GM_Todd's Serpent Skull OOC Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Hi all, due to some unforeseen circumstances, my excursion had to be cut short. That's the bad news.

The good news is, I'm home and have regular internet access again. So Brin is all set to jump in whenever it's his turn for the mysterious spoiler boxes of mystery.

Sorry it got cut short, but glad you're back.

And best of all, you're still alive. And just in time!

Female Human Bard 1AC

Welcome back Brin, sorry about the trip.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Oh silly me, just realised that by the time it's actually my turn the scorpion is long gone already and I can't attack it anymore.

So, I just scream and flail around for fluff, and stand up I guess. Wasted nat 20... typical :)

@GMT: Maybe it would be best to not post the map at the start of the turn and then move the mobs, but first move them, and then post the map, so we actually know what the battlefield looks like?
Because you said yourself, it was a bit confusing with the movement of the scorpions and all.

Edit: Haha, seems you just had the same idea :)

GM_Todd wrote:

Sorry it got cut short, but glad you're back.

And best of all, you're still alive. And just in time!

Action! Huzzah! Awesome combat map too.

GMT, would these beasts happen to be of the Animal type?

Nope. Sorry. They're vermin.


I just got back tonight from visiting my folks. I have my real life group tonight so postings will be few and far between. I'll be back to full posting strength tomorrow morning.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)
GM_Todd wrote:

Desperate to prolong its life, the scorpion strikes back at the half-elf with its tail.

Why I NEVER!!! Full elf, thank you.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

The only thing I've noticed about Pazio's messageboards vs other PbP messageboards is the 1-hour time limit on editing posts. It would be nice if they could extend that to 1 day or 24 hours, so you could edit a previous post instead of having to make a new one to retro your action.

Whoa. My bad. I should probably know that, huh?

Petry, I typically write up my posts in a text editor and then copy them into the forum. That works for me pretty well.

Female Human Bard 1AC

I see it coming, we all get eaten by giant crabs the first day into the AP and have to roll up new characters, who then travel aboard the ship Genivere :)

Is that bad? I thought it would be a different take on the story.

I'd make sure that new character was a staunch abolitionist.

Actually, you've all signed up for a romantic comedy PBP. Your stories are happening in a fictional book being read by an attractive, but slightly dopey book store owner. There will be hijinks aplenty, I assure you!

Female Human Bard 1AC
GM_Todd wrote:
Allia sees a curved blade on the ground and grabs it. It's a kukri. You're not sure who it belongs to.

[complain] Nothing there that I'm actually proficient with? :) [/complain]

There ya go. But now you have a gnome who's got his eye on you.

GM_Todd wrote:
My grace as GM knows no bounds.

Ha! Well, at least we're having fun, so there's that. :)

Allia, I know that playing in a game with me as the GM isn't some kind of amazing honor, but I think I'm going to pick players for my ROTRL game that aren't already in this one. I like your character concept - and that you created a non-human rogue - but I want to share the love.

Female Human Bard 1AC
GM_Todd wrote:
Allia, I know that playing in a game with me as the GM isn't some kind of amazing honor, but I think I'm going to pick players for my ROTRL game that aren't already in this one. I like your character concept - and that you created a non-human rogue - but I want to share the love.

No problem, I actually expected that after I saw how many actually applied, even after I did, and their RP is really nice.

At least I got a concept ready now for another game :)

There we go - glad to help!

GMT- would it be possible for you to change your image hosting site? It seems it got blocked here at work. :/ I swore it worked fine earlier...
I know photobucket and the usual ones are off-limits too but perhaps you know one that I don't that could work.

The worst case is that I can always just bring it up on my phone.

Hmm...I'm surprised Dropbox is blocked. Have you ever found a site that works?

Female Human Bard 1AC

[url][/url] is the only other one that I know, aside from just using a free hosting site for websites of course.
I think oyu can upload there without having an account but never done it myself

Meraxes, try this:

Map Link

EDIT: Good call, Allia! I was thinking the same thing.

Perfect. Thanks GMT!

Female Human Bard 1AC

Hehe, I have the feeling after Brin's attack there's not enough left to make some lobster soup.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

When I made Kalis I didn't really plan out what I wanted to do with him as the character leveled. After looking at some of the Rage Powers and Archetypes, would it be ok if I adopted the Invulnerable Rager Archetype. It wouldn't have any effect on my character at this level, so it is an easy retcon. I was brought on as a Tank-like figure, and I thought that this would help. It will also help when I get better armor though, damn barbarian's low starting gold :-). I understand if you would prefer not to have me make the change at this point.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

His damage rolls have been crushing to this point.

Kalis, that's perfectly fine. We can even retcon once Ultimate Combat comes out if there's something there that intrigues you. In the future, I might make you wait until you level up or until it makes sense in the story for you to change, though. Since nothing changes till next level for this change, I think you're good to go.

That's true for all of you, BTW. If you want to make some changes based on new information or sources, let me know. I'd prefer not to do anything radical, but I'm pretty flexible.

Female Human Bard 1AC
GM_Todd wrote:

Kalis, that's perfectly fine. We can even retcon once Ultimate Combat comes out if there's something there that intrigues you. In the future, I might make you wait until you level up or until it makes sense in the story for you to change, though. Since nothing changes till next level for this change, I think you're good to go.

That's true for all of you, BTW. If you want to make some changes based on new information or sources, let me know. I'd prefer not to do anything radical, but I'm pretty flexible.

If possible, I would like to change my race to a female half-ogre/half-half-goblin/half-dragon, I think it makes alot more sense for my character.

Uh... just kidding, not that you actually change my race now :)

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)

Sorry if it seems like Kalis is processing our circumstances quickly, but he is very practical and habitually suspicious of "civilized" people, especially humans.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Oh its ok, Allia is just in denial still

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

Despite his outward calm, at some level Dragolan's been expecting to be killed by his family or their allies from the time his Mystery manifested itself. For him, any day above ground is a good day.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

BTW, since I don't remember it being specified--we're on Moderate level advancement, right?

Yes, that's correct, Dragolan.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Petry's got a big background story to tell, and a redhead to woo, but it's going to have to wait until we have some trying-not-to-die-right-now time.

Also, no one's picked up on Petry doing some very magic-like things like Scorching Ray followed immediately by a lightning bolt? Instead of being a standoffish jeweler? :) I'd thought to roleplay that out over the course of days and weeks here.

I think we're about to split the party - those who want to stay on the beach, and those who want to make a go for the ship.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)
Petronicus Wintrish wrote:

I think we're about to split the party - those who want to stay on the beach, and those who want to make a go for the ship.

I figured that it would happen. Kalis was trying to be diplomatic by suggesting Aerys not go because she is just going to look for booze. Everyone should be impressed because that is about as subtle as he is going to get :-). Pardon the meta-gaming,but I was hoping that we would get all the PC's to go.

Female Human Bard 1AC
Petronicus Wintrish wrote:
Also, no one's picked up on Petry doing some very magic-like things like Scorching Ray followed immediately by a lightning bolt? Instead of being a standoffish jeweler? :) I'd thought to roleplay that out over the course of days and weeks here.

Oh, I think those of us with ranks in spellcraft were a bit too occupied with freaking the hell out *wink at Meraxes* to notice.

And the rest of us probably can't tell the difference between a sorcerer and a wizard, much less realise you did something they can't.

Or that it even came from you.

Having minor magic abilities is apperently not such a huge deal in Golarion, just look at how many classes get spells, and even those that don't, half of them get things that could be magic (look over the barbarian rage powers), or the rogue minor/major magic tricks. Or the traits that give you some cantrips. Etc.

Not to mention the quadrillion of magic items that rich people have.

So being able to toss some completely ineffective spells at some bugs, really isn't a huge deal :)
(sorry, but you didn't exactly rock the combat with your spell :) )

Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion (Kineticist) 1 (D6)

Grumble, grumble, my superior psionics will be feared by all! Just wait until Level 12 or so... :) (Brin and Kalis, keep me alive until then.)

Anyway, moving on. Now that it looks like the cliff jump to the Jenny is the way to go, I need to know if that lifeboat is seaworthy. At first GM Todd made it sound like it was just a bit waterlogged as it was tied next to the ship and the rocks, but now I'm reading the word "wrecked". Just how "wrecked" is "wrecked"? It's-gonna-fall-apart wrecked or bail-with-the-bucket-every-few-minutes wrecked?

Female Human Bard 1AC

Oh I'm not afraid, because at level 12 I ... can sing better than you, but thats all :)

At first I understood it that way, that the lifeboat is completely ruined. but then GMT said how it can be reached, and that doesn't seem to make any sense if its really that broken. So yeah, wondering the same thing.

HP 10/10, 0 NL, AC Chelaxian Human ***INACTIVE*** Life Oracle/1

I didn't think the lifeboat was seaworthy, but enough of it is intact that there might be something or someone in it.

It is wrecked. But it is also reachable. So...there.

Female Human Bard 1AC
Dragolan Canario wrote:
I didn't think the lifeboat was seaworthy, but enough of it is intact that there might be something or someone in it.

They're usually not very big to begin with, how can someone survive in a wrecked one? Besides wouldn't we see that from the ship or the cliff if it was?

Sure if you want to climb there and risk falling into the sea for the off chance that some invisible good-aligned kobold is clinging on to his life in there... I won't :)

Female Human Bard 1AC

Just a question, but about how big are those scorpions?

a) like a cockroach
b) a canary bird
c) a house cat
d) a german shepard dog
e) an elephant
f) Or anywhere in between

I just try to imagine them, but I still have no clue how big they actually are.

The first group was probably close to a house cat, with the larger one being closer to a cougar. This second group is probably closer to a tiger.

I just wanted to stay in the feline family for my analogies.

Female Human Bard 1AC

Wow, larger than I though.

Male Elf Barbarian 1 (Invulnerable Rager)
Allia Thren wrote:
Wow, larger than I though.

Me too! Now I'm scerd!

Oh...we've only just begun. The Shiv is full of fun friends.

Female Human Bard 1AC
GM_Todd wrote:
Oh...we've only just begun. The Shiv is full of fun friends.

Eek. Allia is already starting to hate it here :)

My comments about how not to freak out and the little things being harmless seem a bit silly now...

You big sword wielding guys... kill them! NOW!

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