DM Austin Runs CotCT: Discussion / OOC

Play-by-Post Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Yep... here's this :)

I won't start the first encounter until Monday, as I can't promise I'll be around Sunday.

The intro gives the characters a chance to meet up and get to know each other, so I'll have that up later today, as you guys can chat amongst yourselves at your leisure :D


Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

Uraisa is here, reporting for duty.


Don't mind me, just having a look in as I'm currently on the second part. I love the intro you've done for everyone, very nice and I did the same things with my players.

Here is something of a suggestion:

DM only, no peeking:

I found with Gaedren Lamm's hide out it's not mentioned where the entrance to his little lower ground area is, yet it states that the half-orc and other friends do sit with him. No where does it say how they get down there so I assume you could add description of a trap door that leads down with a ladder, or they climb down the rope that's tied to the bucket, usually filled with items from his Lamms. Just trying to help as it seems to be a oversight of the AP.

Liberty's Edge

overfiend_87 wrote:


Don't mind me, just having a look in as I'm currently on the second part. I love the intro you've done for everyone, very nice and I did the same things with my players.

Here is something of a suggestion:

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks for the suggestion! I hadn't caught that yet. Haha I've gotten quite familiar with the Paizo oddities from Legacy of Fire :P

I'm glad to have the interest of others here! I must admit, though, that I stole the intro idea from another DM here haha :P


updated stats:

Devrin Arlos
CG Human Ranger 1
Init +0; Senses Perception +4
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 shield)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will[/b] +0
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee Battleaxe +2 (1d8+1/x3)
Str 16, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
BAB +1; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats Power Attack, Toughness
Skills Handle Animal +6, Intimidate +6, Knowledge: Arcana +2, Knowledge: Local +2, Perception +4, Spellcraft +5, Survival +4, Use Magic Device +6
Languages Common, Draconic
Trait Magical Knack (+2 CL [sorcerer]), Personal Addiction (+1 Fort)
Special Abilities Favored enemy: Humanoid (Human), Track, Wild Empathy

Equipment (175gp starting, 97.9gp current)
Battleaxe (10gp)
Scale Mail (50gp)
Heavy Wooden Shield (7gp)
Backpack (2gp)
Bedroll (1sp)
Winter Blanket (5sp)
Glass Bottle (2gp)
Chalk x10 (1sp)
Cup, false bottomed (1gp)
Crowbar (2gp)
Flint and Steel (1gp)
Hammer (5sp)
Common Lamp (1sp)
Lantern Oil x7 (7sp)
Sack (1sp)

AFAB Non-Binary Human Cleric 1


I lost most of what I wrote due to Word crashing. I don't want to hold us up any longer by retyping the entire thing out, so I'll keep this brief, and just trust you to ask if you need more info.

Yandara was born in Kyonin 137 years ago to a priestess of Calistria. He grew up with the local temple, until he reached adulthood, at which point he decided it was his duty to spread the word of Calistria to the 'lesser' races. He traveled for a time, before finally arriving in Korvosa where he connected with the small temple of Calistia there. He'd been in Korvosa for about 7 years when he was framed for the murder of a well-known merchant. He found out through another member of the temple that it was Lamm who had framed him so. The only 'witness' was killed, so the trail never happened, but the damage to Yandara's reputation has been done. Now he thinks of nothing else but revenge on the man called Lamm.

Male Elf Cleric 1

And here's his stats so far. I have to run and eat, but I'll be updating them throughout the day, and I'll let you know when I'm done. :)

Is it possible for new people to join?

Liberty's Edge

Ævux wrote:
Is it possible for new people to join?

I think I'm sticking with the four I have now, but it's always good to have backup players. Here's the recruitment thread. Just post in there, and when I need more/fill in players, I'll look to that thread :)

donato wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Lookin' good!

Yandara wrote:
And here's his stats so far. I have to run and eat, but I'll be updating them throughout the day, and I'll let you know when I'm done. :)

Awesome, I look forward to it :)

Male Elf Cleric 1

Done! Sorry it took so long, I got stuck at my friend's house last night, and couldn't borrow their computer.

You still here, DM? No new posts in a couple days now...

Liberty's Edge

Gerald wrote:
You still here, DM? No new posts in a couple days now...

Sorry about that, had a paper to write. Only missed yesterday, I'm writing up today's post.... NOW!


Male Halfling Summoner 4 (AC: 13 [T: 11 FF: 13] | CMD: 13 | HP: 20/20 | F+1, R+4, W+5(+2 vs fear) | Init: +2 |Perc: +3)

Don't you know that this game comes before school? :)

Seriously, though, I understand that papers can be a pain.

Nice, just worried about you when we had no contact for a bit!

Liberty's Edge

Haha thanks for understanding, guys/gals :)

All I have left this semester is one more paper and one program to write. I know about how long those will take, so I can manage my time for those :)

Anywho, new post is up!

Also, I've got something I want to try, to ease PbP combat, and I'll post that in this thread before your first fight.

I'll be back soon!!

Male Elf Cleric 1

Ease pbp combat? Yay~

I'll have to reply tomorrow, since I'm stuck at a friends house now with hail and thunder and such. If anyone lives down in the South East USA, be careful! We had no warning on the hail down here.

I certainly understand real life interrupting our fun, Austin. No worries. I just wanted to be sure everyone was still here and okay...

Liberty's Edge

Yandara wrote:
Ease pbp combat? Yay~

Haha, it's just an idea, so we'll see how it goes. Don't expect miracles :P lol

Yandara wrote:
I'll have to reply tomorrow, since I'm stuck at a friends house now with hail and thunder and such. If anyone lives down in the South East USA, be careful! We had no warning on the hail down here.

No worries. I just posted for today, but you're welcome to ret-con a post when you get on. She'll answer any questions you ask, and I'm ALWAYS willing to make time for PC-PC dialogue :) I'm actually in NC right now. We didn't get any hail, but we've had some crazy thunderstorms lately.

Liberty's Edge

==Combat 1==
Hello all! You guys and gals will be getting into combat sooner or later. As they say, "You can run, but you can't hide." I've come up with a few rules I'd like to put into place, as I think they'll aid in running this smoother. They're based on the Players-Roll-All-The-Dice variant. If the creator of that ends up seeing this thread, you're welcome to post a link to it, if you'd like :)

Along with your Initiative roll in your first In-Combat post, you will include a number of different, well, numbers. If you could include them at the top of your post, in ooc tags, that'd be a great help in keeping track of this stuff. Here's what you'll include:
1) Your current AC, even if it's the same on your character's page. No need to post Flat-Footed or Touch, unless they're different. Whenever you come under an effect that alters your AC, pop that into ooc tags at the beginning of your post. If there's any special circumstances you have an AC for (other than FF/Touch), post those as well. Essentially, if I'm writing up a combat round for Mr. Goblin A who rolls a 15 against Uraisa's normal AC, I'll scroll to her last post that contains an AC line and use that value.
2) Your CMD. This is similar to AC.
3) A value for each save equal to 12+your bonus. This will be essentially an AC against effects that target that save. The math seems funky (ex: why 12 and not 10?), but trust me, it works out!
4) A value for Perception equal to 12+your bonus. See (3).

This allows us to put the following in effect:
1) Rolling attacks - Normal, just compare with the last listed value for whoever you're targeting.
2) CMB - See (1)
3) Effects that target saves - Take the DC of your effect's save, subtract 10, and add the result of a d20 roll. If that number is equal to or greater than the target's value for that save, it fails the save and takes all the effects as normal for a failed save against that effect.
4) Similar to (3)

This adjustment allows a character to take care of all rolls him/herself, without having to resort to: "I roll a 14 touch, does that hit?" "Yes." "Ok, roll Fort, DC 11".... And before you know it, between the character and the DM, it takes four or five posts for a single character's turn in battle.

I'll be posting the same for all of your enemies in battle. I'll trust yall to not use that info to your advantage unless you would already know it (ex: saves on a high-DC Fort spell -> he probably has a strong Fortitude).

I'll try to get a concrete example up at some point. If you guys/gals have any questions, feel free to post here in the OOC thread. I'm putting these in effect so as to SIMPLIFY battle and not COMPLICATE it, so I'm fully available for helping anyone understand/calculate/whatever.

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map

The DM:

You havn't replied, in a while, you okey? Also make sure to read the AP in it's entirety as the meat area later you find if you say "I'd like the choice meats" actually is for working for the people. There's a lot of detail in that place to best to read up and best to know when to move the plot along.

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