WoW Favorites done Pathfinder Style


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So I was playing WoW, and wondered how would I create some of my favourites to use in pathfinder. So I devised a system:
lvl 20 PF = lvl 60 WoW
lvl 25 PF = lvl 70 WoW
lvl 30 PF = lvl 80 WoW
lvl 33 PF = lvl 85 WoW
So with that out of the way I decided to make the current major villain from the latest Expansion, Deathwing. I took the bulk of his stats from HERE and did a bit of math to increase his power level. Now I’m sure I’ve made mistakes here and there, but for the most part I’m satisfied with the way he turned out. I also probably would have customized his spell list, but the default one works. Hope you enjoy; and feel free to post some of your other favourites if you want.

Deathwing the Destroyer CR 36
XP 78,720,000

CE Extremely Advanced, Metal Bonded Colossal dragon (fire)
Init +6; Senses dragon senses; Perception +42
Aura frightful presence (360 ft., DC 35)
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AC 62, touch 4, flat-footed 60 (+2 Dex, +58 natural, -8 size)
hp 943 (37d12+703)
Fort +43, Ref +24, Will +37
DR 20/magic DR/10 Admantium; Immune fire, paralysis, sleep; Resist Electricity 10 SR 46
Weaknesses vulnerable to cold
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Speed 40 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy)
Melee bite +56 (4d8+33/19-20 plus 12 fire), 2 claws +56 (4d6+26/19-20), tail slap +54 (4d6+33), 2 wings +54 (2d8+19)
Space 30 ft.; Reach 20 ft. (35 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks breath weapon (70-ft. cone, DC 47, 24d6 fire plus special), crush (DC 47, 4d8+33), magma breath, magma tomb, tail sweep (DC 47, 2d8+33)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 37th; concentration +49)
Constant--fire shield (warm)
At will--burning hands (DC 26), scorching ray, wall of fire, wall of lava*
3/day--delayed blast fireball (DC 31)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 19th; concentration +41)
9th (6/day)--fiery body, meteor swarm
8th (8/day)--horrid wilting (DC 32), incendiary cloud (DC 32), protection from spells
7th (8/day)--grasping hand, greater polymorph, prismatic spray (DC 31)
6th (8/day)--chain lightning (DC 30), contagious flame* (DC 24), eyebite (DC 24)
5th (9/day)--hungry pit* (DC 29), polymorph, teleport, wall of force
4th (9/day)--acid pit* (DC 28), dimensional anchor, fire shield, wall of fire (DC 28)
3rd (9/day)--displacement, dispel magic, fireball (DC 27), wind wall
2nd (9/day)--darkness, dust of twilight*, flaming sphere (DC 26), glitterdust (DC 26), scorching ray
1st (10/day)--feather fall, flare burst* (DC 25), grease (DC 25), shield, true strike
0 (at will)--bleed (DC 24), detect magic, detect poison, ghost sound, light, open/close, read magic, spark*, touch of fatigue
* This spell is from the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide
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Str 64, Dex 14, Con 49, Int 36, Wis 36, Cha 37
Base Atk +37; CMB +64 (+68 bull rush); CMD 76 (80 vs. bull rush, 80 vs. trip)
Feats Flyby Attack, Great Fortitude, Greater Vital Strike, Hover, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite, claws), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Snatch, Vital Strike, Furious Focus, Dreadful Carnage, Diehard, Endurance, Awesome Blow
Skills Acrobatics +39 (+43 jump), Bluff +54, Climb +66, Escape Artist +39, Fly +26, Intimidate +54, Knowledge (planes) +53, Perception +53, Sense Motive +53, Sleight of Hand +39, Stealth +28, Survival +53, Swim +67
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Ignan, +6 others
SQ superheated, Heavy Fortification, Adamantine Limbs
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Superheated (Su)
Deathwings bite attack deals additional fire damage equal to its age category.
Magma Breath (Su)
Three times per day, Deathwing can breathe a cone of lava instead of fire. The damage is unchanged, but the magma clings to those it damages, dealing half damage each round thereafter for 1d3 rounds. After this magma cools, it crumbles to dust.
Magma Tomb (Su)
Once per day, Deathwing can spit lava onto a target within 120 feet, dealing damage normally for its breath weapon. This magma cools instantly—it does not continue doing damage at this point but does entrap the victim (DC equals the dragon’s breath weapon save DC, 3d6 minutes, hardness 8, hp 45).
Adamantine Limbs (Ex)
Deathwings natural attacks and grapple deal damage as adamantine weapons, overcoming hardness and damage reduction just as an adamantine weapon would.
Heavy Fortification (Ex)
When Deathwing is struck by a sneak attack or critical hit there is a 75% chance that it will be negated

Most excellent work, friend.

Nice! i converted my death knight (mostly) to pathfinder just for fun, looks like we used similar level math.

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Here's Hogger....the damage this guy can pump out is insane haha. As for tactics hogger would use, he would just get up in the face of the closest or most threating person, power attack and let the chips fall. He especially hates humans.

Hogger CR 4
XP 1200

CE Medium humanoid (gnoll)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +3 dex, +3 natural -2 rage, -2 mis)
hp 63 (3d8+2d12+37)
Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +6;
Defensive Abilities Uncanny Dodge
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 Humanbane Battleaxe +16 (1d8+14/x3) or 2 handed (1d8+20/x3)
Space 5 ft.Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks rage (13 rounds/day) rage powers (reckless abandon)
Base Statistics When not raging, Hoggers statistics are AC 20, flat-footed 17; hp 51; Fort +9, Will +4; Melee Battleaxe +12 (1d8+12/x3); Str 24, Con 21; CMB +12; CMD 25
Str 28, Dex 16, Con 25, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 10;
Base Atk 4; CMB 14; CMD 27
Feats Power Attack, Furious Focus, Cleave
Skills Intimidation +8, Perception +11
Languages Gnoll, Common
SQ Fast Movement
Treasure +1 Humanbane Battleaxe, Hide armor, standard gear

HA HA love hogger :P

I'm actually in the process of converting most of WoW's classes for Pathfinder or finding ways to "just make them work".
Of course, I'm revising the base races as well - WoW Orcs are just not the same as Orcs from Golarion or even Half-Orcs.
By thw ay, Forsaken are hard to convert, to say the least.
I'll let the forums know soon as I'm done.

I may be able to help with that if you would like, i have the dranie (dranie maybe) if you would like to see.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Have you looked at the WOW d20 books? they're out of print but still being sold as PDFs. The second monster book stated out Onyxia and her classic raid fight. All I can say is that... I'd recommend a dentist appointment on any day someone recruits you to fight her.

For my purpses I also did a 3:1 level conversion for PC characters but I top out PC levels at 25. Because the game gets stupid enough there as it is.

Wow class rough Guesses

Druid: Book druid works pretty good.
Priest: Cleric works decently.
Warrior: Fighter or barbarian maybe multiclass.
Rogue: Thief pretty much.
Warlock: Witch maybe.. This one might need some work.
Mage: Wizard works well just prepare some spells that fit your theme.
Hunter: Ranger Spell less variant or beast master variant seem just about right.
Paladin: Normal paladin works pretty well.
Shaman: Oracle or maybe druid, I can see either working.
Death Knight: Multiclass fighter/necromancer/Anti-paladin and Eldrich Knight. Might have to make a necromancer variant with an undead goon swapped out for one of the other necromancer powers.

I think just making some feats and spells that mimic some of the wow ability there wouldn't have to be much of a need to make complete new classes for warcraft.

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I know its been awhile, but I kinda got out of the whole converting WoW to pathfinder, but now I'm back with Garrosh Hellscream. If your wondering; I made him fiendish because I still think he has some demon blood inside of him, he's gotta be red for a reason. Let me know what you think. :)

Garrosh Hellscream CR 27
Male Advance Fiendish Orc Barbarian (Invunerable Rager) 10/Fighter (Two Handed Fighter) 15
CE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +11; Senses Darkvision 60ft Perception +19
AC 33, touch 22, flat-footed 28 (+11 Armor, +6 Dex, +1 Dodge, +2 Natural, +5 Deflection, -2 Rage)
hp 585 (25HD 10d12 + 15d10+315)
Fort +28, Ref +15, Will +18
DR 10/Evil 5/- Resist Cold, Acid, Electricity 15 SR 32
Speed 40 ft.
Melee Gorehowl +53/+53/+48/+43/+38 (1d12+38/19-20 x3)
Special Attacks Smite Good (+1 atk, plus 25 Damage)
Base Statistics When not raging Garrosh’s stats are AC 35, Touch 23, Flat Footed 31, Hp 520, Fort +26, Will +16, Melee Gorehowl +51/+51/+46/+41/+36 (1d12+35/19-20 x2), Str 38, Con 30, Skills Climb +27, Intimidate +13,
During Combat Garrosh Hellscream rages as soon as combat starts charging to the closest foe, using his reckless abandon with his greater power attack and furious focus, giving him +28 damage on his weapon. The following round he will full attack, taking advantage of his piledriver, greater power attack abilites while cleaving to asmany people as he possibly can. If surrounded by more people then he can strike in a single attack, Garrosh Whirlwinds. He will use his mobility feat to randomly charge spell casters if they prove to be a problem
Morale If reduced under 300 hp, Garrosh uses Gorehowl’s ability to heal himself 200hp before continuing to fight to the death.
Str 42, Dex 24, Con 34, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 12
Base Atk +25; CMB +41 (+47 to Sunder); CMD 58 (62 vs. Disarm and Sunder)
Feats Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Extra Rage, Weapon Focus (Gorehowl), Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Specialization (Gorehowl), Whirlwind, Furious Focus, Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Greater Weapon Focus (Gorehowl), Iron Will, Greater Weapon Specialization (Gorehowl), Combat Expertise, Intimidating Prowess, Improved Sunder
Skills Climb +29, Intimidate +45, Perception +19, Ride +35, Survival +34
Languages Orc, Common, Goblin
SQ Rage (32 rounds/day), Extreme Endurance, Fast Movement, Rage Power (Reckless Abandon (-3 AC, +3 Attack), Inspire Ferocity, Strength Surge), Shattering Strike +4, Overhand Chop, Weapon Training (2 handed weapons +5), Backswing, Piledriver, Greater Power Attack, Ferocity
Combat Gear Belt of Physical Perfection +6, Manual of Str Con, & Wis +4, Gloves of Dueling, Gorehowl, +5 Glamored Mithril Breastplate, Ring of Deflection +5
Special Abilities
Hellscreams Warsong 3/day Garrosh can inspire greatness up to 5 ally‘s, all ally’s must be able to see or hear the Garrosh. An ally inspired with greatness gains 2 bonus Hit Dice (d10s), the commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the target’s Constitution modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves. The bonus Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining the effect of spells that are Hit Dice dependent. Inspire greatness is a mind-affecting ability and it relies on audible and visual components.

Gorehowl +5 Keened, Mighty cleaving Greataxe of Speed
Because the weapon has been used to slay demi gods and powerful fiends Gorehowl can attempt to strike down any outsider it strikes. An outsider needs to make a fortitude save DC 35 or take 200 points of damage. In addition, 1/day as long as there is blood on the Gorehowl, it can bestow the weilder the effects of an intensived Heal spell CL 20

Unless they have changed something here in the last couple of months, Garrosh never drank demon blood, and never became tainted. He is a brownish color because that is the natural skin color of orcs before they become tainted.

Jeraa wrote:

Unless they have changed something here in the last couple of months, Garrosh never drank demon blood, and never became tainted. He is a brownish color because that is the natural skin color of orcs before they become tainted.

I know, just something about him though tells me that he has/is going to drink the demon blood. Just seems to fit lol

So I'm wondering who to build next, any suggestions? Which Warcraft favorite would you like to see converted to Pathfinder?

Ildian Stormrage

Not trying to derail or criticize, but I tend to divide WoW character level by 5 rather than 3, tends to work much better and fits within Pathfinder's challenge rating spectrum much more nicely.

Consider this: at level 60, it took 40 people to down Onyxia.

Downing Magtheridon took 25 level 70s.

The Lich King required 10 well geared 80s.

And now Deathwing will take 10 85s.

I personally assume any raid boss would have the "Advanced" template just for good measure, but even disregarding that, lets look at what these bosses actually are.

Onyxia is an old (and not the oldest) dragon. Wyrm or Ancient (recolored) red dragon is still a CR 19 at the least. In game she is capable of killing the fighter type with three or four hits if the healer is not paying attention. And almost every character type will simply die if struck by her breath weapon. This plays out rather effectively against 40 level 12 characters.

Magtheridon was a powerful outsider, possibly equivalent to a pit fiend lord or balor lord, although granted you fight him in a slightly weakened state with a terrain advantage. It seems appropriate to assume it would take 25 level 14 characters to beat him.

The Lich King is a pain to stat, but at the least he is a high level character with an artifact weapon, and at least one template. 10 level 16 characters versus something in the CR 24-5 range, I think.

Deathwing is a dragon aspect, so great wyrm + advanced. Metal clad is perfect as well. But really, thats about all. Putting him somewhere in the 26-27 CR range. About right for 10 level 17 characters.

That aside, I wanted to chime in on class representations:

I'd do warlock as a summoner who can choose from 4-5 different eidolons, with most of his conjuration spells shifted to evocation and necromancy.

I would also do deathknight as a magus with some spell trade-outs and other tweaks for the undead companion.

The Black Bard wrote:

Not trying to derail or criticize, but I tend to divide WoW character level by 5 rather than 3, tends to work much better and fits within Pathfinder's challenge rating spectrum much more nicely.

Consider this: at level 60, it took 40 people to down Onyxia.

Downing Magtheridon took 25 level 70s.

The Lich King required 10 well geared 80s.

And now Deathwing will take 10 85s.

I personally assume any raid boss would have the "Advanced" template just for good measure, but even disregarding that, lets look at what these bosses actually are.

Onyxia is an old (and not the oldest) dragon. Wyrm or Ancient (recolored) red dragon is still a CR 19 at the least. In game she is capable of killing the fighter type with three or four hits if the healer is not paying attention. And almost every character type will simply die if struck by her breath weapon. This plays out rather effectively against 40 level 12 characters.

Magtheridon was a powerful outsider, possibly equivalent to a pit fiend lord or balor lord, although granted you fight him in a slightly weakened state with a terrain advantage. It seems appropriate to assume it would take 25 level 14 characters to beat him.

The Lich King is a pain to stat, but at the least he is a high level character with an artifact weapon, and at least one template. 10 level 16 characters versus something in the CR 24-5 range, I think.

Deathwing is a dragon aspect, so great wyrm + advanced. Metal clad is perfect as well. But really, thats about all. Putting him somewhere in the 26-27 CR range. About right for 10 level 17 characters.

That aside, I wanted to chime in on class representations:

I'd do warlock as a summoner who can choose from 4-5 different eidolons, with most of his conjuration spells shifted to evocation and necromancy.

I would also do deathknight as a magus with some spell trade-outs and other tweaks for the undead companion.

hrmmm 5 does seem to be a cleaner stat build, i'll start going with that, thanks for the tip :). As for Deathknight, I was thinking an Anti Paladin with the graveknight template works best personally, and fluff your fienish boon with an undead creature (or even take the knight of the speclucher archtype)

Silver Crusade

Maverick898 wrote:

So I was playing WoW, and wondered how would I create some of my favourites to use in pathfinder. So I devised a system:

lvl 20 PF = lvl 60 WoW
lvl 25 PF = lvl 70 WoW
lvl 30 PF = lvl 80 WoW
lvl 33 PF = lvl 85 WoW
So with that out of the way I decided to make the current major villain from the latest Expansion, Deathwing. I took the bulk of his stats from HERE and did a bit of math to increase his power level. Now I’m sure I’ve made mistakes here and there, but for the most part I’m satisfied with the way he turned out. I also probably would have customized his spell list, but the default one works. Hope you enjoy; and feel free to post some of your other favourites if you want.

Deathwing the Destroyer CR 36
XP 78,720,000

CE Extremely Advanced, Metal Bonded Colossal dragon (fire)
Init +6; Senses dragon senses; Perception +42
Aura frightful presence (360 ft., DC 35)
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AC 62, touch 4, flat-footed 60 (+2 Dex, +58 natural, -8 size)
hp 943 (37d12+703)
Fort +43, Ref +24, Will +37
DR 20/magic DR/10 Admantium; Immune fire, paralysis, sleep; Resist Electricity 10 SR 46
Weaknesses vulnerable to cold
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Speed 40 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy)
Melee bite +56 (4d8+33/19-20 plus 12 fire), 2 claws...

The death wing looks quite nasty.

I might suggest re adjusting the levels conversion

Somehow I don't think a Level 33 Pathfinder Wizard would be the equivalent of an 85 level WOW mage.

I think a level 85 character in wow would be an equivalent of a level 20 character in pathfinder. I suppose equating level 80 wow, to level 20 would make the math cleaner.

Perhaps the closest analog to a WOW warlock, might be a summoner.

Just out of curiosity, what is the math behind WOW? In pathfinder, a melee combatant has to roll a D20 add his attack bonus, and try to get equal to or greater then enemy's AC.

Spells require either a ranged touch attack or a saving throw.

How do these things work in wow? dos the computer roll a d100? Im curious. Im sure its more complicated then that.


The Black Bard wrote:

Not trying to derail or criticize, but I tend to divide WoW character level by 5 rather than 3, tends to work much better and fits within Pathfinder's challenge rating spectrum much more nicely.

Consider this: at level 60, it took 40 people to down Onyxia.

Downing Magtheridon took 25 level 70s.

The Lich King required 10 well geared 80s.

And now Deathwing will take 10 85s.

I personally assume any raid boss would have the "Advanced" template just for good measure, but even disregarding that, lets look at what these bosses actually are.

Onyxia is an old (and not the oldest) dragon. Wyrm or Ancient (recolored) red dragon is still a CR 19 at the least. In game she is capable of killing the fighter type with three or four hits if the healer is not paying attention. And almost every character type will simply die if struck by her breath weapon. This plays out rather effectively against 40 level 12 characters.

Magtheridon was a powerful outsider, possibly equivalent to a pit fiend lord or balor lord, although granted you fight him in a slightly weakened state with a terrain advantage. It seems appropriate to assume it would take 25 level 14 characters to beat him.

The Lich King is a pain to stat, but at the least he is a high level character with an artifact weapon, and at least one template. 10 level 16 characters versus something in the CR 24-5 range, I think.

Deathwing is a dragon aspect, so great wyrm + advanced. Metal clad is perfect as well. But really, thats about all. Putting him somewhere in the 26-27 CR range. About right for 10 level 17 characters.

That aside, I wanted to chime in on class representations:

I'd do warlock as a summoner who can choose from 4-5 different eidolons, with most of his conjuration spells shifted to evocation and necromancy.

I would also do deathknight as a magus with some spell trade-outs and other tweaks for the undead companion.

I see what you did there.

(psst- after the next and probably last expansion, the max level will equivocate to Pathfinder 20th. Awesome)

Silver Crusade

Is Garrosh really CE at this point?

Beyond that, dotting. :)

Mikaze wrote:

Is Garrosh really CE at this point?

Beyond that, dotting. :)

Depends on how you view him. When it comes right down to it each side (horde & alliance) believe they are doing what is right, and are the "Good" guys.

Now Since I play on both sides (human paladin, tauren warrior) I still view Garrosh as an evil type of character, that may be just me however.

Also note: Illidan Stormrage is well under construction, got alot of the sticky math out of the way, should be up later today

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I am not prepared.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I would list Garrosh as chaotic neutral if you HAD to fit him into that nine cell straightjacket. He's not clearly evil like say, Fandral Staghelm, whom among his other failings is a night elf supremacist bigot even if he is essentially a tragic figure. Hasn't stopped my night elf character from hating both of them though.

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Are You Prepared? So here is Illidan Stormrage, now this guy will be a serious fight for a group of 25 lvl 14 characters will PC level gear, thoughts?

Illidan Stormrage CR 26
Advanced Half Fiend Male Drow Noble Summoner 20 (Synestist)/Fighter 2
CE Medium Humanoid (Outsider, Native)
Init +17; Senses Darkvision 120ft.; Perception +28
AC 35, touch 29, flat-footed 26 (+5 armor, +5 deflection, +13 dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural)
hp 370 (22HD 20d8+2d10+174)
Fort +19, Ref +22, Will +19 (+1 vs. fear)
DR 10/magic Immune Poison
Resist Acid 10, Cold 10, Electricity 10, Fire 10
SR 38
Speed 30 ft. Fly 60 (good)
Melee Warglaive of Azzinoth +35/+30/+25/+20 (2d4+12/15-20 x2) or
Warglaives of Azzinoth +33/+33/+28/+28/+23/+23/+18 (2d4+12/15-20x2 and 2d4+6/15-20 x2)

Drow Spell Like abilites (CL 22, Concentration +34)
Constant Detect Magic
At Will - dancing lights, deeper darkness, faerie fire, feather fall, levitate
1/day - divine favor, dispel magic, suggestion

Summoner Spell Like abilites (CL 20, Concentration +32)
15/day Gate/Summon Monster IX or less
3/day Quicken Summon Monster VI

Spell Like Abilites (CL 22, Concentration +34)
3/day darkness, poison. unholy aura
1/day descrate, unholy blight, contagion, blasphemy,unhallow, horrid wilting, summon monster 9, destruction

Spells Known (CL 20, Concentration +32)
6th (7/day)- charm monster mass (DC 30), discern location, incendiary cloud, planar binding (greater), teleportation circle
5th (7/day)- dispel magic (greater), heroism (greater), plane shift, spell turning, teleport (greater)
4th (8/day)- hold monster, insect plague, mage’s faithful hound, magic jar, planar binding, teleport
3rd (8/day)- black tentacles, dimension door, heroism, locate creature, magic fang (greater), stoneskin,
2nd (8/day)- barkskin, haste, invisibility, protection from arrows, resist energy, see invisibility
1st (8/day)- alarm, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, feather fall, identify, shield
0 - detect magic, light, mage hand, message, read magic, resistance.
Before Combat Once Illidan becomes aware that a raid of adventures are coming to attack him he prepares himself by holding his action until someone makes an attack towards him. Once that is done he uses his quicken summon monster to summon 2 Shadow Demons, then uses a normal summon monster 9 to bring forth 2 Glabrezu demons.
During Combat Illidan will take advantage of his summons and then engaged the strongest melee character in combat trying to use his full attacks whenever possible, periodicaly he will cast black tentacles, or summon more shadow demons with his quicken summon monster ability.
Morale When the fight turns against him, he casts unholy aura on himself, and then fuses himself with his Eidolon and assumes the form of a huge shadow-like version of himself before fighting to the death.
Str 24, Dex 36, Con 24, Int 26, Wis 18, Cha 34
Base Atk: +17; CMB: +24; CMD: 47
Feats: Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning, Superior Summoning, Exotic Weapon Profiency (Warglaive [2d4 18-20x2]), Improved Initiative, Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Blind Fight, Dodge, Quicken Spell Like Ability (Summon monster), Weapon Finesse, Two Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Skills: Acrobatics +40, Fly +38, Intimindate +17, Knowledge (arcana) +33, Knowledge (religion) +33, Knowledge (planes) +33, Knowledge (history) +31, Perception +28, Spell craft +33, Stealth +35,Use Magic Device +37
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Orc, Goblin, Undercommon, Abyssal, Drow Sign Langauage
SQ poison use, fused link, greater shielded meld, makers jump, split forms, twin eidolon, greater aspect, life bond, drow immunities,
Gear Warglaives of Azzinoth (+5 Unholy, Flaming Burst, Keened Warglaives), Boots of Speed & Elven Kind, Cloak of Resistance +3, Bracers of Armor +5, Ring of Deflection +5

Eidolon (biped base form; Advanced Player’s Guide 58)
CE huge outsider
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +18
AC 27, [b]touch 11, [b]flat-footed 24 (+3 Dex, +26 natural, –2 size)
192 (15d10+110)
Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +5;
Defensive Abilities Improved Evasion
Speed 30 ft. Fly 30 ft. (poor manuverability)
Melee 2 claw +30 (2d6+22/19-20 x2), 2 Wings +30 (1d8+15), Slam +30 (2d8+22)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Str 41, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +15; CMB +35; CMD 48
Feats Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Toughness, Awesome Blow, Improved Bull Rush, Multi Attack, Improved Critical (Claws), Vital Strike
Skills Initimidate +19, Perception +18, Fly +17, Bluff +19
SQ devotion, Improved Evasionevasion, evolutions (Flight, Wing buffet, Improved Damage, Slam, Flight, Rend, Energy Immunity, Size Increase [2], Blindsense, Damage Reduction [2])

No mention of class talent trees...? I am appalled.

Arms Warrior should be easy, but how would you create a Resto Druid? (I haven't played in years, but I hear they dropped a lot of Druid HoTs and that makes me kinda sad.)

EDIT: Also, my username comes from my Night Elf Warrior. The avatar resembles a spotted stormsaber mount I had. Ah, nostalgia. I can't believe I payed $15 a month to play that game though... And I did it for the [sadly lacking] roleplay. I hated actually playing the game. Except Alterac Valley.

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Ahh...pwning gnome wizards with an orc elemental shaman...
<sigh> Those were the days...

Maverick898 wrote:

Are You Prepared? So here is Illidan Stormrage, now this guy will be a serious fight for a group of 25 lvl 14 characters will PC level gear, thoughts?

Illidan Stormrage CR 26 thinking ac35 and 27 with the eidolon will be way easy to hit for 14th level party, and 25 of them will one round him.

I like the flavor though! Very nice!

Kryzbyn wrote:
Maverick898 wrote:

Are You Prepared? So here is Illidan Stormrage, now this guy will be a serious fight for a group of 25 lvl 14 characters will PC level gear, thoughts?

Illidan Stormrage CR 26 thinking ac35 and 27 with the eidolon will be way easy to hit for 14th level party, and 25 of them will one round him.

I like the flavor though! Very nice!

His AC should actually be 37, small miscalucation, but if you wanted his AC to go higher, he could easily caste Unholy Aura, and shield on himself before battle.

I like the idea that he can easily 1 shot most smaller parties with his Mass Charm monster. DC 30.

Yeah i like the way the shadow form was described...very nice.

Jeraa wrote:

Unless they have changed something here in the last couple of months, Garrosh never drank demon blood, and never became tainted. He is a brownish color because that is the natural skin color of orcs before they become tainted.

He did in one of the original strategy games. The second I think

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
He did in one of the original strategy games. The second I think

Garrosh was never in any other Warcraft game. He was introduced in World of Warcraft. You are probably thinking of his father, Grom (Grommash). He did drink the blood (and was the first to do so, I believe).

Jeraa wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
He did in one of the original strategy games. The second I think
Garrosh was never in any other Warcraft game. He was introduced in World of Warcraft. You are probably thinking of his father, Grom (Grommash). He did drink the blood (and was the first to do so, I believe).

That's right. I forgot the first name. I just remember the name "Hellscream."

I did a 3.5 conversion of the Death Knight class. Turning it into a 20-level Base Class, as well as importing most if not all of it's abilities into the D20 System.

I a in the middle of fine-tuning it for Pathfinder, as well as smoothing out the gameplay. The original can be found HERE, take it as you will.

Hevyyd wrote:

I did a 3.5 conversion of the Death Knight class. Turning it into a 20-level Base Class, as well as importing most if not all of it's abilities into the D20 System.

I a in the middle of fine-tuning it for Pathfinder, as well as smoothing out the gameplay. The original can be found HERE, take it as you will.

Could you please check access settings? It seems it does not allow public viewing.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Hevyyd wrote:

I did a 3.5 conversion of the Death Knight class. Turning it into a 20-level Base Class, as well as importing most if not all of it's abilities into the D20 System.

I a in the middle of fine-tuning it for Pathfinder, as well as smoothing out the gameplay. The original can be found HERE, take it as you will.

It made more sense when WW did it as a prestige class for Paladins corrupted by the Scourge. Level 1 Death Knights just don't do it for me.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

First, I think Deathwing would have a Fire Storm following in his wake whereever he flies.

Second, Garrosh was stupid, impulsive, reckless. But he hasn't done anything evil. For alignment I would say CN.

Third, a Death Knight base class would totally rock.

Drejk wrote:
Hevyyd wrote:

I did a 3.5 conversion of the Death Knight class. Turning it into a 20-level Base Class, as well as importing most if not all of it's abilities into the D20 System.

I a in the middle of fine-tuning it for Pathfinder, as well as smoothing out the gameplay. The original can be found HERE, take it as you will.

Could you please check access settings? It seems it does not allow public viewing.

Apologies, I've changed the settings, should be good to go now.

@LazarX; The problem with the Death Knight Prestige Class was that it was really, and I mean really, bad. Furthermore it didn't have any of the Death Knight flavor found in WoW. That may be fine for WC3 fans, but my spin on the class brings the MMO to the table, as it were.

As far as the whole "level 1 DK" shtick, not all DK's are created equal, yes I know they all start out at level 55, but by the time your done with the questing zone your no better/worse than any of the other classes.

Suspension of disbelief goes a long way. But that's my opinion, you are of course, entitled to yours.

Maverick898 wrote:

So I was playing WoW, and wondered how would I create some of my favourites to use in pathfinder. So I devised a system:

lvl 20 PF = lvl 60 WoW
lvl 25 PF = lvl 70 WoW
lvl 30 PF = lvl 80 WoW
lvl 33 PF = lvl 85 WoW
So with that out of the way I decided to make the current major villain from the latest Expansion, Deathwing. I took the bulk of his stats from HERE and did a bit of math to increase his power level. Now I’m sure I’ve made mistakes here and there, but for the most part I’m satisfied with the way he turned out. I also probably would have customized his spell list, but the default one works. Hope you enjoy; and feel free to post some of your other favourites if you want.

Deathwing the Destroyer CR 36
XP 78,720,000

CE Extremely Advanced, Metal Bonded Colossal dragon (fire)
Init +6; Senses dragon senses; Perception +42
Aura frightful presence (360 ft., DC 35)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
AC 62, touch 4, flat-footed 60 (+2 Dex, +58 natural, -8 size)
hp 943 (37d12+703)
Fort +43, Ref +24, Will +37
DR 20/magic DR/10 Admantium; Immune fire, paralysis, sleep; Resist Electricity 10 SR 46
Weaknesses vulnerable to cold
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
Speed 40 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy)
Melee bite +56 (4d8+33/19-20 plus 12 fire), 2 claws...

Blizzard posted a few a preview of Deathwing and all of his abilities. Basically the encounter revolves around ripping the admantium off of Deathwing then fighting the corruption the flows from his body. I think it would make an awesome final encounter. HERE


Didn't notice this was bumped over a month ago, I think I have enough free time to do up some kind of encounter. Perhaps Kel'Thuzad or Magetheridon

Mr. Bigglesworth

clff rice wrote:

Wow class rough Guesses

Druid: Book druid works pretty good.
Priest: Cleric works decently.
Warrior: Fighter or barbarian maybe multiclass.
Rogue: Thief pretty much.
Warlock: Witch maybe.. This one might need some work.
Mage: Wizard works well just prepare some spells that fit your theme.
Hunter: Ranger Spell less variant or beast master variant seem just about right.
Paladin: Normal paladin works pretty well.
Shaman: Oracle or maybe druid, I can see either working.
Death Knight: Multiclass fighter/necromancer/Anti-paladin and Eldrich Knight. Might have to make a necromancer variant with an undead goon swapped out for one of the other necromancer powers.

I think just making some feats and spells that mimic some of the wow ability there wouldn't have to be much of a need to make complete new classes for warcraft.

For the warrior, you could simply just give the fighter an archetype where they give up armor mastery for Rage and rage powers.

Warlock is summoner with some changes in spells and modified eidolon ability.

Sorcerer would work best mechanically for how mages work in wow but obviously wizard is the best thematically.

Oracle is a good shaman equivalent.

Death knight should be a prestige class or an archetype of the cavalier perhaps.

The other classes work as stated I feel. You could always check out the WoW RPG (2nd ed) which had some really interesting ways for converting the races and classes.

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"Behold, Patchwerk. When word of his existence first reached the ears of the Brotherhood, none believed the tales of an abomination with such immense speed and strength. Fewer still believed it when he fell the first time..." - Commander Eligor Dawnbringer

Now since Patchwerk is USUALLY encountered within Naxxramas, and he is a flesh golem, I would bend the rules and have him gain the effects of an Unhallow spell, with Freedom of Movement as the spell for the unholy site. A true tank and spank, it is a dps race to kill patchwerk before he kills you. Enjoy!

Patchwerk CR 25
Advanced Variant Flesh Golem Barbarian 15
NE Large construct
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +4

AC 39, touch 12, flat-footed 37; (+10 Armor, +1 Dex +3 Deflection, +1 Dodge, +17 natural, –1 size, -2 rage)
hp 300 (9d10+15d12+30)
Fort +15, Ref +15, Will +20 (+4 vs. Enchantment)
DR 15/adamantine; DR 3/- Immune construct traits, magic

Speed 50 ft.
Melee Battleaxe +40/+35/+30/+25 (3d6+18 x3), Spiked Chain +39/+34/+29 (2d4+17 x2) , Ogre Hook +39/+34/+29 (1d12+17 x3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks berserk, rage (32 rounds), rage powers (superstitious, disruptive, spell breaker, reckless abandon[+4, -4], intimidating glare, mighty swing, quick reflexes)

During Combat Patchwerk will enter a rage as soon as he is engaged in combat, targeting the most threatening target with his battleaxe and spiked chain, while attacking the second threatening with his Hook. He will make use of his power attack, and reckless abandon to ensure that he hits the target.
Morale As Kel'Thuzads avatar of war, and protector of Naxxramas, Patchwerk Fights to the death.
Base Statistics When not raging, the Patchwerk's statistics are AC 41, touch 14, flat-footed 39; Will +17; Melee Battleaxe +37/+32/+37/+22 (3d6+5 x3), Spiked Chain +39/+34/+29 (2d4+14 x2) , Ogre Hook +39/+34/+29 (1d12+14 x3)
Str 34; CMB +37, CMD 51

Str 40, Dex 18, Con —, Int 6, Wis 18, Cha 12
Base Atk +24; CMB +40; CMD 54
Skills Intimidate +19
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain) Multi-Attack, Improved Multi-Attack, Greater Multi-Attack, Power Attack, Iron Will, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Improved Imitative, Double Slice
Languages common
SQ Fast Movement, Trap Sense +5, Indominitable Will, Improved Uncanny Dodge
Gear +3 Life drinking Battleaxe, +2 Spiked Chain, +2 Wounding Ogre Hook, +4 Glammered Mithril Breastplate, +3 Ring of Deflection, Boots of Striding and Springing, Belt of Giant Strength +4, amulet of natural armor +3, Cloak of Resistance +3
Special Abilities

Open Mind (Ex) Unlike other constructs, Patchwerk is susceptible to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Berserk (Ex) After being in engaged in combat for 15 rounds Patchwerk enrages. His strength and speed doubles, and he attacks any living creature within sight. Once there are no more living targets to attack his berserk resets.
Immunity to Magic (Ex) A flesh golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.
• A magical attack that deals cold or fire damage slows a flesh golem (as the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds (no save).
• A magical attack that deals electricity damage breaks any slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for every 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. A flesh golem gets no saving throw against attacks that deal
electricity damage.
Third Arm (Ex) Patchwerk was made with a third arm which he can use to deliver offhand attacks.
Avatar of War (Su) Patchwerk can wield medium sized two handed weapons in his off hands and treat them as light for the purpose of Multi-Attack
Rage (Ex) Patchwerk does not gain a bonus to its Constitution while in a rage, nor does it gain any extra hit points. Likewise, it is not fatigued after rage.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*thumbs Up* Any chance on Ragnaros?

clff rice wrote:
*thumbs Up* Any chance on Ragnaros?

Yea I could do up Rag, looking for the 40, 10, or 25 man version?

Liberty's Edge

I guess it is a bit late to the party but I'm digging the Death Knight conversion.

Just whatever you feel is balanced :) i just like your work so far.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Alright, this one took some time and tinkering but; here is the Elemental Lord of Fire! Bring as many as you can, bring all the fire resistance you can find, because you WILL be burned by his wrath!

Ragnaros CR 25
CE Gargantuan outsider (elemental, extraplanar, fire)
Init +13; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +41
Aura Fire Aura
AC 41, touch 16, flat-footed 31 (+13 Armor, +9 Dex, +1 Dodge, +12 natural, -4 size)
hp 630 (35d10+280)
Fort +28, Ref +20, Will +22;
DR 15/Elementium Immune Fire, Poison, elemental traits Resist Acid 10, Electricity 30 SR 35
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 60 ft.
Melee Sulfuras +56/+51/+46/+41 (4d6+1d6 fire +24 19/20 x2)
Space 20 ft.Reach 20 ft.
Special Attacks burn (4d6, DC 36). Wrath of Ragnaros (60ft cone, DC 36, 20d6 half unholy, half fire plus bull rush)
Spell Like Abilities (CL 20)
Constant Fire Shield (warm shield)
At Will - Chain Lightning (DC 22)*, Cone of Cold (DC 21)*, Fireball (DC 19), Wall of Fire (DC 20), Haste
3/day - Quickened Empowered Fireball (dc 19), Wall of Lava (DC 24)**
1/day - Summon (8 Sons of Flame)***
*These abilites are changed to fire damage
** Advanced Players Handbook
***See Below
Before Combat Before combat starts Ragnaros would cast haste on himself to gain an extra attack
During Combat Ragnaros starts combat by unleashing a quickened empowered fireball at the largest group of enemies before using his Wrath of Ragnaros to scatter as many enemies as possible. He will then use his full attacks at those closest to him, always using power attack. He will switch to spells for annoying healers or spellcasters.
Morale When reduced under 400hp, Ragnaros will Summon 8 son of flame to aid him in combat while he continues to attack, making use of his remaining quickened empowered fireballs while still hammering away in melee, using his Wrath whenever it becomes available to use. He fights to the death
Str 46, Dex 29, Con 28, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 22;
Base Atk 35; CMB 57; CMD 76
Feats Improved Initiative [b]b, Weapon Finesse b, Weapon Focus (Sulfuras), Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Critical, Empower Spell Like Ability, Quicken Spell-like Ability, Improved Bull Rush, Greater Bull Rush, Awesome Blow, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack
Skills Bluff +44, Craft +41, Diplomacy +41, Intimidate +44, Knowledge (arcana) +41, Knowledge (planes) +41, Perception +41, Sense Motive +41, Stealth +35
Languages Ignan, Common,
Gear +5 Half Plate, Sulfuras (+6 Gargantuan Firey Burst Morningstar, Only the elemental lord of fire can possibly wield Sulfuras, foes that are reduced to 0 hp are the subject of a distintgerate spell CL 20 DC 22 partial, if killed outright the ashes are formed to create [Eye of Sulfuras], a powerful gem used by Ragnaros' followers to create powerful weapons.)
Special Abilites
Fire Aura (Su) - Anyone within 30 feet of Ragnaros takes 4d6 points of fire damage pure round, in addition any weapons used against him suffer from a heat metal spell, CL 20
Wrath of Ragnaros (Su)- Every 1d4 rounds Ragnaros can unleash his wrath in a 60ft cone of fire that also knocks targets back as if they have been bull rushed using Ragnaros's modifiers (no attack of opperunity), a successful relfex save halfs the fire damage and negates the bull rush attempt

Now throughout the fight Ragnaros will summon Son of Flame, now these are variant elder fire elementals with their size reduced to medium and one more special trick. Enjoy!

Sons of Flame CR 12
N medium outsider (elemental, extraplanar, fire)
Init +12; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +19
AC 26, touch 19, flat-footed 18 (+8 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural)
hp 152 (16d10+64)
Fort +14, Ref +19, Will +7
DR 10/—, Immune elemental traits, fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 60 ft.
Melee 2 slams +24 (1d6+8 plus burn)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks burn (2d6, DC 22), Supernova (8d6 fire, DC 22)
Str 26, Dex 26, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +16; CMB +24; CMD 42
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved
Initiative B, Iron Will, Lightning Stance, Mobility, Spring
Attack, Weapon Finesse B, Wind Stance
Skills Acrobatics +28, Climb +27, Escape Artist +28, Intimidate
+19, Knowledge (planes) +19, Perception +19
Special Abilities
Supernova (Su) - When a son of flame is destroyed it explodes dealing 8d6 points of fire damage in a 25 ft burst. DC 22 reflex save for half damage

awesome conversion. I love it, looks like rags can kick some fiery arse.


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