Zyren's luxurious campfire... this time with marshmallows...

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Sure, ZZ, take your holidays just be prepared for madness upon your arrival.

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Dungeon Master

That's right. We may even need to bring back the marshmallow puff man!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Mmmmm marshmallow puff man.

I found a new marshmallow supplier... or for those who have slept as little as I have recently - we can go with these ones

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Those homemade ones look nifty but omg I can't believe she's getting so much financial support for freaking marshmallows. The amazon link says that product is unavailable, oh woe is me.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

16 day old kittens

Mother cat, Chloe, has moved them at least a dozen times

They now reside at the foot of my bed.

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Good Mo_ning ever_body

don't knovv vvhen I c_n upd_te, ke_bo_rd gone.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

you have to forgive me my typos, atm I'm always in a hurry.

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

OK, got a new one ;-)

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???
Twilightrose wrote:

Mother cat, Chloe, has moved them at least a dozen times

Gotta protect those cuties :-)

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4
feytharn wrote:
Twilightrose wrote:

Mother cat, Chloe, has moved them at least a dozen times
Gotta protect those cuties :-)

Yes, but this is the first safe place she's moved them too. She had an couple of days where she was trying to take them to my daughters room which would absolutely not be safe at all and once she had them in the hallway, right about where you would first step going in the hall if you weren't looking down to see the little ones.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Best feminist song ever. not very safe for work... especially if you laugh as hard as I did.

That's my kinda gal!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

That's just great, Shifty.

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???
Twilightrose wrote:
feytharn wrote:
Twilightrose wrote:

Mother cat, Chloe, has moved them at least a dozen times
Gotta protect those cuties :-)
Yes, but this is the first safe place she's moved them too. She had an couple of days where she was trying to take them to my daughters room which would absolutely not be safe at all and once she had them in the hallway, right about where you would first step going in the hall if you weren't looking down to see the little ones.

When I was younger, I lived in a farming area - we alway had cats, though they were able to move around - they had a place in the outhouse to stay, they were fed, etc. All of the cats that had kittens moved them to more or less hidden places or to their place in the outhouse, but I can remember two cats that did different:

They moved the kittens around to be for a few day close to any other member of the household, two days with an older cat, two or three days close to my or my parents room (or in there if she could sneak in), two or three day with our (cat loving) family dog. They never really settled on one place until the kitties were old enough to ramble around themselfs - ah, nice memories...

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

There is one kitten who is especially strong and curious, she's been roaming away from where Chloe puts her from day one, and I think it is a large part of why Chloe keeps moving them. I think it's freaking her out that the little one won't stay in hiding lol. She seems content with them at the foot of my bed, and it's kind of blocked off so they stay put there.

Another cat I had years ago had her kittens on my bed and insisted on keeping them close to my bed (when I wouldn't let her keep them on the bed itself). Oh it was a lovely mess.

So we've been asked to read the following poem for one of my sociology classes:

Gary Snyder

Song of the Taste

Eating the living germs of grasses
Eating the ova of large birds

the fleshy sweetness packed
around the sperm of swaying trees

The muscles of the flanks and thighs of
soft-voiced cows
the bounce in the lamb’s leap
the swish in the ox’s tail

Eating roots grown swoll
inside the soil

Drawing on life of living
clustered points of light spun
out of space
hidden in the grape.

Eating each other’s seed
ah, each other.

Kissing the lover in the mouth of bread:
lip to lip.

And no one in the class besides me seems to see the blatant sexual overtones in this piece. So, come on guys, you see it right?

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Nah, no overtones there, not even innuendo ;-)

Heck...There are

3. Polkageist!

One day whilst out exploring in some
far-flung foreign corner, I took respite
from my journey to admire the local fauna.
When from the twilight distance a peel of
bells and laughter, set my heart-strings
fluttering like bats through chapel rafters.
On entering a clearing I did sense
impending peril, beheld a Gypsy wench
with flashing eyes bright, sharp and feral.
She smiled at me so sweetly
(bit a lip that smacked of danger),
gave a look fit to disarm
this poor, unwitting stranger.

Her rhythm pounced upon me
it trounced me in a trice.
That charm she wove about me
gripped me tight as any vice.
(She spoke in tongues above me).
Though I cast my eyes to Christ,
you'd need the virtue of a saint
to not succumb - overcome this

Arms of ivory strummed perfection
summond me toward the middle.
Pan warmed up his pipes
heard Herne a plucking at the fiddle.
She wrapped herself about me
(felt her hot breath at my ear);
Danced a horizontal polka
down the path to Hell I fear.

We're on a path to Hell I fear!

Her rhythm pounced upon me
it trounced me in a trice.
That charm she wove about me
gripped me tight as any vice.
(She spoke in tongues above me).
Though I cast my eyes to Christ,
you'd need the virtue of a saint
to not succumb - overcome this

The Horny Huntress:
"A spirit sent to haunt you
taunting all your earthly days.
Satyrs vaunt
cavorting to the reel Cernunnos plays.
I head our wild procession
(every beast from man to mouse),
finds freedom in possession
Polkageist is in the house!"

Juice of fruit beyond forbidden
dripping slowly from her fingers,
she took my hand and led me
to that place where cunning lingers.

Her rhythm pounced upon me
it trounced me in a trice.
That charm she wove about me
gripped me tight as any vice.
(She spoke in tongues above me).
Though I cast my eyes to Christ,
you'd need the virtue of a saint
to not succumb - overcome this

lyrics that are more subtle...

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Skyclad - one of my favourites about 15 years back - prince of the poverty line was a great cd.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4


I just don't get why they're all looking at me like I'm just a perv. Meanwhile I'm looking at them like their all blind, stupid or both.

VC - Sydney, Australia
Steel Panther - Tiger Woods wrote:

If you don't golf that's okay
You can be a tiger anyway
Lie through your teeth when things get tough
Or your balls are gonna wind up in the rough, yeah yeah

If you wanna be like Tiger Woods
Fertilizing ladies in the neighborhood
Get real rich and you will find
All the hot chicks will want to grind

If you wanna be like Tiger Woods
Grip that shaft like you know you should
Get a platinum card, it will be all good
The girls will want you just like Tiger Woods

Remember this when you're having fun
Three holes are better than a hole in one, yeah
If the word gets out don't be afraid
When a 9 iron's heading for your Escalade! yeah yeah

If you wanna be like Tiger Woods
Filling all the divots in the neighborhood
Don't think about those three foot putts
And cover your tracks when you're banging them sluts

If you wanna be like Tiger Woods
Text messages are never good
Nail the girl at the driving range
Your life will change, just like Tiger Woods

Have your best friend book all your flights
Tell your wife that you're golfing nights
Get a call girl and maybe just chill
Be willing to part with a 100 mil

Bang a new pornstar every day
Tell your sponsors it will be okay
Surprise them all with an invitation
To a viewing of your first double penetration, yeah

If you wanna be like Tiger Woods
Poking all the holes in the neighborhood
Tell your wife how it's gonna be
Your driver is community property

If you wanna be like Tiger Woods,
Brett Favre did it, so you know you could!

Become the king of your neighborhood
Like Steel Panther and Tiger Woods

Just like Tiger Woods! oh yeah yeah

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Alrighty then.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Fine, heres some romance....

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

lmfao beautiful

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Hey guys and gals, thanks for keeping a log warm and your shoulders too. ;) So I watched Red Dawn for the first time the other day found that while the movie was terrible, Jennifer Gray working the crew served machine gun by herself was pretty hot, lol.

Male Pale Master

I love that movie Bilbo. They actually remade it - Red Dawn 2012

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Male Orc Expert 5

Movies like this amuse me. It's good fun when I think about the vast expanses of heavily armed red necks waiting for socialist communist muslims to come and try to take their guns. Kind of gives pause to the average grunt knowing they'll be going into territory to subdue a populace that hates its own government almost as much as it hates you, is armed to the teeth, prides itself on marksmanship, and builds home made bunkers in the event of nuclear apocalypse.

Fun place America. Our healthcare is shit and every attempt to fix it has failed, we hate our own educators, we embrace violence while shying away from anything resembling sexual contact.

But god help you if you try to take away our guns.

Is that THOR defending us from Koreans, haha?

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Ermagawd Red Dawn.

The thing that fills me with dismay is that those rednecks would be killed in shocking numbers in a mere couple of days. Lets look at what happened when the coalition forces rolled into Iraq; Iraq had the fourth largest standing army in the world kitted out with some pretty (world standards) good gear, were trained, and had an organisational structure.

It was beers in Baghdad by lunchtime.

Education is the only real way forward.

Male Orc Expert 5
Shifty wrote:

Ermagawd Red Dawn.

The thing that fills me with dismay is that those rednecks would be killed in shocking numbers in a mere couple of days. Lets look at what happened when the coalition forces rolled into Iraq; Iraq had the fourth largest standing army in the world kitted out with some pretty (world standards) good gear, were trained, and had an organisational structure.

It was beers in Baghdad by lunchtime.

Followed by ten or so years of expense, widows, and nervous grunts checking the side of the road for artillery shells rigged to turn their tin foil car into many many aluminum cans. Filled with meat.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Except the redneck guys couldn't count on the support of neighbouring countries to assist with that. Not like France is going to send ships again.

Anyhow, silly movie... how's North Korea going to invade anyone, like REALLY?

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For those of the Baldur's Gate and Planescape Torment loving kind - there's a little kickstarter that launched today that might be of interest.

Project Eternity - by Obsidian Entertainment.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Wow - I like! Thanks for the tip... was wondering how I missed it but launched yesterday. Almost hit the funding goal in 24 hours! insane!

2014 - BOOO.

Yeah - but at least the 2014 delivery means they are being realistic ;)

VC - Sydney, Australia


Reckon there's going to be much in the way of stretch goals? Otherwise...

There will be stretch goals no doubt - but for something like is it's generally 'add more stuff' or 'make it mac / linux compatible.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

You know what really sucks? Eczema in the ear. Yeah.

VC - Sydney, Australia


Twilightrose wrote:
You know what really sucks? Eczema in the ear. Yeah.


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Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Greetings all,

Whilst wending my way about the Paizo Boards I was drawn to the warmth of your campfire (I have moth blood on my father's side) and the promise of marshmallows.

Have space for a significantly off-kilter addition to your merry band?

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Good night everybody, I log off for another 'merry' nightshift :-|

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Human Fighter 5 AC: 20 (22 2-wield) Touch: 13 (15 2-wield) FF 17 HP 24/50 Init: +4
Double Dagger Attack Routine:
[dice=Attack]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Damage]d4+8[/dice] [dice=Attack]d20+10[/dice] [dice=Damage]d4+7[/dice]

Off-kilter is a relative term, Mr./Ms. Xenh, particularly at a campfire such as this!

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Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Welcome to the campfire Xenh, we have not had a good roast here in a while. Although we do have a campfire elemental and a few months ago we had some issues with someone summoning chocolate and marshmallow elementals.

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Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Vaughn Elliot wrote:
Off-kilter is a relative term, Mr./Ms. Xenh, particularly at a campfire such as this!

I see your point, for if the norm is akimbo, then consideration for oddities requires one to achieve an epic level of bedlam and silliness.

(picks nose with a flaming grasshopper while singing Pavarotti)

I will take a running start at feigning to fit in :)

That's Mr. Xenh if you're nasty.

(wanders off to complete an 80's big hair sprayed coifed, legwarmer-wearing dance montage)

Tirion Jörðhár wrote:
Welcome to the campfire Xenh, we have not had a good roast here in a while. Although we do have a campfire elemental and a few months ago we had some issues with someone summoning chocolate and marshmallow elementals.

I appreciate the warm invite, thanks Tirion ~

Is there consensus required to join? Hazing? Let me know who to suck up to :)

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

The only person you really have to suck up to is Zyren. He is the ringleader of this circus. You piss him off and you'll likely get the boot. And since we all fall on our knees in hourly worship to him, it's highly likely that we'll rise up like demons from hell to do away with you.

OK, maybe that was a little dramatic... maybe.

Anyway, welcome. The Campfire is technically the ooc thread for all of the games Zyren DM's, but he is a merciful god and is not opposed to allowing other weary travelers to warm themselves by his fires.

For my general amusement, would you identify yourself by your reproductive organs, your approximate location on this spinning rock in a vast field of nothingness and everythingness (yes I made that up, deal with it) as well as your relative time spent on said rock?

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Twilightrose wrote:
The only person you really have to suck up to is Zyren. He is the ringleader of this circus. You piss him off and you'll likely get the boot. And since we all fall on our knees in hourly worship to him, it's highly likely that we'll rise up like demons from hell to do away with you.

No worries, I have the Craft: Shrine skill and a fair amount of mashed potatoes.

I had wondered about all of you being on your knees, but had come to a different conclusion as to the rationale...nm. :)

Twilightrose wrote:
For my general amusement, would you identify yourself by your reproductive organs, your approximate location on this spinning rock in a vast field of nothingness and everythingness (yes I made that up, deal with it) as well as your relative time spent on said rock?
Hiding this from casual glances:
  • I am an "outy" in terms of genitalia.
  • Canuck...uhm, *ahem*...eh?
  • My birth cycle transpired over 12,000 moon ago.

New to the Paizo Boards, though I have played a fair amount of PBP via Google Groups, so I am just playing...

It's true

Forsooth, this is not for IC eyes!

1d6 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 241d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

I'm seriously beginning to wonder if there aren't any other real life females on paizo... has anyone else run into a rl chick on here besides me?

And yes, Xenh, since you bring it up, he might require that of you as well since you aren't in one of his campaigns, you'll have to make yourself useful somehow.

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VC - Sydney, Australia
Twilightrose wrote:
I'm seriously beginning to wonder if there aren't any other real life females on paizo... has anyone else run into a rl chick on here besides me?

Yeah there's a couple, although they don't really talk about it much. There's a few on here that frequent the PFS games locally as well.

I think they just avoid self-identifying too much to avoid the sweaty breathy grognards that try and mooch on them, or the abusive douchewads who dont think women should be in gaming.

Then again, there's always Asmodia - doesn't seem very shy that one.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

I've never had anyone tell me that they don't think women should game, in fact I hear quite the opposite, most guys I talk to wish more women would game. I haven't had too much of an issue with guys in gaming forums being to overbearing either. Though, when I use to play TAO and I frequented their forums (before my ex through a hissy fit because I was moving in on his terrain basically, and they liked me more than they did him) I did get a few teenage male groupies lol.

I wish the campfire would draw in some female strays sometime. No offense, guys, you know I love ya, but it would be nice to have some more estrogen around lol.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Its more the guys who think women should game, and then the game always includes a trip to a rape-dungeon or some other dirty fantasy. Have a read of the 'bad GM' threads, what goes on is frightening.

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Male Orc Expert 5

Hey now I'm sure to put signs on the rape dungeons. If you walk into the dungeon of the all penetrating sensual tentacle beasts it's your own damn fault.

Male Orc Expert 5

It's especially your fault if you try to be forward with the sensual tentacle beasts and they'd prefer a nice chat over some tea.

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