You're attracted to another player in your group

Gamer Life General Discussion

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Dark Archive

Ever been a player or GM (or both) and you find yourself attracted to another player? Or fellow GM? How'd you react?

I've never had the opportunity, but I can't imagine it would be any different than finding out you are attracted to a fellow student, co-worker or soldier.

Same things apply...relationship is nice, but if it goes sour, do you ruin things in your previous platonic environment? Do other people feel you are giving 'special treatment'? Does your partner get upset if you don't provide special treatment?

Personally, I hate dating from work. It just adds a new level of pressure to the relationship that kills it for me. As a DM, I would also have zero tolerance for a couple disrupting the game with anything extraneous. That goes from couple arguments carrying over into the game session to one party protesting the treatment of their partner's character by the DM.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I GM and I'm attracted to my wife, who plays. I head off favoritism by killing all PCs equally. :) muahahahaha

Sovereign Court

I dated several ladies with which i played at the same time...i never favored them in the irked one so much that she dumped me...others were more understanding and less irrational.

If a woman/man can't understand that you are supposed to be impartial and just and expects to be treated specially because she shares your intimate moments, then one should talk to her. It is not fair of her to expect special treatment.

My advice? Go for it. Romance is always worth it IMO.

In a game I was part of for 12 years, the wife of one of the GMs and I admitted to an attraction to each other (I was also married). Knowing we couldn't act on it, our characters "fell in love" and we sort of carried on our little secret via roleplaying.

I know. Weird/Geeky

Yes, but I was only 12...but then all the players where about that age...

A really odd game it was too, sort of a cross between dungeons and dragons (which it ostensibly was) and an excuse to talk about sex. Or I guess more accurately it was that Dungeons and Dragons was being used as a smoke screen so that we could talk about sex without having to be totally embarrassed and tongue tied.

Good times...I learned years later that we had been totally busted by one of the girls mothers (we played in her basement) but the mother, after spending some hours secretly listening to us, decided that the whole thing was basically harmless.

in a game i recently ended (i was gm) one of the girls was completely new to the game, so i gave her my number and over facebook we kept talking and playing and every game session she was getting so much better, till shefinally got to where i can't help her anymore, but we kept talking and we would start sitting closer and closer together, and now i plan to mae her my wife.

and no she never got special treatment in game, beside me having my arm around her

anyways go for it. ya never know

Roll with it. Everybody I've ever had a relationship with has been met through gaming. :P

I've had this happen to me. The DM of a promising group I found about six months ago fell absolutely in love with me (no idea why). I had no interest in him. About three months afterwards (and some ridiculous drama), I had to inform him I wasn't interested. He ended up threatening me with violence.

Patcher wrote:
I've had this happen to me. The DM of a promising group I found about six months ago fell absolutely in love with me (no idea why). I had no interest in him. About three months afterwards (and some ridiculous drama), I had to inform him I wasn't interested. He ended up threatening me with violence.

My sympathies Patcher.

My current significant other had slept with her 2nd edition DM. Sadly, the sex was terrible. Then she noticed how bad his game was.

Morale: Don't disappoint in the sack.

Liberty's Edge

joela wrote:
Ever been a player or GM (or both) and you find yourself attracted to another player? Or fellow GM? How'd you react?

I made sweet, sweet love to her.

Granted she is my wife, but the question didn't have any caveats.

Lilith wrote:
Roll with it. Everybody I've ever had a relationship with has been met through gaming. :P

I also met my current girlfriend through gaming.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

The first female player I gamed with ended up becoming my wife. Granted, we were 12 and we didn't start dating until 6 years later.

Attraction to someone is natural. It is the choice to act upon that attraction that really maters.

If I found myself attracted to a fellow player, I would go home and give my wife an opportunity to remind me why I love her and only her. There are a million reasons after all, and she keeps adding to them.

Grand Lodge

I'm VREY attracted to one of my current players. She's my wife :-)

In the past (long ago), I was attracted to one young woman whom was a player in one of my games. But I kept that to myself, as she was the GF of another of my players (and as far as I know, she never knew)...

My Girlfriend Plays In My Group And Dies Just As Often As The Other Players. Keep The Romance Out Of The Game, It's The Easiest Way.

Dark Archive

CalebTGordan wrote:

Attraction to someone is natural. It is the choice to act upon that attraction that really maters.


The Exchange

joela wrote:
CalebTGordan wrote:

Attraction to someone is natural. It is the choice to act upon that attraction that really maters.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

I didn't meet my wife through gaming, but we started gaming together soon after we were married. She's now DMing a brand new game (started yesterday) :D

Liberty's Edge

I introduced my wife (then girlfriend) to gaming because she was jealous of/annoyed with the amount of time I was spending with others. If anything I tend to pick on her characters slightly, because I know she'll laugh it off (kill her favorite NPC on the other hand and she gets ticked quick).

We have different gaming styles (I'm more into the roleplay and paying attention, she's more relaxed and combat focused), which is reflected in our character types (casters/skill monkeys for me, warriors for her).

We try hard to keep couple fights out of the game, but its kind of hard sometimes.

I was in a relationship for over a year and when ever I started a new game or joined a new game online my now ex just HAD to be actually is one of the reasons I ended up breaking it off with her. But I've also seen where the relationships don't poison the games. I'm currently in 2 groups where there are couples and while one of the couples is a little more touchy feely than I appreciate at the table I really don't think its a problem. Also in both games the couples met outside of the game first and then started gaming as a couple. One of them has been married for a while(their in their late 40's I think...maybe early 50's) and they play off each other really well.

The Exchange

DungeonmasterCal wrote:

In a game I was part of for 12 years, the wife of one of the GMs and I admitted to an attraction to each other (I was also married). Knowing we couldn't act on it, our characters "fell in love" and we sort of carried on our little secret via roleplaying.

Did you LARP it?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I met my spouse through gaming, but we didn't play together until after we'd been a couple for some time. Sometimes we play together,sometimes apart.

But your question really is the same thing whether it's Boy meets Girl, (or whatever permutation) it's a question of social skills and maturity, not gaming.

Paizo Employee Developer

I've gotten my girlfriend into PFS. She doesn't mind that there's no special treatment when I GM and overall we have a great time. Probably easier with society play since (though I don't see any sign of this) if things sour we're not awkwardly at the same table.

Though I also play with two couples in my LoF game, one of whom is married.

Relationships work fine at the table, so long as you recognize that it need not (and often should not) extend into gameplay. That way if things go awkward it doesn't impact the whole group.

snobi wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

In a game I was part of for 12 years, the wife of one of the GMs and I admitted to an attraction to each other (I was also married). Knowing we couldn't act on it, our characters "fell in love" and we sort of carried on our little secret via roleplaying.

Did you LARP it?

Not exactly. The closest we got to live action was when our characters married and we got to kiss each other in front of the entire gaming bunch.

The Exchange

Nice. It would have been sweet if the GM had an NPC at the wedding that unsuccessfully tried to woo her. Then after you kissed her, you could have pointed to him and said "In your face!" Then you could have added "In HER face" and gone in for a second kiss. I'm assuming your wife wasn't in the group, which is too bad. I'm wondering if you told her about the kiss afterwards.

I was going to say "never", but I remember GMing a one-shot game of Toon in high school with a cute girl who was part of my circle of friends. I was pretty hopeless in high school, though. :-)

snobi wrote:
Nice. It would have been sweet if the GM had an NPC at the wedding that unsuccessfully tried to woo her. Then after you kissed her, you could have pointed to him and said "In your face!" Then you could have added "In HER face" and gone in for a second kiss. I'm assuming your wife wasn't in the group, which is too bad. I'm wondering if you told her about the kiss afterwards.

She didn't play in that campaign (it was a DC Heroes game and she wasn't really into it) but she was at the "wedding" because we (the gaming group) made a whole day of it, with a barbecue as a faux reception. She was ok with everything, just thinking we were roleplaying lol

The Exchange

I'm jealous. I'm sure roleplaying the honeymoon crossed your minds too. It's not cheating, it's character development.

snobi wrote:
I'm jealous. I'm sure roleplaying the honeymoon crossed your minds too. It's not cheating, it's character development.

LOL...I wonder how many hero points we'd have been awarded for that

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

My fiancée and I met in college through a DnD game. Since then she's played in every game I've run, unfortunately she has a terrible tendency to wind up in the negatives or dead. I even had a player the session I dropped her 1 hit point from death twice claim I was playing favorites because their cleric PC kept popping heals to keep her barely alive. Still wasn't really sure how that works...

WOW so with all these wives/girlfriends etc. I suppose the old stero type of this being a guys only club is totally squashed.
My DM had this thing for me and I was the ONLY one at the table that didn't notice it. Were still buddies and even roommates and he doesn't let me get away with ANYTHING thats unreasonable.

Notice I did say unreasonable, Useing the sheild spell to make bracers of armor rather than mage armor thus changeing the bonus from an armor bonus to a sheild bonus works but is hardley game breaking.

My current girlfriend died 5 times in the last campaign we played in.

Her cohort died twice...

She's the first person to drop into negatives in our Carrion Crown game.

Maybe I'm doing this wrong.

Two married pairs I know met on our sessions. In one case it was girl that after special session on gaming convention started to come to our city from another town half the country away (quite close according to American standards - 200 or 300 km, maybe less) to participate in our Fading Suns campaign and later fell for another player, also taking part in campaign.

I have been attracted to some players on my sessions but I don't think that influenced my GMing (but its hard to judge oneself in such matter).

Our D&D GM sometimes quarells with his girlfriend on sessions, mostly over her (occassionaly lacking) grasp of D&D mechanics but otherwise she is treated the same as the rest of the party.

Ice Titan wrote:
My current girlfriend died 5 times in the last campaign we played in.

It could have been worse -- it could have been her character that died 5 times!

I've been attracted to another player in a group before but I'd never have acted on it. I don't believe in pissing in the pool I'm playing in.

I've seen two groups fall to pieces when members within it acted on their attraction. One of those happened in the exact situation that DungeonmasterCal describes and in that one, a marriage ended as well.

Silver Crusade

Let's see, I'm married to a gamer (for two weeks now but it still counts :)) I was at a friend's Deathwatch game last night with his wife. My wife was at another game on Monday which had another married couple in it and I introduced one of my best friends to RPG's and she's now engaged to another gamer.

So yeah it happens a lot.

Alright so where in the world are you guys finding all of these romantically-inclined lady gamers? All the female gamers I know are still college-aged which really doesn't do me a lot of good (35 here). Did I simply miss the boat or something? I'd just about kill to have a GF/wife who enjoyed Pathfinder. :-\

The Exchange

Wander Weir wrote:
I've been attracted to another player in a group before but I'd never have acted on it. I don't believe in pissing in the pool I'm playing in.

Although those who do act on it don't necessarily have to be into golden baths.

Shadow Lodge

snobi wrote:
Wander Weir wrote:
I've been attracted to another player in a group before but I'd never have acted on it. I don't believe in pissing in the pool I'm playing in.
Although those who do act on it don't necessarily have to be into golden baths.

Well, I've seen romances destroy groups, too, and if one has only witnessed groups and friendships tear apart as a result of romances, one might easily and reasonably conclude that romance kills gaming groups and that romancing a fellow party member will end badly.

That's not what I believe, and if all parties go about it responsibly, then there's a net gain. Irresponsibly, and there's a net loss. But then again, that's true with just about any endeavor. Respect and responsibility FTW.

Well it's pretty obvious that some good relationships have come out of attractions in groups. I just haven't actually seen any of those with my own eyes.

I have seen happily married couples playing together in groups but in every one of those situations they'd already been married and had common interests away from the table as well.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I didn't meet my wife through gaming, but we did end up gaming together and started dating during that time.

Scarab Sages

I've seen the good and the bad. It all depends on the maturity of the people involved. I've seen couple break up over the game and I've seen couples get together because of the game.

Liberty's Edge

I ended up dating a girl in my gaming group for two years, though amusingly before we started dating our characters were exactly the opposite. My char was a total ladies man with her character being the only girl he treated plutonically(he declared her his squire and tried to break her of this 'magic' habit).

However, when we did split it did end up being a bit disruptive. Her and I tried to continue gaming as friends for a while, but that clearly wasn't going to work so she finally dropped out since I was DMing at the time and she didn't want to kill things for everyone else.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Steven Tindall wrote:
WOW so with all these wives/girlfriends etc. I suppose the old stero type of this being a guys only club is totally squashed.

Is it? I mean, this is a thread specifically devoted to the topic, so of course most/all of the posts are going to involve gamer girls in some way. Meanwhile, for each person with such a story in this thread, there are how many members not posting here, who may or may not have such stories? Not to mention that each story is a single anecdote from among (typically) years and years of gaming experience. No, it's still a very male-dominated demographic, I imagine.

And as such, it seems likely that any time a girl does play, any or all of the men at the table could find her attractive to varying degrees. I mean, we are talking about a gamer girl here. ;)

Shadow Lodge

Jiggy wrote:

No, it's still a very male-dominated demographic, I imagine.

And as such, it seems likely that any time a girl does play, any or all of the men at the table could find her attractive to varying degrees. I mean, we are talking about a gamer girl here. ;)

I'm trying to think about it, and I believe that over my 25-year time of play, I can count on one hand the number of women in tabletop campaigns I've played with. The number shoots up when you include LARPs and one-shots at game conventions, but otherwise, yeah, it's really small.

My steady girlfriends have all been fantasy lovers, and my wife was introduced to the fantasy genre through me and grabs as much of it as she can, but none of them have been gamers. It's almost crazy, my wife adores the game books, loves the pictures throughout, loves the smell of the paper... but remains utterly uninterested in the game herself.

Liberty's Edge

InVinoVeritas wrote:
I'm trying to think about it, and I believe that over my 25-year time of play, I can count on one hand the number of women in tabletop campaigns I've played with. The number shoots up when you include LARPs and one-shots at game conventions, but otherwise, yeah, it's really small.

I've had quite a different experience. Been gaming a bit over 15 years now and while there certainly have been more guys to girls, my groups have changed a lot(and I've moved a lot) but they normally have been between 4-6 players and pretty much always had at least one girl in them, normally 2. I was in a WoD group where the men were the minority, and while you ruled them out my(relatively limited) experience with LARPs have always had that be the case too.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

InVinoVeritas wrote:
My steady girlfriends have all been fantasy lovers, and my wife was introduced to the fantasy genre through me and grabs as much of it as she can, but none of them have been gamers. It's almost crazy, my wife adores the game books, loves the pictures throughout, loves the smell of the paper... but remains utterly uninterested in the game herself.

Heh, my wife likes to read fantasy (and look at pictures) as well, but can hardly stand the actual gaming - including my other hobby, Magic: the Gathering. She finds roleplaying too slow/boring (I think the numbers and rules don't translate well into an action sequence in her mind).

Shadow Lodge

It struck me when I did the counting. It was more of a "Wow, had it really been that few?"

The last three groups I was in, the host's wife was around, but never was a part of the game. I believe one of the three was involved in another campaign, but the other two wives were non-gamers themselves.

Liberty's Edge

Laithoron wrote:
Alright so where in the world are you guys finding all of these romantically-inclined lady gamers? All the female gamers I know are still college-aged which really doesn't do me a lot of good (35 here). Did I simply miss the boat or something? I'd just about kill to have a GF/wife who enjoyed Pathfinder. :-\

All the female gamers you know are college co-eds... I fail to see the downside to this.

I'd dated my wife on and off for several years before I discovered that she also played DnD. In my group, about half the players are women, usually 'cause they're married to the other half of my group though.

The Exchange

These days, my main gaming group is 100% female and is also married to me.

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