![]() Surprise rounds are wierd anyway. This happens all the time: The monsters jump out from cover. Party makes the percep check, then party gets the init, goes first and ambushes the ambushers while they are still flat footed. How can the monsters, who started the surprise round, be flat footed? So the possibility of someone maybe not being able to take 10 BEFORE the surprise round doesn't phase me one bit. I am just saying that I don't understand the actual rule involved. Once the rule is clear, I can always discuss a house rule if it bothers me. ![]()
![]() Jiggy wrote:
That is why I asked the question. I am not sure. The guard example is not mine. It just seems to me that take 10 is mostly for people doing a routine task, like a craft check or guard duty. It just means you are doing the job, but not exerting yourself, doing an average job. A cop walking the beat for 8 hours would be taking 10 most of the time, seems to me. If his take 10 shows something, the cop might look again, and/or even take 20. ![]()
![]() Thanks for the input. Seems like so many take 10s involve the PC putting in routine effort, like climbing or crafting. This involves the character knowing they are doing the activity, and using their level of skill to be on autopilot. If you are walking down the street, not actively perceiving, can you take 10 on the perception check when someone jumps out at you? Is there anything preventing you from taking 10 in a surprise round before your init? If not, then I made a mistake in my ruling. ![]()
![]() As a DM, I ruled last night that perception checks for surprise had to be rolled, reasoning that surprise was a distraction. The player said that taking 10 does not involve any intention, so he could take 10 even if he doesn't know he needs to be actively looking for something. What do you guys think? ![]()
![]() @skylancer4: Aura is a 10 radius. You could easily get the whole party, and if you are on your horse, the horse gets it automatically. @Avianfoo: I don't buy that they are different powers. My question is, assuming they are the same, would the horse's power stack with the power he gets from his master's aura? ![]()
![]() Gotcha. There are advantages to the paladin activating it twice if he is fighting certain opponents. Against evil outsiders, dragons, etc, he gets double his level in damage on the first hit of the smite, so if he has smites to burn, he could resmite the same person and get double damage again on the first strike of the new smite. Not a thing to do if you are running out of smites, but it would be useful sometimes. ![]()
![]() Skylancer4, you raise an interesting issue, but there is always more than one round in a game. The horse could activate his and then the next round, the paladin could turn on the aura. I don't see that as an issue. Claxon seems to be saying that even though the bonuses are untyped and might stack RAW, since the Aura is like a smite, they come from the same source, and should not stack. Avianfoo says they should stack because they are untyped. Both positions seem defensible. Is it back to a coin toss then? ![]()
![]() Aura of Courage lets me share the pally's smite with his mount, using the paladin's bonus. The mount has the celestial template, so gets a smite with his own HD to damage once a day. If they both smite the same target, the smite is coming from different sources. Does the mount get his own smite and the pally's smite, or would only the highest one apply? I am confused since they are from different sources, and although it seems like it should be a sacred bonus, it is an untyped bonus. Thanks! ![]()
![]() I know that multiple people can join a grapple, so several people can pile on to subdue someone. What if a monster grabs PC 1, can PC 2 join the grapple to free him, or is he limited to simply attacking the monster? I know you can always aid another for +2, but that doesn't seem as much help as piling on the monster should be. I don't want to reverse the grapple, just have party members try and help free PC 1. ![]()
![]() Let's say I am armed with a lance, and my mount has greater overrun (see below for the feat). We charge, knocking an opponent down, provoking on AoO from us both (we will ride on through, but that isn't really relevant to my question). My horse hits the guy with a hoof, but I don't think I can get an AoO because I am wielding a reach weapon and the opponent is adjacent. What can I do so that I benefit from that AoO? I think armor spikes will do it, but I don't like the flavor of that since I am on a horse and the opponent is prone. I couldn't kick him as an AoO because I don't think natural weapons threaten unless I have the improved unarmed combat feat. Would a blade boot work? I like the flavor of that better, and it is on my foot, which is close to the opponent. Is there anything else I can do so that I benefit from that AoO? Thanks
Here's the feat:
Prerequisites: Improved Overrun, Power Attack, base attack bonus +6, Str 13. Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to overrun a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Overrun. Whenever you overrun opponents, they provoke attacks of opportunity if they are knocked prone by your overrun. Normal: Creatures knocked prone by your overrun do not provoke an attack of opportunity. Here's the blade boot:
Benefit: You can use a blade boot as an off-hand weapon. Action: Releasing the knife is a swift action; rearming it is a full-round action. Drawback: When the blade is extended, you treat normal terrain as difficult and difficult terrain as impassable. ![]()
![]() They can overrun, and once someone is prone, seems like they could try and pin them with a hoof, but they don't have grabby parts. Without the feat, it would provoke and AoO, but is there a rule against horses grappling? If it makes a difference, in our game we are talking about a Paladin's mount, so he has INT 7. ![]()
![]() That makes sense. Seems like you could handle it with the AC of the object or the DC of the ride roll, but either way, something small should be harder to grab. But check out this trick rider, in this 17 sec video, she's picking something up while hanging upside down by one leg from her moving horse! It's called the Cossak drag. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aY7GtisOoE ![]()
![]() So you are talking three or four rounds for an unconscious ally. I might agree if I were picking up someone heavy. In the video, the guy leans over from his horse and scoops the goat up off the ground and rides off with it. It it clearly possible in real life, and my character has 16 in ride. Seems like there out to be a DC that would let me attempt it in one round, even if the DC is high. I am a strong human, picking up a 35 halfling. Should be possible for an expert rider, or in game terms, someone with the right ranks and feats. ![]()
![]() What would the DC be to ride by and pick up a willing ally? It seems to happen in every western movie, whenever someone's horse gets shot. Would it require feats? How much harder would it be if the guy you were picking up didn't have a readied action to help? What about to ride by and pick an unconscious ally up off the ground? Like at 2:06 of this video, where Rambo picks up the goat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p68eNRLb8cU I wanted to do that in last night's game to a halfling that was knocked out and was in danger, but I couldn't figure it how it would work, rules-wise. ![]()
![]() Martiln wrote:
The way the feat is written, they lose the option to simply step aside. If you lose the CMB roll, you stop in the square you are in, and can't continue. Seems like there might be times, say if you are charging a giant, where it would be advantageous not to have to make the CMB roll. ![]()
![]() Whale_Cancer wrote:
Yes, it was common place at the time, and many believe it still is, but if the most famous person to do it only laid on hands seven times in his twenty-seven healing miracles, I don't think appealing to this tradition has much bearing on the argument at hand, other than to say you don't need to touch someone to heal them in the biblical tradition.