[UM] Walter's Guide to the Magus


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Heck after the number of times I've lost a point of damage here or there from reflex save throws I think it's about even now.

Some things worth noting.

Toppling Spell, Selective Spell are great for magus. The level adjustment is cheap. The first lets you trip foes of ANY size, the second lets you blast area spells and not hit your allies.

For spell blending at level 13: Boneshatter is a great spell. 15d6 of Untyped damage and target is exhausted. The Fort save bites but they're still fatigued.

Spell Perfection is Wicked. Qualify by taking Intensify, Selective, Toppling then Take it at 17 (Cone of Cold).
Quicken Spell or Maximise Spell at 19.

You'll be able to pump out quickend 15d6 or Maximised Cones with 5th level slots. (Personally I'd go quickend)

The Half- Elf is better than you rate. Either trade the skill focus for Wpn Prof: Falcata or Umri at level 1 (which human's can't get) OR they can trade it for +2 to all will saves (in addition to thier natural +2 vs enchantment).
I know they have a strong will save but it is less points you need to spend in WIS, in a MAD class.

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Also, many people know it but...

Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp) is a Must Have Trait

You take Toppling spell at 1st level and can have Trip Attempts layered on for free for the 1st 7 or so levels.
Later putting Intensify on at higher levels has you doing up to 10d6 with NO save from what is still a 1st level spell.

Also, a Good Trick to help any Magus AC (especially the STR build).
If you can fit Quickdraw into your build. Buy a Quickdraw Light Shield.
Getting said shield out and putting away is a free action.

So: Start a around with sword and shield. Enemies attack you, vs your AC+shield. Your turn, free action sheathe it, then take your spell combat full attack (your offhand is empty) , when you finish-get your sheild out again :)

Also works with Move+Spell strike, letting you take your attack two handed. Just remember- always sheathe at the start of your turn and take out again at the end of your turn.

Not a bad trick which at high levels can keep your AC up by 6 (for a +5 Light steel shield)

My Build Suggestion (Str Based)
Traits- Desperate Focus, Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp)

1 Arcane Pool +1, Cantrips, Spell Combat, Toppling Spell, Arcane Strike
2 Spellstrike
3 Magus Arcana (Arcane Accuracy), Quickdraw (use quickdraw shield trick)
4 Spell Recall
5 Arcane Pool +2, Power Attack, Wpn Focus: Scimitar
6 Magus Arcana (Spellshield)
7 Knowledge Pool, Medium Armor, Intensify Spell
8 Improved Spell Combat
9 Arcane Pool +3, Magus Arcana (Empowered Magic), Extra Arcana: Spell Blending: Heroism
10 Fighter Training
11 Weapon Specialization, Improved Spell Recall, Selective Spell
12 Magus Arcana (Maximised Magic)
13 Arcane Pool +4, Heavy Armor, Extra Arcana: Spell Blending (Boneshatter, Enervation)
14 Gtr Spell Combat
15 Magus Arcana (Quickened Magic), Quicken Spell or Persistant Spell
16 Counterstrike
17 Arcane Pool +5, Gtr Wpn Fcs, Spell Perfection (Cone of Cold)
18 Magus Arcana (Reflection)
19 Gtr Spell Access, Maximise Spell
20 True Magus

Scarab Sages

STR Ranger wrote:

Also, many people know it but...

Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp) is a Must Have Trait

You take Toppling spell at 1st level and can have Trip Attempts layered on for free for the 1st 7 or so levels.
Later putting Intensify on at higher levels has you doing up to 10d6 with NO save from what is still a 1st level spell.

. . .

The first lets you trip foes of ANY size, the second lets you blast area spells and not hit your allies.

Remember that Toppling only works with force spells.

I've been wondering if there is a size limit for tripping with Toppling Spell.

Back to the OP. Awesome guide. This would probably have helped me build my magus a bit better (though my GM thinks my magus is overpowered as he stands).

One thing I'm wondering is why Combat Casting isn't in your builds. You will be casting defensively every time you use Spellstrike and, especially at lower levels, your spells will be fizzling a lot without that +4 (or +6 with the focused mind trait).

For Corrosive Touch, I like to keep one on hand in case I meet something with resistance to electricity. The lower damage is worth the versatility to me since versatility is what the Magus is all about.

Oh, and a small thing on Arcane Strike is that it's +1 and then +1 per 5 levels.

Also, the magus has one trick that makes the Blood Transcription spell obsolete. At level 7, the magus can prep any spell from the magus spell list with Knowledge Pool and then just copy it into his spellbook for the cost of materials. Much more civilized than having your character drink some evil stranger's blood ;)

Gamegeezer wrote:

Remember that Toppling only works with force spells.

I've been wondering if there is a size limit for tripping with Toppling Spell.

Nuts. Missed that part. No Toppling Shocking Grasp Then. Still worth it on Force Hook Charge or Force Punch. Just wouldn't get use till later. Maybe swap it for Extra Arcane Pool at 1st if you want an immediate benefit. Like More uses of Spell Shield :)

Noting about multiclassing?

I've been thinking about trying a magus/duellist some day. Both seem to rely on the same abilities (int, dex* and if you want str) and the same shieldless fighting style.

You gain bab, hitpoints, int to ac and I think most abilitities should work together.

*: If you take 10 levels of duellist, you don't get heavy armour making dex more important for ac.

P.S. And you're not even considering multiclassing with fighter? Seems like an open door to kick in. Feats, bab, hitpoints...

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OK, first of all I was also completely baffled because of the ability score placement. In my opinion magus should have Dex or Str highest. Going Int just makes an inferior wizard... well who can nova to melee for about 1 combat/day by blowing his Arcane Pool.

The Dervish Dance build is better also because magus is quite good auxiliary archer as he can swift enchant cheap bow (or better a little more pricier thing). However RAW seems to allow throwing your weapon (for example throwing Axe) when using spell combat, so there is some use for Str at ranged attacks.


Now something completely different. I don't think that using spell combat is necessary for magus. I also think that Maneuver Mastery i a good arcana for a combat manouver using magus (witch is the main thing I disagree with James Maissen... his post was otherwise excellent). For example:

Race: Human
Class: Magus
Traits: Heirloom Weapon (Fauchard), Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp) <- this trait can of course be different (not crucial to the build)

Attributes: (20pt buy)
Str: 17+2 (13) (every advancement here, except perhaps 4th to wis, if you feel campaign/ adventure path is ending)
Dex: 14 (5)
Con: 14 (5)
Int: 14 (5)
Wis: 7 (-4)
Cha: 7 (-4)

Feats & Arcana:
1st: Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise
3rd: Weapon Focus, Manouver Mastery (Trip)
5th: Improved Trip. Craft Magic Weapons & Armor (if your GM doesn't let you just hire someone to enchant your weapon)
6th: Arcane Accuracy
7th: (nothing crucial here...)
9th: Greater Trip, (nothing crucial here...)

In combat manouver builds Monstrous Physique III is definately blue choice (remember that Grab gives extra +4 to grapples).

Lets see what is the difference between a tripper and new Bigsby spells after you get them & Monstrous Physique III (=level 13):
Bigsby CMB: 13 (level) + 8 (str) + 1 (size) = 22
Trippers CMB: 13 (level) + 10 (str... 22 naturally + 2 item + 6 MP III) + 4 (improved & greater trip) + 1 (heirloom trait) + 1 (weapon focus) + 2 (size) + 5 (weapon enchantment using arcane pool) + 2 (Heroism) = 37 (about 40 with Arcane Accuracy or Bard ally, 43 with both)

So I think you are selling manouvers a bit short in this (emphasis mine):

Walter's Guide to the Magus wrote:
Maneuver Mastery *: A bad arcana. It gives you straight BAB progression for one combat maneuver. I don’t know why one would ever pick this, considering that you have access to the new Bigsby spells (Interposing Hand, Forceful Hand) which will do combat maneuvers better for you. I suppose if you had a trip or disarm weapon build it might be useful, but even then its still pretty weak compared to the other arcanas.

Dark Archive

Will multiclass information also be included? If so, Crossblooded Sorcerer is a pretty good choice for a one level dip, granting you two additional points of damage for each shocking grasp die if you take the orc and the blue dragon bloodline.
Two levels of alchemist and a feat grant you two extra arms that could be rather useful, depending on the reading of spell combat (potentially allowing to use spell combat and spellstrike while wielding a two-handed weapon and a shield) and also the mutagen and sneak attack.
Fighter levels are nice to for earlier armor proficiencies and feat prerequisites. Either take one level (for proficiencies), three levels (for full movement in a mithral fullplate or celestial fullplate) or five levels (for weapon training and duelist gloves). A dervish magus would be better off with the weapon master fighter since he isn't going to wear medium armor anyway.

Or if you're ok with a reasonably weird (That is, much more martial feeling) one, Ftr7/Mag13 gives you the above listed, the 4th iterative attack, full speed, no spell-fail, and +3 max dex in non-mithral fullplate, access to Greater weapon specialization, and (obviously) a ton of bonus feats.

Jadeite wrote:
Will multiclass information also be included? If so, Crossblooded Sorcerer is a pretty good choice for a one level dip, granting you two additional points of damage for each shocking grasp die if you take the orc and the blue dragon bloodline.

Umm.. when do you see this paying off?

You give up a BAB, and shocking grasp (via magical lineage & intensify) goes up to 10d6.

If you keep your CL at max then you give up magical lineage (both magic traits iirc), but are still delayed on spells and abilities.

I haven't seen a multiclassed magus that I like,


The toppling feat plus magic missile or twilight knife seem to get the biggest bang for your buck. Especially true if you take greater trip feat. Get an attack of opportunity if you use magic missile plus hamper your groups foes by targeting other enemies in range one missile each if possible. Thats the kind of nasty tricks a magus was made to do.

Dark Archive

james maissen wrote:
Jadeite wrote:
Will multiclass information also be included? If so, Crossblooded Sorcerer is a pretty good choice for a one level dip, granting you two additional points of damage for each shocking grasp die if you take the orc and the blue dragon bloodline.

Umm.. when do you see this paying off?

You give up a BAB, and shocking grasp (via magical lineage & intensify) goes up to 10d6.

If you keep your CL at max then you give up magical lineage (both magic traits iirc), but are still delayed on spells and abilities.

I haven't seen a multiclassed magus that I like,


You lose one CL and one BAB. The reduced CL isn't worth the trait IMHO, as most spells cap out anyway. Let's compare the Shocking Grasp damage of a straight magus and a magus x/sorcerer 1 (ignoring the first two levels since he'll need spellstrike).


3: 3d6 (~10.5) vs 2d6+4 (~11)
4: 4d6 (~14) vs 3d6+6 (~16.5)
5: 5d6 (~17.5) vs 4d6+8 (~22)
6: 6d6 (~21) vs 5d6+10 (~25.5)
7: 7d6 (~24.5) vs 6d6+12 (~33)
8: 8d6 (~28) vs 7d6+14 (~38.5)
9: 9d6 (~31.5) vs 8d6+16 (~44)
10: 10d6 (~35) vs 9d6+18 (~49.5)
11: 10d6 (~35) vs 10d6+20 (~55)

You also get +1 per day on any other damage dealing spell, so your disintegrate would deal 38d6+38 instead of 40d6.

Liberty's Edge

Jadeite wrote:

Will multiclass information also be included? If so, Crossblooded Sorcerer is a pretty good choice for a one level dip, granting you two additional points of damage for each shocking grasp die if you take the orc and the blue dragon bloodline.

Two levels of alchemist and a feat grant you two extra arms that could be rather useful, depending on the reading of spell combat (potentially allowing to use spell combat and spellstrike while wielding a two-handed weapon and a shield) and also the mutagen and sneak attack.

Both really good points. The Alchemist is scary good.

Jadeite wrote:
Fighter levels are nice to for earlier armor proficiencies and feat prerequisites. Either take one level (for proficiencies), three levels (for full movement in a mithral fullplate or celestial fullplate) or five levels (for weapon training and duelist gloves). A dervish magus would be better off with the weapon master fighter since he isn't going to wear medium armor anyway.

Proficiency isn't such a big deal to the Magus, he can't cast his spells in heavier armor anyways (unless you're suggesting to do it so that you can be proficient with the heavier armor and use mithril).


I would like to point out that unfortunately Arcane Strike does not grant a bonus to hit as is spelled out in the guide. Nor does it last for a minute. It does specifically stack with augmented weapon.

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james maissen wrote:

Umm.. when do you see this paying off?

You give up a BAB, and shocking grasp (via magical lineage & intensify) goes up to 10d6.

If you keep your CL at max then you give up magical lineage (both magic traits iirc), but are still delayed on spells and abilities.

I haven't seen a multiclassed magus that I like,


Magus 7/Cleric 3/Mystic Theurge 10.

Play it around in your head a bit.

Abraham spalding wrote:

Magus 7/Cleric 3/Mystic Theurge 10.

Play it around in your head a bit.

Sometimes the thought of you as a possible DM for a game I'm in really scares me... I like it! (:<

2 things I feel need to be mentioned:

1. 5 ft steps can be made durring full attack actions. You can full attack, then 5ft step back and cast a spell without requiring a concentration check or provoking an AoO for a ray.

2. When not casting a spell, the strength build should be using both hands on their weapon to get the 1.5 str bonus and increased power attack.

I personally feel you prioritize initiative too much, but I have never found improved initiative worthwhile.

Fetchling Magus...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Two things:

-If Wand Wielder doesn't work will Spell Combat then what's the point of it in the first place. If I can't use it to channel through my weapon what's the point?

-I haven't seen this mentioned. One edge to the Dex based Magus is that the dex helps offset the terrible Reflex saves they get.

Dark Archive

Soluzar wrote:

-If Wand Wielder doesn't work will Spell Combat then what's the point of it in the first place. If I can't use it to channel through my weapon what's the point?

True Strike would still be a nice option. A wand isn't a good choice for damage spells anyway (unless you want to pay extra for an increased caster level).

I have an idea, get spell blending at 3rd level take touch of fatigue and one other cantrip.

Thought it was worth saying.

It is telling that touch of fatigue isn't on the list of spells known for a magus out of the box considering he has all the other similar fatigue exhaustion spells. They new it would be a little to good at second level.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jadeite wrote:
Soluzar wrote:

-If Wand Wielder doesn't work will Spell Combat then what's the point of it in the first place. If I can't use it to channel through my weapon what's the point?
True Strike would still be a nice option. A wand isn't a good choice for damage spells anyway (unless you want to pay extra for an increased caster level).

Or maybe a Wand of Shocking Grasp?

Dark Archive

Soluzar wrote:
Jadeite wrote:
Soluzar wrote:

-If Wand Wielder doesn't work will Spell Combat then what's the point of it in the first place. If I can't use it to channel through my weapon what's the point?
True Strike would still be a nice option. A wand isn't a good choice for damage spells anyway (unless you want to pay extra for an increased caster level).
Or maybe a Wand of Shocking Grasp?

A standard Wand of Shocking Grasp would deal 1d6 points of damage. That's not very impressive.

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

I'm unable to connect to my docs atm due to some unknown computing errors, but I'll respond to some of those excellent comments now.

@ STR Ranger: I'll emphasis how awesome Magical Lineage is, moreso than is already mentioned. I'll also add a list of good spells to pick up with spell blending.
I'll add spell perfection, and mention half-elven variant racial traits and how they work for the magus.
Quickdraw shield sounds pretty crafty ;)

@ Gamegeezer: regarding Combat Casting - I'll throw it in as a maybe feat (**), but I feel like the DC's for casting spells aren't very steep, and the penalties for failing a concentration check are that the spell fizzles, but it no longer provokes. Because the class gets passive bonuses to it and because you can always elect to take points away from a chance to hit to give your concenctration check a boost, I can't see combat casting being useful after the first few levels.
I'll correct Arcane Strike, and downrank Blood Transcription to **, the knowledge pool trick is very clever.

@ Karel Gheysens: I'll add a section for multiclassing in a bit, probably after the rest of the guide gets polished out

@ Riku Riekkinen: In regards to the stat allocations: If you'd kindly refresh the link you'll see that I've been updating the page every couple of hours since I made this post and one of the first things was including a Dex v Str based build, with the points allocated similar to how you did. I just dislike having characters with a negative wis after a brutal encounter with a pair of aelphs.
Your point about the combat manuever build is well made, I'll addendum it into that section and mention briefly how to build such a magus.

@ Jadeite: same as Karel's response: there will be a multiclass section probably in the next week; I'm gathering information on multiclassed builds now - so if anyone has one please post it up :)

@ Caineach: Can you five foot step in the middle of spell combat though? Which is a full round action? I'll mention using two hands v 1 on attacks when not casting a spell, perhaps in a "how to play your magus" section?

@ Alakqualyn: I'll be adding a "spells to get with spell blending" list, touch of fatigue is pretty beastly in the early levels.

@ Everyone: As was mentioned in the above comments, in addition to criticism and comments, I'm now looking for multiclass builds & spells to get with spell blending. Thanks for the advice everyone, keep em coming!

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Riku Riekkinen wrote:

Now something completely different. I don't think that using spell combat is necessary for magus. I also think that Maneuver Mastery i a good arcana for a combat manouver using magus (witch is the main thing I disagree with James Maissen... his post was otherwise excellent). For example:

Race: Human
Class: Magus
Traits: Heirloom Weapon (Fauchard), Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp) <- this trait can of course be different (not crucial to the build)

Attributes: (20pt buy)
Str: 17+2 (13) (every advancement here, except perhaps 4th to wis, if you feel campaign/ adventure path is ending)
Dex: 14 (5)
Con: 14 (5)
Int: 14 (5)
Wis: 7 (-4)
Cha: 7 (-4)

Feats & Arcana:
1st: Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise
3rd: Weapon Focus, Manouver Mastery (Trip)
5th: Improved Trip. Craft Magic Weapons & Armor (if your GM doesn't let you just hire someone to enchant your weapon)
6th: Arcane Accuracy
7th: (nothing crucial here...)
9th: Greater Trip, (nothing crucial here...)

In combat manouver builds Monstrous Physique III is definately blue choice (remember that Grab gives extra +4 to grapples).

Lets see what is the difference between a tripper and new Bigsby spells after you get them & Monstrous Physique III (=level 13):
Bigsby CMB: 13 (level) + 8 (str) + 1 (size) = 22
Trippers CMB: 13 (level) + 10 (str... 22 naturally + 2 item + 6 MP III) + 4 (improved & greater trip) + 1 (heirloom trait) + 1...

Good stuff! Check the guide, you've been cited and added :)

EDIT: Attn Everyone: what sort of equipment would you equip your magus with?

WalterGM wrote:
@ Caineach: Can you five foot step in the middle of spell combat though? Which is a full round action?

Yes, the 5 ft step can be used durring other actions. This includes things like cleave.

From the combat section, 5 foot step:

prd wrote:
You can take a 5-foot step before, during, or after your other actions in the round.

and under full attack:

prd wrote:
The only movement you can take during a full attack is a 5-foot step. You may take the step before, after, or between your attacks.

Soluzar wrote:

Two things:

-If Wand Wielder doesn't work will Spell Combat then what's the point of it in the first place. If I can't use it to channel through my weapon what's the point?

Why wouldn't you be able to do so?


Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Caineach wrote:
WalterGM wrote:
@ Caineach: Can you five foot step in the middle of spell combat though? Which is a full round action?

Yes, the 5 ft step can be used durring other actions. This includes things like cleave.

From the combat section, 5 foot step:

prd wrote:
You can take a 5-foot step before, during, or after your other actions in the round.

and under full attack:

prd wrote:
The only movement you can take during a full attack is a 5-foot step. You may take the step before, after, or between your attacks.

Cool beans, I'll mention it.

Only one thing (I still haven't read the discussion). In the spell section, you say that you cant afford to learn certain spells, or that you have little spells known. And I have to say that the magus works as a wizard in regard of spells known. So I think it's certainly worthwhile to at least get them in your spellbook (major image, teleport), because although you aren't the party wizard, sometimes the wizard may not be there. That's also why I don't see the appeal in "blood transcription", as if you kill a wizard, get his spellbook, or copy the spells you can cast to yours.

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Amaranthine Witch wrote:

Only one thing (I still haven't read the discussion). In the spell section, you say that you cant afford to learn certain spells, or that you have little spells known. And I have to say that the magus works as a wizard in regard of spells known. So I think it's certainly worthwhile to at least get them in your spellbook (major image, teleport), because although you aren't the party wizard, sometimes the wizard may not be there. That's also why I don't see the appeal in "blood transcription", as if you kill a wizard, get his spellbook, or copy the spells you can cast to yours.

Refresh the guide, the rating on Blood Transcription has been changed. Also, Blood Transcription works on Sorcerers or Wizards who don't have spellbooks on them (most enemy wizards that I come across lack them, because my DM thinks that the idea of me learning lots of new spells after each BBEG a tad overpowered).

I agree that some of the spells are worthwhile to have in your spellbook, however my ratings were more of a "when you level up, you should pick ___." If you have access to spellbooks and wealth, you should of course learn everything you can (or almost everything). I'll mention under the spell section at the start something along the lines of "pick up spells for just in case if you can."

james maissen wrote:
Soluzar wrote:

Two things:

-If Wand Wielder doesn't work will Spell Combat then what's the point of it in the first place. If I can't use it to channel through my weapon what's the point?

Why wouldn't you be able to do so?


I think he meant spellstrike, not spell combat.

Dark Archive

A celestial armor is pretty good for a dervish magus. Even if you aren't allowed to enchant it further, it's still better than a +5 mithral shirt or mithral breastplate if your dexterity is sufficiently high (which it should be for a dervish build).
Pearls of power might be a good idea, too. While the magus is able to get spells back through his arcane pool, it seems wasteful to spend one point for a first level spell.

Boots of speed have been mentioned before, but I guess it won't hurt to mention them again considering how good they are.

And of course the big six.

WalterGM wrote:

I think he meant spellstrike, not spell combat.

It seems like you would be able to do that as well, even without the arcana.

If it's a touch spell on the magus list you should be fine, right?


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jadeite wrote:
Soluzar wrote:
Jadeite wrote:
Soluzar wrote:

-If Wand Wielder doesn't work will Spell Combat then what's the point of it in the first place. If I can't use it to channel through my weapon what's the point?
True Strike would still be a nice option. A wand isn't a good choice for damage spells anyway (unless you want to pay extra for an increased caster level).
Or maybe a Wand of Shocking Grasp?
A standard Wand of Shocking Grasp would deal 1d6 points of damage. That's not very impressive.

Yes but if you invest in a one crafted at level 5 you get the max result of 5d6.

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Jadeite wrote:

A celestial armor is pretty good for a dervish magus. Even if you aren't allowed to enchant it further, it's still better than a +5 mithral shirt or mithral breastplate if your dexterity is sufficiently high (which it should be for a dervish build).

Pearls of power might be a good idea, too. While the magus is able to get spells back through his arcane pool, it seems wasteful to spend one point for a first level spell.

Boots of speed have been mentioned before, but I guess it won't hurt to mention them again considering how good they are.

And of course the big six.

Added. Anyone have thoughts on wands? One's I'd want off the top of my head: knock, shield, protection from ___., silent image.

Dark Archive

WalterGM wrote:
Added. Anyone have thoughts on wands? One's I'd want off the top of my head: knock, shield, protection from ___., silent image.

How about bless, divine favor or good hope? With Wand Wielder and Use Magic Device, a magus would be able to use any wand with Spell Combat.

A wand of true strike would work well with wand wielder, either against high AC enemies or to make a combat maneuver.
A wand of CLW and lesser restoration might be a good choice, too, although those are better used after a combat.

Soluzar wrote:

Yes but if you invest in a one crafted at level 5 you get the max result of 5d6.

That wand would still cost 3750 gp. Pearls of power might be a better investment for that amount.

Another thing that bugs me. Whenever you speak of spellstrike you say it's a touch attack, and it isn't. It's a normal attack.

In level 1 of the dervish build you say the saves on his spells are weaker, when, in fact, are stronger.

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Amaranthine Witch wrote:
Another thing that bugs me. Whenever you speak of spellstrike you say it's a touch attack, and it isn't. It's a normal attack.

I actually quote straight from UM under the Spellstrike entry in the guide: “Whenever the magus casts a spell with the range of touch, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack.” Later, I believe I refer to it as "a touch attack delivered with your weapon" or some variation. I assumed that people would realize this "touch attack" was in reality a weapon attack. I'll try and clear up the language.

EDIT: I just found the troubling sections, I'll fix them right away.

Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Amaranthine Witch wrote:

In level 1 of the dervish build you say the saves on his spells are weaker, when, in fact, are stronger.

That was a clerical mistake made while I was moving the paragraphs around and copy pasting similar lines of text. Check back in a minute, it should be alleviated. Thank you!

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WalterGM wrote:

Added. Anyone have thoughts on wands? One's I'd want off the top of my head: knock, shield, protection from ___., silent image.

Here are a few level 1 wands that a magus might find useful in one way or another.

Obscuring Mist
Shocking Grasp
True Strike
Unseen Servant (for disarm builds)
Xped retreat

Magus with Wand Mastery:
Color Spray

Magus via spell blending:
Anticipate Peril

Non-Magus (either non-wizard or not worth spell blending on):
Shield of Faith
Divine Favor
Invis to animals/undead
Infernal Healing
Ant haul
Endure Elements
Entropic Shield
Magic Weapon (before you take your swift action)
Sanctuary (with wand mastery)


Not sure if this has been mentioned before, so please forgive if so:

A Bladebound Magus cannot use the Dervish build, as the scimitar (according to d20pfsrd) is treated as a one-handed piercing weapon, while the Black Blade must be slashing. (Except for the rapier, etc. allowed with the Black Blade.)

Interesting guide, thanks!

Vanish is already on the magus spell list, and is very useful.

Some spells that are useful but not on the list:

Ghoul Touch, touch of Idiocy, Calcific Touch, touch of gracelessness, Icicle Dagger (ready made weapon), Unprepared Combatant (-4 to reflex save throws), Disfiguring Touch, Excruciating Deformation, Vitriolic Mist, Echolocation

Liberty's Edge

ChrisO wrote:

Not sure if this has been mentioned before, so please forgive if so:

A Bladebound Magus cannot use the Dervish build, as the scimitar (according to d20pfsrd) is treated as a one-handed piercing weapon, while the Black Blade must be slashing. (Except for the rapier, etc. allowed with the Black Blade.)

Interesting guide, thanks!

The scimitar is still a slashing weapon regardless of what a feat "sees" it as.

Abraham spalding wrote:

Vanish is already on the magus spell list, and is very useful.

Ah sorry, for some reason thought it wasn't.


Liberty's Edge

Minor quibble:

Magus Guide wrote:
Spell Blending ***: Remember that limited spell selection? Remember how much you wanted to be able to cast more sorcerer and wizard spells? Welcome to spell blending. Every time you take this you can add one sorcerer/wizard spell of your highest spell level to your list of spells known OR you can add two of a lower level. There’s more than a dozen useful wizard spells to learn for you (False Life, Spectral Hand, etc.), but here’s two that I recommend: Heroism and Protection from Energy. The Heroism buff lasts hours per level, so practically all day, while the Protection from Energy is a great spell to cast in the heat of battle. If you pick spell blending after level 10 (when you gain access to 4th level spells) you can pick both at the same time. For the higher levels, this arcana is arguably a must have if you want access to some of the better spells (Contingency, Permanency).
PFSRD wrote:


School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level alchemist 3, bard 2, inquisitor 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 3, witch 3

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S

Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 10 min./level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)

ChrisO wrote:

Not sure if this has been mentioned before, so please forgive if so:

A Bladebound Magus cannot use the Dervish build, as the scimitar (according to d20pfsrd) is treated as a one-handed piercing weapon, while the Black Blade must be slashing. (Except for the rapier, etc. allowed with the Black Blade.)

Interesting guide, thanks!

It's still a slashing weapon, the piercing notation is for the purposes fo qualifying for abilities that require it, such as if you wanted to go duelist.

Not that I think they're great, but one point in favor of the instant metamagic arcanas is that the Magus basically can't use metamagic rods. Spell combat requires a free hand, and spell strike you'd be limited to non somatic spells. Unless of course you sheathe your weapon cast the spell, draw, then use the free action attack.

B0sh1 wrote:

It's still a slashing weapon, the piercing notation is for the purposes for qualifying for abilities that require it, such as if you wanted to go duelist.

Ah, never mind, then. :)

EDIT: I thought it seemed odd, actually. Having used a scimitar, one doesn't usually poke with them. :)

Froze_man wrote:

Not that I think they're great, but one point in favor of the instant metamagic arcanas is that the Magus basically can't use metamagic rods. Spell combat requires a free hand, and spell strike you'd be limited to non somatic spells. Unless of course you sheathe your weapon cast the spell, draw, then use the free action attack.

Or you could make your Metamagic rod a mace +3.

Also don't forget about weapon cords, and some times you will simply want to cast a spell without full attacking -- at such times use the metamagic rod.

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Areteas wrote:

Minor quibble:

Magus Guide wrote:
Spell Blending ***: Remember that limited spell selection? Remember how much you wanted to be able to cast more sorcerer and wizard spells? Welcome to spell blending. Every time you take this you can add one sorcerer/wizard spell of your highest spell level to your list of spells known OR you can add two of a lower level. There’s more than a dozen useful wizard spells to learn for you (False Life, Spectral Hand, etc.), but here’s two that I recommend: Heroism and Protection from Energy. The Heroism buff lasts hours per level, so practically all day, while the Protection from Energy is a great spell to cast in the heat of battle. If you pick spell blending after level 10 (when you gain access to 4th level spells) you can pick both at the same time. For the higher levels, this arcana is arguably a must have if you want access to some of the better spells (Contingency, Permanency).
PFSRD wrote:


School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level alchemist 3, bard 2, inquisitor 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 3, witch 3

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S

Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 10 min./level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)

No minor quibbles here, friend, corrections are welcome. Thank you, I'll fix it promptly!

Items / Wands / etc will be added when I get off work. Keep em coming!

This may sound silly, but where can I get the guide? I have been reading and looking for it with no luck!

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