ICrushGames's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.


Saethori wrote:

Have you considered online play?

I play online exclusively, because my disability makes attending groups in person problematic. And while it may not be as personally local, it's a chance to play with people who are in the same boat as you.

I personally use Roll20 but other options are out there too.

What are these other options. I just moved from Alaska to the Bay Area and I can't find s+@+. I've been fervently looking for a regular group to play with for 2 months. I'm on reddit, roll20 and meetup and am currently reinstalling my copy of Table Top Simulator. I need the pathfinder. Everyone here just plays 5e, which I have no interest in.


also, may I sacrifice hero points for a feat or are you not using them?

Do you allow any non mentioned permanency effects? as in spells not listed in the Core? because that will majorly effect what I buy.

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So I have in my hands an ultimate psionics, a core and a bestiary 4. using basic rules from all three, I need some help figuring out how this works.

I have a kasatha character with multiweapon fighting, rapid shot, mulitshot, and the small form of soul bolt from the archetype of soul knife in the back of the book. At BAB 6/1 how many attacks can I make with three ranged weapons and a full attack?

I believe I would get -6 with each attack, so I would get 0/0/0/-5/-5/-5
first attack at 2x damage.

Finally, before you tell me to ask my DM, I am the DM.

Ok. I'm a little heated at my GM at the moment. He created zombies with a disease that mimics zombie rot, but its onset is right away, and it happens way faster (say 1/min) We're all pretty lawyery, including him. We are also level four. He argues that since the save is so low its not a problem (its 12).

I have a few questions
Does anyone know where the rules for creating new diseases are? I already scoured paizos prd for monster creation, universal rules and the forums.

I believe without any concrete knowledge that the difference between diseases and poison is that poison usually effects you right away, and diseases take awhile.
Are there any diseases that effect you right away?

How does onset work? I'm not really clear on this. His mob hit me, i save immediately i make the save, do i still take con damage on the spot since his onset doesnt exist?

What would the cr be on a monster that has a disease that has an onset of zero rounds, and once every (1d4 rounds) you take 1d2 con damage, 2 consecutive saves to cure, when you die you are raised as a zombie the dc is 12 but the effect is on hit?

I feel like the encounter is WAY harder than CR 2 or 3, per monster.

So, yeah any one who has an idea about how this works officially would clear up some argument for us.