Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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captain yesterday wrote:

They pulled the old reverse nap switcheroo.

Check your wallet Tacticslion.

Hm... we seem to have ordered pizza...



* puts on clothes *

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Tacticslion wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
TL has never heard of the itis.
Alas, I'm going to have to ask for an explanation.

Now that wardrobe malfunctions are no longer a concern...

I heard it in the service, like most things. It's the sleepiness that comes from eating, usually lunch, since you have to go back to work afterwards.

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Limeylongears wrote:

'The Captain'

1 x hard ginger beer
1 x shot of (blended) Scotch
Slice of root ginger
Lemon juice

Fill pint glass 2/3rds of way up with hard ginger beer
Add Scotch & lemon juice
Top up with water & ice.

Drink. Repeat until you can't distinguish between yourself and your 9,999,999 other aliases

'The Pruinamancer'

1 x highball glass full of crushed ice
Mint leaves.

'The Longears'

1) Take Guinness (other stouts are available)
2) Pour down pie-spout
3) Fall over
4) Power turns off temporarily. Wander around house, crying "WHERE DUH 'LECTRIZITUR? WHERE DUH 'LECTRIZITUR? GODS ANGRY! WHAT DO? WHAT DO?", until you realise that the trip-switch is the wrong way up, at which point you switch it back the right way and instantly make everything fabulous again.
5) More stout.

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Do I get a drink?

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'The Aranna'

1 x vanilla milkshake
2+ measures spiced rum
1+ measure Bailey's
Chocolate chip pieces
Whipped cream

1) Pour vanilla milkshake into Sundae glass
2) Add rum and Bailey's
3) Whip cream in separate recepticle, adding chocolate chip pieces as you do so to ensure that the one is well mixed in with the other
4) Spoon mixture into Sundae glass. Consume.

Apologies if this doesn't really fit the bill at all...

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The Doomkitten

1) Through three excruciating sessions of DMing, harvest a cup of player tears.

2) Kill an angel and drain its blood.

3) Liquefy the soul of an infant who died in agony.

4) Mix and add ginger ale to taste.

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I have a drink already.

Guess what it is.

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Here's one from when I first joined the messageboards..may have been on fawtl, may not have been.


Smucker's Caramel(squeeze jar)
Jack Daniels
Ice cubes

Pour soymilk, seltzer, and two liberal squeezes of caramel into highball glass. Mix with hand mixer.
Add Jack Daniel's- 1 or 2 shots depending on how bad the day's been.
Drop in an ice cube or two.


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thegreenteagamer wrote:

I have a drink already.

Guess what it is.


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Japanese porn for Freehold

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Babe: Pig on the Internet wrote:
Japanese porn for Freehold

... not sure whether to favorite or not, as I've not clicked it, for obvious reasons... hm...

* squints *

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It's okay to click.

captain yesterday wrote:
It's okay to click.

Thanks for takin' one for the team!

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Woo! New monster!

The management of Mythopoeic Rambling is not liable for any incidental sanity loss for viewing this week's monster.

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The triune terror of utter horror!

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Sadly, my phone has a weblock against "adult content" so it would've warned me if it was "of a graphic nature"

I have been unable to (despite my best efforts) disable it. >:-(

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Unreliable Narrator wrote:
Gob Bluth, Magician wrote:
Are you really going to ignore the guy with the four thousand dollar suit.

In fact, Gob had started to alienate some of the FaWtLees.

On the next Arrested FaWtLopment, Freehold finally gets a call from the Bonchon Group with a life-changing opportunity. But Alton Brown had stolen his cellphone, and his life stays the same.

Wow! I thought I had a mouth full!

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Babe: Pig on the Internet wrote:
Japanese porn for Freehold


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Unreliable Narrator wrote:
Gob Bluth, Magician wrote:
Are you really going to ignore the guy with the four thousand dollar suit.

In fact, Gob had started to alienate some of the FaWtLees.

On the next Arrested FaWtLopment, Freehold finally gets a call from the Bonchon Group with a life-changing opportunity. But Alton Brown had stolen his cellphone, and his life stays the same.

shakes fist

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The March to 300 aliases plods ever onwardz.

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Just slap each letter of the alphabet at the end, and you'll be there in no time.

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Evidently, Kobold Cleaver thinks I should start putting a z at the end of everything to make myself seem young and hip.

What does he knowz.

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Considering he doesn't have a z at the end of his name, I think you can see where I'm going with this.

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Indeed I do. Indeed I do...

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So last night I had what has to be one of the most surreal yet awesome experiences I've ever had in NWN.

My Dragonborn Paladin and ex-Blackguard of Tiamat finally traveled back home to see her birth family for the first time since her change of faiths, after a rather insistent invitation from her priestess mother and assassin brother that included a vague but pointed threat toward one of her closest friends' children. Upon arriving she was greeted in a semi-friendly manner by her father and sister and invited to dinner, but as soon as her mother showed up, the sniping began.

And for clarification, this is the 3.5 version of Dragonborn, where they're adopted children of Bahamut literally reborn in his image (the would-be petitioner actually builds a ceramic egg filled with incense and alchemical fluids and seals themselves inside for the metamorphosis) and sworn to fight on his side in his endless war against Tiamat, rather than simply a draconic-descended race of humanoids as they are in 4 and 5e.

So you have a devoted servant of Bahamut trading passive-aggressive barbs with a high-level cleric of Tiamat about how the former needs to come home and rejoin the clan and had so much potential, while their father/husband and sister/daughter are having a perfectly normal conversation about "where have you been", "heard you got married", "what would you like to drink", "does anyone wants some potatoes", "you haven't touched your asparagus" at the same time.

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Happy birthday Pea Bear!

Twelve years ago today, Pea Bear was born in Seattle.

I'm pretty sure I was time robbed somewhere along the way...

Dark Archive

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Don't look at me! Blame Time Baby, I'm sure he had something to do with this!

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captain yesterday wrote:

Happy birthday Pea Bear!

Twelve years ago today, Pea Bear was born in Seattle.

I'm pretty sure I was time robbed somewhere along the way...

Happy birthday!!!

Dark Archive

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Chivalry, its not dead.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Chivalry, its not dead.

~laughter~ I do not think that is what she meant.

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The General's parents are over for cake, so I'm hiding now. They're good people and all, but I'd rather have some me time, then sit and gossip about small town s&!!. :-)

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I recently bought a new small garbage can for my office area, but I keep finding my cats in it. Apparently what I actually bought was a cat bed. :)

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And the Kidlet is off to a birthday party for his friend, which is a big deal when you've only got one friend and this is the only birthday party you'll go to all year. It's a nerf party so I spent the morning putting labels on nerf guns and clips so he doesn't lose his clips and things during the craziness of an extended nerf battle among assorted twelve year olds. I am so glad I don't have to supervise that insanity. :)

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Happy Gaming, Orthos!

Happy Birthday, CY's Peabear!

Happy Timenapping, Bill!

Happy Chivalry, baron!

Happy your kidlet's friend's birthday, lynora!

Happy Saturday to all!

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Today, I did some things I can't talk about on FaWtL (since I have no intention of becoming bike-bait), de-reekified my HEMA kit with a sprayer full of inexpensive vodka and did quite a lot of exercise. The weather's still being peculiar - hail in the morning and lovely sunshine all afternoon - but overall, quite a nice day.

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Limeylongears wrote:


Today, I did some things I can't talk about on FaWtL (since I have no intention of becoming bike-bait), de-reekified my HEMA kit with a sprayer full of inexpensive vodka and did quite a lot of exercise. The weather's still being peculiar - hail in the morning and lovely sunshine all afternoon - but overall, quite a nice day.

hides in bushes outside Limeylongears house, sips tea, waits patiently

He'll come out with the bike sometime...

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But there are no bushes...

Or there were no bushes...

He's bought his own bush, too. There's dedication for you.

Dark Archive

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For all your character creation needs.

Dark Archive

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Happy HAPPY Tacticslion!

Dark Archive

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Your Surname meaning, origin and worldwide distribution.

Or in the case of Captain Yesterday, where all the voices in his head hail from.

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A lot of places, it turns out. Guess my name isn't the special snowflake I thought it was.

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Observation of today: The Lantern Bearer prestige class is obnoxiously easy to qualify for. But only for elves, no luck otherwise.

One of the many reasons I find elves... irritating.

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The Ocelot Song (work in progress; sung like Syd Barrett)
I have an Ocelot
He's an awful lot
Of fun!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Observation of today: The Lantern Bearer prestige class is obnoxiously easy to qualify for. But only for elves, no luck otherwise.

One of the many reasons I find elves... irritating.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha!


And now, a joke.

Q: How do you titillate an ocelot?


Oscillate its tit a lot

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Happy HAPPY Tacticslion!

It's true!

Limeylongears wrote:

And now, a joke.


This leans means me toward agreeing with the captain...

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Sprays FaWtL

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lynora wrote:
I recently bought a new small garbage can for my office area, but I keep finding my cats in it. Apparently what I actually bought was a cat bed. :)

Yes, small garbage cans are almost as perfect as cardboard boxes.

I was reading about how people responding to cats in trouble use mesh washing bags to restrain them without causing stress, which was a new idea to me. I'm thinking about stopping by the closeouts store on Monday and buying a mesh pop-open/pop-up laundry bag for our remaining cat as a semi-private "duck people blind"/cat fort.

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We used a mesh laundry hamper for our dog when he was a puppy, it works great!

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Miss Kitty wrote:
lynora wrote:
I recently bought a new small garbage can for my office area, but I keep finding my cats in it. Apparently what I actually bought was a cat bed. :)

Yes, small garbage cans are almost as perfect as cardboard boxes.

I was reading about how people responding to cats in trouble use mesh washing bags to restrain them without causing stress, which was a new idea to me. I'm thinking about stopping by the closeouts store on Monday and buying a mesh pop-open/pop-up laundry bag for our remaining cat as a semi-private "duck people blind"/cat fort.

That's a great idea. We use a mesh pop up hamper to hold our empty cans for recycling, but we don't really drink soda anymore, so it takes forever to fill and in the meantime it makes a great kitty playground. Cans to roll around the floor and a spot to lurk while waiting for unsuspecting ankles to pounce on! Perfect! :)

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