Squad 4 rolecall Pentor mercenary campaign

Play-by-Post Discussion

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female human/Garundi war/wizard 2 HP 26/26| AC:14 / T 12 / FF 12 | F:4 R:4 W:4 | Init 2 | Cmb:2 Cmd 14

Definitely the one i will be standing behind, he is a tad creepy. So much for trying to lighten the mood.

gives a little shrug and puts Slink down near his traveling pouch...

hmmm, well i don't believe in fate but it is good to have you with us.

continues eating and listening to the evening go on.

Male Human Inquisitor (Sin Eater)/1

"Lack of belief in fate does not excuse you from the threads. One must never be ignorant of the will of the Gods." Caern replied without looking up and continued to eat. Once his meal was done, he removed a set of thin wooden blocks with colored pictures upon them. He then laid them out in a pattern as he studied Ceragia.

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Profession: fortune teller roll

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 1

"So then friend Caern, do you play card?" Tycho asks as he looks at Caerns fortune teller deck.

Hello my friends!

Ok we've got votes for -

Nex - Ceragia Trundle, Nithya Hijara, Tycho Harkonen, Caern Stern
Quadira - Jaqen

And one vote for the name of the squad being -

Tempest Coven - Nithya Hijara, Tycho Harkonen, Caern Stern
Crimson Swords - Jaqen

So unless there is a sudden rush of players the name of your squad is 'Tempest Coven' and you guys will be starting in Nex.

Your squad leader is Corporal Viola Hearn, a cleric of Pharasma.

Currently there are 5 members in your squad, so we need 2 more to bring you up to strength. I'll post in the recruitment thread to see if any of th other players are still interested.

Your in-game thread will be up in a couple of minutes.

And here is your in game thread!

Feel free to start posting in it. You are all currently stationed in the capital city of Quantium, and have been assigned rooms in an old tenement building in one of the rougher parts of town.

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 1

I've switchd out my Improved Initiative for another feat from UM:


You can blend the power of your performance and spellcasting.

Prerequisites: Cha 13, bardic performance class ability, able to cast 1st-level spells.

Benefit: You can combine your bardic performance and your spellcasting in two ways. First, you can conceal the activity of casting a bard spell by masking it in a performance. As a swift action, you may combine your casting time of a spell with a Perform check. Observers must make a Perception or Sense Motive check opposed by your Perform check to realize you are also casting a spell. This uses 1 round of your bardic performance ability, regardless of the spell's casting time.

Second, as a move action, you can use 1 round of bardic performance to maintain a bard spell with a duration of concentration. You can cast another spell in the same round you are using bardic magic to maintain concentration; if you do this, your concentration on the maintained spell ends when you end the bardic performance the spell is part of.

Asuming its ok =)

Another point, since the game is not yet on, I'm thinking of switching out my Know(arcana) for another knowledge skill, seeing that we already have that skill coverd by multiple chars =)

Male Human Inquisitor (Sin Eater)/1

I'll be pestering the heck out of Nighttrace to get his character in tonight.

Male Human Inquisitor (Sin Eater)/1

Spoke with Nighttrace. He will have his character up tonight.

Male Human Inquisitor (Sin Eater)/1

Hope you aren't inferring that I am slow in the head :p

Male Human - Kelesh Gunslinger - Level 1

A figure entered the room, a mismatched cloak drawn tight against him, it's mix of earth tones and forest greens seemed odd from this close. He wore a dark green scarf wrapped around his head and face, keeping him from view entirely.

He eyed the men and women that had arrived before him, but moved to one of the corners of the room and took a seat, quietly contemplating the odds of their CO arriving shortly.

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 1
Khair Colbad wrote:

A figure entered the room, a mismatched cloak drawn tight against him, it's mix of earth tones and forest greens seemed odd from this close. He wore a dark green scarf wrapped around his head and face, keeping him from view entirely.

He eyed the men and women that had arrived before him, but moved to one of the corners of the room and took a seat, quietly contemplating the odds of their CO arriving shortly.

Well met and welcome ! Clicky - head over here and join us ! =)

Male Human, Shoanti, Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan) Ninja/1


Heads turn to see the tindertwig being struck upon the wooden floor and raised up to the bowl of a short black stone pipe.

A large man sits propped up against a backpack in the corner of the room. His face is indistinguishable at the moment. He adorns a dusty travel worn Andoran Jack Coat over a gray jerkin. His legs, crossed before him are clad in black breeches that have been tied with black ribbons. A pair of Raptor Talons (Kamas) that are corded with lanyards lay in his lap. Feet in soft heeled shoes.

He takes a long draw on his pipe and the ember flares to a bright orange hue, revealing a bronzed face, with high cheek bones and black hair tied high on his pate and adorned with fetishes of bone, hawk and raven feathers. Black bands are tattooed across the bridge of his nose and cheeks.

He releases a billowing cloud of smoke towards the center of the room where everyone has gathered. The smell of Rustleaf fills your nostrils.

A stern look at everyone in the room as if he is measuring the value of each individuals soul.


His gaze shifts downward where a Chain Hauberk is laid out upon a bedroll and continues to mend the links.

Was he here before?

Male Human - Kelesh Gunslinger - Level 1

Whoops...used the round 1 gunslinger playtest pdf. I'll fix that tonight.

Male Human (Kellid) Fighter 1

Fixed Cruach up a touch, should be ready to go. Still need to do backstory.

Male Human - Kelesh Gunslinger - Level 1

All fixed up and ready to go. Ended up being a touch on the heavy side of weight, but then again I don't have to take -everything- with me...but I probably will...

I'm after moving house and my interent access will be sporadic over the next little while. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Male Human, Shoanti, Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan) Ninja/1

Background Story:
High atop the southern peaks of the Stony Mountains of Avistan overlooking Velashu Uplands, the Curchain Hills and the throat of the Varisian Gulf sits the eyrie of the Shriikirri-Quah, Hawk Clan of the Shoanti.

The Shriikirri are a people of great patience. They are animistic and pay homage to the avian creatures of the sky that they dwell among. The Hawk most reveared above all others.

They are lead by The Preymanee who is chosen by the people's of the Hawk as their Guide. Any person of worth can be selected to serve this role whether they be a Senan (Shaman/Oracle/Diviner), Shoulderman or Shoulderwoman (Cleric/Druid), Warrior, Raider (Rouge/Ninja) or any that rise to the top and can take the wings of the Hawk People and guide them to the drafts so they may soar.

Corvass was a Senan, a very accomplished one, and he bred two sons. The oldest was named Colross and the younger Kargava. Kargava was born meek. Unlike many fathers if the Hawk Clan, The Senan did not push him from the nest and let the world take him.

Colross tended his younger brother his entire life and fought his brother battles for him when others tried to ostracize him. Colross learned to fight and fight dirty. His talent was noted and on his naming day he was called Smoke Raven and was added to the "Murder" the Hawk Clans Raiders. Raiders were always given the names of scavengers for when the The Preymanee decided to deploy a Murder the enemies where already considered dead.

Smoke Ravens brother was not meek in body but meek in mind. Plagued with his fathers gift of sight he would become one of the most prophetic of all the Senans. Where other Senans gained their knowledge by punching through the veil of the spirit world by ritual, Kargava visions came unbidden.

Kargava was added to the ranks of the Senan and on his naming day was called "Pale Sky". One day Corvass had a vision during his spirit travels. He told his sons that he and his brood and of his seed that shall follow had been cursed. The Four Horsemen would come for them all. He told his sons to spread wings and take flight so that no harm would befall the Hawk. After he watched his sons depart to the south for Riddleport he flew North to draw the Horsemen away.

When Smoke Raven and Pale Sky reached outskirts of Riddleport they made camp and discussed their plans for survival. They decided they should stay on the move, forever in flight never to go to ground for too long with the hope to keep The Horsemen at their heels.

Pale Sky awoke the next morning and told Smoke Raven that he had a wakeful dream. He did not elaborate on the dream but told Smoke Raven that if for any chance they were separated, that Smoke Raven should continue moving, not to actively search him out and that eventually their paths will cross again.

Smoke Raven and Pale Sky went into Riddleport and were separated by the throng of people at the warf. Smoke Raven searched for a day to find his brother only to catch up with him as he watched the yellow sailed slave ship sail away.

Smoke Raven wept, then remembered his brothers words to keep moving. He decided to sign on with a group of merchants or a privateering vessel, some group that would take him far and wide when he stumbled upon the recruiter. The Blood Hawk. It was a sign for sure. He felt the presence of the Hawk shadow in his path, and set sail for Nex.

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 1

Just doing a quick headcount:

Nithya - Summoner
Tycho - Sandman
Caern - Inquisitor
Ceragia - Evoker
Jaqen - Monk
Khair - Gunslinger
Smoke Raven - Raider (rouge)
Cruach - Fighter

3 Secondary Casters, 1 Primary (but a Summoner is almost a primary caster anyway, and Quigong monk has some tricks also)

2 with full bab, 5 with 2/3 and 1 with 1/2

Sorry for disappearing for a couple of days everybody! I've been working 14 hour days and haven't had the energy to check in on the games till tonight, and I just finished working another 14 hour shift and have to go back to work in about 8 hours so I'll just be trying to get some in-game posts up and move this sucker along.

My priorities are -

Post for Squad 1 and Squad 4 in game.
Check all threads.
Get some sleep.

Ok those players who have just joined us - Khair Colbad, Colross 'Smoke Raven' Sormul and Cruach, I haven't had enough time to go over your character sheets but they are approved with the caveat that once I get some time I will go through them and check to make sure everything is kosher.

Sorry for the delay and let's get this sucker started!

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 1

Tonight o.O ? Oh right diffirent time zones ^^ (its 2 in the afternoon here - summer break is glorius)

Tycho Harkonen wrote:
Tonight o.O ? Oh right diffirent time zones ^^ (its 2 in the afternoon here - summer break is glorius)

Yeah I'm in winter and it's about 1am my time at the moment. Only another 5 hours till I have to get up and go to work. Hooray!

Post is up.

It's not great but I'll be able to improve it later on today after my last day of work! YAY!

Male Human - Kelesh Gunslinger - Level 1

I don't know, I got a kick out of it. Almost all of us set ourselves up to get reamed something fierce on our first day. Huzzah :D.

Damn D&D and it's not having exact times...or wrist watches :P

Male Human, Shoanti, Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan) Ninja/1

Squad #4 ~ "The Vacant Coven"

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 1
Colross "Smoke Raven" Sormul wrote:
Squad #4 ~ "The Vacant Coven"

Sad but true =)

Male Human, Shoanti, Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan) Ninja/1

What can I say?! You got a bunch of eager gamers...When the cats away....

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Nerd 5/Expert 1

Looking at our headcount, I'm beginning to wonder if I should make Cruach into a Magus instead. It would fit better with the spellcaster theme we have going (or at least the "we have special tricks" theme). On the other hand, being totally bland does make me stand out...

Thoughts either way?

Play what ya want to play. :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Nerd 5/Expert 1

Sticking with the vanilla fighter. Going back over my inspirations, I can tell why I wanted to stick with it once more.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Pentor, still looking for a co-GM?


Okay.. got the first post up as I get a feel for Nex, the squad and the Corporal. I intend on rolling all passive checks (saves, initiative, etc) for the squad as it will make things move faster, save for incidentals that I will include in spoilers. I will say: Some things you have to look for, others I'll give, but We shall see, shall we not?

Male Human Bard (Sandman) 1

Thanks for the new post guys =)!

Male Human (Kellid) Fighter 1

Got a background up for the guy. Hopefully helps explain a little of why he's a drunk.

Nithya Hijara wrote:
I'm after moving house and my interent access will be sporadic over the next little while. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I'm assuming that is why Nithya has not posted yet, so I will continue with the assumption that they are unable to post.

Please do keep track of xp on your sheets however. I am more telling the story than I am tracking your character's progress. This is your world as well as it is Pentor's and mine, so minor additions to description, environment, and the rest will be appreciated and rewarded at intervals.

Pathfinderwiki wrote:
Quantium: Quantium (a port city on the Obari Ocean) is the capital of the nation of Nex. The city prides itself on its diversity; xenophobia is frowned upon. The city has many palaces, hanging gardens, open-air mazes and also several reputable universities of arcane magic. The city's magnificence has been compared with Oppara in Taldor and Sothis in Osirion.

This makes me wonder.. You've seen small samples of how I perceive Quantium to be, as it is the city you are currently inhabiting, what about you? What would you expect to see there as well?

Male Human, Shoanti, Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan) Ninja/1

As well as very magical city it also has a middle eastern vibe. The markets are called souks, people wearing turbans & fez so it's good to keep that in mind. More tents and sabaans than wooden buildings and stuff. At the same time with magic some building would be made of crazy material. Some could be organic, some crystalline, magic users would also make good use of extra dimensional space so what could be a tent on the outside could be a pocket dimension the size of a warehouse on the inside.

But with the magical arts it should also have a lot of convenience. Some buildings may be magically cooled, public water systems may be very localized like decanters of endless water, fountains may tape straight into the plane of water (fire may work this way as well) oozes and jellies may be employed to act as street cleaners. Magical messengers and spells would be manifest in the streets running their errands delivering their messages. I would imagine it would be some what advanced because of magic instead of technology. Which could be good and bad.

Socialy this could have adverse effects on the populace. This type of place would have a lack of motivation or creativity since some things come very easily or the gap between the poverty stricken and the rich may be huge causing an social/economic discord. This that are not magic users second class citizens, and may have problems dealing with some of the things in place. Imagine the homeless person trying to explain to a gelatinous cube that it just ate everything he owned. Magical stuff would be cheap. Most people running around would a base magical understanding (lots of adepts with utilitarian spells in hand). And incredible black market would be developed. The most expensive items would be anti-magic items or items that can mask or block someone from magical targeting or temporarily disable magic or magicians themselves.

Magicians can be very lazy as to just find magical but not practical solutions to problems. Causing a very here and now live in the moment not planning for the future consequences type of attitude. Some of the most prolific mages may be paranoid isolationist and fear their magical rivals, so a magician would probably pay a great deal of money for anti-magic or non-magic weilding bodyguards and retainers. Mage Hunters may be in big demand too.

Take into account the Miasmere the channel located at Quantium's port it is completely polluted with magical "run off", so there may be magical mutations. Because of this there may be large underground groups of revolutionaries who are planning a revolt against the endless succesion of masters, politicians, employers that live on for centuries. Imagine the kind of mental disconnect that occurs when your superior is planning the next thousand years ahead. Where does that leave you? How dies that benefit you and your kind?

The huge island just off the coast is a magically sealed prison people can go in but none can come out. All the kingdoms dangerous magical criminals and uncontrollable monsters are sent there. Imagine what kind of terrible machine of destruction could be building up in that island just waiting for the magical barrier to come down to unleash itself onto the planet. See what I mean magicians just don't think what if? They just do.

Also the flesh forges to the south crank out all kinds of juggernauts of war. Massive armies of abberant creature from tiny to colossal are made and set loose towards Geb back in the day but not all of them cooperated some still run rampant in the wastes and areas between the cities so in that sense the cities are more like panic rooms or prisons of themselves.

Also nobody really knows what happened to Nex himself. So there could be fanatical cults with an endless idea of what he is or when he's coming back and in what form transcending him to deified status. And don't get me started in the arcane political intrigue that goes on with the cities magical rules the council of advisers to the Three and Nine......

Sorry. For the rant you just asked a really good question and as you can see by my posts I can be somewhat long winded...even in print apparently. If I even right a novel it will have to be a ten book series like Erikson...LOL

Male Human, Shoanti, Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan) Ninja/1

Damn. Looks like I will need an editor and proofreader as well.

Male Human, Shoanti, Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan) Ninja/1

Where the hell did everybody go?

Male Human - Kelesh Gunslinger - Level 1

Not sure. I'm still here. :O

Male Human Inquisitor (Sin Eater)/1

I'm still here.


As am I.

Male Human Inquisitor (Sin Eater)/1

Sometimes it sucks to be the stoic introvert lol. I'll find someway to do something lol.


I'll do what I can to make sure that your actions are not done in a vacuum.

Male Human Monk (Qinggong) 1

Still here also ;) silent but deadly

Male Human - Kelesh Gunslinger - Level 1

Sorry! Been getting killed as of late @ work and not been finding the free time D:.

I'm not gone though!

Dark Archive

GM W.R. Monger
Khair Colbad wrote:

Sorry! Been getting killed as of late @ work and not been finding the free time D:.

I'm not gone though!

Im still here, tho there is no activity in the thread since I think the absence of a DM killed the motivation of many players.


Something like.. Sorting out the motivations for six people and giving them something that they can invest their characters into takes a bit of thought on my end. Not to mention the pacing for characters that strike out on their own-- I hate to have the player feel like they're being ignored, so I do respond to that also.

This 'prologue' is winding up. Viola is returning to the barracks to unfortunately cut their leave short a day.

Dark Archive

GM W.R. Monger
The Lost Voice wrote:
Something like.. Sorting out the motivations for six people and giving them something that they can invest their characters into takes a bit of thought on my end. Not to mention the pacing for characters that strike out on their own-- I hate to have the player feel like they're being ignored, so I do respond to that also.

I just stated that, because it happened in lots of other campaigns, I do understand tho that narrating for 6 people is not something simple, yet I do understand the absence of some players since they felt neglected, but I'm still here and I think there are about 3 or 4 left or at least active.

Male Human, Shoanti, Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan) Ninja/1

Still here. Checking everyday. Went back the rack house and went to bed just in case our city excursions were dragging everything out.

Male Human - Kelesh Gunslinger - Level 1

Sorry D:. Work complications+holiday weekend. All better now :D

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