Dwarven Ruins?

Gamer Life General Discussion

I am looking for products that layout dwarven ruins to some degree, but cant find any that fit the bill. Any suggestions for products or sites would be a big help!

Grand Lodge

What type of ruin are you specifically looking for; city, castle, temple, tomb?

There are plenty of products from almost every edition of D&D that feature some type of dwarven-made ruin...

Just to toss a product name out there, for 2e there was "The Ruins of Undermountain" which was later updated and expanded to 3.5 in "Expedition to Undermountain"...

You can also use a mapping tool like Dundjinni which has dwarven ruin tiles that you can add.

brassbaboon wrote:
You can also use a mapping tool like Dundjinni which has dwarven ruin tiles that you can add.

I have Dundjinni, isn't it more or less defunct currently? its good for battle maps but not for maping out large areas; i have undermountain somewhere in my basement, i dont recall anything being particularly dwarven about it; my vague memory tells me it was the play creation of a mad mage or some such.

The Exchange

Have a thought about what the Dwarves of your setting design like. Is it a maze based on concentric circles or are they sphere builders...leading to levels that might be out on the edge of the sphere (each levle has a different circle radius and the dungeon is out at the edge of that circle). Maybe their tunnels are circular rather than square cut, or perhaps they are shaped like triangles where the walls lean in at an angle.

Google D&D Map-a-Week. I remember a rather extensive dwarven strong hold that took up about a month's worth. It was pretty awesome. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Grand Lodge

Coltaine wrote:
i dont recall anything being particularly dwarven about it; my vague memory tells me it was the play creation of a mad mage or some such.

Well, if a ruined multi-level DWARVEN city isn't particularly "dwarven" enough for you, I don't know what is ;-)

That "mad mage" simply made the ruins his lair after the fact...

But I'll toss out three more product names:

D0 "Hollow's Last Hope" available as a free PDF download here on Paizo. It has the upper surface level of a ruined dwarven monastery...

D1 "Crown of the Kobold King" also available here on Paizo (though not for free). It features the lower levels of said dwarven monastery...

D4 "Hungry Are the Dead" again, available here on Paizo, and it delves even deeper into that ruined dwarven monastary...

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Check out a 2nd edition product called Axe of the Dwarvish Lords

Dungeon magazine, one of the last ones, had a beautiful dwarven city map.

Grand Lodge

0one Games has a map of a dwarven stronghold (and only $1.65 to boot)...

Dwarven Stronghold

The Dwarven ruins of Dragon Mountain (2nd Edition AD&D) were mapped pretty extensively.

WAsn't Sunless Citadel a dwarven ruin?

Prawn wrote:
WAsn't Sunless Citadel a dwarven ruin?

Forge of Fury definitely was. Not exactly sure of Sunless Citadel though...

Prawn wrote:
WAsn't Sunless Citadel a dwarven ruin?

The Sunless Citadel was not a dwarven ruin. In any event, only the top level survived the collapse into the chasm.

Thanks folks; oddly, i found more or less what i am looking for in a Palladium product called Old Ones (my campaign has a heavy Cthulu vibe) and it includes an extensive dwarven kingdom, though i am going to add in elements from Undermountain- the Lost Level, Axe of the Dwarvish Lords, Forge of Fury, and the Wailing Dwarf from 4e:

Thanks for all your help!

What about Paizo's Kobold King modules? There are several Dwarven ruins in Droskar's Craig.

Dark Archive

Prawn wrote:
Wasn't Sunless Citadel a dwarven ruin?

Actually, it was probably Elven. There are some depictions of Elves along with the dragons.

Darth Knight wrote:
What about Paizo's Kobold King modules? There are several Dwarven ruins in Droskar's Craig.

There is nothing really dwarven about them...these are dwarves who worshipped a god of mediocre construction or some such ( mass churning of product).

Grand Lodge

Coltaine wrote:
There is nothing really dwarven about them...these are dwarves who worshipped a god of mediocre construction or some such ( mass churning of product).

Actually, the dwarves turned to the worship of Drokar...

D0: Hollow's Last Hope wrote:

the dwarves of this monastery turned to depravity and evil long ago. During the fall of their people, these recluses turned to the worship of Droskar, a vile dwarven god of toil.

Renaming their enclave Droskar’s Crucible, the dwarves toiled until their end, leaving behind a ruined monastery and a sprawling dungeon underneath.

In fact, the module further indicates that these dwarves worshipped Torag (the dwarven god of the forge, protection, and strategy) before they "turned to depravity and evil"...

All of this implies to me, that the dwarves built and inhabited the monastery long before they began worshipping that "god of mediocre construction or some such"...

-That One Digitalelf Fellow-

From Crown of the Kobold King:

The crucible is a hallmark of this decline in imagination and spirit. Its spartan interior is a testament to the joyless final days of the dwarves...and it goes on to describe the spartan building.

Grand Lodge

Coltaine wrote:
and it goes on to describe the spartan building.

I would say then, that we are looking at an inconsistency...

Given that D0 and D1 were written by three different authors (D0-Jason Bulmahn, and F. Wesley Schneider. D1-the now infamous Nicolas Logue), I would personally go with the description given in D0, as 1), it was written by a Paizo staff member, and 2), if the "Crucible" was indeed constructed AFTER the dwarves started worshipping Droskar (and the decline in imagination occurred after they were already worshipping Droskar when the god started demanding more and more works from his worshippers), then why would there be a temple dedicated to Torag that went "unused" after the dwarves turned their worship from Torag to Droskar?

D0: Hollow's Last Hope wrote:
This shrine was once dedicated to Torag, the god of the forge, but when the monastery turned to Droskar’s worship, this chamber was defaced and left to rot.

Just my two coppers...

-That One Digitalelf Fellow-

Scarab Sages

Coltaine wrote:
I am looking for products that layout dwarven ruins to some degree, but cant find any that fit the bill. Any suggestions for products or sites would be a big help!

Here's a nice one: WFRP-Karak-Azgal. & WFRP-Karak-Azgal.

CE Chef wrote:
Google D&D Map-a-Week. I remember a rather extensive dwarven strong hold that took up about a month's worth. It was pretty awesome. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Here is the link for D & D Map-a-week

Thanks for that info. There are some cool maps there.

Coltaine wrote:

Thanks folks; oddly, i found more or less what i am looking for in a Palladium product called Old Ones (my campaign has a heavy Cthulu vibe) and it includes an extensive dwarven kingdom, though i am going to add in elements from Undermountain- the Lost Level, Axe of the Dwarvish Lords, Forge of Fury, and the Wailing Dwarf from 4e:

D & D Maps at WOTC

Thanks for all your help!

Linkified it for you.

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