
GokaiFire's page

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Has anyone tried their hand at creating Diablo/Mephisto/Baal or the other Evils?

This system is pretty decent.


Nice. Just what I was looking for; Do you have any experience playing it?

Since the newest Pokemon games Black and White 2 came out a couple months ago I have really been getting into the competitive battling thing. So of course I would want to create a campaign for my friends and fellow Pokemon trainers to play through. So my question follows, is there any simple Pokemon d20 conversions out there? I could have sworn there was a thread with simple math conversions to table-RPGize your gameboy companions but I cannot seem to find it any more. Anyone have some suggestions or is anyone intrested in re-building this?

John-Andre wrote:
Omega9999 wrote:

Ok, you asked for them.... :D

Forsaken Racial Traits

Undead: Forsaken are undead rather than humanoids. This provides a Forsaken with numerous undead traits:

Blizzard has stated time and again that the Forsaken are NOT undead.

"But what are they if not undead, John-Andre?" Simple. They're humans given posthuman status by the original Plague.

I mean, if we're going to give them powers based on personal opinion, we should be giving them +2 to all Will saves, because according to lore, the reason why any given character is Forsaken and no longer Scourge is because they had the strength of will to throw off the mental domination of the Scourge. So they all have free Iron Will that stacks with Iron Will...

I'm sorry, but every official source EVER has called the Scourge/Forsaken undead. Even on WoW's official page under faction races they call the Forsaken "Undead". LINK

But you are correct, the defining feature of the Forsaken IS their iron clad will that allowed them to break free of the Lich King's domination.

I would diffidently go human or half-elf. But how would you guys make the Masks from Majora's Mask specifically the Fierce Deity's Mask. Also going a little further in does anyone have any thoughts of designing LoZ racials? Goron just earth elemental dwarves, Kender/halfings are kokirir, water elemental elves as Zora?

I honestly don't imagine Link having any class that actually grants magic spells or magic abilities. I think in all the games Link's "magic" can be explained by his multitude of artifacts or sword skills. Granted many LoZ games feature Link utilizing a mana bar but I don't think that would actually represent a pen and paper version of the character. In LoZ2, Link learns learns to drop lightning bolts but in a Link to the Past he earns the ether medallion which functions the same. You could basically say the same thing about Din's Fire and the bombos medallion.

I would actually make Link almost a pure fighter with a splash of Rogue only because of the evasion abilities and sheer amount of skills. I guess that I could argue that Link has an innate ability to find weak points on his enemies that could function like a "sneak attack". As a fighter I would focus on heavy blades, and bows/arrow.

I can understand some peoples belief that he should have a splash of ranger. His connection with Epona would be a perfect animal companion and his feat tree I would focus on either Sword and Shield TWF or archer.

Overall I would probably say most of Link's abilities come from his massive amounts of major magical items and artifacts.

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I had a friend who was basically trying to play Link in one of my campaign. When he got around level 12 I finally allowed him to earn his Master Sword. I made it a +3 evil Bane Bastard Sword and I also gave it the ability to act as a "reach" weapon when he had full life to duplicate the master sword from the game.

My favorite D&D character that I ever ran had to be Rex Mon Clamour the Goblin wizard. He was an albino goblin of a clan that served a powerful wizard. Rex was always more intelligent then the other goblins and was shunned for it. When the wizard need a subject for a experiment he was running the clan chief was quick to give away the young goblin. The wizard's familiar, a black cat with strange human eyes saw the potential in the little albino goblin and taught him magic in secret late in the nights. Rex made his escape and joined up with an adventuring party and was a pure and trusted member of the party and a master of the "dark arts". He even became the first goblinoid to join the mage's guild and become an ArchMage. I created him so that I could use spells from my Book of Vile Darkness and I intentionally played him good to prove that using "evil" spells didn't necessarily make the character evil.

My favorite RPG character I ever played was a short lived D&D modern character named Devin Falco a 2nd Lt. leading a squad of soldier in the zombie apocalypse. He was a by-the-books leader and always followed orders, even when he was ordered to take his elite squad of special forces to a cave and destroy a support beam under a factory. Surely taking his life and his teams to complete. Our team fought our way through super soldier/zombies all the way to that support beam. The group had never rolled so many 20s in a single game night it was ridiculous and funny to watch out GM's face as they dropped. Anyways our party finally got over run and I was the last one with any bullets and more then half life. I knew it was going to be our last game in this campaign so I ordered the other players to get out while I covered their exit taking our wounded "heavy gunner" with them. The GM sent his super zombie after me and dual wielding .45s I hit it with 3 critical shots taking it down to 1 life and it retaliated by hitting me with a critical of its own taking me down well past -10. I asked my GM if I had any last action before I died and he humored me. So I hit the detonator to the c4 that we had rigged around the support column. It was the most epic death/ending to a campaign that I have ever played. We still talk about it to this day 10 years later.

In my WoW campaign I use the MMO's characters, creatures, history, and locations dictate the flavor of the game. I don't try to adapt the mechanics of the MMO to my campaign because A) it is a long and tedious process of trial an error for balance for only one or two players to use and B) If I wanted to play the MMO with my friends we would just play the MMO.

If a player wants a destruction themed warlock he is going to have to play a wizard or sorcerer with some sort of specialty in demon-themed magics and make existing spells and mechanics work within the game. So far playing this way has worked great in my game and we still get the feel of WoW without having to mechanically changing the game.

Well I thought Dervish was required to create Drizzit lol


Buffy really doesn't come off as a Monk in any way other then punching and kicking stuff which Improved Unarmed Strike can cover pretty well. If it was me making Buffy I would first create a template called "Slayer". Based on all information I can find Buffy is as strong if not stronger then all but the eldest vampires; so for my template I would start with "Vampire" as a base. I would keep all the stat boosts being that a "Slayer" needs to be as strong as her quarry.


Ability Scores: +6 Str, +4 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Cha

Skills: +8 Magic bonus on Bluff, Sense Motive, Knowledge (History)

Fast Healing 2

Detect Evil Aura: A Slayer can detect the presence of Evil creatures as a cleric of his/her class lvl or HD. This ability encircles the Slayer and extends 60ft.

A for Buffy herself, I would make her a Fighter with an emphasis on Dex allowing damage from her Strength to come from her mystical abilities. The class answers her ability to wield a varied arsenal of weapons and Improved Unarmed Strike describes her punching and kicking. Everything else is just RP IMHO

Nick Fury

Yebng wrote:
I've been building something similar for about 2 years now, I've built all the avengers out as LVL 15 NPC's, new books keep changing my ideas and now i'm waiting for the advanced race guide to really trick them out, regardless I think people are turning to synth summoner way to quickly

Fantasy Avengers 1

Fantasy Avengers 2

I've been looking for a Pathfinder game since I got to WA. I'm in the Navy and living in Silverdale (apparently Bremerton is the blackhole of Pathfinder games). I would be interested in trying to get into a game if you have space.

Man that seems a little to far for my blood. It seems like there are a lot of people who play in this area so I will just continue searching for a Bremerton/Silverdale game. Thanks.

How far is Seattle from Bremerton? I know that there is a ferry ride involved somewhere in there. I'm brand new to the area myself and looking for a game.

Hey all, I'm newly stationed in Bremerton, WA and looking to get into a regular pathfinder group. I have no experience with Pathfinder specifically but well over 6 years with D&D 3.5. I am available almost any day but I am in the military so some days I will not be available. Thanks and happy gaming.

Maverick898 wrote:

So I was playing WoW, and wondered how would I create some of my favourites to use in pathfinder. So I devised a system:

lvl 20 PF = lvl 60 WoW
lvl 25 PF = lvl 70 WoW
lvl 30 PF = lvl 80 WoW
lvl 33 PF = lvl 85 WoW
So with that out of the way I decided to make the current major villain from the latest Expansion, Deathwing. I took the bulk of his stats from HERE and did a bit of math to increase his power level. Now I’m sure I’ve made mistakes here and there, but for the most part I’m satisfied with the way he turned out. I also probably would have customized his spell list, but the default one works. Hope you enjoy; and feel free to post some of your other favourites if you want.

Deathwing the Destroyer CR 36
XP 78,720,000

CE Extremely Advanced, Metal Bonded Colossal dragon (fire)
Init +6; Senses dragon senses; Perception +42
Aura frightful presence (360 ft., DC 35)
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AC 62, touch 4, flat-footed 60 (+2 Dex, +58 natural, -8 size)
hp 943 (37d12+703)
Fort +43, Ref +24, Will +37
DR 20/magic DR/10 Admantium; Immune fire, paralysis, sleep; Resist Electricity 10 SR 46
Weaknesses vulnerable to cold
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
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Speed 40 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy)
Melee bite +56 (4d8+33/19-20 plus 12 fire), 2 claws...

Blizzard posted a few a preview of Deathwing and all of his abilities. Basically the encounter revolves around ripping the admantium off of Deathwing then fighting the corruption the flows from his body. I think it would make an awesome final encounter. HERE