Zyren's luxurious campfire... this time with marshmallows...

Play-by-Post Discussion

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female human/Garundi war/wizard 2 HP 26/26| AC:14 / T 12 / FF 12 | F:4 R:4 W:4 | Init 2 | Cmb:2 Cmd 14

I have arrived in sandpoint HOR

great to be here :)

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Good to have you!

Dungeon Master

Welcome, Ceragia! Thanks for your patience. That took a little longer than I thought it would! However, we are delighted that you could join us!

Tirion, I did not know that you suffered from Post Hyptnotic Pathfinding!

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Actually it is Poorly Handled Pathfinding, but close enough.

And welcome Ceragia - we are going to barbecue our current gnome sorcerer shortly to celebrate surviving the house of joy we just finished.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Wow, I got up this morning, then went back to sleep for four hours.

I think I had best stop the party bus this week...!

Great now I'm posing in the wrong threads and not making sense in others... maybe back to bed :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)

Sorry everybody, was absent most of the weekend!

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VC - Sydney, Australia

I'm still absent!

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

I wasn't absent, I just wasn't really here.

Male Orc Expert 5

I have been here since before the dawn of your pathetic human existences. I will be here at the dusk.

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Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Humans? Where? I thought that we had eliminated them after they kept destroying every civilization they became involved in.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)
Tirion Jörðhár wrote:
I wasn't absent, I just wasn't really here.


Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Here and exhausted - updates tomorrow!

VC - Sydney, Australia

LOL ok :)

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)


Male Half-Elf (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 7 Drow Stats 51/51 hp;AC 19/T 14/FF 16; F +2/R +8/W +3; Int/Wis Skills -1


Great. Now you got me doing it too.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

:) Sorry, only had 4 hours of sleep and it's just oh so quiet in here.

Male Pale Master

Its xmas in Hollis! for those bored viewers out there. enjoy.

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???
Bree Longfield wrote:
:) Sorry, only had 4 hours of sleep and it's just oh so quiet in here.

I hear you...first I had a horribly nightshift with more drunk and mixed upo customers tha I see half of the year (sunday night), then I have to work for classes during the day, then, when I finally get to sleep after some 40ish hours my neighbor upstairs gets into an argument with his girlfriend sreaming and shouting for another almost two hours...

Then I get five or six hours of sleep...

One day later and I feel like I could fall asleep standing...

Oh, also my brother is over for christmas. experience says he will occupy my computer for most of the days, so my posting my become erratic and less frequent, I try to keep up with HoM, though.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

I'm praying my kid will take a nap soon, she and I both definitely need one but if she waits too long to take one, she'll just end up being up all night again. I'm trying to get her on a "normal" schedule but it's not going very smoothly. Plus, tomorrow is her birthday and I really don't want her to be cranky on her birthday.

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Good luck on all three accounts!

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

*Sigh*. She did finally fall asleep at 5 pm and slept until 9 pm. So much for a sane schedule.

Male Human (Half-Russian Half Chinese Tough 2 Charasmatic 2

I'm travelling from Harbin to Beijing to NYC to Philadelphia by trains AND planes. Thus I don't think I'll have time to post until Christmas. Ivan will just try to stab, throttle, or beat down some Italians until that time.
Merry Christmas, everybody! Safe Travels!

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Male Orc Expert 5

Look at it this way. Once you're in philadelphia you can start clicking on on those you tube links to get what the joke's about.

VC - Sydney, Australia
Ivan Li wrote:

Ivan will just try to stab, throttle, or beat down some Italians until that time.

Oh I wasn't aware there was a Jersey Shore campaign...!?

WS: 33 BS: 31 S: (3+1?)5 T: (3)1 Ag: (4)5 Int: (4)0 Per: (3)4 Wil: (3)2 Fel: (3)5
Shifty wrote:
Ivan Li wrote:

Ivan will just try to stab, throttle, or beat down some Italians until that time.

Oh I wasn't aware there was a Jersey Shore campaign...!?

"Gregori has seen this show of fascist design. Is not something Gregori would desire sexy time with. Most unnatural for women to be so loud and dark skinned having never seen the sun or did hard work in field like good worker. When Gregori settle down it will be with fat american b@$%% with great gigantic titties. Will bear many sons. Will teach them to be good comrades and hard workers. Also maybe teach them how to kill fascist with frozen potato."

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)
Shifty wrote:
Ivan Li wrote:

Ivan will just try to stab, throttle, or beat down some Italians until that time.

Oh I wasn't aware there was a Jersey Shore campaign...!?

We tried one, but all the characters were too slimy and "Annoying" is not a recognized alignment.

Shifty wrote:
Ivan Li wrote:

Ivan will just try to stab, throttle, or beat down some Italians until that time.

Oh I wasn't aware there was a Jersey Shore campaign...!?

I am deeply saddened that people outside of the USA know of the Jersey Shore

VC - Sydney, Australia
Meowzebub wrote:
I am deeply saddened that people outside of the USA know of the Jersey Shore

Then perhaps you need to look up the show Geordie Shore.

I will say, if you aren't good with English accents then you might have issues, those Geordies have an accent so thick you can carve it. They also make the Jersey kids look like virginal prudes.

MTV:Geordie Shore.

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Yesterday I smashed the thumb of my left hand with a pretty heavy hammer - yay - now it's mostly purple with green and yellow spots and about twice as big as the one of the right hand...

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???

Yikes! At least take a photo, in case you need a model for a new aberration mini sometime...

If you hace Aloe oil, that works wonders, better then any medical ointment I ever used (and I really, really know that kind of injury...)

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

How come you know that kind of injury?

Divine Gamemaster of the Abyss and below...

Hah! as a one handed monkey I will produce zillions of typos

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Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

My daughter's 4th birthday today :)

Scarab Sages

male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???
Zyren Zemerys wrote:
How come you know that kind of injury?

Helping too many people move...

...unwillingness to admit the clumsiness...
...trying to craft things despite the clumsiness... (Well, I can repair most moderatly difficult things in my household, I just generally get injured in the process...)

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
male 1/4 Elf Lorekeeper???
Bree Longfield wrote:
My daughter's 4th birthday today :)

I wish you and her a happy day!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-Elf (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 7 Drow Stats 51/51 hp;AC 19/T 14/FF 16; F +2/R +8/W +3; Int/Wis Skills -1
Bree Longfield wrote:
My daughter's 4th birthday today :)

Is that too soon for the Pathfinder's Beginner Box?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
VC - Sydney, Australia

Yeah theers a beginner box under our tree.

Curious to see what it looks like unpacked.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)

Gonna be a beginner box under our tree as well. Just got back from a day of skiing in the rain. And then got enjoy the 20 mile drive home in freezing rain up and down hills, gotta love northern New Hampshire.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)
Tirion Jörðhár wrote:
Gonna be a beginner box under our tree as well. Just got back from a day of skiing in the rain. And then got enjoy the 20 mile drive home in freezing rain up and down hills, gotta love northern New Hampshire.

No I don't :P

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)

I've gifted two of them so far. They look great opened up. Hopefully somebody gets me one as well!

Dungeon Master

My box set for my son just came in the mail today. I can't wait to see the expression on his face when he opens it on Christmas morning! Who knows, maybe I will play with it more than he does!

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Thanks feytharn! Sebastian, it's never too young for rpg stuff! Though, alas, that isn't what I got her this year.

Male Wandering Nomad 3

I'm gonna be slow the next few days -- I just arrived home for the holidays to learn there's some domestic troubles and I'm not staying where I thought I'd be staying, and I don't have regular, reliable internet access at the moment.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/9 - (HP: 49/49 - AC20;FF17;T18 - F+5;R+6;W+7 - Init+9 - Per+11)
garabbott wrote:
I'm gonna be slow the next few days -- I just arrived home for the holidays to learn there's some domestic troubles and I'm not staying where I thought I'd be staying, and I don't have regular, reliable internet access at the moment.

Ouch, good luck

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

I hope things get settled for you, garabbott.

Male Half-Elf (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 7 Drow Stats 51/51 hp;AC 19/T 14/FF 16; F +2/R +8/W +3; Int/Wis Skills -1

Garabbot, there is an opening in "Gangs of Absalom" if you find time to post over there.

Male Orc Expert 5

In other news I jsut saw Bilbo posting somewhere.


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Male Wandering Nomad 3

Hey thanks Sebastian, I appreciate it!

And thanks Bree, I'm not letting myself get very concerned over it. And I found internet, too!

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Hurray for Internet!

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Male Half-Elf (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 7 Drow Stats 51/51 hp;AC 19/T 14/FF 16; F +2/R +8/W +3; Int/Wis Skills -1

<pokes fire with his poking stick to keep it from going out>

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