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Tacticslion wrote:


Sharoth wrote:
Of course, I enjoy the Pretty Reckless (very, very NSFW), Yanni, and a few other things better left unspoken, so my tastes are suspect.
Since when is Yanni NSFW?

Yanni is safe for work, but the Pretty Reckless are not.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

I enjoyed these a lot so I figured you might too.

Amy Turk - J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor BWV 565

Ana Vidovic plays Asturias by Isaac Albéniz

Sharoth wrote:

And this one too.

Estas Tonne - The Song of the Golden Dragon

Could be good music or a rickroll, but a legitimate favorite either way and saving them for later when I can listen to them without burning cell data.

Why would I EVER Rick Roll you?!?


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Thomas Seitz wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
West Virginia.
Waiiiiitttttt a minute!!! There's nothing wrong with my state. I mean I live here!

I was born there. But I was only there for a year and have yet to go back. It is on my bucket list.

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Sharoth wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:


Sharoth wrote:
Of course, I enjoy the Pretty Reckless (very, very NSFW), Yanni, and a few other things better left unspoken, so my tastes are suspect.
Since when is Yanni NSFW?
Yanni is safe for work, but the Pretty Reckless are not.

And another reason why the Pretty Reckless is NSFW. ~puts my scales back on~

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Tacticslion wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

A GFCI breaker should be twitchier than a halfling at a NAMBLA convention


Prior to this post I did not know this organization existed much less its name or acronym.


This... is a real thing? It is.

the world has just gone over the edge and doom is upon us all

That's not even the most depressing thing.

More depressing:
NAMBLA is a defunct group that gained major attention in the 1980s. They've been around for quite some time.

They're far from the only group that does that. If you support any campaign related to love, pay very careful attention to the propaganda put out. Take a close look a the Love Is Love meme used at the top of this article and tell me what you spot is wrong with it, then keep in mind that image is being used seriously. And that it's quite seriously by a number of other people who support a similar stance as that person.

Groups like NAMBLA didn't simply go away. They simply got smarter about it and folded themselves into other causes.

If you wish to eliminate them, good luck. Just don't be surprised if you don't like the collateral damage you'll incur.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Back to work tomorrow. Joy.

Anyway, on a different note, finally convinced my group to try Starfinder!

TPK within the first session. Because someone screwed up, accidentally hacked our own ship, and vented all the atmosphere into space.

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13 pages later im back.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
13 pages later im back.

Who are you again? It has been a while since you were here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
13 pages later im back.

Hello, new person!

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NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Okay folks, I finally got my results.

You may find this hard to believe, but I am 99% black.

For the other 1%, I'm guessing gnome or dragon.

I'd actually expect of 0.01% of everything that moves...

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NobodysHome wrote:

So, I learned something important last night that shows just how hard it can be to keep up with modern technology.

Neighbor girl needed a new desktop, so I sent a parts list to her parents, and once they had the parts I assembled it for her. Got everything installed, but every 5 minutes a blue screen of death. Tried to re-install and got constant blue screens before I could even complete an installation. (And I won't even go off on Windows 10 not allowing you to reformat drives during installation. Seriously, Windows? The 1990s called!)

Uh? Wndows 7 allowed reformatting... Why would Windows 10 not allow that?!

(no idea about Windows 8, I never installed it, despite using it for the last 4 years).

Wait, I did installed it, but while it was still the public test version... It had a dubious distinction of managing to crash itself during the installation. Twice. On the other hand the Ubuntu I tried to install on the same computer crashed absolutely every time. Unlike Windows, it could boot from DVD however...


So yes, I learned what all the IT guys are already slapping their foreheads over: Almost all modern processors and motherboards require memory sticks in pairs to allow interleaving. So they ran off and got a second stick, and neighbor girl is very, very happy.

But it was a good 3-4 hours of testing every single piece of hardware I'd put in, bringing in a new OS installer disc, and wasting a lot of everybody's time because the motherboard couldn't be bothered to say, "Warning: You must install memory sticks in pairs" because it assumed if you were building a computer from scratch, you'd know that.

No idea what are you talking about. Creating a system restore memory stick? Never used one of those...


Well, guess what, computer industry? I haven't built a "budget" computer since 2003, so a single sentence would have saves me a LOT of annoyance.

Last time I assembled a "budget" desktop, it was... 2012, I think.

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>.> *blink blink*

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NobodysHome wrote:

So, I learned something important last night that shows just how hard it can be to keep up with modern technology.

Neighbor girl needed a new desktop, so I sent a parts list to her parents, and once they had the parts I assembled it for her. Got everything installed, but every 5 minutes a blue screen of death. Tried to re-install and got constant blue screens before I could even complete an installation. (And I won't even go off on Windows 10 not allowing you to reformat drives during installation. Seriously, Windows? The 1990s called!)

So I talked to Shiro and Hi, and they immediately hit my issue: Because the family was on a budget, I'd had them buy ONE memory stick. I'm well aware that interleaving vastly improves performance, but I wanted to see whether they could live with single-stick performance instead of shelling out $100 for an extra stick.

So yes, I learned what all the IT guys are already slapping their foreheads over: Almost all modern processors and motherboards require memory sticks in pairs to allow interleaving. So they ran off and got a second stick, and neighbor girl is very, very happy.

But it was a good 3-4 hours of testing every single piece of hardware I'd put in, bringing in a new OS installer disc, and wasting a lot of everybody's time because the motherboard couldn't be bothered to say, "Warning: You must install memory sticks in pairs" because it assumed if you were building a computer from scratch, you'd know that.

Well, guess what, computer industry? I haven't built a "budget" computer since 2003, so a single sentence would have saves me a LOT of annoyance.

Um, no, Win10 allows reformatting drives during the install. Also, you can use one stick of RAM. The computers at work are 4 years old and only using 1x4GB stick per machine. Possible that whatever motherboard or processor you used was wanting the second stick or that the original stick you had in was bad, but I can guarantee that what you were trying was not impossible.

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Vivaldi: Four Seasons/Quattro Stagioni - Janine Jansen - Internationaal Kamermuziek Festival

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*Blegh* Monday. Going back to bed. Wake me on Friday. :D

Bill S. Preston, Esq. wrote:
Terrinam wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Wait, is Pike's Peak named after Zebulon Pike?

I always just assumed it was Christopher.
I think you're a couple centuries too early for us to be naming things after him :p
I'm pretty sure that's what time travel is for, dude.

In a Trolls episode, yesterday, we learned that TIME TRAVEL’S REEEAAAALLLL!!

(And that’s why you should read books.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Terrinam wrote:

Back to work tomorrow. Joy.

Anyway, on a different note, finally convinced my group to try Starfinder!

TPK within the first session. Because someone screwed up, accidentally hacked our own ship, and vented all the atmosphere into space.

"Accidentally". Uh huh. >.>

The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Terrinam wrote:

Back to work tomorrow. Joy.

Anyway, on a different note, finally convinced my group to try Starfinder!

TPK within the first session. Because someone screwed up, accidentally hacked our own ship, and vented all the atmosphere into space.

"Accidentally". Uh huh. >.>

It was shiny! *pushes the glowing red button*

Drejk wrote:
Snow devils. Because snow is here again. Might or might not be related to Freehold.


Space Tyrant Zordlon wrote:
Captain ? wrote:

In the Pathfinder CRB one of the suggested names for a male elf is Zordlon.

Which only opens up the question, how would you make Zordlon, the elf.


That was worth waiting for, wasn't it?

Yes. Yes, it was. :)

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OMG! They better release the War Of The Crown Player's Guide right f+%+ing now or I'm going to start catapulting bunny rabbits!!!

Or not.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I forget how entitled the new AP crowd can be.

The Exchange

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I'll be waiting for those catapulted bunny rabbits.

*starts a campfire*

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, for the record:
(1) While privacy precludes me from saying exactly what Shiro does for a living, I'll say that he's in a better position than most to say what modern motherboards and processors require, and he says you'd be hard-pressed to find a CPU these days that didn't require paired RAM. Considering his over-the-phone diagnosis was exactly that, and the simple addition of a second stick solved all my issues, I'm going to believe him, rather than that a stick mysteriously went from "bad" to "good" when I gave it a neighbor.

(2) So I got an unformatted WD hard drive and let the Windows 10 installer do its default thing, which was to format it MBR. WTF, Windows 10? Once it was an MBR disk, neither my Windows 7 Ultimate DVD nor my Windows 10 install USB let me say, "Reformat this to GPT, doofus!" I had to pull the drive, take it over to Impus Major's live Windows 7 machine, and Windows 7 itself very cheerfully and easily reformatted it to GPT.

So from personal exploration and experience, I beg to differ...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I just saw the first Crocus of spring!

I already sent a picture to Freehold.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

NobodysHome's Tirade of the Week: Adversarial Relationships and Working from Home:

So, I've already mentioned that I absolutely hate gaming with people who feel that the players and GM should be in an adversarial relationship; Whingey Wizard is one such person, and you hear my neverending complaints about him.

Well, that attitude extends to life as well, especially in situations where cooperative relationships work SO much better. Every study ever run has shown that happy, empowered workers are far more productive than wage slaves. Yet both sides of the coin continue to feel like they absolutely, positively, MUST try to screw each other over, and I get really really REALLY sick of both it, and the general refusal by anyone to actually just do their frigging jobs.

So what brings on this morning's tirade? Well, NobodysWife was sick all weekend, and today she's recovered but she's still coughing and sniffling and clearing her throat constantly. So it's an ideal "work from home" day for her: At work, she'll be a massive distraction to her co-workers. But she COULD easily spend a day working. Unfortunately, her company is cracking down on "work from home" days, with a policy of, "If you're not well enough to work, take a sick day; if you are well enough to work, you must come in." All the while there's no consideration FOR sick days, so if you're supposed to do 10 levels a day and you take a sick day, congratulations! Tomorrow you need to do 20 levels! So an utterly stupid policy with no wiggle room whatsoever. Bad management.

Why did they have to crack down and get all draconian? Because of the sheer number of people who asked to work from home, and then didn't work. I mean, seriously! The company is generously giving you TWO HOURS OF YOUR LIFE BACK because you don't have to commute, and you reward them by not working at all?!?!? I know that some people say that they can't handle working from home, and I respect them for acknowledging that, but then don't get the rest of us punished because YOU can't handle it! Back at my first tech company, my friend and I lobbied our manager and our director for MONTHS to get one work from home day every 2 weeks. Our co-worker proudly announced that he just turned on his computer so he could listen for e-mail or instant messages, and otherwise just watched TV all day "on the company's dime". Bad worker.

So my manager, unwilling to say, "OK, YOU don't get to work from home," made ALL of us come in. And that's true of every company at which I've worked; managers are unwilling to write up an employee and say, "This worker is a lazy POS and doesn't get to work from home, but everybody else does." Bad management.

So this constant, adversarial relationship gets worse and worse on both sides until everybody's miserable, when all it takes is for the manager to say, "Get this much work done by this deadline and you're good; otherwise I'm revoking your work from home privileges," and for the worker to say, "OK," and do it, and everybody's happy.

Instead, NobodysWife is off to work to make all her co-workers miserable.

Grouchy Lawful Nobody.

The Exchange

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I recently got my work from home stuff taken off, not that I mind overly much since connecting to the system from home is a major pain in the @rse and requires jumping through several hoops. Besides, what would I do without my shiny documents in the office...! I wouldn't be able to function!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I believe this may be relevant to your woes, NH.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Well, for the record:

(1) While privacy precludes me from saying exactly what Shiro does for a living, I'll say that he's in a better position than most to say what modern motherboards and processors require, and he says you'd be hard-pressed to find a CPU these days that didn't require paired RAM. Considering his over-the-phone diagnosis was exactly that, and the simple addition of a second stick solved all my issues, I'm going to believe him, rather than that a stick mysteriously went from "bad" to "good" when I gave it a neighbor.

(2) So I got an unformatted WD hard drive and let the Windows 10 installer do its default thing, which was to format it MBR. WTF, Windows 10? Once it was an MBR disk, neither my Windows 7 Ultimate DVD nor my Windows 10 install USB let me say, "Reformat this to GPT, doofus!" I had to pull the drive, take it over to Impus Major's live Windows 7 machine, and Windows 7 itself very cheerfully and easily reformatted it to GPT.

So from personal exploration and experience, I beg to differ...

Whoa, NH slow down. In no way am I meaning to say "you're dumb and wrong". Obviously what you and Shiro found with that particular machine is what the problem was. Not doubting that at all. I misunderstood where you added a stick to the existing RAM; I was thinking you replaced the stick and added a stick. My mistake.

I'm simply saying that yes, it is still possible to format the drive with a Win10 install (it's buried in a submenu during the install) and that you aren't crazy, it is possible to just use one RAM stick. I'm saying this because this is what I deal with every day for my job. The machines are basic, low cost business computers (i5 proc, 4GB single stick RAM, standard 500GB hard drive, no SSD, no fancy graphics cards), but they're also a little bit older (either 2 or 4 years old, depending on model).

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

You are absolutely right. We happen to have the opposite problem, but it's still absolutely in tune with your argument.

There is a Senior VP at my job that says she has no issues with people working from home, but everyone sees the same pattern. Whenever someone from her department does start to work from home on a somewhat consistent basis, she always finds a way to have them fired. Every single time.

Just one example: One of the managers underneath her moved to Oregon for her husbands job. She was allowed to work from home in Oregon. I never had an issue getting in touch with her at what would have been 5:30 or 6am Pacific, I frequently had requests from her for issues her team members were having, etc, etc, etc. She was doing her job. Within 6-9 months I'm personally hearing the SVP adding the manager to a list of people to fire because "I'm tired of the people here working their @$$es off while she sits out in Portland sitting on her couch and eating bonbons. I can never get a hold of her, she refuses to work her correct hours...she just has to go!" I spoke up with my complete opposite experience working with her, and so did a few others. She was still fired.

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Working from home is cool. But I don't think we are there as a society yet. and i used to work from home regularly for the second job as well as the erotica editing job.

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Kinda hard to tear out a yard from my house.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I think its a combination of factors.

The mistaking of life and jobs as a zero sum game (see link above) is a major contributor. Petty jealousy is another - "well I have to be in the office, thus so should everyone!" And "if I was home I would be slacking so everyone who works from home must actually be slacking!" - and is also definitely a big problem.

As Freehold says, we're not there as a society yet. Too many people have the old standard of "dress up, commute to workplace building, drudgery for eight hours, go home, rinse and repeat" ingrained so firmly in their consciousness that they cannot fathom anything taking its place.

It's a big reason why a lot of jobs on the internet like working with YouTube or Twitch or doing art, writing, music, etc through sponsorships, ads, or Patreon is still considered "not a real job" despite how much work is actually involved.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:


Sharoth wrote:
Of course, I enjoy the Pretty Reckless (very, very NSFW), Yanni, and a few other things better left unspoken, so my tastes are suspect.
Since when is Yanni NSFW?

Wha-?! I'm always perfectly, soothingly safe any time of day.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Ohhh Yanni, synth pad me. Synth pad me up, Yanni. Synthi omi mani padme aum. I require Universal Oneness, and only by bathing in the Quantum Geyser of Yamaha DX7 squirgles and dolphin noises can I achieve this, so get to it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Motivational Quantum Limey wrote:
Ohhh Yanni, synth pad me. Synth pad me up, Yanni. Synthi omi mani padme aum. I require Universal Oneness, and only by bathing in the Quantum Geyser of Yamaha DX7 squirgles and dolphin noises can I achieve this, so get to it.

all yall are crazy.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I just realized I missed an apostrophe, and now I can't edit the post. This is going to bug me for a while. The only good news is that it's highly unlikely for my former English teaching mother to see it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
I just realized I missed an apostrophe, and now I can't edit the post. This is going to bug me for a while. The only good news is that it's highly unlikely for my former English teaching mother to see it.

Eh. I'll just rat you out to my own English-teaching mom. It'll be okay. :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
I believe this may be relevant to your woes, NH.



So the argument is, if everyone was richer, we all would be richer? And thus the world as a whole would be better functioning?
That...isn't really much of an argument is it? Is there something here I'm not seeing?
(insert other keywords for rich - like better educated, nicer or the like).

And doesn't the whole video dodge the messy question of the "Pie-distribution Game"? (aka Politics)?

Lastly not a fan of the Zero-sum/Positive-Sum usage's often far more complicated then that when looking at "Pies" (see the question right above).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I just realized I missed an apostrophe, and now I can't edit the post. This is going to bug me for a while. The only good news is that it's highly unlikely for my former English teaching mother to see it.
Eh. I'll just rat you out to my own English-teaching mom. It'll be okay. :D


Did you have to take her classes, or did you go to a school with enough students and teachers to avoid that? Or better yet, did she teach in a different district than the one you attended.

In my case, Mom was my English teacher for 4 years of high school, plus I ended up taking a one semester class of sociology that she ended up teaching, and she happened to be the study hall attending teacher for about half of my study hall sessions.

It's different than home schooling because there were 99 other kids who were all trying to tell my mother all the awful things I was doing just because they thought it was funny.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
I believe this may be relevant to your woes, NH.

Interesting. I didn't see how it did, but egocentric altruism is one of those HUGE pet peeves o'mine:

  • There are a multitude of situations, from traffic to work to gaming, where behaving in a non-optimal way for yourself improves everybody's experience, including your own. Traffic's my favorite: As late as 1999, traffic models showed that if drivers would just cooperate, there would be no traffic jams in the Bay Area.
  • Many people understand this, and behave in the most mutually-beneficial way.
  • Those who don't, and behave selfishly, get a small benefit to themselves, but at a huge cost to the rest of society.
  • Let's just say I loathe such people with a remarkably-burning passion.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Pact Worlds is amazing! Not only can you now make an approximation of both Bender and Groot, but also Number 5 and an alien Weeble Wobble.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Tired. So tired. Afternoon coffee kind of tired. I usually avoid coffee after two pm, but dang it, I have to stay awake long enough to drive the kidlet home from practice....this is clearly a job for coffee!

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    On the bright side, I am over my cold.
    On the note so bright side, my husband caught it now. He doesn't do sick well. He keeps trying to get up and do stuff. Which usually results in him taking naps on the floor. *sigh*

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    lynora wrote:

    On the bright side, I am over my cold.

    On the note so bright side, my husband caught it now. He doesn't do sick well. He keeps trying to get up and do stuff. Which usually results in him taking naps on the floor. *sigh*

    OMG! When did you marry me? Does NobodysWife know?

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    *Wraps husband in bubble wrap and cotton to prevent bumpy floor-sleep, and offers a hot cup of coffee (First Order trooper mug included) to Lyn*

    5 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    lynora wrote:

    On the bright side, I am over my cold.

    On the note so bright side, my husband caught it now. He doesn't do sick well. He keeps trying to get up and do stuff. Which usually results in him taking naps on the floor. *sigh*
    OMG! When did you marry me? Does NobodysWife know?

    Lol! No way, there are more floor nappers out there?! Well, this just gives him more ammo in his claims that this is normal! :D

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Good Kjeldorn wrote:

    *Wraps husband in bubble wrap and cotton to prevent bumpy floor-sleep, and offers a hot cup of coffee (First Order trooper mug included) to Lyn*

    You, good sir, are clearly a saint! :)

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Vanykrye wrote:
    Syrus Terrigan wrote:
    Vanykrye wrote:
    I just realized I missed an apostrophe, and now I can't edit the post. This is going to bug me for a while. The only good news is that it's highly unlikely for my former English teaching mother to see it.
    Eh. I'll just rat you out to my own English-teaching mom. It'll be okay. :D


    Did you have to take her classes, or did you go to a school with enough students and teachers to avoid that? Or better yet, did she teach in a different district than the one you attended.

    In my case, Mom was my English teacher for 4 years of high school, plus I ended up taking a one semester class of sociology that she ended up teaching, and she happened to be the study hall attending teacher for about half of my study hall sessions.

    It's different than home schooling because there were 99 other kids who were all trying to tell my mother all the awful things I was doing just because they thought it was funny.

    When my mother got back into the education profession (once I was considered mature enough to watch out for my sister and brothers -- HA!!), she was the In-School Suspension "instructor" for two years, and then became an 11th-grade English/Lit instructor. By that time, I was a senior in high school. So I didn't have to deal with having a parent in the classroom with me. Which was, I guess, a good thing.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Carrion-wing, a wight-vulture, and an overall unpleasant bird.

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