Munkir |

I was playing around with the idea of buying a Diminutive slave and Putting him in my Handy Haversack.
I call it a Rouge in a Bag give him a tiny poison crossbow or blowgun and see what happens.
The idea is a little far out there and i would think most ppl will respond negativly to it but ether way i was wondering how this would all go down?
Is there Combat Slaves, and if so what type of critter be best?
I heard something about owning slaves befor and idk if it was true but it was said that GM's controled the NPC slave
Anyways tell me your thoughts on this and one last thing is it possible for Society play?

TheWhiteRaven |
Oddly enough I had a similar concept in an older game we played, but it was reverse.
Instead of the rogue in the bag, the bag was on the rogue. I hired a halfling rogue and gave him the bag and standing orders. When we got into a fight he was to sneak up behind the enemy and put the bag over its head. The thing that made it work so beautifully well? It wasn't a Bag of Holding, or a Haversack.. It was a bag of Devouring *evilgrin*

Lurk3r |

I'm sorry, but that title sounds really vulgar...
Anyhow, the Adv. Armory (which lists prices by slave type) only has 'hard labor' slaves or 'specialized' slaves that meet the description. If I were GM, I'd give the former levels in warrior and the latter levels in fighter or barbarian. However, this really is up to your GM, who is probably going to have some questions for you if this isn't an evil campaign. My main worry would be how you get your rogue not to poison you when you open the bag.


Slaves are NPCs, and thus under GM control. Plus they're not the sort of people to hand poisoned weaponry. Shell out for regular henchmen instead.
People inside a Bag of Holding will get bored, and have access to all those wonderful toys you may have stashed in there. I predict spectacular accidents.
The basic idea isn't bad though, but might work better with the Rope Trick spell. With that, you can crate a sniper hideout that's invisible and impervious to spells.

erik542 |

Kalyth wrote:Slave kept in a bag all day + Poisoned Weapon?
Three guesses who that slave targets first in combat. Or while you are sleeping or going to the bathroom......
No kidding.
Though you could always try to break them in proper Zon-Kuthon fashion.
Breaking them is certainly a necessity if you want to get any value out of your slave. Now if you want a bit of an insurance policy then you just need to extend the process into a solid brainwashing since a broken person likely regains their sense of independence in a few months outside of captivity by themselves. They may return to normal in one month if they're under significant rehabilitation; brainwashing on the other hand sends them to the point where they choose it of their own will. Since combat offers plenty of opportunities for them to escape, you likely need to take out that insurance policy; no guarantees on your resulting alignment however.

Munkir |

I would like to be as friendly as i could be to my slave and i was wondering if i could have him eventually have him act of his own will just be friendly towards me. But i guess that would be up to the GM.
I want a slave but one that is not a miserable groveling mess that will flee any chance he get.
Is there anymore information on henchmen because this seems like a better idea than a slave that will most likely turn on me.
In the end this idea is all a IF and i dont plan on doing this without consulting my party and GM.

wesF |

I was playing around with the idea of buying a Diminutive slave and Putting him in my Handy Haversack.
I call it a Rouge in a Bag give him a tiny poison crossbow or blowgun and see what happens.
The idea is a little far out there and i would think most ppl will respond negativly to it but ether way i was wondering how this would all go down?
Is there Combat Slaves, and if so what type of critter be best?
I heard something about owning slaves befor and idk if it was true but it was said that GM's controled the NPC slave
Anyways tell me your thoughts on this and one last thing is it possible for Society play?
It occurs to me that even if it works mechanically it may not be the bese idea to have a slave, which by the nature of slavery hates you, strapped to your back...where you can't see...then you give him a small arsenal...of poison...and he's a rogue with sneak attack.
Mid combat the slave stabs you in the back of the head with a handful of poison darts + sneak damage. The following round he slits your throat + sneak damage.
You die horribly. Roll a new character.


I think what the OP actually meant was he wants a little buddy NPC who rides in his backpack, firing shots at his foes.
Now that's doable. We can replace the Haversack with a saddle, and the tiny rascal could take ride checks to stay out of harm's way instead of ducking back into the bag.

Mr. Damage |

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:If you do put a dude in a bag, give him a bottle of air so he doesn't suffocate.If you give him a ring of sustenance also you don't even have to worry about taking him out for meals. Until the bag fills with poo that is.
Wow, can you imagine having to dump 80 cubic feet of slave dung? That sure would be a great deterrent to lay outside your cave. Anyone who came by would run in terror wondering what creature drops an 80 pound, 80 cubic foot turd.

erik542 |

wesF wrote:Wow, can you imagine having to dump 80 cubic feet of slave dung? That sure would be a great deterrent to lay outside your cave. Anyone who came by would run in terror wondering what creature drops an 80 pound, 80 cubic foot turd.Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:If you do put a dude in a bag, give him a bottle of air so he doesn't suffocate.If you give him a ring of sustenance also you don't even have to worry about taking him out for meals. Until the bag fills with poo that is.
Well there is the issue of living conditions during the time in which that 80 pound turd was produced. There's an evolutionary reason why we dispose of our waste.

Purplefixer |

VRMH wrote:Okay, so what we really need is an otyugh with a backpack?Okay, now as as I sit here laughing my ass off, does that line make anyone else see the PC open up the flap, a tentacle comes out, bearing a cluster of eyes, and a burbling voice asks "I can has feces?"