Deep 6 FaWtL

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We thank you for your patience. The ranting and raving is likely about to wrap up, right about... nowish.


Oh, the line is moving. Never mind, carry on.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey, naked Mikaze. :D

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Lucky for TOZ and Tacticslion, our secret ingredient is being assembled on a naked Mikaze as we speak.

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So... sitting still on the freeway for 5 minutes is unusual where you come from?

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No job, and chances of getting to University seem to be turning slim. But I have to keep forging onward...

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Alton B., Cultist of Freehold wrote:
Lucky for TOZ and Tacticslion, our secret ingredient is being assembled on a naked Mikaze as we speak.

I would watch every episode of your damned show and not complain if it got us mikaze back.

NobodysHome wrote:

So... sitting still on the freeway for 5 minutes is unusual where you come from?

Don't know which "you" is being referred to... but yes, if me.

It's aaaaawwwwwful. The vibrations of the car+heat/sunlight+odors of the exhaust from all the other cars = vvvvvveeeeerrrrryyyyyy unhappy TL. It's not as bad if I'm sitting by myself, but being surrounded by other cars is just the worst. I feel terribad when it goes on for more than a few minutes, physically ill. It's a weirdness of mine, to be sure.

Freehold DM wrote:
Alton B., Cultist of Freehold wrote:
Lucky for TOZ and Tacticslion, our secret ingredient is being assembled on a naked Mikaze as we speak.
I would watch every episode of your damned show and not complain if it got us mikaze back.

Indeed. Anyone know how Mikaze is doing in general?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I also am not used to sitting on a freeway for five minutes, unless someone died on the road ahead.

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Hopefully well and as vibrantly chaotic good as always.

But no, no idea.

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That's why I prefer surface streets, slow forward motion is still forward motion.

But yes, traffic on the beltline gets ridiculous at rush hour, turns out building your city amidst five lakes does not help with traffic congestion.

If only they could have foreseen this when they chose it as the capitol!

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Also, some seriously epic tunes makes even the worst traffic congestion at least barely tolerable.

Otherwise, it helps to have a phone so you can call in and troll all the local morning radio shows.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Hence "stereotyped" instead of "actual" - aaaarrrg! I can feel the roadways kicking in... and I'm not even on a road! I'm sitting in a parking lot waiting for my so. To be let out of school to pick him up! Hatred! Rising!

... must... resist...


Don't fall down!

And whatever you do, don't go for a breakfast in that state...

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Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So... sitting still on the freeway for 5 minutes is unusual where you come from?

Don't know which "you" is being referred to... but yes, if me.

It's aaaaawwwwwful. The vibrations of the car+heat/sunlight+odors of the exhaust from all the other cars = vvvvvveeeeerrrrryyyyyy unhappy TL. It's not as bad if I'm sitting by myself, but being surrounded by other cars is just the worst. I feel terribad when it goes on for more than a few minutes, physically ill. It's a weirdness of mine, to be sure.

Oh, TL, don't you know?

Whenever ANYONE on FaWtL uses the word "you" they mean YOU, personally!

You're all of our personal hero and idol! :-P

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In other news, we have to frequent the "Eastshore freeway", where engineering geniuses back in the 1950's didn't have a lot of room, so they combined THREE 4-lane freeways into a single stretch of 4-lane freeway.

Shrinking 12 lanes to 4. What can go wrong?

So they've improved it over the years, but if memory serves it's still something like 8 lanes to 5, so it's always a parking lot.

It's roughly a 3-mile stretch of "freeway", and it can take anywhere from 10 minutes (good day) to 30 (weekend) to traverse...

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Great! Now I have the acoustic version of East Bay Night by Rancid stuck in my head.

You're lucky I have both versions of it. :-)


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*vanishes back into XCOM*

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You know what they say, if you can't get it out of your head, put it someone else's head.

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Musical interlude, Tacticslion will love this song, hopefully

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Theme song for my MEC. Seriously, she does more work than the entire rest of the squad combined.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's always a problem when Doom advances.

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Wait all that was over 5min of bein stuck?! I am usually stuck for a minimum of 15min...sometimes up to an hour.

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Icyshadow wrote:
No job, and chances of getting to University seem to be turning slim. But I have to keep forging onward...

Try one of the trade unions. Electricians or plumbers will always have jobs. We need more people working in the blue collar fields.

Other than that, good luck!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Alton B., Cultist of Freehold wrote:
Lucky for TOZ and Tacticslion, our secret ingredient is being assembled on a naked Mikaze as we speak.
I would watch every episode of your damned show and not complain if it got us mikaze back.

What ever happened to Mikaze?

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The Doomkitten wrote:
Theme song for my MEC. Seriously, she does more work than the entire rest of the squad combined.


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The Doomkitten wrote:
Theme song for my MEC. Seriously, she does more work than the entire rest of the squad combined.

How are you liking XCOM?

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Loving it! Just difficult. I'm playing on Ironman Normal, my fourth game. The others ended in flaming failure. Luckily, I'm to the point where I can field a squad of full Colonels, and they pretty much curbstomp everything.

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Oh right, I work tonight, and I realized it in just enough time so I wouldn't be late.

Of course I came in ten minutes late anyway. :-)

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Stuck in a carline. Surrounded by other cars.


This is it. All my nightmares have come true.

I've been transported to the middle of stereotyped New York/Miami/Orlando/LA/etc. traffic!



unmoving cars never happens in New York. Unless there was a horrible accident.

True more often than not. But as a counterexample I give you the Belt Parkway during rush hour.

You will be at a standstill, and you will curse the entire borough of Brooklyn under your breath.

Silver Crusade

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Still, L.A. traffic is its own beast. There is no rhyme nor reason. Middle of the night? Gridlock. Sunday morning? Traffic.

The only time there was ever not traffic was the time I decided to go to the beach on Christmas Day. I realized that you really should be able to get places far more quickly there...

Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Stuck in a carline. Surrounded by other cars.


This is it. All my nightmares have come true.

I've been transported to the middle of stereotyped New York/Miami/Orlando/LA/etc. traffic!



unmoving cars never happens in New York. Unless there was a horrible accident.

True more often than not. But as a counterexample I give you the Belt Parkway during rush hour.

You will be at a standstill, and you will curse the entire borough of Brooklyn under your breath.

that's impossible.

Because brooklyn should be its own city.

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They have giant sized Uno cards, presumably in case you go up a beanstalk and the giants wants to play Uno to see who gets to eat you.

Seems a bit extravagant, if you ask me.

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Why wasn't Big Pun ever as self-referential as other rappers, like DMX, writing entire songs about his own name? If he were, at least he could have contributed to modern society by allowing us a video to link to indicate we have established some clever wordplay.

For example, I could make a joke about cheap cologne when talking to CY's "Brut Squad" alias, and then BOOM, link a Big Pun song where he just says his own name over and over, and that's like the internet's version of the ultimate mic drop.

That's right; I just hypothesized a big pun about a rapper named Big Pun.

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This thought process sponsored by: in my group there's a sorcerer named X the Magnificent, and every time he gets a critical hit on one of his ray spells, I cue up DMX's "X Gon Give It To Ya", much to the hilarity of just about everyone EXCEPT the player, who is in his 60s and doesn't get it.

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Big Pun, a pun pun bun bun... fun fun?

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I have a disc where they pair up metal bands with rappers, Big Pun is on there, I forget who he got paired with, but it's a great song.

Though pairing Rage Against the Machine and Wu-Tang clan was kind of cheating.

But in fairness, I think they also have a song with Wu-Tang and Ozzy, so.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

Why wasn't Big Pun ever as self-referential as other rappers, like DMX, writing entire songs about his own name? If he were, at least he could have contributed to modern society by allowing us a video to link to indicate we have established some clever wordplay.

For example, I could make a joke about cheap cologne when talking to CY's "Brut Squad" alias, and then BOOM, link a Big Pun song where he just says his own name over and over, and that's like the internet's version of the ultimate mic drop.

That's right; I just hypothesized a big pun about a rapper named Big Pun.

Hey! It's not my fault I misspelled it and my phone (or anyone else, I might add) didn't have the decency to correct my oversight.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I have a disc where they pair up metal bands with rappers, Big Pun is on there, I forget who he got paired with, but it's a great song.

Though pairing Rage Against the Machine and Wu-Tang clan was kind of cheating.

But in fairness, I think they also have a song with Wu-Tang and Ozzy, so.

Is that the one with De La Soul and Teenage Fanclub on it, too?

I think it was for some kind of vampire (?) movie, but I may be thinking of something else, or just making stuff up again, wholesale.

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It's true!!

wipes away tears of joy.

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Limeylongears wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I have a disc where they pair up metal bands with rappers, Big Pun is on there, I forget who he got paired with, but it's a great song.

Though pairing Rage Against the Machine and Wu-Tang clan was kind of cheating.

But in fairness, I think they also have a song with Wu-Tang and Ozzy, so.

Is that the one with De La Soul and Teenage Fanclub on it, too?

I think it was for some kind of vampire (?) movie, but I may be thinking of something else, or just making stuff up again, wholesale.

That's it!

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Y'know, somewhere, somehow, there's a market for EVERYTHING.

So I'm thinking that driving in Berkeley could provide some kind of "rage therapy" for people whose blood pressure is too low, or who need raw, unbridled anger to raise their assertiveness, or something.

It's pretty much, "If it's a driving peeve of yours, they do it in Berkeley."

I could go on and on about various drivers and their behaviors (such as the one that affected me the most this morning: "Even though I plan on going straight, I'm going to sidle to the right just far enough so that no one can pass me, just to ensure that not a single car can turn right until *I* get to go through the intersection. Because passing ME is a sin!").

Instead, I'll see whether FaWtL (which has several bikers, to my knowledge) can shed light on this little gem:

North Berkeley has 3 major north-south streets in a row that are used to navigate to and from campus: Shattuck (4 lanes, lots of stop lights), Milvia (a street dedicated to bicycle traffic), and Martin Luther King (a narrow residential street, favored by traffic because it has far fewer stop lights than Shattuck).

So... you've got a dedicated bike road. It's less than 150 feet from either major road, sitting pleasantly right between them. Both my mother and I used it to commute to and from campus for 31 years.

So why the **** are there so many bikers on Martin Luther King, where the street is so narrow you're at serious risk of hitting them every time you pass them?!?!?!? Is that extra 150 feet SOOOOOOO bad that you can't be bothered? Or are you just stupid?

Considering 95% of the bikers on MLK have no helmets, I strongly suspect the latter...

EDIT: And yes, I'm a wee bit opinionated about helmets: In 47 combined years of commuting by bicycle, my mother and I cracked open 3 helmets.

Neither she nor I would be around today if it weren't for bike helmets...

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NobodysHome wrote:

Y'know, somewhere, somehow, there's a market for EVERYTHING.

So I'm thinking that driving in Berkeley could provide some kind of "rage therapy" for people whose blood pressure is too low, or who need raw, unbridled anger to raise their assertiveness, or something.

It's pretty much, "If it's a driving peeve of yours, they do it in Berkeley."

I could go on and on about various drivers and their behaviors (such as the one that affected me the most this morning: "Even though I plan on going straight, I'm going to sidle to the right just far enough so that no one can pass me, just to ensure that not a single car can turn right until *I* get to go through the intersection. Because passing ME is a sin!").

Instead, I'll see whether FaWtL (which has several bikers, to my knowledge) can shed light on this little gem:

North Berkeley has 3 major north-south streets in a row that are used to navigate to and from campus: Shattuck (4 lanes, lots of stop lights), Milvia (a street dedicated to bicycle traffic), and Martin Luther King (a narrow residential street, favored by traffic because it has far fewer stop lights than Shattuck).

So... you've got a dedicated bike road. It's less than 150 feet from either major road, sitting pleasantly right between them. Both my mother and I used it to commute to and from campus for 31 years.

So why the **** are there so many bikers on Martin Luther King, where the street is so narrow you're at serious risk of hitting them every time you pass them?!?!?!? Is that extra 150 feet SOOOOOOO bad that you can't be bothered? Or are you just stupid?

Considering 95% of the bikers on MLK have no helmets, I strongly suspect the latter...

EDIT: And yes, I'm a wee bit opinionated about helmets: In 47 combined years of commuting by bicycle, my mother and I cracked open 3 helmets.

Neither she nor I would be around today if it weren't for bike helmets...

I need to know more about the situation and the area. Has the cycling lane been taken over by pedestrian traffic or something? Does MLK go places that Milvia doesn't?

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Freehold DM wrote:
I need to know more about the situation and the area. Has the cycling lane been taken over by pedestrian traffic or something? Does MLK go places that Milvia doesn't?

Nah... check it out on Google Maps! I commute all the way from home to the doctor's office on Ashby (WAY south of me) on Milvia. No pedestrian issues, no car issues, nothing.

It just seems like yet another situation where someone gets on a bike and just decides they're going to use the same exact streets they use when they drive. Because as we all know, driving and biking are exactly the same...

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Limeylongears wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I have a disc where they pair up metal bands with rappers, Big Pun is on there, I forget who he got paired with, but it's a great song.

Though pairing Rage Against the Machine and Wu-Tang clan was kind of cheating.

But in fairness, I think they also have a song with Wu-Tang and Ozzy, so.

Is that the one with De La Soul and Teenage Fanclub on it, too?

I think it was for some kind of vampire (?) movie, but I may be thinking of something else, or just making stuff up again, wholesale.

I was wrong, but i know I've heard that other song you mentioned, i think i know what movie too.

Off to investigate!

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NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I need to know more about the situation and the area. Has the cycling lane been taken over by pedestrian traffic or something? Does MLK go places that Milvia doesn't?

Nah... check it out on Google Maps! I commute all the way from home to the doctor's office on Ashby (WAY south of me) on Milvia. No pedestrian issues, no car issues, nothing.

It just seems like yet another situation where someone gets on a bike and just decides they're going to use the same exact streets they use when they drive. Because as we all know, driving and biking are exactly the same...

in that case it is simple stupidity. I would give much for a bicycle only road that would take me the same places cars could take me.

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Come to Madison then. :-)

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Bicyclists on the west coast bring their own special brand of stupid to the roadways.

I wish I could explain it better.

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