Guide to the Class Guides


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Shadow Lodge

Added! Thanks.

Guide to the Guides!

Guide to the Builds

Silver Crusade

So, this gonna be where we put 2e guides? Have an idea or two.

Shadow Lodge

N. Jolly wrote:
So, this gonna be where we put 2e guides? Have an idea or two.

Sure! And go for it.

How are you planning to do the organization of stuff for different editions when the 2nd Edition stuff starts arriving?

Shadow Lodge

Probably a different blog post. I'm not sure any of the old stuff will be relevant.

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^Most of the old stuff wouldn't be relevant to 2nd Edition, but it seems that a LOT of people will stick with 1st Edition, especially if 3rd party support for it continues (even if nobody outright does for it what Pathfinder 1st Edition did for D&D 3.5), so it's even possible that you might get a few new 1st Edition guides.

Shadow Lodge

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Yeah, that's what I thought too. I'll make a new guide to the guides when the 2E guides start coming out!

Got another one:
Baggageboy's Mini Guide to Making the Most of UMD at Low Levels [discussion]


Shadow Lodge

Great, added Cevah.

Guide to the Guides

Guide to the Builds

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I think I've got a good one for you:

I've got full class handbooks for 28 base classes (all of the core classes, advanced player's guide classes, magus, gunslinger, unchained classes, occult adventures classes, and vigilante).

I also have a bunch of general character optimization supporting articles:

Practical Guide to Animal Companions
Practical Guide to Channel Energy
Practical Guide to Celestial Armor
Practical Guide to Familiars
Practical Guide to Fighting Defensively
Practical Guide to Firearms
Practical Guide to Martial Flexibility
Practical Guide to Metamagic
Practical Guide to Polymorph
Practical Guide to Skill Unlocks
Practical Guide to Slings
Practical Guide to Summon Monster
Practical Guide to Summon Nature's Ally
Practical Guide to Teamwork Feats
Practical Guide to Vital Strike

^That's a BIG group, so I'm going to just have to mark this for later perusal.

I couldn't find a discussion group for the above, so I sent a PM.

It seems a few of these haven't been updated in years.
Does anyone know of a witch guide that goes into all the potential Patrons and Special Patrons?

The Vital Strike guide is definetly missing options (divine fighting technique, diabolic style, Cleaving Smash, etc.)

Yeah, a lot of the stuff hasn't been updated in years.

I'm kind of hoping that now, with no new updates, there could be a resurgence on guides on the "complete" system, but I'm not expecting it, since now there's also PF2 to write guides for, dividing the attention.

^On the other hand, some of the guide writers (like some of the other players/GMs) won't want to switch to 2nd Edition. wrote:

I think I've got a good one for you:
{. . .}
Practical Guide to Polymorph
{. . .}

I totally want to steal your system of skill-based requirements for polymorphing, and apply something of the sort to Summon Monster/Nature's Ally (I haven't gotten to those guides yet, other than a very cursory check to see if they already had something like that).

Shadow Lodge

Thanks RPGbot, added as a group. If you want to make discussion threads and get some conversations going for some of these, I'll add those as individuals.

Guide to the Guides!

Guide to the Builds

@RPGbot -- I finished going through them. All by PM since no discussion threads were available.

Found another:
Guide: Mort’s Guide for Kineticist Dipping and Dipping Kineticist
Thread: Guide for Kineticist Dipping and Dipping Kineticist


Shadow Lodge

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Added Cevah. Thanks!

Guide to the Guides!

Guide to the Builds

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I just stumbled upon a thread on these forums that contains a large mini-guide on making a living as a Wizard -- it is split into 2 nearly contiguous sets of posts, so 2 links follow for convenience:

Part 1: Making a Living as a Wizard: Elemental Arcane Schools;
Part 2: Making a Living as a Wizard: Traditional Arcane Schools.

Shadow Lodge

Thanks UnArcaneElection. Added it.

Looking forward to your eagle eyes in helping to fill out the Pathfinder Second Edition Guide to the Guides!

Guide to the Guides!

Guide to the Builds

^Might want to leave in the "Making a Living as a Wizard" (or at least use the thread title "What business would a wizard specialist excel at?", although that doesn't sound as catchy), so that people aren't confused as to what these posts are about.

The Guide to Picking Archetypes has a new (last updated today) version at a different link (discussion thread stays the same).

Shadow Lodge

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Thanks as always! Updated both

Guide to the Guides!

Guide to the Builds

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Found another:

A Guide to the Veneficus Witch

I think it might be a dead guide, because the poster only has 2 posts, the latest being this guide notice.

Still, the thread might be a good place to suggest changes in case someone wants to take it over.


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Also, I was checking out Cartmanbeck's Guide to the Iron Caster.

While you have the guide, I found: Disussion


Shadow Lodge

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Awesome, got them both.

Somebody also wrote up an amazing guide to Cleric spells, so you guys should check that out.

Analysis Paralysis: Only the Good Spells from the Cleric, Oracle, and Warpriest Spell Lists in Pathfinder

Guide to the Guides!

Guide to the Builds

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Broken Zenith wrote:
Awesome, got them both.

You have The Iron Caster listed twice.

Once under the Fighter.
Once under the Guide to the Builds. This one has the discussion.
Might want to consolidate.

Broken Zenith wrote:

Somebody also wrote up an amazing guide to Cleric spells, so you guys should check that out.

Analysis Paralysis: Only the Good Spells from the Cleric, Oracle, and Warpriest Spell Lists in Pathfinder

This is an excerpt of:

In Totality: The Ultimate Guide to Every Cleric, Oracle, and Warpriest Spell in Pathfinder (Reddit Discussion)
The author comments on the In Totality guide:
Also included is the sister guide Analysis Paralysis, which only includes the spells ranked green or above. If a long spell list is intimidating to you or one of your players, this should make sifting through your list a much more bearable process.


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A guide went missing: Rogue Eidolon’s Guide to Clerics (Abridged)

Here is a Wayback Copy

Also part of Tark's Big Holy Book of Clerical Optimization is missing: The Gods. Technically it is in the trash bin. I sent him a message.


The Exchange

Demi-Lancer: a guide to dipping cavalier for the Horse Master feat.

Made by me.

If it's presented in a bad way that's easy to improve, let me know. I'll make it better.

^The first time I tried to access the guide linked from your discussion thread, OneDrive wanted me to create an account; the second time I tried to access it, I got a "something went wrong" error message.

I found it linked to a file on dropbox which is fine, but the file wouldn't scroll past the first page. I'll try tomorrow from a proper computer.

Shadow Lodge

Okay, let's see if I got that all correct:

Iron Caster is fine in both guides and builds I think. It's kind of a mix of both.

Got In Totality on there.

Rogue Eidolon's Guide to the Cleric seems like it's back out of the trash.

Hopefully Tark will move The Gods back out of the trash. If not, I'll host it somewhere.

Added the Demi-lancer guide.

Guide to the Guides!

Guide to the Builds

The link to the Demi-lancer guide flashes the guide up for an extremely brief period and then gives me the error message ".rtf files are supported but something went wrong."

The Exchange

UnArcaneElection: I can't edit the first post. The PDF link is in Post #4 in big text. Hopefully that suffices.

^That results in the error message ".pdf files are supported but something went wrong."

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I've just created the guide

Multiple Animal Companions and You

The Discussion Link can be found here
The Guide link can be found here

I've published the guide as a PDF and have formatted it as a book. In order to help keep it readable on any device.

Shadow Lodge

Added the animal companion guide. Looks interesting!

Guide to the Guides

Guide to the Builds

Add my Swashbuckler Tank Build.

Swashbuckler Tank Build

Shadow Lodge

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@Edhan, take a look at the bottom of the Guide to the Builds for the qualifications to make it onto that list.

Found another:

Lord of Creation -- A guide to making the ultimate crafter in Pathfinder
Discussion on Giant in the Playground

For those wanting to be mundane and/or magic crafters.


^Haven't had a chance to read more than a tiny bit of it yet, but it has even been updated fairly recently.

Hey @Broken Zenith, I got a character for your build guide.

She is a 7th level witch, created using NPC rules. Designed as a shopkeeper who has done a bit of traveling. Crafts [magical] jewelry, and does harrowings for others. Feel free to describe better.

Created as a follower for Cevah who has Leadership. From Skull and Shackles AP. Spacing will need cleanup.

Zaitherin, Witch 7, Changeling (Hag+Fetchling)
She is from Shenchu Bay and her name is of Tien derivation
She is a crafter and does Harrowing on the side.
She knows her father was a fetchling, but he died before she was born.
She was raised by Tien descendants.

Languages: Common, Pollygot, Aklo, Draconic, Elven, Orc
Darkvision 60'
Hag Magic replaces claws and natural armor
1/day: dancing lights, detect magic, disguise self, and pass without trace
CL = HD; DC is Cha based
Green Widow*: +2 racial Bluff vs. creatures that are sexually attracted to her.
Familiar: Thrush
+4 NA, Int 9, Alertness, empathic link, improved evasion, share spells, store spells, Deliver touch spells, Speak with master, Speak with animals of its kind
Feat: Additional Traits
Ease of Faith: +1 Diplomancy & class skill
Propitiation*: +2 trait choose each day - Appraise, Bluff, Craft (X), Diplomacy, Intimidate, K(local)
Feat: Craft Wondrous Item
Feat: Ironclad Logic (+4 Diplomancy)
Feat: Forge Ring
Stat: Str 8(-1), Dex 12(+1), Con 12(+1), Int 16+2(+4), Wis 12(+1), Cha 15(+2)
Appraise (11*#)
Craft(Jewelry) (21*#)
Diplomacy (20*)
Perception (8+2#)
Profession(Soothsayer) (13)
Sense Motive (1+2)
Spellcraft (14)
Spells: 4/4+1/3+1/2+1/1+1
Patron: Shadow (silent image, darkness, deeper darkness)
Hex: Healing (Su) 2d8+1/L max 10
Hex: Coven (Ex) Join a coven
Hex: Murksight (Su) See through mist, up to 15' magical mist
Hex: Seduction (Su) Fascinate a target, Will negate; +2 DC if sexually attracted
Headband +2 Int (Diplomacy) 4000/2/2
Dagger 2
Cloak of Protection +1 1000/2/2
Exotic Artisan 1000
Mini Forge 3000/2/2 +5 comp craft(jewelry)
Masterwork Artisan’s Tools 55 +2 circ craft(jewelry)
Tinker's Cap# 200 +2 circ Craft/Appraise
Traveler's Grandiose Carrying Case 1200/2/2
Harrow Deck 100
Masterwork Tools 50 +2 circ Profession(Soothsayer)
Sleeves of Many Garments 200/2/2
Belt of Crafter's Fortune 1/day 360/2/2 +5 luck craft(X)
153 gp + 96 gp
Wanted: Earn (jewelry) 3.2 gp/day; 96 gp/month
Medium’s Harrow Mat 2500/2/2=625 +1CL harrow [Need 4 more months to get]

Exotic Artisan: 10 BP (=1000 gp), 1 Lot
Kingdom Economy +1, Stability +1
Limit Adjacent to 1 House
Magic Items 1 minor ring, wand, or wondrous item
The shop and home of a jeweler, tinker, glassblower, or the like.

Spells: initial
1st: Air Bubble, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds,
Delay Disease, Gentle Breeze, Mage Armor, Mount, Nature's Paths, Sow
Thought, Unseen Servant, Urban Grace
2nd: Alter Self, Anonymous Interaction, Cure Moderate Wounds, Detect
Thoughts, Hold Person, Soothing Word, Twilight Haze
3rd: Akashi Communion, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Conjure Carriage,
Fly, Harrowing, Planar Inquiry
4th: Arcane Eye, Divination, Locate Creature

Edit: Just saw your qualification list. Here goes:

1: Feats:
1) Additional Traits
3) Craft Wondrous Item
5) Ironclad Logic (+4 Diplomancy)
7) Forge Ring

2: what the build does, and why it chose what it did.
The build is designed to be a magic crafter with a well rounded utility as a mundane crafter/shopkeeper, with a side of gypsy fortune teller.
Feats, traits, familiar, and equipment are designed to pump Craft (Jewelry) and Diplomacy. Secondary focus on Profession (Soothsayer).
Spells are a combination focus of enchantment and travel as a gypsy. Good diplomacy helps here. I also wanted to give her a reasonable choice of spells as an adventurer might use while maintaining the main concept.

3: It is either a good build, or it is an interesting build.
Interesting, I hope.

4: It has items that the player should buy.
Already statted out above. The "/2/2" means crafted with earned magic capital. This upped the effected use of NPC wealth. There might be a tad extra from Cevah's gifting, I don't recall.

5: It shows what the build looks like at a handful of important levels....
Sorry. This designed specifically for a 7th level follower slot.

6: It is be well-written, and well organized.
Use the <reply> button to get the spacing.

7: It is built out to level 20.


Shadow Lodge

Cevah wrote:

Hey @Broken Zenith, I got a character for your build guide.

She is a 7th level witch, created using NPC rules. Designed as a shopkeeper who has done a bit of traveling. Crafts [magical] jewelry, and does harrowings for others. Feel free to describe better.
** spoiler omitted **...

Thanks, but don't post this here. You can host it somewhere else (hopefully that you can edit) and then link me to it.

Added the crafter's guide, thank you.

Guide to the Guides

Guide to the Builds

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Hey, just a quick head's up that when I clicked on the link for Treantmonk's Monk guide, I got the following pop-up message:


File is in owner's trash

You will soon permanently lose access to this file. For continued access, please make a copy.

I know it's an old guide for an old version of the class for an old version of the game, but I'm just pointing it out in case anybody wants to re-host it somewhere.

Shadow Lodge

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Good call Andostre, I've saved it for future generations.

Guide to the Guides

Guide to the Builds

The Exchange

You have linked this thedicedecide Occultist guide, and the domain has lapsed. Now it goes to an ad/scam domain squatter.

Hey, Beckett's Guide to Clerics seems to be a dead link, now. A quick Google search didn't immediately turn up any copies of the guide.

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