>>Ask Merisiel Sillvari ALL your questions here<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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Which of your weapons is your favorite dagger and why?

Who is your favorite knifesmith?

How is Korvosa this time of year?

John Kretzer wrote:

And why hire some creepy emo 'half-vampire' assassin who has probably read too much Anne Rice? ;)

I suggest you choose your words more carefully...this is your last warning...*slinks into the shadows and starts preping his weapons*

*from the shadows* Merisiel if you can convince Paizo to release the aforementioned calender I'll see to humiliating Ezren for you.

Oh and if you need help I'm free to help apply suntan lotion to you anytime you need it. That I will do for free.

Speaking of Assassins, what would be your first thought on encountering the Half-Orc Assassin from page 379 of the Core Rulebook?

Ironicly enough, you seem to share a love of stabbery items, judging by the number of weapons you are both carrying.

What new talent or feat are you looking forward to learning in - say - a few weeks. Around the 18th of Desnus or so.

Damar wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

And why hire some creepy emo 'half-vampire' assassin who has probably read too much Anne Rice? ;)

I suggest you choose your words more carefully...this is your last warning...*slinks into the shadows and starts preping his weapons*

Oh stop. I am just kidding. I mean that is a problem with assassins and vampires both is that they have no sense of humor. Learn to laugh at yourself a little.

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John Kretzer wrote:
Damar wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

And why hire some creepy emo 'half-vampire' assassin who has probably read too much Anne Rice? ;)

I suggest you choose your words more carefully...this is your last warning...*slinks into the shadows and starts preping his weapons*

Oh stop. I am just kidding. I mean that is a problem with assassins and vampires both is that they have no sense of humor. Learn to laugh at yourself a little.

Vampires have a sense of humor.

Unfortunately, it's affected by a severely distorted sense of time.

A vampire joke usually starts with offering a gold piece to your great great great grandfather, and then BAM, 100 years later, you open a closet and a wolverine bites your arm off. And outside the window, the vampire is laughing his butt off at how well his practical joke went.

A question (or eight) for The Great Stabby One...

A) How much would you have to be offered by the Pathfinder Organization to model nude in their new Adventurer Girl Quarterly?

B) How much would you have to be offered by the Pathfinder Organization to pose on a risque Calendar?

C) Would the amount in A and B change if they promised a percentage of the proceeds to charities that helped street kids?

D) What is your favorite flavor of cake?

E) Can you cook? If not, who's the best cook amongst your traveling companions?

F) Have you ever considered cooking one of your companions when stranded out in the field for an extended period without supplies? If so, which one?

G) What's the most exotic monster you've ever had for dinner? What did it taste like?

H) If you could make two of your companions trade personalities, which two would you make trade personalities?

Misery wrote:


Which of the four elements (or five if you like void/aether) best represents you?

Air! Becasue dirt is nasty.

ulgulanoth wrote:

did Lini ever set one of the iconics on fire for annoying her?

did Lem ever got kicked out of a tarvern or inn for singing?

are you still mad at Valeros for calling you a "petty thief"?

have you ever been nagged by the tag-team of both Kyra and Seelah?

what do you think of the chicken eidolon of Balazar? its a funny thing isn't it?

ever played a trick on Alahazra since she's blind? and how did that go?

should i stop trying to make a rust skeleton shogoth bat?


Not in a way that I enjoyed.
Eidolons are silly.
Nope; that's mean. Also, she shoots fire from her fingers.
Nah; keep at it! It certainly won't turn against you and destroy you in an irony-fueled retribution.

acecipher wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
acecipher wrote:
If you had to change allignment, what would you prefer to be?
Ummm... what's wrong with my current one?
Nothing. Its just a way I use to better define what exactly a character's alignment really is, since only having 9 alignments is still a rather.... imprecise way of defining someone.

That's... weird.

That's like saying, "I like to change the color of things because that lets me know what color they really are."

You have successfully confused me, and that makes me stabby.

ulgulanoth wrote:
will that bat comment get me stabbed again?

No... but posting right after someone else annoys and confuses me does. Sorry in advance!


ThatEvilGuy wrote:

Which of your weapons is your favorite dagger and why?

Who is your favorite knifesmith?

How is Korvosa this time of year?

My rapier, because it's more bad-ass. I love all my daggers equally.

I don't give out names like that. I keep them to myself.

Korvosa? AKA "little Cheliax"? Same as usual... stuffy and noisy and impy and jealous of Magnimar.

Liberty's Edge

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Who do you take after: Mom or Dad?

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:

Speaking of Assassins, what would be your first thought on encountering the Half-Orc Assassin from page 379 of the Core Rulebook?

Ironicly enough, you seem to share a love of stabbery items, judging by the number of weapons you are both carrying.

I would avoid him because he looks like he's looking for trouble. Also, he's an orc, and they smell bad.

LoreKeeper wrote:

What new talent or feat are you looking forward to learning in - say - a few weeks. Around the 18th of Desnus or so.

Ummm... what are you trying to do here? (narrows eyes)

mdt wrote:

A question (or eight) for The Great Stabby One...

A) How much would you have to be offered by the Pathfinder Organization to model nude in their new Adventurer Girl Quarterly?

B) How much would you have to be offered by the Pathfinder Organization to pose on a risque Calendar?

C) Would the amount in A and B change if they promised a percentage of the proceeds to charities that helped street kids?

D) What is your favorite flavor of cake?

E) Can you cook? If not, who's the best cook amongst your traveling companions?

F) Have you ever considered cooking one of your companions when stranded out in the field for an extended period without supplies? If so, which one?

G) What's the most exotic monster you've ever had for dinner? What did it taste like?

H) If you could make two of your companions trade personalities, which two would you make trade personalities?

A) How much do they got?

B) How much do THEY got?
C) Nope. I was a street kid and didn't get help and turned out fine. They can do the same if they're up to it. If they're not... that's their fault for being orphans.
D) Ummm... does it matter as long as it tastes good? I guess yellow, since that's my favorite color.
E) Nope. Harsk.
F) Nope. Even though it's not TECHNICALLY cannibalism in most cases since most of them aren't elves... I'm not a troll. I don't eat peoples.
G) Darkmantle. Like octopus but kinda gritty.
H) Kyra and Valeros. Ha.

Studpuffin wrote:
Who do you take after: Mom or Dad?

Didn't know either, so I guess I'll choose Mom since mom, like me, was female.

Some more questions Merisiel....

1) If you ever went into another professional what would it be?

2) What do you think of the fact that in elf society children are not considered mature till the age of 110?

3) Have you ever considered teaching?

4) and one silly question....So how many stabs does it take to get to the center of a behol....wait those don't exist...nevermind. grumble.

Dark Archive

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
will that bat comment get me stabbed again?

No... but posting right after someone else annoys and confuses me does. Sorry in advance!


bleeds out slowly

well i didn't thought that could annoy or confuse someone...

John Kretzer wrote:

Some more questions Merisiel....

1) If you ever went into another professional what would it be?

2) What do you think of the fact that in elf society children are not considered mature till the age of 110?

3) Have you ever considered teaching?

4) and one silly question....So how many stabs does it take to get to the center of a behol....wait those don't exist...nevermind. grumble.


It's normal. Humans are freaky.
Just one if the knife is long enough.

Dark Archive

did i learn my lesson?

Grand Lodge

If in a life and death situation and you could only save one of your adventuring companions who would it be and why?

Dark Archive

ever had to make the decission that Madclaw asked on the field?

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:

A) How much do they got?
B) How much do THEY got?

They are not allowed to inform Rogues or Bards while negotiations are ongoing.

A) How much would you pay to be included in the Adventurer Girls Quarterly?

B) How much more would you pay Kyra were tric... blackma... convinced to do a nude spread?

C) How much more than that would you pay if you were guaranteed to be included in a dual spread with Kyra?*

D) Would you take a Tropical Tengu for a cohort if it had a peg-leg and called you Captain Stabby?

E) Have you ever captained a ship?

F) Have you ever served on a ship's crew?

G) Would you leave land and live on the ocean if a pirate ship offered you a berth?

* Note that there are no anachronistic cameras, therefore you'd be forced to sit and pose with Kyra in provocative poses for 5 to 8 hours a day for at least 3 weeks while a painter paints the initial painting.**

** Note that this time estimate assumes nothing untoward happens to the painting during the process.

Magnificent Merisiel of Marvelous Maiming,
I hear your alignment is Chaotic Neutral:

1) Does it bother you that many would think your rather crazy due to your alignment??

2) Would you consider switching your alignment to Chaotic Gorgeous?

3) How about Lawful Staberrific?? The only law one needs to follow under this alignment is to always stab your foes.

Madclaw wrote:
If in a life and death situation and you could only save one of your adventuring companions who would it be and why?

Kyra. Cause she's got mad healing skills and can fix things like dead companions.

Monkeygod wrote:

Magnificent Merisiel of Marvelous Maiming,

I hear your alignment is Chaotic Neutral:

1) Does it bother you that many would think your rather crazy due to your alignment??

2) Would you consider switching your alignment to Chaotic Gorgeous?

3) How about Lawful Staberrific?? The only law one needs to follow under this alignment is to always stab your foes.

1) People who assume "chaotic neutral" and "crazy" are synonymous are themselves crazy.

2) Ha.

3) Nope. Lawful rhymes with awful for a reason.

mdt wrote:

A) How much would you pay to be included in the Adventurer Girls Quarterly?

B) How much more would you pay Kyra were tric... blackma... convinced to do a nude spread?

C) How much more than that would you pay if you were guaranteed to be included in a dual spread with Kyra?*

D) Would you take a Tropical Tengu for a cohort if it had a peg-leg and called you Captain Stabby?

E) Have you ever captained a ship?

F) Have you ever served on a ship's crew?

G) Would you leave land and live on the ocean if a pirate ship offered you a berth?

* Note that there are no anachronistic cameras, therefore you'd be forced to sit and pose with Kyra in provocative poses for 5 to 8 hours a day for at least 3 weeks while a painter paints the initial painting.**

** Note that this time estimate assumes nothing untoward happens to the painting during the process.

A) Zero. They'd have to pay ME.

B) Zero. Because Kyra would never agree, and then they'd have my money. It's a scam!
C) I think that Kyra would interpret that as being a harlot, and she'd hold it against me. Ya gots to be more subtle than that!
D) Yes. Wouldn't have to be a "Tropical" one. I'm not even sure why you put "Tropical" in that sentence anyway. Weird.
E) No. Not yet.
F) Not technically.
G) Not forever. There's too much fun stuff on land to abandon for long.

What would you do if you ran into a Minotaur Bard?

What do you think yellow would taste like?

As a fellow follower of Calistria, where's your favorite Calistrian hang out?

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

mathpro18 wrote:
What would you do if you ran into a Minotaur Bard?

Find a different campaign run by a GM who wasn't silly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ThatEvilGuy wrote:

What do you think yellow would taste like?

As a fellow follower of Calistria, where's your favorite Calistrian hang out?

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

Lemmos or mustard!

The Pixie's ... um... Kitty. In Sandpoint. Not an OFFICIAL Calistrian hangout, but it should be!

Because Poe wrote on both. Although I shouldn't know that since I've never(more) been to Baltimore.

Silver Crusade

Ever been to Nidal? Is the countryside noticably gloomier during the day than that of neighboring coutnries?

(don't buy leather armor or goods of any kind in Nisroch btw...)

What have your best and worst experiences been with Hellknights?

Magnets, how do they work?

Mikaze wrote:

Ever been to Nidal? Is the countryside noticably gloomier during the day than that of neighboring coutnries?

** spoiler omitted **

What have your best and worst experiences been with Hellknights?

Magnets, how do they work?

I've seen Nidal from the decks of ships, and I've seen even more people FROM Nidal... not much of what I've seen makes me eager to go there.

My best experiences with them have been the times I've managed to avoid them. The worst? That time I had to take a ship with one from Korvosa to Kintargo. Ugh. Longest. Trip. Ever.

Magnets? They're not magic, because they don't fetch super high prices. My guess? They're rocks what want to get back to the other rocks but can't because they've been turned into weird U shapes and stuff. Also they might be haunted.

Other than a bonk on the head or a spell by a friend, do you have any recommendations on overcoming a bout of insomnia?

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:

Magnets, how do they work?
Magnets? They're not magic, because they don't fetch super high prices. My guess? They're rocks what want to get back to the other rocks but can't because they've been turned into weird U shapes and stuff. Also they might be haunted.

And Next Week on Merisiel Teaches Physics... RAIN: Atmospheric Precipitation or Crying Demigods?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
acecipher wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
acecipher wrote:
If you had to change allignment, what would you prefer to be?
Ummm... what's wrong with my current one?
Nothing. Its just a way I use to better define what exactly a character's alignment really is, since only having 9 alignments is still a rather.... imprecise way of defining someone.

That's... weird.

That's like saying, "I like to change the color of things because that lets me know what color they really are."

You have successfully confused me, and that makes me stabby.

Ah, my apologies. If the analogy helps, it is like trying to find the right shade of red-orange to put on a painting: should it be really red or more orange-y?

And a serious question now: If there was a Chaotic Stabby alignment, would you agree to be its paragon (IE the person who defines it)?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just to show I'm not upset about you calling my people 'smelly', here's a gift.

*hands Merisiel a crate labeled "+5 Returning Daggers"*

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:

Lemmos or mustard!

The Pixie's ... um... Kitty. In Sandpoint. Not an OFFICIAL Calistrian hangout, but it should be!

Because Poe wrote on both. Although I shouldn't know that since I've never(more) been to Baltimore.

Sour and tangy... gotcha!

Never been to Sandpoint, all those crazy things that happened recently just doesn't make it look like a great vacationing spot... never been to Baltimore either. Is it in Andoran?

Did you buy or... "find" your rapier? Is it mithral? Mithral rapiers are awesome.

Have you ever been to Kyonin?

What do you think of Arshea?

What is the best smelling monster you have ever stabbed?

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:

Just to show I'm not upset about you calling my people 'smelly', here's a gift.

*hands Merisiel a crate labeled "+5 Returning Daggers"*

That is just mean. Some getting stabbed.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Other than a bonk on the head or a spell by a friend, do you have any recommendations on overcoming a bout of insomnia?

Enjoy it! Being awake is fun! Sleep will come when it wants to.

Dies Irae wrote:
And Next Week on Merisiel Teaches Physics... RAIN: Atmospheric Precipitation or Crying Demigods?


It's just the clouds sweating. They're closer to the sun, after all. And hence warmer than us.

acecipher wrote:
And a serious question now: If there was a Chaotic Stabby alignment, would you agree to be its paragon (IE the person who defines it)?

Probably something really silly to match the silly alignment? A giant reverse penguin with swords for wings and beaks and eyes?

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:

Just to show I'm not upset about you calling my people 'smelly', here's a gift.

*hands Merisiel a crate labeled "+5 Returning Daggers"*

OOH! Thank you! (Makes Perception check and uses rogue powers to find traps.) WONDERFUL! Before I open this, though, I'll just put it into this river so that the knives are all washed off and shiny as possible when I first see them. Oops. It floated downriver toward that half-orc orphanage! The one where they send all the baby half-orcs who are super susceptible to rabies! Oh well. They can use the knives to fight off tiny rabies-carrying animals, I guess!

ThatEvilGuy wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:

Lemmos or mustard!

The Pixie's ... um... Kitty. In Sandpoint. Not an OFFICIAL Calistrian hangout, but it should be!

Because Poe wrote on both. Although I shouldn't know that since I've never(more) been to Baltimore.

Sour and tangy... gotcha!

Never been to Sandpoint, all those crazy things that happened recently just doesn't make it look like a great vacationing spot... never been to Baltimore either. Is it in Andoran?

Did you buy or... "find" your rapier? Is it mithral? Mithral rapiers are awesome.

Have you ever been to Kyonin?

Depends what rapier you're talking about. This one is indeed mithral and magic. I got it from a fool who wasn't a very good swordfighter.

Haven't been to Kyonin, nope.

doctor_wu wrote:

What do you think of Arshea?

What is the best smelling monster you have ever stabbed?

Cute, but a little too "safe" for my tastes.

Probably one of those tricksy succubi.

So Merisiel...I applaud your way of avioding that trap by that smelly orc.

You are the icomic Rogue I have been basing my rogues on for all of these years.

Was wondering though how many times have you used seduction in your rogueing activities?

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