Blue Rose: The Heralds of Galasthin

Play-by-Post Discussion

Liberty's Edge

I know the "Heralds" are also an organization used in Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar books, and while Blue Rose is a game built around romantic fantasy, similar to Mercedes Lackey and other authors' novels, I felt that "Heralds" were the best title for heroes enabled by the city.

The Great City of Galasthin

The City itself is divided into 6 districts: The Civic District, The Black Pearl District, The Silken Sword District (No, that's not a sexual reference.), The White Column District, The Dark Pyramid District, and The Theater District. Most districts are ruled by Vata nobility (with the exception of the Theater District).

The Factions of Galasthin
While each noble family represents its own faction, there are several racially and morally driven factions that hold sway in the Great City:

The Rhydan Led by the winged cat Salath, the Rhydan faction of Galasthin is a mostly chaotic and non-unified group of the Rhydan peoples of Galasthin, and to some extent representation of the Rhydan races beyond the city itself. Salath is a well loved representative, but she occasionally is forced to resign her opinions (and generally the opinions of all Rhydan) to the Black-feathered rogue, the Black Gryphon Kraveils. Rhydan work diligently for the defense of the city. Gryphons at the gates, Rhy-cats and Rhy-wolves as the city watch. Dolphins act as messengers in the canals between the districts. Most Rhydan live in the Theater District, which is the most diverse district in the city.

The Humans The humans primarily inhabit the Silken Sword District. Those that balk at rulership by the Vata nobles are likely to inhabit the Theater District instead. Leadership of the human faction is likely to vary from season to season, though in several cases it has been the Unicorn Shadrin (of the Theater District) who has stood for them in the Palace. Shadrin rarely travels in public, but instead uses her Rhy-bonded, the human Adrianne Jarlo.

The Twilight Knights An organization of Vata'an, Vata'sha, humans, and Rhydan that work together to ensure that neither the Vata'an nor the Vata'sha have the upper hand in the government of the city. The leader of this faction is kept secret, and is always masked. A large monument to the Twilight Knights is built in the Civic District.

The Knights of the Sun An organization of Vata'an, humans, and Rhydan devoted to the rulership of the Vata'an nobility. The Knights of the Sun has fallen out of favor in the past 30 years or so, along with the Knights of the Stars. Godric Thesualle, a drake living in the highest tower of the Silken Sword District, was once the historian and record keeper of this organization.

The Knights of the Stars An organization of Vata'sha, humans, and Rhydan devoted to the rulership of the Vata'sha nobility. The Knights of the Stars fell out of favor in the past 30 years, but there are rumors that the organization still meets in secret, unlike its counterpart the Knights of the Sun. Their headquarters were once in the Dark Pyramid District.

Political Rulership of the City
In a city of a population some 12,000 strong, the King and Queen are selected from the Vata'an and Vata'sha nobility, and rule equally from the Palace of Night and Day.

Liberty's Edge

The Civic District

The most prominent feature of the Civic District is the large palace of white and black marble known as the Palace of Night and Day. The front door is a solid sheet of silver mirror, which has been enchanted by Adepts to continually present an illusion of either white clouds on a brilliant blue sky or sparkling stars on a deep blue sky. The illusion changes in morning and evening (along with the changing of the guard), to reflect the opposite of the current time. The door shows stars during the day, and clouds at night.

A heavy bronze statue is erected opposite the Palace of Night and Day. A vata knight on a rearing horse holding up a banner. The banner is half black and half white. This is a monument dedicated to the Twilight Knights.

The Circle of Sun and Moon is at center of the square outside the Palace doors. It features a stone mosaic of the sun and moon through their three phases. Public ceremonies are held here, as well as some rites and rituals of power. In the center of the courtyard is a black marble pool of water often used for scrying. Silver and gold designs in metal trace along the bottom of the pool. The area is kept constantly lit by magical lighting.


King Geria'thel Sedlain (Vata'an)
-The king is known as a bit of an artist, though he has not made any works of art lately. He is often silent in Court and frequently broods for no apparent reason.
Queen Anla'prin Astan (Vata'sha)
-The queen is a little more pragmatic than the king. She has wisdom and knows how to work systems of intrigue better than some.
High Seneschal Bar'an Thedyn (Vata'an)
-The high seneschal wears an eye patch over his left eye due to his relatively secretive past. He has a slimy, politically redundant appeal to him, though most will use his powers if they are able to. The high seneschal has full powers over the Civil District and makes policies to be directly obeyed.

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