5,083. (And it might actually be 5,283, depending on how you're awarding experience for the NPC relationships. I've got one relationship at +6, but I'm not sure if that's worth 200 or 400.)

If we're on the medium track, that's THIRD LEVEL.

And as hurting, banged-up, scraped and strapped for resources as we are, it couldn't come at a better time.

So, again. Throwing it out there.

Level up?

28/28 hp

Well-spotted, Tybus. I've got 5124 after Momma Ogrekin and I think I may have missed one, but I'm confident we are over 5000 xp. I'm going to have to obsess some more about whether the next level is fusilier (better AC and feat) or fighter (two feats). A feat on Exotic Weapon Proficiency (wakizashi) is definitely in the cards. That -4 is killing me. And -6 if I TWF - insanity.

Current HP: 11/21, Strength Damage: 2 Channels Remaining: 3

I never knew how much XP we had, so I'll just nod my head and agree that it's time we level up.

Actually, this question was waiting because I somehow missed seeing it. It looks like the discussion thread has stopped showing me new posts. Awesome!

Anyway, yes, looks like leveling time. Let's do it! You can basically level "on the fly," so your extra hit points, skill ranks, feats and so on will have kicked in before you have to deal with the developing situation in the game thread.

Hit points are Pathfinder Society style half-hit-die-plus-one, and spell slots are gained immediately, but only spontaneous casters can actually cast out of those slots without another preparation session (so Callomeleth can only convert them into cure spells, and Tybus can't really use them at all).

Decision time, my friend. What's it going to be? The cutlass, or the katana? Either way, we should probably do a little bit of RP on the side to deal with the blade's awakening...

28/28 hp

Considering that he will likely be rebuilt as an Advanced Class Guide swashbuckler when the beta is made available, my choice for leveling up is probably not terribly important, but I'm going to take another level of fusilier, his favored class, and get better saves, AC and a feat for using the exotic wakisashi without penalty.

Will have to wait until later to actually do the work - duty calls.

28/28 hp
Lamsfel wrote:

Considering that he will likely be rebuilt as an Advanced Class Guide swashbuckler when the beta is made available, my choice for leveling up is probably not terribly important, but I'm going to take another level of fusilier, his favored class, and get better saves, AC and a feat for using the exotic wakisashi without penalty.

Will have to wait until later to actually do the work - duty calls.

Well, that was easy.

+1 to BAB, Reflex, Will, AC (Dashing Defense)
+8 hp (including CON and favored class bonus)
+1 to Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Perception, Sense Motive
Add exotic weapon proficiency (wakizashi)

Corrected his attack options (yay!) and other affected items. I think he's ready to go.

Male Varisian (human) Ranger 3

+1 BAB, Will
+9 hp (Con and favored class)
+1 Disable Device, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), Perception, Stealth, Survival
Endurance, Quickdraw
Favored terrain (forest)

Would it be alright for Tristan to turn to Spirit Ranger and would it be a good idea?

Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

+1 BAB
+1 Ref
+1 spell per day
+5 skill ranks (2+ int plus Human)
Ranks in climb, know (arcana), (dungeoneering), (planes), and Spellcraft
Spells added:[i expeditious retreat, silent image[/I]


You're right. Decision time. I think I'll take exotic wpn prof: katana. I look forward to the RP. This should be interesting.

Current HP: 11/21, Strength Damage: 2 Channels Remaining: 3

+1 BAB
+1 Ref
New magics (none prepared for now)
+2 skill ranks (raising Perform (sing) and Sense Motive)
Channel now 2d6

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

Taking a 2nd level of paladin.

+1 BAB
+1 FS
+1 WS
+6 HP (7 in eidolon form)
Divine Grace
Lay on Hands 5x/day
Feat (Power attack?)
6 skills

I don't see any reason why spirit ranger would be a problem, Tristan, if you want to go for it.

Current HP: 11/21, Strength Damage: 2 Channels Remaining: 3

Oh yeah, I forgot.

New Feat (Precise Shot)

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

Hmm, Shisumo--instead of Power Attack, can I take Additional Traits and get Inspired and Magical Knack?

Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

Sorry, but I won't be able to post until Sunday. Please bot me as necessary.

28/28 hp

I hope all is well!

Gan - that's fine.

Tybus - Like Lamsfel said, hope everything's cool! No worries on our end as long as you're all right.

Male Human Bladebound Magus 3

Nope, all is good. Just went where I wasn't connected to the internet.

Gan Liang wrote:

Hmm, Shisumo--instead of Power Attack, can I take Additional Traits and get Inspired and Magical Knack?

Uh, so I am finally updating my profile and I'm seeing that I already had Magical Knack to start with. Horrible oversight on my part. Should I just pick a different trait to go with additional traits, or should I just go back to Power Attack as my feat (or a different feat)? Sorry for the mix up.

It's your call. Neither one has mattered significantly so far, so it's up to you.

Alright, I'll take power attack. Thanks!

Guys, I'm going to have to beg your indulgence for a short while. I've had several very long work days (12+ hours) in a row, and this afternoon just as I was sitting down to update my PbPs my father called to tell me my mother is in the hospital. I'm not likely to worth anything for a day or two. Please bear with me.

Take all the time you need. Thoughts and prayers with you.

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

My post won't stay in the gameplay thread for some reason, but I rolled a natural 3 so my initiative is a 4. Let's see if it'll let me post here.

28/28 hp

I know my posting has not been terribly prolific lately, but it will probably be even more so this week while we take a small trip. Feel free to bot Lamsfel as necessary.

Current HP: 11/21, Strength Damage: 2 Channels Remaining: 3

I suspect I'm getting the scrolls, and the arrows are probably slaying of some flavor. I don't need them right now. I'm pretty much good with placing everything else up for sale.

28/28 hp

The wand is not a bad backup for you if pressed into melee. I don't think Lamsfel wants anything from here.

Yeah, it is good backup for melee! Now explain to me why the dire corby cleric's tactics had her sticking solely to ranged options - which were limited almost exclusively to magic stone...?

28/28 hp

Um, she was badly outnumbered and did not think she could stand up against our combined might. Yeah, that's it!

Current HP: 11/21, Strength Damage: 2 Channels Remaining: 3


Just a quick note: I got my hands on the Advanced Class Guide last night. As of this morning, I am ready to hear any proposals for rebuilds people might want to make to take advantage of the new material.

Male Human Summoner (Synthesist) 1/ Paladin 2

I won't be getting my odd until the 14th :-)

28/28 hp


Mine has been in pending status since they started processing. That would be, what, Wednesday? Nothing for me yet.

Any significant changes to the swashbuckler at my level?

No real significant changes to the swashbuckler at all from the revised playtest version. There's a feat that I think most (maybe all!) swashbucklers will want - add your Cha bonus to your Will saves against mind-affecting effects - but nothing really major right off the bat.

Current HP: 11/21, Strength Damage: 2 Channels Remaining: 3

I'm heading out to GenCon starting early tomorrow, so I probably won't be posting much of anything until next Monday. See you then!

Back from GenCon. New posts tomorrow.

28/28 hp
DM Shisumo wrote:
Just a quick note: I got my hands on the Advanced Class Guide last night. As of this morning, I am ready to hear any proposals for rebuilds people might want to make to take advantage of the new material.

I don't know if I have anything significant as a result of the new material yet, but I found how to be a swashbuckler with a wakizashi. The Slashing Grace feat appears to be just what the doctor ordered.

The only rebuild that is tempting to me at the moment is to drop the TWF in favor of Dodge since TWF is pretty much never going to be useful for a swashbuckler.

Let's see - Weapon Focus (Wakizashi) for my fourth-level bonus feat, Slashing Grace at fifth level, and I'm using my favored weapon for Swashbuckler Weapon Training. +1 to hit and damage and Improved Critical?

What do you think about swapping out TWF? Any major holes in my plan, here?

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