WoW Favorites done Pathfinder Style


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Liberty's Edge

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Entryhazard wrote:
default wrote:
Are the naga really only medium? Warcraft 3 made the Myrmidons seem so big...
In WoW they are not much larger than the Medium races.
Naga Mutants can be larger.

Last I knew the upper end of size medium was eight feet which is still a fair bit larger than a human male's maximum of six foot six inches. However, if you for some reason need a naga to be larger than medium, might I suggest the Giant Creature simple template.

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Entryhazard wrote:
default wrote:
Are the naga really only medium? Warcraft 3 made the Myrmidons seem so big...
In WoW they are not much larger than the Medium races.
Naga Mutants can be larger.

It is sometimes hard to fight what we know things are like in WoW, but my goal is to take the world as a template and inspiration to make something to play in.

I think most of us can agree that planning all the neat bits to take place from 16th to 20th level and beyond means you aren't going to experience most of it.

I come to PF by way of long campaigns in AD&D and then Epic 3.0. When I first thought of Warcraft/WoW in PF, my mind raced to WoW level divided by three for a super epic game. However, more recent experiences, combined with the fact that my group has not touched epic levels for about 6 years, have led me to embrace the 20 level spread as sort of "epic-lite". The upper levels are trouble enough, and although the Mythic rules have their flaws and detractors, one could build them into a 20 level WoW game that gets pretty darn "epic".

Reading this thread, I was just thinking that one could sort of identify some key "break-point" levels in WoW NPCs and quests, and at those levels, advancement would involve Mythic ranks. Infusing the 20 level spread with a Mythic spark, by the time someone might face the Lich King, it would be pretty mythic. And you could go beyond that, to experience the full gamut of WoW stories.

But keep in mind, World of Warcraft is built to maintain interest of it's subscribers over a very different feeling of advancement than Pathfinder. I think of some of the lowest level people and stuff encountered in WoW, and how it sometimes feels like it should be closer to mid-level. And as the world keeps expanding the level cap to keep people playing, how some of the highest level things really feel like they should be no more than 12th to 15th.

In this day and age of bounded accuracy and E/P6 gaming styles, I feel the World of Warcraft is a good excuse to utilize the full 20 levels in Pathfinder.

/end book...

Valkyn Highwind wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Entryhazard wrote:
default wrote:
Are the naga really only medium? Warcraft 3 made the Myrmidons seem so big...
In WoW they are not much larger than the Medium races.
Naga Mutants can be larger.
Last I knew the upper end of size medium was eight feet which is still a fair bit larger than a human male's maximum of six foot six inches. However, if you for some reason need a naga to be larger than medium, might I suggest the Giant Creature simple template.

Yes. Another thing that's hard to shake, and in fact a major factor in my not launching a WoW campaign as of yet, is the collective mental imagery from the games. 9 foot tall, 800 pound Tauren, not to mention 6 foot 5, 285 pound human males...

I try to use the humans as a baseline, imagining a more conventional average height and build, and then imagining a proportional down-sizing of many other critters and peoples. The video games are "larger than life", but even if you love totally unfightable, Smaug size great wyrms, I doubt most people want all their bartenders looking like Arnie in the 80's...

This too, is the disappointment for me with the Warcraft movie. The world is transformed into a living breathing place that where one can actually visualize being in a real Stormwind (if you have not watched the flyover of Stormwind's inspiring for this sort of gaming). However...the orcs are 9 foot, 600 pound ogres. Really?!?...sigh

Ya it was something we wrestled with when doing converisons. In the end its our own personal choices. Back when i started the thread i went for that super epic type of feel but it didnt sit well for me and people suggested a change.

Now i personally hate mythic rules, so i try to stay away from them if i can unless it makes sense fluff wise. Now we did take some liberities with characters. Usually 16 levels was the 'upper limit' of a characters indiviual power. Now that doesnt mean if i were to run them as an encounter they would be that CR.

Take Garrosh, he would be surrounded by KorKron Elites, and with the heart hanging above the chamber i would rule it grants him fast healing, or casts heal on the warrior while imbuing him with a varient half fiend template.

Sylvannas would be surrounded by her royal guard, banshees etc.

We usually look at the Warcraft rpg, amd if it makes sense, we convert it and make the appropriate changes. But ALOT of the warcraft rpg stuff needs to stay locked in the past.

Valkyn Highwind wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Entryhazard wrote:
default wrote:
Are the naga really only medium? Warcraft 3 made the Myrmidons seem so big...
In WoW they are not much larger than the Medium races.
Naga Mutants can be larger.
Last I knew the upper end of size medium was eight feet which is still a fair bit larger than a human male's maximum of six foot six inches. However, if you for some reason need a naga to be larger than medium, might I suggest the Giant Creature simple template.

Just noticed that the first of my two posts above, is a reply to the wrong post. Sorry, page jump screwed something up. I was replying to this post by Default:

"I think its best to compress the range of numbers you're dealing with-especially since Pathfinder assumes there is no Epic Level Handbook to work with.

Assuming a Doomguard is roughly equivalent to a Balor or Pit Fiend, CR 16 lets them be a significant threat to sylvanas (which they were, based on Warcraft 3, yes?) even if accompanied by a retinue of powerful undead.

Meanwhile a CR 25 puts Arthas at the lower edge of the demon princes, which sounds about right."

“Orgrimmar was founded in the valleys and caverns of northern Durotar as the new home of the orcish race and the capital of the Horde.” - Explorers’ Guide to Kalimdor

We continue onward in our conversions with another city. The horde capital of Orgrimmar

If you look closely enough maybe you'll see what we are working on next.

Also you should check out our updated Stormwind City

In fact Valkyn Highwind has been hard at work updating all the files with new text and fixing some of the errors we've made in conversion. I suggest you check it out. You can see everything so far at this link.

World of Warcraft Conversions

Liberty's Edge


default wrote:
FormerFiend wrote:

I don't know, maybe I'm biased from my days playing the Warcraft/WoW d20, but given that Sylvannas was statted up in that as a CR 33, I have a viscerally negative reaction to her being reduced to a cr 16 here.

Of course, the Lich King was statted up as a cr 50 and that got worked out to equating roughly to a cr25 under pathfinder standards. So maybe that works out.

Still, personally, if it were me, I'd give Sylvannas ten levels of ranger and 10 levels in the Dark Ranger prestige class after putting that through a conversion job.

I think its best to compress the range of numbers you're dealing with-especially since Pathfinder assumes there is no Epic Level Handbook to work with.

Assuming a Doomguard is roughly equivalent to a Balor or Pit Fiend, CR 16 lets them be a significant threat to sylvanas (which they were, based on Warcraft 3, yes?) even if accompanied by a retinue of powerful undead.

Meanwhile a CR 25 puts Arthas at the lower edge of the demon princes, which sounds about right.

It's been a long time since I played Warcraft 3, so I can't recall. But like I said, I'm not coming at this from the angle of someone who played the RTS games, or even from my time playing the MMO. I'm coming at this from the angle of someone who played the d20, where a doomguard represented no real threat to her at all.

Warcraft, by it's nature, is an extremely high powered setting. All of the faction leaders and most of the major figures were statted up as epic level characters in the epic warcraft rpg suplement, Shadows & Light, though a few only scratched the surface of epic at level 21.

I don't know. Maybe the Warcraft/WoW rpg just robbed me of my aversion to big numbers, but I wouldn't stat a single one of the faction leaders below level twenty, I'd probably pull their weapon stats directly from the rpg where available - Gorehowl is written up as a far more beastly weapon than presented here - and even then I'm resisting the urge to gestalt them very generously.

Just my two cents.

FormerFiend wrote:

It's been a long time since I played Warcraft 3, so I can't recall. But like I said, I'm not coming at this from the angle of someone who played the RTS games, or even from my time playing the MMO. I'm coming at this from the angle of someone who played the d20, where a doomguard represented no real threat to her at all.

Warcraft, by it's nature, is an extremely high powered setting. All of the faction leaders and most of the major figures were statted up as epic level characters in the epic warcraft rpg supplement, Shadows & Light, though a few only scratched the surface of epic at level 21.

I don't know. Maybe the Warcraft/WoW rpg just robbed me of my aversion to big numbers, but I wouldn't stat a single one of the faction leaders below level twenty, I'd probably pull their weapon stats directly from the rpg where available - Gorehowl is written up as a far more beastly weapon than presented here - and even then I'm resisting the urge to...

We do look at the 3.5 warcraft rpg books when making our conversions. However we disagree with what high level setting is. To me its anything 15+ which is why most are in that range. As for gorehowl, here is a quick breakdown of the one from the warcraft rpg, and the one we presented.

Warcraft RPG Gorehowl
+6 thorium greataxe of severity and speed
requires exotic weapon prof. Thorium weapons.
+6 bonus to attack and damage
extra attack when making full attack (Speed)
crit multipler increased to x4 (Severity)
1d12 base damage
add double strength bonus to damage (Thorium Weapon)
fear ability

WoW Conversion Gorehowl
+5 Keen Impacting Greataxe.
3D6 base damage (Impacting)
+5 attack and damage
Crit Range 19-20 x3 (Keen)
Fear Ability

So while yes the Warcraft RPG Gorehowl looks more impressive, stat wises it doesn't do a whole lot more then ours. Valkyn ran the numbers and it's like 3 points of damage in the difference. We wanted to keep Severity in the past because it's a broken ability, plus with ours you don't have the feat tax of taking a thorium weapon.

Now this is our take on the wow universe and trying to make it fit into the pathfinder system.

Maverick898 wrote:
FormerFiend wrote:

It's been a long time since I played Warcraft 3, so I can't recall. But like I said, I'm not coming at this from the angle of someone who played the RTS games, or even from my time playing the MMO. I'm coming at this from the angle of someone who played the d20, where a doomguard represented no real threat to her at all.

Warcraft, by it's nature, is an extremely high powered setting. All of the faction leaders and most of the major figures were statted up as epic level characters in the epic warcraft rpg supplement, Shadows & Light, though a few only scratched the surface of epic at level 21.

I don't know. Maybe the Warcraft/WoW rpg just robbed me of my aversion to big numbers, but I wouldn't stat a single one of the faction leaders below level twenty, I'd probably pull their weapon stats directly from the rpg where available - Gorehowl is written up as a far more beastly weapon than presented here - and even then I'm resisting the urge to...

We do look at the 3.5 warcraft rpg books when making our conversions. However we disagree with what high level setting is. To me its anything 15+ which is why most are in that range. As for gorehowl, here is a quick breakdown of the one from the warcraft rpg, and the one we presented.

Warcraft RPG Gorehowl
+6 thorium greataxe of severity and speed
requires exotic weapon prof. Thorium weapons.
+6 bonus to attack and damage
extra attack when making full attack (Speed)
crit multipler increased to x4 (Severity)
1d12 base damage
add double strength bonus to damage (Thorium Weapon)
fear ability

WoW Conversion Gorehowl
+5 Keen Impacting Greataxe.
3D6 base damage (Impacting)
+5 attack and damage
Crit Range 19-20 x3 (Keen)
Fear Ability

So while yes the Warcraft RPG Gorehowl looks more impressive, stat wises it doesn't do a whole lot more then ours. Valkyn ran the numbers and it's like 3 points of damage in the difference. We wanted to keep Severity in the past because it's a broken ability,...

Very nice.

Liberty's Edge

A dark voice chuckles sinisterly, "It's time for a little blood."

I present to you all the Amani Berserker.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If anyone cares about it Sylvanas Windrunner got new character art.

Any suggestions for things people would like to see converted/adapted to Pathfinder?

Liberty's Edge

Did a few more tweaks to the general formatting of the collected file. Here's a link to it in case the others have stopped working.

An odd voice cries out before charging from the shadows, "Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle!"

I can't believe i didn't know this thread before, it's soooo amazing what you guys are doing!

Keep up the good work, something that is missing definitely.

and as a suggestion is one of the things that split WoW from PF the most.

The Shaman class.

Glad you enjoy it. As for the shaman class, I find the various pathfinder classes can fit it well depending on the theme your going for. But if you want to check out an Enhancement Shaman class, I suggest you check out London Duke's conversion of the class which you can find here

Now back when I posted the link for Orgrimmar, some may have noticed we had Vol'Jin listed as a shadow hunter. Well that was a hint for what we working on. So beware of de voodoo because your in the Shadow Hunter will get ya!

Now to show off the Shadow Hunter class we present to our fans the Warchief of the Horde, Vol'jin

Designer Note: Why Monk? during the research we do for our conversions we discovered that Vol'jin has been trained by the shadow-pan during Mists of Panderia. He's also quite the powerful master of the Voodoo capable of casting 8th level shaman spells and has many ways of attacking. His 2 sided bladed is just a fluffed scimitar.


I would love to see Dagg the Subtlety Rogue made in Pathfinder lol

RisinDevil wrote:
I would love to see Dagg the Subtlety Rogue made in Pathfinder lol

Behold Dagg, Master of Dis guys!


***3 years later***

"It has been three years since we fought and defeated the firelord in the depths of Blackrock Mountain. Sadly we had merely banished him from our realm. If we truly wish to end the firelord's destruction we will need to venture into his domain, and feel the Rage of the Firelands!"

[Designer Note]

I cannot believe it's been three years since I originally posted Ragnaros the firelord, which you can find on page one of this thread. So much has changed in that time.

With new rules, feats, items, spells, classes players can do so much more. Well since his defeat, Ragnaros has been waiting a chance to get his revenge. Now that time has arrived. This time, you must enter his realm of the firelands to finish him once and for all.

Behold Ragnaros, The Firelord

Maverick898 wrote:

With new rules, feats, items, spells, classes players can do so much more. Well since his defeat, Ragnaros has been waiting a chance to get his revenge. Now that time has arrived. This time, you must enter his realm of the firelands to finish him once and for all.

Behold Ragnaros, The Firelord

But what about Ragnaros, Lightlord?

...I'll see myself to the trashbin.

Looking great guys!

Liberty's Edge

By fire be purged!

Liberty's Edge

Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian (Major Artifact)

Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian is a powerful staff originally wielded by Medivh, the last Guardian of Tirisfal. It is currently (possibly) wielded by Khadgar, Medivh’s former apprentice, and formerly by Med’an, Medivh’s son.

Liberty's Edge

Another conversion inside a week?! Better be careful or you'll get to used to this. :P

“Darkness covered us in the beginning, and we could not see. We cried for guidance and the moon shone down bright upon us. Her soft light not only illuminated the night for us but also gave comfort. Her light touched us from within, enabling us to see even when the moon was not visible.” - Tyrande Whisperwind

Here she is the High Priestess of Elune, Tyrande Whisperwind

Liberty's Edge

I forgot that Knowledge (Nature) and Survival were always class skills for Night Elves. Fixed that error on Tyrande.

"One of the native species in Kalimdor is the 'quilboar.' Prickly little buggers. Reason enough to hate this continent."
Corporal Teegan

A pair of links for you all today. We bring you the quilboar race & a level 1 fighter that is sure to add much flavor to your WoW based Pathfinder Adventure. Enjoy


Quilboar Axebearer

Liberty's Edge

We've got multiple treats for you all today! Yes, I did say treats. Are you prepared?

Equipment: Warglaives (Exotic Weapon); Thorium (Special Material).

Magic Weapons: Warglaives of Azzinoth; Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.

As always the above, and prior, conversions can all be found within the World of Warcraft for Pathfinder collected works file.

smashing good work.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks, Cliff. :)

Liberty's Edge

clff rice wrote:

Impailing Spikes

School Conjuration ; Level Magus 2, Witch 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (A sharp bone)
Range Touch, Short (25 ft + 5 ft. 2/level),
Target One creature
Effect One creature
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Reflex negates; Spell Resistance no
This spell causes a spike 6 feet long to erupt from the ground potentialy skiewering a creature that failes a reflex save. Those that fail are considered grappled and take 1d8 +1 per 2 caster levels peircing damage. The spike can maintain the grapples as if it had a CMB of the casters level + the caster primary casting attribute. The spike has a hardness of 5 and has 2 hitpoints per caster level.

Impailing spikes, Mass
Level Magus 4, Witch 5, sorcerer/wizard 5
As per impailing spikes but it effects 1 creature per 4 caster levels that are within the spells range.a creature cannot be spiked by more than one spike per casting of this spell.

Lord Marrowgar
<breif description>
Name CR 22
XP 615,000
NE Huge Undead

Quote trimmed by Valkyn.

Forgot I had seen this before today. Have you done anything more with this, Cliff? Both Maverick898 and I like what you'd started here.

May make a file of this. It would be fun sending a warcraft party through The Cleaves. I suppose someone has given a thought to converting Ratlings to the version in Advanced Race Guide.

Liberty's Edge

Make a file of what? If you mean the material in this thread most of it can be found here. What ratlings do you speak of? As far as I know there are no rodent-like races in Warcraft except for the possibility of the kobolds which have faces that look a little rat-ish.

Valkyn Highwind wrote:
clff rice wrote:

Impailing Spikes

School Conjuration ; Level Magus 2, Witch 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (A sharp bone)
Range Touch, Short (25 ft + 5 ft. 2/level),
Target One creature
Effect One creature
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Reflex negates; Spell Resistance no
This spell causes a spike 6 feet long to erupt from the ground potentialy skiewering a creature that failes a reflex save. Those that fail are considered grappled and take 1d8 +1 per 2 caster levels peircing damage. The spike can maintain the grapples as if it had a CMB of the casters level + the caster primary casting attribute. The spike has a hardness of 5 and has 2 hitpoints per caster level.

Impailing spikes, Mass
Level Magus 4, Witch 5, sorcerer/wizard 5
As per impailing spikes but it effects 1 creature per 4 caster levels that are within the spells range.a creature cannot be spiked by more than one spike per casting of this spell.

Lord Marrowgar
<breif description>
Name CR 22
XP 615,000
NE Huge Undead

Quote trimmed by Valkyn.

Forgot I had seen this before today. Have you done anything more with this, Cliff? Both Maverick898 and I like what you'd started here.

Only other wow thing i've converted was a Blood elf death knight. I have the basic stats for a Non uber Bone wraiths somewhere but i cant seem to locate them at the moment.

Liberty's Edge

Well when, and if, you find them we'd be very interested in seeing what you've done.

Valkyn Highwind wrote:
Make a file of what? If you mean the material in this thread most of it can be found here. What ratlings do you speak of? As far as I know there are no rodent-like races in Warcraft except for the possibility of the kobolds which have faces that look a little rat-ish.

Sorry. Got WOW mixed up with Warhammer.

File looks interesting. So they don't interact with the astral or ethereal? The magic just directly taps the elemental and afterlife planes? That explains how Orcs and Humans can become allies. I'll read the file some more.

Liberty's Edge

Are you referring to the cosmology image that I put in as page 2?

Liberty's Edge

"BBOONNEESSTTOORRMM!!!!" - Lord Marrowgar

Impaling Spikes & Impaling Spikes (Mass)

These are courtesy of clff rice. Thanks for letting us include your material!

Valkyn Highwind wrote:

"BBOONNEESSTTOORRMM!!!!" - Lord Marrowgar

Impaling Spikes & Impaling Spikes (Mass)

These are courtesy of clff rice. Thanks for letting us include your material!

*thumbs up*

Liberty's Edge

Glad you like it, clff. :)

You have credit for Marrowgar and the two spells in the collected file.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'd love to see some more elves, especially Kael'thas.

Valkyn Highwind wrote:

Glad you like it, clff. :)

You have credit for Marrowgar and the two spells in the collected file.

Thankie :)

just a tweaked order of the warrior now with 200% more orcish flavor.

"By Gol'Kosh, Make them Bleed!"

Gol'kosh is a word that mean "By My Axe" So this order could be called the order of the axe.

Order of Gol'kosh
Cavaliers belonging to the order of Gol'kosh are dedicated to Upholding the old ways of honorable combat, Strengthening their allies and protection of the horde.

Edicts: The cavalier must strive to protect those too weak to protect themselves. One must demand loyalty for such protection, such favors are not free. Victory is the greatest honor. Respect those stronger than you, Obey worthy leaders, depose Those that are unworthy. Look an enemy straight in the eye and fight him on his own level, to win by anything more than your own skill and strength is dishonorable. Always be truthful as deception is the tool of the weak.

Challenge: Whenever an order of Gol'kosh Cavalier declares a challenge, he receives damage reduction 1/— against attacks made by the target of his challenge. This DR increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.

Skills: An order of Gol'kosh cavalier adds Heal (Wis) and Knowledge (Engineering) (Int) to his list of class skills. An order of Gol'kosh cavalier can add his strength bonus instead of his charisma bonus to intimidate checks.

Order Abilities: A cavalier belonging to the order of Gol'kosh gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Honor in All Things (Ex)
At 2nd level, the order of Gol'kosh cavalier draws strength from his sense of honor. Whenever the cavalier makes a skill check or saving throw, he can call upon his sense of honor as a free action to grant him a +4 morale bonus on the roll. He can use this ability once per day at 2nd level, plus one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 2nd (maximum of five times per day at 18th level).

Way of the Warrior (Ex)
At 8th level, the order of Gol'kosh cavalier’s sense of honor and loyalty drives him to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks. The cavalier can, as a standard action, focus his mind and will. Once during the next minute, he can choose to roll an attack roll, skill check, or saving throw three times and take the best result. He must decide to use this ability before the roll is made. Using this ability expends one daily use of his Tactician.

Strike True (Ex)
At 15th level, the order of the warrior cavalier can use his years of training and focus to make the perfect strike. When he uses this ability, the cavalier makes an attack as normal. If the attack hits, it is a critical threat. The cavalier must roll to confirm the critical as normal. The attack deals the maximum amount of damage, although additional dice from weapon qualities, sneak attack, and additional dice from a critical hit are rolled normally. The damage from this attack ignores any damage reduction the target might have and also causes the target to become blinded, deafened, sickened, or staggered for 1d4 rounds (the cavalier’s choice). Making this attack is a standard action. The cavalier can use this ability once per day.

Suggestion: As long as they posses no missile weapons they gain the benefit of a shield spell.

Members of the horde who specialize in missile weapons target only enemy archers and ranged spell casters.

Liberty's Edge

Here's the cavalier order that clff posted above but made all pretty like everything else.

Order of Gol'kosh (Cavalier Order)

But where is the cool picture i linked?

Liberty's Edge

I generally don't put pictures beyond one depicting a class in files like that. I could put it in for a sample rider that uses that order though.

Would love to learn how to create documents such as this one :O

Zilfrel Findadur wrote:
Would love to learn how to create documents such as this one :O

Take a graphics design major. ;)

Liberty's Edge

EltonJ wrote:
Take a graphics design major. ;)

I never took one.

Well, good work. You have a raw talent.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you very much. :)

If you have any comments/suggestions or possible additions feel free to share them with us.

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