The AP after the pirate AP Should be...

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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I'm fairly certain that's the inconsistency Gorbacz is refering to.

Anyhoo, a Mendev/Worldwound adventure path gets my vote!

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I would be for Mendev/Worldwound, Kaer Maga, or Absalom/Spire of Nex.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am looking forward to the Numeria AP when it comes out, however there would be some sense to having the AP that ends with #66 have demons in it.

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After travelling across the world to another continent and then sailing a ship and dealing with pirates, I'd like to see a more static-location based AP.

It is unlikely, but I would like to see Galt get some more love. I think I'd very much enjoy a rather cliche'd rail-roady traditional AP.
Something like all the PCs starting on death row only to escape or be pardoned by the BBEG. The PCs do missions and inadvertantly help him rise to power. The PCs then have to unite opposing factions/nations and stop his warmongering ways before he destroys half of golarion in conquest.

Numeria is also a good place for an AP too. I have simply too many ideas to list for this awesome land.

I really want to see either a mega dungeon or an A.P. where a Dragon is the big threat. If they go with the Dragon idea then I would like to see something along the lines of Second Darkness in scope. Say a dragon that wants to bring about the rise of an age of dragons or something similar.

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I would like to see an evil campaign. Allow my PCs to be a group of Duergars, Drow, Goblins, or even just evil humans for some goal. My PCs are in Kingmaker now and they are all complaining about how always being the do-gooder is getting a bit boring.

Liberty's Edge

Krongar wrote:
I would like to see an evil campaign. Allow my PCs to be a group of Duergars, Drow, Goblins, or even just evil humans for some goal. My PCs are in Kingmaker now and they are all complaining about how always being the do-gooder is getting a bit boring.

While I would also love to see it, I don't see it coming to AP anytime soon, since it is a 6 month commitment to publish something that only a small group of us would want to play, and therefore buy.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Krongar wrote:
I would like to see an evil campaign. Allow my PCs to be a group of Duergars, Drow, Goblins, or even just evil humans for some goal. My PCs are in Kingmaker now and they are all complaining about how always being the do-gooder is getting a bit boring.

I think you are more likely to see this in the form of a module offering somewhere down the line, a la the recent goblin module to test peoples interest in non-core races. If there is a big response, perhaps more evil adventures, or even a campaign book about running and playing in evil adventures.

Krongar wrote:
I would like to see an evil campaign. Allow my PCs to be a group of Duergars, Drow, Goblins, or even just evil humans for some goal. My PCs are in Kingmaker now and they are all complaining about how always being the do-gooder is getting a bit boring.

This has been debated many times, even in this very thread. James Jacobs has said they have no plans for it due to the commitment and the amount of pigeonholing that would put on the players. They want the most accessible aps possible so that more people can use it, also he's stated that the staff has to want to it or it gets nixed. They try and set it up so you can be evil or good but never a you have to be scenario. Though they tend to tread on the side of good being that's adventurers by fantasy literature definition.

Liberty's Edge

Stewart Perkins wrote:
Krongar wrote:
I would like to see an evil campaign. Allow my PCs to be a group of Duergars, Drow, Goblins, or even just evil humans for some goal. My PCs are in Kingmaker now and they are all complaining about how always being the do-gooder is getting a bit boring.
This has been debated many times, even in this very thread. James Jacobs has said they have no plans for it due to the commitment and the amount of pigeonholing that would put on the players. They want the most accessible aps possible so that more people can use it, also he's stated that the staff has to want to it or it gets nixed. They try and set it up so you can be evil or good but never a you have to be scenario. Though they tend to tread on the side of good being that's adventurers by fantasy literature definition.

I have tried to run an evil campaign parallel to CoTCT


Players would be in the brotherhood of bones

But it got to be too much for players already committed to the AP.

Kaer Maga might be interesting, but I'd like to see the rise of another Runelord.

I very much want to see a numeria AP that ventures off into space and around the solar system. A little science and sorcery would be a lot of fun.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I'm definitely NOT interested in an evil campaign. Might be interesting for an adventure - see "We Be Goblins" - but I'm not interested in 6 months of PCs growing progressively more powerful and more evil. Gray is fine, as are opportunities for PC to side with evil, as long as it's just as possible for them to side with good.

Numeria might be interesting, but again, not sure about 6 months of Numeria.

Personally, I think I'm ready to see Paizo's take on a mega-dungeon. They took up the sandbox challenge and did fabulously with Kingmaker. Now I want to see them develop a functioning mega-dungeon and deal with the dangers of long-term dungeoneering and dungeon ecosystems. I'd like to see something like the Paizo version of Dungeon-A-Day's design assumptions.

Dark Archive

ciretose wrote:
LoreKeeper wrote:
I'm kinda in favor of a meta-plot AP; for example, an AP where the heroes main objective is to stop the heroes of a different AP. Or alternatively a form of sand-box a la Kingmaker, but without the time and resources to exhaustively play the entire sandbox - instead only a third or-so would be completable by a given party. A mega-dungeon might be suitable for such an approach.

I've been trying to do this at my table for years but I haven't been able to get people on board because we already have two games running. My most recent attempt came as part of at CoTCT side quest

** spoiler omitted **

But I don't know how it would work in an AP.

I played in a meta plot campign where our GM ran us as Chelish agents trying to assassinate members of the Taldan Nobility, while another group he ran were agents of Taldor trying to stop us... it was interesting, the only reason it stopped was because I got deployed. One of the more memorable games I've played.

+1 to Lastwall AP

Mosaic wrote:

I'm definitely NOT interested in an evil campaign. Might be interesting for an adventure - see "We Be Goblins" - but I'm not interested in 6 months of PCs growing progressively more powerful and more evil. Gray is fine, as are opportunities for PC to side with evil, as long as it's just as possible for them to side with good.

Numeria might be interesting, but again, not sure about 6 months of Numeria.

Personally, I think I'm ready to see Paizo's take on a mega-dungeon. They took up the sandbox challenge and did fabulously with Kingmaker. Now I want to see them develop a functioning mega-dungeon and deal with the dangers of long-term dungeoneering and dungeon ecosystems. I'd like to see something like the Paizo version of Dungeon-A-Day's design assumptions.

+1 I agree.

Most of the APs are already written so that the heroes don't actually have to be heroes. They can be evil, just opposed ot he present eveil that's hedging in on their own evil deeds. (Pesky Runelords, Meddlesome Whispering Way Cultists, annoying Serpentfolk, etc.)

I don't think an "Evil Players Only" AP is a good idea at all.

Dark Archive

Evil characters, I hope. Evil players I've had more than enough. ;)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Brian Darnell wrote:

A set of straight forward adventures involving Intrigue in the realm of Irrisen. This could either be accomplished with natives, Ulfen, or Varisien's fighting through a slew of Baba Yaga's minions. I just finished Winter Witch, Saw Troll Hunter, and have been reading a book of norwegian folk tales and would love to sync my teeth into a campaign based in these lands.

I would favor the adventure where the adventurers play natives of the land and work their way up in influence in winter witches' court. Something like a murder investigation in White Throne would become so much more interesting if the suspects to be interviewed are witches, winter wolves, trolls, or worse.

Brian speaks for me here. +1

Jim Groves wrote:
Brian Darnell wrote:

A set of straight forward adventures involving Intrigue in the realm of Irrisen. This could either be accomplished with natives, Ulfen, or Varisien's fighting through a slew of Baba Yaga's minions. I just finished Winter Witch, Saw Troll Hunter, and have been reading a book of norwegian folk tales and would love to sync my teeth into a campaign based in these lands.

I would favor the adventure where the adventurers play natives of the land and work their way up in influence in winter witches' court. Something like a murder investigation in White Throne would become so much more interesting if the suspects to be interviewed are witches, winter wolves, trolls, or worse.
Brian speaks for me here. +1

Make that +2, Irrisen is probably one of my favourite parts of Golarion, and I'd love more exposure through an intrigue AP.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Lithrac wrote:
Jim Groves wrote:
Brian Darnell wrote:

A set of straight forward adventures involving Intrigue in the realm of Irrisen. This could either be accomplished with natives, Ulfen, or Varisien's fighting through a slew of Baba Yaga's minions. I just finished Winter Witch, Saw Troll Hunter, and have been reading a book of norwegian folk tales and would love to sync my teeth into a campaign based in these lands.

I would favor the adventure where the adventurers play natives of the land and work their way up in influence in winter witches' court. Something like a murder investigation in White Throne would become so much more interesting if the suspects to be interviewed are witches, winter wolves, trolls, or worse.
Brian speaks for me here. +1
Make that +2, Irrisen is probably one of my favourite parts of Golarion, and I'd love more exposure through an intrigue AP.

I am pretty sure we are getting an Irrisen AP in 2013, when Baba Yaga comes back and replaces Elvanna.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Justin Franklin wrote:
I am pretty sure we are getting an Irrisen AP in 2013, when Baba Yaga comes back and replaces Elvanna.

I noticed that too. However, nothing is ever a done deal. Just ask Mr. Jacobs about Jade Regent. :)

I'm just saying there is an interest, as a customer, in a Baba Yaga / Irrisen AP. I don't think the timeline is a promise or a guarantee.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Jim Groves wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
I am pretty sure we are getting an Irrisen AP in 2013, when Baba Yaga comes back and replaces Elvanna.

I noticed that too. However, nothing is ever a done deal. Just ask Mr. Jacobs about Jade Regent. :)

I'm just saying there is an interest, as a customer, in a Baba Yaga / Irrisen AP. I don't think the timeline is a promise or a guarantee.

Well and they asked who would be interested is seeing an AP involving Baba Yaga in 2013 at PaizoCon. After the enthusiastic response from the crowd, Erik said, "hmm, maybe we should do something like that".

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Justin Franklin wrote:
Well and they asked who would be interested is seeing an AP involving Baba Yaga in 2013 at PaizoCon. After the enthusiastic response from the crowd, Erik said, "hmm, maybe we should do something like that".

Coincidentally, that was quite literally me (at PaizoCon) who asked James if they were considering an Irrisen AP, because Baba Yaga's return in 2013.


Which prompted James to ask the crowd 'Would people like to see an Irrisen AP where Baba Yaga return's?', which got the cheers of interest.

So yeah, I know what you're talkin' about. I pluggin' away there behind the scenes. Not to be a fanboi, but because I love the topic. Just liked I loved Roger Moore's classic version of the Dancing Hut.

But still, all that aside, they're going to develop products that people want to buy. If any one is interested in a particular theme, they need to speak up. I would expect nothing else from any one interested in any of the other great ideas put forth in this thread.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Jim Groves wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Well and they asked who would be interested is seeing an AP involving Baba Yaga in 2013 at PaizoCon. After the enthusiastic response from the crowd, Erik said, "hmm, maybe we should do something like that".

Coincidentally, that was quite literally me (at PaizoCon) who asked James if they were considering an Irrisen AP, because Baba Yaga's return in 2013.


Which prompted James to ask the crowd 'Would people like to see an Irrisen AP where Baba Yaga return's?', which got the cheers of interest.

So yeah, I know what you're talkin' about. I pluggin' away there behind the scenes. Not to be a fanboi, but because I love the topic. Just liked I loved Roger Moore's classic version of the Dancing Hut.

But still, all that aside, they're going to develop products that people want to buy. If any one is interested in a particular theme, they need to speak up. I would expect nothing else from any one interested in any of the other great ideas put forth in this thread.

Well then I was one of the people in the room saying the emphatic yes.:) This is definitely on my list of AP's I am looking forward to (with real all the rest of them that are currently announced or rumored) ;)

Dark Archive

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A Planes-spanning saga of high magic and adventure. Starting small, of course, with glimpses into the Astral and/or Ethereal and then going full tilt boogie to the Outer Planes as interpreted by Pathfinder. The Planes through the Golarion viewer have always interested me since I re-re-re-re-re-re-read The Great Beyond. I literally wore the binding out, I was that engrossed.

golem101 wrote:
Evil characters, I hope. Evil players I've had more than enough. ;)

Well, too many evil characters get played by evil players.

(Which is why, if someone insists that they can ONLY play evil or CN, that I ask them to leave my games...I don't trust someone who has to play evil or "deliberately annoying")

Dark Archive

gigglestick wrote:
golem101 wrote:
Evil characters, I hope. Evil players I've had more than enough. ;)

Well, too many evil characters get played by evil players.

(Which is why, if someone insists that they can ONLY play evil or CN, that I ask them to leave my games...I don't trust someone who has to play evil or "deliberately annoying")

Had my share of those too.

Even though disruptive players are most probably evil ;), I must say that I had great fun running a 3.X drow campaign of espionage/political backstabbing - I just made sure that the characters had more time devoted to their enemies than focused on their fellow House members.

Scarab Sages

1. Numeria
2. Akiton / Castrovel
3. Realm of the Mammoth Lords / Irrisen
4. Spire of Nex
5. Galt
6. Worldwound
7. Arcadian Settlements
8. Hermea
9. Sodden Lands
10. (Tie) Mediogalti Isle/Rahadoum/Razmiran

Gods it's killing me.

WHAT Pirate AP? Where can I get this info?

Doh, nevermind!

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